Marriage Agreement

Chapter 6


At half past six the next day, Han Cheng woke up on time.

Han Cheng's living habits are very good. Even if he goes to bed late at night, he will definitely get up the next day, take a bath, eat breakfast, read the newspaper, and deal with the communication delayed by jet lag last night.

Han Cheng looked at the time after washing up, and was going to wait half an hour before waking Xia Tian up.

Han Cheng opened the door and went downstairs, glanced at Xia Tian's room from the corner of his eye, and unexpectedly found that the door of Xia Tian's room was open.

"Where's Xia Tian?" Han Cheng went downstairs and looked around but couldn't find Xia Tian. He took a sip of tea, "Are you up?"

The aunt at home brought the prepared breakfast and nodded with a smile: "I got up at six o'clock, and I'm running outside."

"Running?" Han Cheng was a little surprised, "Woke up earlier than me?"

Auntie nodded: "Yes, I got up half an hour earlier than you. I didn't expect him to go downstairs so early, and he wasn't ready for breakfast. He said it's okay, and we'll eat when we come back from running."

Han Cheng didn't expect Xia Tian's schedule to be healthier and more regular than his own. He was quite surprised and said, "Then prepare him an extra sports drink every morning."

Aunt agreed.

Although it was only breakfast, it was the first meal at home in Xia Tian. Han Cheng didn't move first, but sat at the table to deal with business, and waited until Xia Tian came back from running.

Fortunately, Xia Tian didn't run far, and didn't make Han Cheng wait too long.

When Xia Tian came back, he saw that Han Cheng was reading the newspaper waiting for him, he grabbed his trouser waist in embarrassment, and said, "You, you don't have to wait for me."

Han Cheng put down the newspaper. Before he could speak, Xia Tian looked at the sumptuous breakfast and said, "Besides, there are so many. No matter how much you eat, the rest is enough for me."

Auntie laughed uncontrollably, Han Cheng frowned slightly, and said, "I don't eat much... well, eat quickly."

In fact, Xia Tian wanted to take a shower first, but Han Cheng had been waiting for a long time, and it would be too much to delay. Xia Tian sat next to Han Cheng and had breakfast with Han Cheng.

Han Cheng was right, he didn't have much appetite for breakfast, two slices of toast, half an fried egg, and a cup of coffee would be enough, and Xia Tian was at the age when half a child would eat his own food, and he had exercised in the morning, Han Cheng's appetite was more than three times larger. In summer, he was used to eating breakfast alone. It was only at the end of the meal that Han Cheng realized that Han Cheng hadn't eaten anything for a long time. He was a little embarrassed and glanced at Han Cheng.

Han Cheng noticed Xia Tian's embarrassment, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he picked up another poached egg, and slowly ate the fried slightly charred egg whites, accompanying Xia Tian.

Xia Tian noticed Han Cheng's reserved kindness, his heart warmed up, and he felt relieved.

After dinner, Han Cheng sent Xia Tian to school.

Huatian has been established for a hundred years, aiming to send talents to famous schools at home and abroad. In line with the purpose of rigorous academic research, the threshold has always been high. Han Cheng considered the actual situation and said: "At the beginning, it may be possible to keep up with the progress of the students. It’s a bit difficult, don’t rush, give yourself a lower goal, take your time... just be able to get into the university you like within two years.”

Xia Tian thought about his grades, and smiled dryly: "Okay..."

Han Cheng also studied in Huatian, and the school's list of celebrities still records Han Cheng's outstanding achievements during his school days. Several teachers who taught Han Cheng have not yet retired. Han Cheng has always respected his teachers. I met several of my teachers first, and introduced Xia Tian to the teachers by the way.

The marriage between Han Cheng and Xia Tian is an unspoken secret in the public, but the news is blocked in the ivory tower. Only then did the teachers know that the person Han Cheng brought was his newly married little lover.

Han Cheng accepted the blessings of the teachers patiently, and sat for a while before taking Xia Tian to go through the admission procedures.

Han Cheng calmly signed his name after the guardian item on the registration form, and smiled at the person who came to receive them: "My wife has just turned eighteen, and she is still too young. His mother has her own company and is usually very busy. , don’t bother her if you have anything to do, just contact me.”

The teacher in charge of registration nodded repeatedly. Han Cheng filled in Liang Qingfeng's phone number and said to the teacher, "This is my contact information."

Xia Xia whispered in Han Cheng's ear in embarrassment: "Don't worry... I will never cause trouble or fight, nor will I contradict the teacher."

Han Cheng smiled, turned his head to the side and said in a low voice, "It's not because I'm afraid that you will be naughty, but because I'm afraid that one day you won't feel well, get hurt in physical education class... If this happens, you can contact me by yourself or ask the teacher, and I will come to pick you up. "

Han Cheng was ten centimeters taller than Xia Tian, and when he turned his head to talk to Xia Tian like this, his breath just brushed against Xia Tian's ears, Xia Tian's ears were slightly red, and he nodded: "Okay... I, I will definitely avoid this from happening."

