Marriage Concerto (Small Thing Called Love)

Chapter 16: point


I don't know if it's the effect of alcohol, but Ding Meng slept very deeply that night. When I was woken up by the alarm clock the next day, I felt a dull pain in my temples.

How many drinks did she drink last night? Three or four

Thinking of this, she sighed, the drink last night was not strong at all, why did she get down so quickly

The word "get down" made her head flash, and the word "sleep" popped up.

She took a deep breath and subconsciously covered her chest. Well, the underwear is still on me.

She got up with a sigh of relief and went to the bathroom to wash up. While brushing his teeth in front of the mirror, he recalled in his heart that Qiao Yichen seemed to have brought him back last night, and then what? Did she say anything? Hey wait, what about special training? Did she miss the special training?

She spit out the bubbles in her mouth, a little worried that today's special training will be double.

Before she changed her clothes and went out, she glanced around, and Qiao Yichen seemed to have left. She came out with her bag, ate the breakfast on the table, took another slice of bread, and hurried to the training camp.

In this training, the popularity group and the strength group are separated. Because the popular group is going to have a tough battle, the teachers are training hard, as if they want them to be rebuilt in the game a week later.

After practicing one morning, all the players in the popular group were exhausted and paralyzed. Liao Qian, a gossip girl who also advanced to the popular group, wiped her sweat with a towel and complained, "God, I can eat with my face, so why do I have to force it? I rely on strength!"

The other three laughed, and the teacher came over and said viciously: "If you still have the strength to laugh, I will run another kilometer in the afternoon!"

Everyone: "… "

Damn they didn't come to participate in military training.

The afternoon is mainly for singing training, which is generally a little easier than the physical training in the morning. This time, the teacher also asked them about the next competition songs. Except for Ding Meng, everyone has made up their minds.

The teacher asked her to report the song to him tomorrow morning. Ding Meng nodded, worrying about this problem since she was on her way home.

She usually listens to more English songs, and she is also good at jazz or blues. But Qiao Yichen made it clear that she would not be allowed to sing English songs, Chinese songs... Is it too late to buy a record now

She thought about it, took out her mobile phone, and looked for songs on a licensed music software. There are many song charts on the software. The most obvious picture recommendation position is Gu Xin's latest album "Out of Control". Ding Meng watched it for a while and clicked into the following "Classic Song Chart".

Topping the list is Pan Ying's theme song "Missing" sung for the movie "Acacia Sea" fifteen years ago.

Although the name "Acacia Sea" sounds a bit literary, it is an anti-war love drama that touched many people back then. Ding Meng was very young when she watched this movie, so she didn't understand the profound meaning of the movie, but the heroine waited all her life and didn't wait for the hero on the battlefield to come back. A heavy shadow was cast.

The theme song "Missing" sung by Pan Ying, the music queen of the year, for the film, topped the Golden Songs Chart for a full month after its release.

Ding Meng put on her headphones and pressed the play button.

"The memories that I thought I had long since forgotten are always inadvertently remembered, the bright spring is full of flowers and the branches are full of branches, and the noisy summer is noisy. You are always by your side, and you are only a distance of eyes away from me."

The low-pitched melody reminded Ding Meng of a lot of things from junior high school. At that time, MP3 was just beginning to become popular. When Qiao Yichen just got a high-end MP3, he was also keen for a while. There are not many songs in his MP3, and he always likes to listen to Ding Meng with him. Ding Meng wears the earphone he gave him and writes a workbook while listening to the songs.

Later, the head teacher saw it and said to them with a smile, "I think this headphone cable will turn into a red one someday."

Then Ding Meng threw the earphone back to Qiao Yichen with a red face.

After that, Ding Meng never listened to the same MP3 with him again, and Qiao Yichen quickly lost interest in it.

It's just that the few songs in his MP3 left an impression on Ding Meng.

Among them, there is Pan Ying's "Thinking".

When Ding Meng opened the door, Qiao Yichen was walking out of the kitchen with the soup. Seeing her earphones were plugged into her ears, Qiao Yichen asked jokingly, "Are you listening to English listening?"

Ding Meng rolled her eyes gracefully, took off the earphone in her left ear and walked over: "Listen."

Qiao Yichen took the earphones and put them on, and was putting the lyrics "Is this what I miss?"

"Pan Ying's "Missing"?" Qiao Yichen tilted his head slightly to look at him, and the headphone cord also stretched slightly with his movements.

Ding Meng smiled at him: "Yeah, I decided to sing this song next time, how about it?"

Qiao Yichen pondered for a while and said, "The slow lyrical tone with a high range is your consistent style. Although Pan Ying has retired from the music scene to focus on her family now, but she was also a generation of songs back then, so her lyrical songs are more difficult. , with your current singing skills... you can still give it a try."

