Marriage Agreement

Chapter 37


After waking up the next day, Xia Tian had a dissatisfied desire.

After spending so much time yesterday, I didn't get anything out of it, and was molested by Han Cheng from beginning to end, and ran away in embarrassment.

Compared with the pious Han Cheng, Xia Tian desires more substantial intimacy.

It's a pity that Han Cheng is very tense. He can say all the flirtatious words sincerely and frankly, but he just doesn't implement them.

You say this is so annoying!

"Didn't get enough sleep?" After Xia Tian left last night, Han Cheng worked for more than an hour, but now he was still refreshed. He looked into Xia Xia's listless eyes, "Can you ask for leave?"

Xia Tian hurriedly shook his head: "No, I'm just..."

Xia Tian felt that Han Cheng asked the question knowingly.

"What is it?" Han Cheng asked after taking a sip of water.

Xia Tian couldn't say it out, he felt that Han Cheng could probably guess that he was deliberately teasing himself, so he said listlessly: "It's nothing..."

"Eat quickly if you have nothing to do." Han Cheng said, "Master Li's daughter is sick and can't come today. Liang Qingfeng has some errands to do this morning, so he doesn't have time to come. I'll be your driver in a while and take you to school."

Xia Tian's eyes brightened, and he felt a little better.

After breakfast, Xia Tian checked his schoolbag, made sure he had brought all his homework, and followed Han Cheng into the car.

Han Cheng drove the car to deliver Xia Tian, and he hasn't used this car for a long time, so Han Cheng let the car start for a while, and said in a low voice: "Fasten your seat belt."

"You... help me." Xia Tian's heart beat faster, and he wanted to sneak a kiss to Han Cheng when Han Cheng leaned over to fasten his seat belt.

Who told Han Cheng not to take the initiative.

Han Cheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "If I really did something last night that made you too tired to wear your seat belt, forget it. Xia Tian... I let you go to bed early last night and didn't do anything."

Xia Tian wanted to growl, because you didn't do anything! Just adding it now!

Xia Tian couldn't, and blushing resigned himself to fasten his seat belt.

There was nothing to say all the way, and when it was almost summer school, Han Cheng wanted to light a cigarette, but gave up after thinking about it.

Han Cheng turned his head to look at Xia Tian, and saw that he was looking at the phone intently, looking at something.

Han Cheng glanced, Xia Tian was searching for "cold violence in marriage".

Han Cheng: "..."

Han Cheng suddenly felt that his restraint these days had been in vain.

The car in front moved a bit, but I didn't want to follow two steps, and the traffic jam became more solid.

Han Cheng pursed his lips and said suddenly, "Xia... When did I become cold and violent to you?"

"Ah?!" Xia Tian subconsciously buckled the phone and said in a cover-up, "What did you say..."

Han Cheng turned his head to look at him, frowned and said, "Do you know what cold violence is?"

Xia Tian was caught on the spot, stuttering and saying: "I don't check."

Han Cheng laughed angrily: "Have you found out? Am I being cold and violent to you?"

Xia Tian strengthened his courage, and said: "You... economically control me, and then deliberately don't satisfy my so... needs, in fact, it's considered... right?"

Financial Control - Occasionally withholding his allowance. But on the premise that he made a mistake first and doubled his pocket money.

Doesn't meet the needs of that - Xia Tian tried to ask him for a kiss last night.

Han Cheng has fought several lawsuits since he was an adult, but this is the first time he has encountered such a difficult case.

Han Cheng nodded and said, "Let's check... Let me introduce you to a lawyer? Even if you don't need it, let's prepare first. Maybe someday it will escalate into domestic violence."

For example, now, Han Cheng really wants to beat Xia Tian.

"No, no, no need." Xia Tian apologized with a guilty conscience, "I'll just do a random check... Besides, we have a relationship foundation, even if we hire a lawyer, they will persuade us first, right?"

There is an emotional basis... Han Cheng smiled, unbuttoned his seat belt, and said, "Really? I thought you wanted to sue me, so what are you going to do?"

"It's private..." Xia Tian swallowed, and said, "However, this matter, I can't hold it down without two kisses... Well..."

Without waiting for Xia Tian to finish speaking, Han Cheng kissed his lips.

When the car in front finally moved, Han Cheng let go of Xia Tian, and drove up with his face as usual. Xia Tian blushed and tried his best to keep calm. He picked up his phone and deleted all the search pages just now.

After sending Xia Tian to the school, the road conditions became worse. Han Cheng didn't drive for a long time, and was blocked for more than an hour once. Fortunately, he dealt with a lot of work in advance last night. When he arrived at the company, he didn't delay anything.

After working for an hour, Liang Qingfeng pushed open the door of Han Cheng's office and walked in with a magazine.

The issue of the magazine focusing on Han Cheng will be released next month, and the magazine office sent over the sample issue early, and was as polite as a routine - let Mr. Han see if there is anything that needs to be revised.

With Liang Qingfeng in charge, there was nothing he didn't like. Han Cheng glanced at the cover of the magazine thoughtfully.

Liang Qingfeng thought that there was something dissatisfied with Han Cheng, and said: "If you see something wrong, I will contact them to revise it, or... directly replace our people to write the article."

Han Cheng shook his head: "It's not this..."

Before the interview, Han Cheng was thinking about how to get Zhou Yun to accept this matter.

Of course, it's not just this magazine, the matter between him and Xia Tian must first be approved by Zhou Yun.

And Zhou Yun's distrust and uncertainty about herself are obvious.

