Marriage Concerto (Small Thing Called Love)

Chapter 1: reunion


In a cafe in the east of the city, there are some customers sitting in twos and threes.

A man in a white shirt shook the bangs that covered half of his eyes, and put the turtle shell in his hand on the table: "For today's blind date, I made a special calculation last night, and the hexagram shows that I The destined man will appear in the east, wearing a long white dress."

... Ding Meng looked at herself, no wonder her grandmother had to force her to put on this white floral dress before going out.

The man on the other side continued: "You were born on May 20, Taurus. I am a Virgo, and Taurus and Virgo are the two most speed-dating zodiac signs."

"Really, hehe." Ding Meng lowered her head and sipped the lemonade in the glass, rolling her eyes without a trace.

The other party looked at her a few times, and his eyes became heavy when he fell on her frame glasses: "But the "Book of Changes" says that women who wear glasses can beat me, can you change to contact lenses?"

Ding Meng coughed twice, especially wanting to ask which version of "Book of Changes" he was watching, but thinking of Lafayette with a fragile heart at home, she endured it again: "Haha, I'm allergic to contact lenses."

"Then you can also do myopia surgery, very soon."

Ding Meng made a horrified expression: "I heard that laser surgery will burn the cornea, so scary! In fact, my degree is very low, and I can see clearly without glasses."

The other party looked at the lenses in her eyes that were about to become a wall, and laughed dryly: "But if you're far away, you can't see it, right?"

"No." Ding Meng shook her head, "I can see the sun so far away!"

other side:"… "

The little prince of fortune-telling made an excuse to leave not long after that. After Ding Meng watched him go out, he drank the lemonade in the glass in one breath. Taking a breath, she took out a small box from her bag and put on her contact lenses deftly.

It turns out that wearing frame glasses can really block peach blossoms, and netizens are honestly not deceiving me.

Putting away the glasses case, Ding Meng just stood up and was about to leave, when the lady in the booth next to her angrily slapped the table: "You can't come if you don't want a blind date, but you can't insult people like this!"

After she finished speaking, she stepped on the black high-heeled shoes under her feet and walked away "da da da". Everyone in the store glanced in the direction of the booth, Ding Meng holding her bag, and glanced curiously.

Qiao Yichen leaned on the sofa, speechless.

Even if this level is insulting, wouldn't he be abusive to the singers in the recording studio? And it's a good blind date, what does it mean when you suddenly say you want to sing a couple of songs for him halfway through the date

Since she dared to sing, she couldn't blame him for telling the truth.

"Joe... dog egg?"

An unfamiliar woman's voice suddenly came from the side of his ear. Out of professional habit, Qiao Yichen first gave the voice a 70-point score - this is a rare high score for Qiao Yichen.

And then there's... Joe Dog Egg? what the hell!

He turned his head and glanced at it, and what he saw was a delicate and beautiful woman.

Ding Meng looked at Qiao Yichen in disbelief, and then said in surprise, "It's really you, dog!"

Qiao Yichen: "..."

His eyebrows jumped twice involuntarily. When he was born, he was in poor health. The doctor said that he might be hard to grow up. His mother heard that a cheap name is easy to support, so she gave him the name Goudan and called him several times. Years, but also really grew up peacefully.

It's just that this is the biggest secret in his life, how did the strange woman in front of him know it!

Ding Meng held her bag in one hand, pointed at the tip of her nose with the other, and looked at him with bright eyes: "Don't you remember me? I'm your junior high school classmate Ding Meng!"

The name Ding Meng changed Qiao Yichen's eyes slightly, and the emotion in his eyes changed from doubt to sudden and then back to doubt: "Did you go to plastic surgery?"

Ding Meng: "..."

She just wanted to ask how ugly she was in his memory.

Ding Meng was very fat when she was studying, and she was a well-known chubby girl in her grade, so even though she had excellent grades as a study committee member, none of her classmates liked to play with her, except Qiao Yichen.

At that time, the head teacher was in full swing to carry out the "one-to-one" learning activity, allowing students with good grades and students with poor grades to sit at the same table, hoping to help them improve their grades. Unfortunately, Ding Meng was assigned to the side of Qiao Yichen, the little bully in the class at that time.

In junior high school, Qiao Yichen not only counted down his grades, but also fought with his classmates at every turn. It was a common thing to be invited by his parents. Every time he got into trouble again, he would be chased by his mother all over the school, sometimes mixed with the angry growl of Qiao's mother: "Qiao Goudan, stop for my mother! I promise not to kill you!"

It was such a notorious Joe Goudan who was going to sit at the same table with him. Ding Meng refused at first. Later, the head teacher talked earnestly with her about life for half an hour, and finally gave her the hot potato Qiao Yichen.

At first, Ding Meng was also a little afraid of him, so she didn't dare to talk to him, let alone make eye contact with him. But after getting along for a long time, I found that he was not as scary as other classmates said, and because of his handsome looks, there were still many girls in the class who had a crush on him.

This made Ding Meng feel a sense of superiority inexplicably.

