Marquis of Grand Xia

Chapter 92: Big hands holding small hands


After Mingyue fell asleep, Ning Chen walked faster and faster. Under the night, like a plain white shadow, it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The size of the desert is unimaginable. The two lost their way on the way to escape, and now they can only travel in one direction.

Fortunately, although the moon does not necessarily rise in the east, the law of westward travel will never change. If you keep walking in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the moon, you will always walk out of the desert.

Xiao Mingyue slept soundly, and her delicate little face was faintly tired. The little girl was really frightened before, but fortunately he was not a bad person.

At least Ning Chen thought so.

However, he kidnapped the little emperor of Beimeng, and the royal court of Beimeng was bound to be in chaos. After all, there was only one person in Lingyue, and it was impossible to take the first place. This was the best respite for Daxia.

This woman is too powerful. If they continue to fight, no one knows what the result will be. The night passed quickly, and when it was about to dawn, Ning Chen gradually saw the oasis in front of him. Except for the desert, the territory of Northern Mongolia was a grassland. It was very barren. Only sheep and horses could make a living. sturdy special


The end of the desert means that food and water can be found. Ning Chen walked faster, hoping to meet the herdsmen on the grassland earlier.

Xiao Mingyue hasn't woken up yet, she is sleeping soundly and looks very cute, she is no longer the awkward little girl before. Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, Ning Chen also saw the shadows of the herdsmen. It seems that no one lives in this oasis. In fact, this is not surprising. The royal court of Northern Mongolia is sparsely populated and wants to meet in the vast grassland. It's not that easy to be alone


There is a small river in the oasis. It is not big, but fish can be seen.

Xiao Mingyue needed something to eat, so she ran with him all day and night, and she was probably already hungry.

Ning Chen gently put Xiao Mingyue down, and came to the river alone, with a stroke of his right hand, a silver light flashed, and the entire river was frozen and divided.

A few small fish fell on the ice, Ning Chen bent down to pick them up one by one, then returned to the shore, ready to make a fire to grill the fish.

Xiao Mingyue woke up, confused, and didn't know the north, south, east, and west. After seeing the vast grassland, she remembered her kidnapping.

"What are you doing?" Mingyue sat up and rubbed her eyes.

It was still a little cold in the morning, and Xiao Mingyue wrapped her large clothes, lazily not wanting to move at all.

At this time in the past, she had already gone to court, and she had never slept for such a long time.

"Cooking." Ning Chen was sitting there cleaning the fish, and replied casually.

"How to make a fire?" Mingyue nodded, and immediately asked a very practical question.

"Eat raw," Ning Chen threatened.

"I, I won't eat"

Mingyue was really stunned, her little nose wrinkled and her face was a little sad.

"Cuckoo!" The little girl's stomach groaned twice in a timely manner, and her originally sad little face became even more sad.

Ning Chen packed up the fish, picked up some dry wood on the ground, then walked to Xiao Mingyue, sat down, and calmly took out a fire book.

As someone who often bombs other people's mansions, how can he not bring something on fire.

Besides, even without this thing, he is already a master of the seventh rank, and he can still do it by drilling wood and making a fire.

Mingyue pouted, dissatisfied with the bad guys cheating on her.

The fire started, and Ning Chen dressed the fish with a branch and slowly roasted it.

Right at this moment, Mingyue blushed slightly, twisted a bit, stood up and ran away secretly, only to run back after a while.

Of course Ning Chen wouldn't be stupid enough to ask anything, even a little girl would be shy.

After returning, Xiao Mingyue has been washed white, and her eyebrows are also much fresher and cleaner, but this large shirt looks a bit nondescript.

The bloodline of the Northern Mongolian royal family is different from that of the Central Plains people, and looks quite exotic. The little girl has inherited all the advantages of her mother, and has already shown the potential of a beautiful embryo at a young age.

Ning Chen was curious, but now it's easy to say, when Xiao Mingyue grows up, how will he deceive those old ministers who have become elites

Fan Lingyue's health is not good, and she should not wait for Mingyue to grow up. At that time, who can hold up the sky for a little girl.

Thinking of this, Ning Chen was a little irritable. When did he become so sentimental? Isn't he looking forward to Fan Lingyue's death and Beimeng's chaos

"The fish is ready, be careful of scalding"

Ning Chen handed the grilled fish to Xiao Mingyue, suppressing the messy thoughts in her heart, and let's talk about the future things later, who can say that the little girl will not become the second Fan Lingyue.

Mingyue has been looking at it eagerly since just now, and when she sees the fish handed in front of her, she immediately widens her eyes and smiles like a crescent moon.

The little girl eats in a very gentle way, taking small bites and looking pleasing to the eye.

Comparatively speaking, Ning Chen on the other side was quite indifferent. One fish, three bites solved the problem, and he didn't even spit out the thorns.

Of the ten fish, Xiao Mingyue ate two, and the remaining eight were stuffed into his stomach by Ning Chen. For him, this thing was just stuffed between his teeth. If he really wanted to eat, he probably wouldn't be able to eat this river in the future. fish out.