Although he said it reluctantly, Ding Meng took it as a compliment for now.

Qiao Yichen returned the earphones to her, Ding Meng sneered with the corners of her mouth raised: "Do you remember, you used to like listening to this song, I really didn't expect that you are such a rough man with such a delicate heart."

The corners of Qiao Yichen's eyes twitched: "What about you? You can cry while watching "The Gift of Maggie". I really didn't expect that you, a fat girl, have such an intolerant heart."

Ding Meng: "..."

She raised her chin slightly and looked at him with squinting eyes: "What's wrong with "The Gift of Maggie"! The wife sold her hair to buy a watch strap for her husband, and the husband sold his watch to buy hair accessories for his wife, how abusive story!"

Qiao Yichen looked at her long black hair a few times: "Next time you want hair accessories, just say it."

Ding Meng: "..."

Who cares!

The next few days were still intensive training. This time, in order to fight against the strength group, the teachers also took the route of cramming. The daily basic training is shortened and more focused on improving the singing of their competition repertoire.

But for Ding Meng, the difference is not too big. Anyway, she still has to accept Qiao Yichen's training when she goes back at night.

On the day of the rehearsal, Ding Meng was placed in a later position. The other three members of the popular group couldn't hold back and went to watch the rehearsal of the strength group. Ding Meng stayed in the training room by herself and continued to practice songs.

She has a habit of practising singing against the sky, probably because it is easier to lyric.

"...Is this missing? It's even more mournful than what the poet sings. If this lovesickness condenses into the sea, there will be a boat that will take me to your side."

In order to find the feeling of singing this song, Ding Meng stayed up late a few days ago and rewatched the movie "Acacia Sea", and then cried like a dog in front of the computer. The lyrics and melody of the chorus part are matched with the vivid plot of the movie, and she moved herself to sing like this.

Sure enough, the sky tends to make people sentimental.

She raised her right hand and was about to wipe away the small tears from the corner of her eyes, when suddenly there were applause from the door. Ding Meng was startled and turned her head abruptly.

At the door of the practice room stood a tall man with neat short black hair. He was wearing a black slim T-shirt and a pair of light gray skinny trousers with a pair of black high-top leather shoes.

His clothes looked cool, but these were not what attracted Ding Meng the most. What attracted her the most were the earrings on his ears. No, he even drew eyeliner!

It's easy for a man to look like a sissy when he draws eyeliner, but he doesn't. He's the kind of... evildoer's coldness.

Ding Meng was embarrassed by her own description, and then she found out that this person looks like Gu Xin on the poster...

"You sing well and your emotions are full, but if you forget about those messy techniques, your emotions will be more devoted." The magnetic voice came from the mouth of this strange man, and Ding Meng was stunned for a while.

That's a sexy voice that late-night show hosts can't match.

Seeing that she didn't speak, the man thought she didn't understand what he meant, and said again: "In those days Pan Ying's song "Missing" sang a lot of people to cry, everyone was not moved by her superb skills, but because of the song The emotion. This song does need technique, but you are too focused on technique now, but the emotional input is reduced, um..." He paused here, as if thinking, "It's like what is written in a martial arts novel, the real Masters are all tricks to win, and forgetting the tricks, can people and swords become one."

Ding Meng looked at him, from one kind of daze to another.

The man laughed, like a double bass plucked inadvertently: "What's your name?"

Ding Meng calmed herself and replied, "My name is Ding Meng."

He had no impression of the name, and just nodded casually: "There are not many singers who can calm down and sing now. I like your voice, and I hope you can keep this attitude and continue singing."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. Ding Meng was quiet for a second, then took out his mobile phone and clicked on the commonly used music software. The recommended location for the big picture on the homepage was still Gu Xin's "Out of Control".

She was really getting out of control.

"Ding Meng Ding Meng! I just heard from the director of the program group that Gu Xin is here to record the program today!" Liao Qian came in like a whirlwind, "Hurry up, you won't be able to watch it if it's too late!"

"I..." I just saw him, deity.

"What are you!" Liao Qian saw her stunned in place, as anxious as if the pork belly in front of her was about to be robbed.

"I... have a rehearsal later."

"Don't worry, it's still not your turn, go see Gu Xin first!" Liao Qian pulled Ding Meng and ran out. When they chased the studio of Gu Xinlu's show, the staff were already packing up.

Liao Qian's eyes darkened with disappointment: "I finally got a chance to watch the male god up close, my God!"

Ding Meng took her back and said, "Let's go to the rehearsal first. When you get the ranking and enter the entertainment industry, you will definitely have a chance to watch him."

Liao Qian's hope rekindled: "That's right! I just watched the rehearsal of the strength group, and I didn't think they were much stronger than us."

Ding Meng said: "The rehearsal probably didn't do my best."

"It doesn't matter, for my male god, I will fight with them!"