Most importantly, when she found out that there were other boys in the class making fun of her figure, Qiao Yichen would help her beat them. Although Ding Meng didn't say anything, she was very grateful, so every time she saw Qiao Yichen's test scores, she would scold her very hard.

Thinking that he was so good to him before, and now that he is a little thinner, he suspects that he is going to have plastic surgery, Ding Meng can't help but feel sad: "I used to respect you as a good man who doesn't look at his face, but I didn't expect you to be a looker now. A mortal with a face."

Qiao Yichen: "..."

He carefully identified the facial features of the girl in front of him, and he could indeed hook up with the chubby girl in his impression, but it was just a dehydrated version. Qiao Yichen's eyes moved and he was a little surprised: "How did you lose weight? I'll introduce my friends too."

Ding Meng wrinkled her nose, this habitual little gesture made Qiao Yichen laugh at once. He asked Ding Meng to sit down opposite him and talk to her about the past: "Is your uncle and aunt healthy?"

Ding Meng said, "It's better than me, and it's fun to jump around."

Qiao Yichen: "..."

"Where are your parents?"


Ding Meng snorted and asked again, "What are you doing now?"

Qiao Yichen raised his eyebrows: "I'm at Guangchen Records."

Ding Meng's mouth suddenly turned into an O shape: "Is that the famous record company? I didn't see that you were interested in music when I was a child."

Qiao Yichen seemed to have thought of something, and hooked the corner of his mouth: "Don't talk about me, what about you? Are you continuing your studies or doing research in a research institution?" Ding Meng did well in school. He still remembers speaking in English class, She said she wanted to be a scientist.

- The scientist's English words were only memorized after this class.

Ding Meng bit her lip unconsciously, then blinked quickly: "By the way, what happened to that woman just now? Are you here for a blind date?"

Mentioning this, Qiao Yichen had a headache: "Yes, I was forced to marry by my family."

Ding Meng was deeply moved: "Alas, they are also fallen people from the end of the world."

Qiao Yichen was a little surprised: "You were also forced to marry by your family? I remember you only turned 25 this year, right?"

Ding Meng went to school early and skipped grades in elementary school. In junior high school, she would be the youngest student in her class.

Ding Meng drooped her head like a wilted flower: "Before I participated in my friend's child's full moon wine, I also felt that 25 years old was still young."

Qiao Yichen burst out laughing, Ding Meng propped her chin with one hand and raised her eyes to look at him: "Do you remember my grandma? Last month, Grandma Liu brought her granddaughter's wedding invitation, and she immediately sat down. I couldn't bear it any longer, and quickly arranged a large basket of blind dates for me, vowing to marry me out before Grandma Liu's granddaughter gets married."

Grandma Liu is Grandma Ding Meng's nemesis. Ding Meng didn't know what grudges the two of them had, but only knew that the two of them had fought for a lifetime, and everything had to be divided into winners and losers.

Before the two of them fought against Dingmeng, it was never considered the same thing, but this time, when she mixed herself in, she found out... Oh my god, grandma seems to really want to marry her!

After listening to Ding Meng's words, Qiao Yichen couldn't help laughing and crying: "What do your parents mean?" Can't let the old lady do it

Ding Meng sighed and said, "My grandma is a bit stubborn, especially now that she's older, we usually try to follow her as much as possible, and since she has a heart attack, no one in the family dares to provoke her. She asked me to I'll come when I come to have a blind date, but I can't control it if people don't like me."

Qiao Yichen laughed: "You are very clever."

Ding Meng moved her brows to look at him, her eyes wide open: "What about you? You are only two years older than me, as the saying goes, a man has forty-one flowers, you are still in the budding stage, why are uncles and aunts in such a hurry? "

Qiao Yichen said: "Our family's situation is more complicated. In short, if I don't hurry to marry my mother a daughter-in-law and go back, I may have to give up my current job and go back to the company to do chores for my brother."

Ding Meng blinked, there was actually a company that could come back, so high-end. However, in her impression, Qiao Goudan's family is indeed quite rich. She remembered that the first time she went to his house to play, the biggest feeling was that his family was as big as a castle.

Thinking of this, Ding Meng suddenly had a flash of inspiration and stared at him brightly: "Dog Dan, I remember you are a Virgo, right?" She remembered that the classmates in the class laughed at him for a while because of this, but finally Silently shut up under his iron fist.

The corner of Qiao Yichen's mouth twitched slightly, he suspected that she didn't remember her real name at all: "So what?"

A flower appeared on Ding Meng's face: "I heard that Taurus and Virgo are the two most speed-dating constellations."

Qiao Yichen was silent for a while, and looked at her with a half-smile, "Are you a Taurus?"

"Yeah, I just had my birthday last month!" Ding Meng's innocent smile continued to bloom, "Look, since our two zodiac signs match so well, why don't you consider pretending to be my boyfriend? Wouldn't that solve your urgent needs of mine!"

Qiao Yichen really thought about it, and then something gradually lit up in his eyes: "Why don't... let's get married directly."

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