Marquis of Grand Xia

Chapter 90: escape!


Lime once said that under the innate, there is no absolute, even a ten-year-old child can kill a seriously injured ninth-rank powerhouse.

Ning Chen is not a ten-year-old child, and the ninth-grade Xiao family and the eighth-grade Ming family were not seriously injured, but they still did not escape this sword.

Because there was no thought to hide in their minds at all.

I don't know, so, they should be damned.

The two died, and the little emperor was exposed to Ning Chen.

How far is the distance of three feet, a little more than ten meters, it is very close to a martial artist.

But how could there be no strong man beside the emperor.

When Ning Chen's sword moved, a figure appeared beside the emperor.

The ninth rank is another ninth rank, and it is still a real powerhouse far exceeding the Xiao family ninth rank.

A powerful palm came threateningly, and the wheelchair shattered.

However, the original figure was no longer on the wheelchair.

Ning Chen with crippled legs couldn't dodge this move, but that didn't mean he couldn't dodge with his legs intact either.

For this day, he has spent many, many days in a wheelchair.

Rank 9 powerhouses are also human beings, so naturally they will have cognitive blind spots.

With blind spots, there will be misjudgments.

Ning Chen grasped this mistake very well, avoided the palm of his hand, directly bullied himself to the little emperor, and grabbed the latter's shoulder.

"Your Majesty, please give me your marriage!" Ning Chen Hengjian stood beside the little emperor with a very serious expression.

"Presumptuous!" The little emperor frowned and shouted angrily.

"Your Majesty, please marry me!"

Ning Chen was unmoved, and still replied calmly.

Beneath the stone steps, the ten major families recovered their senses, and all of them were shocked. In this short moment, no one expected such a drastic change to occur.

The use of force in front of the hall, to threaten the emperor with marriage, this is a capital crime, and it will be implicated in the nine clans.

Several people in the Qing family were shocked, especially Qing Wushuang, whose expressions had become extremely ugly.

This person's move is to fall in love with the family in a doomed place.

Sure enough, an old minister in front of the hall showed anger, looked at the few people in the Qing family, and said sharply, "Don't let him let go of His Majesty!"

Qing Wushuang stepped forward with a gloomy expression, "Bai Yutang, I promise to marry you, let go of your majesty!"

The ninth rank in front of the hall also tightened his body. Once Ning Chen released the little emperor, he immediately shot and killed him.

"If I believe you, these seventeen years will be in vain, little emperor, come with me."

When he finished speaking, Ning Chen grabbed the little emperor and walked towards His Highness step by step. When he passed the middle of the banquet, he stopped for a while and said calmly, "Qing Wushuang, you go to prepare a horse, my patience is limited, I hope you can hurry up"

Hearing this, Qing Wushuang frowned, her anger was hard to hide, and she was about to break out, but was stopped by a voice.

"Do as he said," the old minister in front of the palace said angrily.

Qing Wushuang snorted coldly and walked away quickly.

Ning Chen grabbed the little emperor and walked out of the palace step by step, followed by a large group of people, not daring to get too close or too far away.

The little emperor was very stubborn, never begging for mercy, which made Ning Chen greatly appreciate it, this little guy is very good.

It seems that the woman Fan Lingyue has cultivated an incredible successor for the Northern Mongolian Royal Court.

Talent can be learned, the way to govern a country can be learned, but the bearing of the king of this country cannot be defeated. Otherwise, if even the emperor begs for mercy, what will happen to the entire Northern Mongolian subjects.

After being surrounded by a large number of guards in the palace, they had to move out of the way, watching helplessly as Ning Chen took the little emperor out of the palace.

However, Ning Chen had held back for so long, how could there be any mistakes at this time, holding the little emperor in his left hand and the ink sword in his right hand, he never let up for a moment.

At this distance, no one can save the little emperor except Xiantian.

He is a seventh-rank, and he may not be able to beat the ninth-rank powerhouse in front of the palace, but it does not mean that he has no power to fight back.

Before the ninth grade in front of the hall shot, he was confident enough to drag the little emperor to be buried with him.

Everyone at the scene understood this, so no one dared to take action lightly, and no one dared to take on the sin of even the nine clans.

Before the palace, Qing Wushuang came over with a horse, looked at Ning Chen, and asked with hatred, "Who are you?"

"Mud Kingdom, Bai Yutang" Ning Chen replied with a smile.

Qing Wushuang's chest feels tight, and even at this time, this guy still refuses to show any clues. Next, a strange scene appeared in front of the people of Beimeng Capital. An ugly man with a grim face led their little emperor and walked in front, behind, a woman led a horse and followed, and then behind, towards Wenwu and ten families

They also followed closely, and everyone's faces were as ugly as eating flies.

The king of Beimeng is not small, Ning Chen walked with a large group of people for four hours, from the morning to the sunset, only to calculate the city.

The little emperor's face had already turned pale, and the four-hour journey was unbearable for a seven-year-old child, but the little emperor still gritted his teeth and insisted.