Han Cheng smiled with satisfaction, and unconsciously there was a fleeting pampering in his eyes, Xia Tian coughed, he was a little embarrassed to be looked at by several young teachers, he looked at the time, and said: "Didn't you Did you answer the phone and say you want to rush back? Go first... I have nothing to do here. "

Han Cheng raised his hand to look at his watch. He was also a little surprised. He was delayed for almost an hour unknowingly. He nodded, "I'll ask Liang Qingfeng to pick you up after school. Don't get in anyone's car except him. I'll leave you at noon." Probably won't be coming home, yourself..."

Several teachers watched, Xia Tian made Han Cheng say his cheeks flushed, and said embarrassingly: "I'm such an adult... Just go back by yourself, I..."

"I'm in a hurry. If you have anything to say, come back and tell me at night." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Han Cheng realized that this kind of tone towards his subordinates might embarrass Xia Tian in front of his teachers. After thinking for a while, on Xia Tian's head She rubbed lightly and said, "Listen to the teacher, I'll go first."

Xia Tian didn't care about what Han Cheng said just now, and promised: "I will be fine, and I won't let you bother."

If you talk too much, it is easy to slap your face.

Three days later, Xia Tian sat in his room, holding the entrance examination report card in his hand and sighed...

In the autumn entrance examination assessment, there are 22 students in a class, with an average total score of 563, and the total score in summer... 247.

Xia Tian looked at his report card with a sad face, hating iron and steel introspection: "A person! You have lowered someone's class by 10 points! You, you... can't you be more correct?!"

When the report card came out today, none of the teachers and classmates expressed any dissatisfaction with Xia Tian's results, and no one else was needed, Xia Tian himself was about to blame himself to death.

The school before Xia Tian was an aristocratic middle school, the students in the school were of all colors, mixed together, Xia Tian's grades were not very conspicuous, and occasionally he could pass an upper middle school exam, but Xia Tian was also a little self-aware, knowing that he would transfer to Huatian Come on, it must be one of the bottom categories, but he never expected that he could be so unique—

The bottom two in the class are more than 200 points higher than him.

He rose up all by himself, so that the average grade of his class was so low that the principal thought that someone in his class missed the exam.

Xia Tian covered his face in pain... Could it be more embarrassing.

Of course. As the first test of this semester, the results this time need to be signed by the guardian.

Xia Tian didn't have the guts to ask Han Cheng to sign for himself.

Although Han Cheng treated Xia Tian very well, Xia Tian was more or less afraid of him.

Let alone such a shameful thing.

Xia Tian sat down and stood up again, walked around the bed a few times, opened the door and looked in the direction of the study for a while.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening. Han Cheng, Liang Qingfeng and a senior executive of their company had been discussing business matters in the study for more than two hours. Qingfeng has been with Han Cheng for so long, so he must be familiar with Han Cheng's handwriting, and the mobile phone number Han Cheng left at that time belonged to Liang Qingfeng. Answer the phone, and don't know how to wear clothes.

The more Xia Tian thought about it, the more appropriate it became. He turned back to his room, carefully looked at the report card, and quietly put it away.

It's been almost a week since Xia Tian moved in, and I have a little understanding of Han Cheng's habits, like this kind of private meeting where people are called to the house, Han Cheng will not go downstairs after the end, and will sit in the study for a while will come out.

After a while, Liang Qingfeng went downstairs, and he asked Liang Qingfeng downstairs, and it was almost enough.

Xia Tian was inexplicably flustered, he went downstairs lightly, sat in the living room and waited for Liang Qingfeng.

After nearly half an hour, as expected, Liang Qingfeng and Han Cheng's executives went downstairs, but the door of the study on the second floor was still tightly closed.

The two were not surprised to see Xia Tian. The executive greeted him politely. Xia Tian looked at Liang Qingfeng and spoke a little awkwardly: "Brother Liang... I have something I want to tell you."

The executive said with a smile: "The family keeps urging me, so I'll leave first."

After waiting for the person to leave, Liang Qingfeng looked at Xia Tian inquiringly, Xia Tian hesitated to take out his report card, and said awkwardly: "Can you... sign for me for Uncle Han?"

Liang Qingfeng's face froze, and then he resumed his usual professionalism, calmness and smile, hesitated a little, and signed for Xia Tian.

Xia Tian dropped his heart, lowered his voice and thanked him again and again, Liang Qingfeng nodded slightly, turned and left.

Xia Tian took a long breath, carefully folded the report card, and went upstairs lightly.

Back in the room, Xia Tian opened the report card, looked around, the more he looked, the more he felt the same, he thought the teachers should not be able to see it.

But this is not a long-term plan, Xia Tian, I still have to study hard... I can't keep dragging my feet.

It's just half past nine, it's still early to go to bed, Xia Tian wants to read that book, when he just got up, his phone's text message sounded.

Xia Tian picked up the phone, frowning... It was Han Cheng who sent it.

What did Han Cheng send him a text message

Xia Tian unlocked the screensaver, and what Han Cheng sent him was a screenshot of a text message from Liang Qingfeng...

[Mr. Han, the young master just asked me to sign your name on his report card with a total score of 247, hope to know. ] "Ahh..."

Xia Tian went crazy, and was so scared that he almost threw his phone away!

The text message from the phone rang again, and it was from Han Cheng. Xia Tian swallowed, shivering, and opened it in fear...

"Come to the study."