This is also one of the reasons why Han Cheng tried his best to keep a distance from Xia Tian and asked him to "consider for a while".

Xia Tian was already such a family member, Han Cheng didn't want him to have a conflict with Zhou Yun because of himself.

Han Cheng is not sure how much influence Zhou Yun has on Xia Tian. If Zhou Yun does not agree with Xia Tian being with him, what will happen to Xia Tian

Han Cheng actually had a plan in mind.

Let people make the content of this interview more explicit and more ambiguous. Post the kissing photo that the magazine had deleted before, and let the magazine release the picture early on their official platform, and then edit some thought-provoking sentences to describe it, to attract attention and make things bigger, really Zhou Yun was stimulated.

On the other hand, he won't hold back on Xia Tian anymore. Anyway, Xia Tian is already clinging to him, so it's not difficult to kiss him, hug him or do other more intimate things. He should eat up Xia Tian early and spare a week's time. When the time came, he and Xia Tian were extremely tender, and then after Zhou Yun became furious and asked to see Xia Tian, he sent Xia Tian back to Zhou Yun without any hindrance.

Zhou Yun's anger is borne by Xia Tian.

Boys of Xia Tian's age, during the passionate love period, just had the closest contact with their lover, the most lingering moment, for the lover to go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of fire. Seeing that Zhou Yun disagreed, there would definitely be his set of resistance measures: crying and begging, shouting, threatening with a hunger strike... It is not surprising to do anything, if Zhou Yun's heart softens after making trouble, then this level will be over.

Take care of Xia Tian's body, and they will be smooth sailing in the future.

It doesn't matter if Zhou Yun's heart is hard, that's her own son, and even her only son, Zhou Yun won't do anything to Xia Tian, slap him to death and starve him a few times. , as long as he is prepared in advance, when he has to, he will have a way to snatch Xia Tian back, and then, as a hero, make Xia Tian more dependent on him.

If Zhou Yun was smart enough, she wouldn't do this. If it really got to that point, this son would be pushed to her by herself.

That's fine, summer without mother's care is like a bird that leaves the nest suddenly, after absorbing warmth from oneself, the relationship with oneself will only become stronger.

No matter how the plot develops, Han Cheng will be the biggest winner. He will not be the one who is really hurt from the beginning to the end.

Han Cheng lowered his eyes and let out a long breath.

Seeing Han Cheng's silence for half a day, Liang Qingfeng couldn't figure out what he meant, so he said, "Boss Lu? Is there anything I can do? Yes... any plans?"

"There is a plan. But..." Han Cheng rubbed the ring on his hand lightly, and smiled mockingly, "Liang Qingfeng, am I really old? A profitable business, a business that will never cause future troubles, is right in front of us. He didn’t even dare to move.”

Liang Qingfeng had been by Han Cheng's side for many years, so he could faintly guess what he was talking about, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Han, if you don't break the law and discipline, but suffer a little moral condemnation, then don't worry about it at all. We are A businessman, not a philanthropist."

Han Cheng nodded: "I said that, but..."

The plan just now came to Han Cheng's mind again. After sorting out just now, some unreasonable rough edges on the details have been repaired and polished by Han Cheng. The whole context has been rebuilt and restructured to become reasonable and smooth. The deliberate tell was also covered up by Han Cheng just right, almost perfect.

Han Cheng smiled in relief, completely gave up the completed plan, and sighed: "But, that's my wife."

Liang Qingfeng looked at Han Cheng in astonishment, as if he saw an executioner who suddenly washed his hands in a golden basin at 3:00 noon and became a Buddha immediately.

Liang Qingfeng hesitated and said: "Although I don't know what your plan is, as long as we are careful enough and make careful arrangements, Master Xia can definitely make Master Xia think that you didn't know about it from the beginning to the end. You don't have to worry..."

"I'm not worried about being known by him." Han Cheng said lightly, "I just can't bear it."

Han Cheng reviewed the link of "eat and wipe out the summer from the inside out" in the plan just now, and then packed the plan and sealed it and pushed it into the seabed, saying: "Don't mention it to me again." This is it."

Han Cheng threw the magazine in his hand on the table and said, "Go yourself... and prepare some other gifts, and send it to Zhou Yun together with this magazine."

Liang Qingfeng didn't have time, but it was a pity that Han Cheng was so far away. He subconsciously felt that this was not an easy job, so he asked carefully: "A lot of the interview content is about Young Master Xia. If Mrs. Zhou has any objections to these contents... "

Han Cheng said lightly: "Let her talk to me, don't let Xia Tian know."

Liang Qingfeng couldn't help but said: "Mrs. Zhou and Master Xia are biological mother and son. If there is something wrong, let Master Xia come forward..."

"Isn't what I just explained clear enough?" Han Cheng looked at Liang Qingfeng, "Don't disturb Xia Tian, do you understand these five words?"

Liang Qingfeng bowed his head: "Understood."

Liang Qingfeng picked up the magazine and walked out. He thought for a while, and then said: "And Mr. Han, you are just in your thirties, so you are not very old."

Han Cheng said coolly: "Don't comfort me, you are also thirty years old, who is younger than the other?"

Han Cheng still remembers Xia Tian's affection for Liang Qingfeng, but he has a lot of things recently and he hasn't had time to settle it.

Liang Qingfeng didn't understand how the fire came to him again, he regretted not talking too much, nodded and went out.

Two hours later, as Han Cheng expected, Zhou Yun contacted Han Cheng, saying that they wanted to sit down and "talk."

Han Cheng agreed.