Ning Chen became more and more appreciative of this little guy, and a trace of true energy poured into the latter's body along his arm, quietly helping him relieve the fatigue on his body.

The night fell, and the cold wind gradually rose. The night in the desert was very beautiful. The whole sky was clean. You could see the stars and the bright moon like a plate. The mighty group finally walked outside the capital.

"You ride a horse and wait for me at the Shating thirty miles to the east." Ning Chen turned to look at Qing Wushuang, and said seriously.

Qing Wushuang's complexion changed and changed immediately, these words, every word of the heart, wanted her and the Qing family to die without a burial!

"According to what he said!" The old official in the middle spoke again, with a gloomy expression.

Qing Wushuang had no choice but to mount a horse, give a light drink, and head east.

Seeing Qing Wushuang disappear without a trace, Ning Chen grinned at everyone behind him, and then did something that everyone could not expect.

Ning Chen ran away, holding the little emperor and running desperately.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and there was only a shadow left in front of them. If a seventh-rank martial artist fled desperately, he would be faster than a war horse.

The ninth-grade worship in front of the hall reacted first, stomped his feet, and immediately followed up. Then, the elders and young powerhouses of the ten major families also recovered, and they also tried their best to chase after them.

Ning Chen felt helpless, if he didn't run, he couldn't do it, should he stay here and seek death? As for the plan

How can there be any plan, in Beimeng's territory, the senior is not there, the ghost knows what to do.

He was so nervous that he was able to abduct the little emperor out of the cold sweat.

The little emperor was struggling, Ning Chen slapped the little guy's butt.

He likes people who are nonviolent and uncooperative.

The little emperor bit his lip, tears welling in his eyes, but he refused to cry in death. With a stubborn appearance and a handsome face, he was like a child who was arguing with his parents.

Ning Chen took a lot of people to run desperately, and he didn't care where he was going. He ran and ran without even knowing where he went.

Suddenly, two sky-shattering sword energies shot up from the sky, and immediately collided, the surrounding heaven and earth were unbearable, shaking violently.

"My Grass"

Seeing that a huge sand wave came down, Ning Chen just had time to utter a foul language, and was buried in by the sand wave.

The worship in front of the hall at the back is no better than the old and young of the ten great families, and was shot into the yellow sand by this terrifying sky-shattering wave.

The next moment, a dark yellow light flashed, and Ning Chen jumped out with the little emperor in his arms, and ran away without saying a word.

Fortunately, he has the dust roll and the power of thick soil in his body, which played a big role at the critical moment.

After another ten breaths of time, the worshippers in front of the hall came out and looked up, but they couldn't see the shadow of Ning Chen and the little emperor.

The elders and young powerhouses of the ten great families also emerged one after another from the sand, each with their heads clouded.

The emperor was lost and was kidnapped by a young man of the seventh rank. This is a great shame for the Beimeng Royal Court. Everyone's faces became ugly. They knew that this time in the capital, they might face a huge disaster. cleaning.

"Send someone to inform the military advisor of today's events, and in addition, put all the Qing family up and down in the sand prison, and those who resist will be killed without mercy!" The priest in front of the hall said coldly. "Yes." An elder and three young strong men of the Ming family respectfully took their orders, and immediately stepped forward to control the elder Fa and the two young men of the Qing family. The rest of the eight great families did not dare to make a sound. , whoever asks for love is seeking death.

Also, they can't beg for mercy.

The three did not dare to resist, and let the strong men of the Ming family seal their qi sea. The result of their resistance could only be death. Now their last hope is that His Majesty can be found as soon as possible.

On the other side, after Ning Chen ran for another hour, seeing that no one was following, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, threw the little emperor and lay down panting.

The sand was very soft, and just like that, the little emperor slapped his mouth, and it hurt.

After resting for a while, Ning Chen sat up, looked at the little emperor next to him, and asked curiously, "What's your name?"

When the little emperor turned his head, he looked angry and refused to answer.

When Ning Chen saw it, he was immediately displeased, did he still have any sense of being a hostage, is it really non-violence and non-cooperation, right

"Little guy, it's just the two of us now. If I'm not happy, I'll leave you here and make sure that when your courtiers find you, you're basically left with bones."

After speaking, Ning Chen patted his butt and stood up, really wanting to leave.

"My name is Mingyue"

The little emperor couldn't bear it any longer, and replied awkwardly, his voice was soft and crisp, but it was pleasant to hear. No matter how strong a child was, he would still be afraid of being thrown into this boundless desert by himself.

Ning Chen frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Children don't lie, but the name Mingyue sounds awkward.

In front of the hall today, when he heard the voice of the little emperor, he felt something was wrong. At that time, he thought it was because the child did not change his voice.

Thinking of this, Ning Chen stepped forward and grabbed the little emperor's arm, infuriated with infuriating energy, his expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but swear again. "My Grass"