After Mingyue was full, her mood was obviously much better, she took the initiative to get up to hurry, and she didn't feel nervous about being a hostage at all.

Ning Chen was helpless, he really robbed a little ancestor. The two set off together and went south along the grassland. The grassland is very beautiful. Mingyue has never been out of the palace before, so she has never heard of such a large grassland. green

, running two steps for a while, grabbing a little star flower for a while, and smiling brightly.

Ning Chen didn't care about her, as long as she was within his line of sight and didn't get lost.

"What's your name?" Mingyue ran to the front, turned around, and asked curiously, she still doesn't know his real name, and as for Bai Yutang's name, even fools know it's fake.

"Ning Chen," Ning Chen answered honestly.

Mingyue thought hard for a while, and then said, "Sister Lingyue mentioned you in the letter, saying that you are not a good person, so be careful."

Ning Chen was dumbfounded, Fan Lingyue really looked down on him, and he instilled the idea of guarding against him with Xiao Mingyue so early.

In fact, neither he nor Fan Lingyue are good people. He is ruthless, and Fan Lingyue is more ruthless than him. The difference between the two is only fifty steps and one hundred steps.

"When you meet the herdsmen, you should change your clothes, it's too conspicuous" Ning Chen suggested not the little girl.

In a hurry to come out, Xiao Mingyue is still wearing the little yellow robe of the court, which is indeed not ordinary conspicuous.

Mingyue wrinkled her little nose. After a while, she seemed to think of something. When she touched her head, she couldn't help but feel anxious, "Zhen, where is my Mian?"

"Throw it away," Ning Chen said indifferently.

What is the use of that thing, with such a heavy weight, it affects the development of children.

"How can you just throw my things away?" Mingyue was angry, pointed her white little finger at the bad guy in front of her, and said crisply.

"You are my hostage now, why can't I throw it away?" Ning Chen reminded the little girl of her current identity.

"You're a bad guy!" Mingyue said angrily, her little chest bulging.

"Heh, I never said I was a good person." Ning Chen said leisurely, who would be a good person to take hostages, and he was the emperor of a dynasty.

Mingyue turned her face away, decided to ignore him, and walked in front angrily.

Ning Chen didn't care, he followed slowly, he followed wherever the little girl went. He wasn't in a hurry at the moment, it wasn't him who should be worried, but Beimeng Wangting and Fan Lingyue.

In the end, Xiao Mingyue was too bored alone, so he took the initiative to compromise and made a big concession again.

"I forgive you." Mingyue stopped and said softly after Ning Chen caught up.

Ning Chen chuckled, the little girl was quite generous, she thought she was going to have a fight with him for a while.

"Okay, let's make up." Ning Chen stretched out his hand and smiled.

"Good" Mingyue put her small hand into the big hand and let the bad guy hold it.

"Are we going to Daxia?" Mingyue asked suddenly.

"Yeah," Ning Chen nodded, he still had to return to Daxia in the end.

"Are you going to hand me over to the emperor of Daxia?" Mingyue looked a little sad, she was not stupid, she naturally knew the value of her use.

"No," Ning Chen denied without hesitation.

Xiao Mingyue was robbed by him at the risk of his life, so why should it be handed over to Emperor Xia? Moreover, Emperor Xia seems to be a different person now, and there is no way for Xiao Mingyue to survive in his hands.

Mingyue raised her face and said in surprise, "Then why are you arresting me?"

Ning Chen didn't know how to answer. He really hadn't seriously considered this question. He robbed Xiao Mingyue mainly to make Fan Lingyue feel scruples. As for placing Xiao Mingyue like this, he really had no idea.

"Let's see, if Fan Lingyue can retreat, I'll give you back to her," Ning Chen thought for a while and replied.

"What if Sister Lingyue refuses to retire?" Mingyue said worriedly.

"When the time comes, I won't hand you over to Emperor Xia anyway, so don't be afraid," Ning Chen promised.

Mingyue smiled happily, she found that the bad guys are really not too bad.

"You're going to send me back, and I'll make you a high-ranking official," Mingyue promised seriously.

"How old is it?" Ning Chen asked.

Mingyue thought about it for a while, and replied, "I made you a general."

Ning Chen thought about it, it is indeed not small, the status of the Great General in Daxia should be second only to the ten Marquis, and the same level as the city lords of each city.

"What if Fan Lingyue wants to kill me?" Ning Chen asked again.

"I'll protect you, Sister Lingyue loves me very much, and I'll say good things to you," Mingyue said, patting her chest.

Ning Chen also laughed, this little girl still has a conscience, she didn't make a confession in vain, she really won't be able to get along in Daxia in the future, and Xiao Mingyue took him in.

"Okay, when the war between Daxia and Beimeng is over, I will send you back," Ning Chen replied softly.

Mingyue nodded vigorously, her small hand gripped her big hand tightly, and she would never let go. She knew that this would be her only support after entering the big summer. On the grassland, big hands hold small hands, Yiyi walks alone, neither hurry nor slow, looks so peaceful and beautiful...