Marriage Concerto (Small Thing Called Love)

Chapter 4: Get a certificate


After Ding Meng returned home with the agreement, she found a safe place to hide. Just after the fiddling, the ringtone of the mobile phone hummed coldly, making Ding Meng almost jump from the ground.

She picked up the phone and glanced at it, it was Jiang Nanqing. The thief exhaled with a guilty conscience, and Ding Meng answered the phone: "Nan Qing, what's the matter?"

"Ding Mengmeng, aren't you too funny? You didn't even tell me when your grandma was in the hospital? I heard it from your chuanchuan friends!"

Hearing Jiang Nanqing's rebuke, Ding Meng realized that she had been thinking about marrying Qiao Yichen for the past two days, but she really forgot to inform her: "I'm sorry, I forgot..."

"Forgot? What are you busy with?"

"I..." Ding Meng thought about it, but decided to tell Jiang Nanqing the truth, "I signed an agreement with Qiao Yichen today."

Jiang Nanqing's brows furrowed sensitively: "What agreement?"

"Marriage agreement."

After Ding Meng finished speaking, she closed her eyes and waited for the roar from the other end of the phone. Sure enough, two seconds later, Jiang Nanqing's irritable voice entered her ears: "Ding Meng, are you blinded by lard? You actually ran away. Marry him!"

Ding Meng sniffed and said pitifully, "You didn't see my grandma lying on the hospital bed still talking about my marriage..."

This grievance tone made Jiang Nanqing unable to express her anger - although she thought that Ding Meng was mostly pretending.

She took a breath and suppressed her anger: "Are you at home now? Wait, I'll go look for you right away."

An hour later, Jiang Nanqing stood in Ding Meng's bedroom with a large bag on her back. Like a child who did something wrong, Ding Meng smiled at her flatteringly: "I want to state first, I didn't make an impulsive decision, I checked it online, and there have been many marriages between two people. A case of each other being at peace with each other.”

Jiang Nanqing's eyebrows stood up: "So you still think you're doing the right thing, don't you? Let me take a look at your agreement."

Ding Meng had already prepared it and handed it over obediently.

Jiang Nanqing looked very carefully, and the more she looked, the more subtle her expression became. Seeing her like this, Ding Meng asked nervously, "What's wrong?" Could it be that there was a trap written on it that she didn't see

Jiang Nanqing looked up at her and said, "Your junior high school classmate, do you have a crush on you?"

Ding Meng: "…Why?"

"This agreement is almost all for you, and there is also the sixth clause, which is basically what he means to raise you for half a year, and you don't need to help him with housework." This must be true love, "If he doesn't have a crush on you , such a superb man, remember to introduce it to me when you leave."

Ding Meng: "..."

Jiang Nanqing changed the conversation: "But even though the agreement is signed, men don't care if they get up, so you still have to prepare." She said, putting the backpack on the table and taking the contents inside. Come out, "This is an anti-wolf spray. I originally wanted to get you an electric baton, but I prepared this for you because I was afraid that he would take it away and use it on you."

She grabbed a handful—yes, it was indeed—a colorful screamer, and stuffed them all into Ding Meng’s hands: “The seller said that each of these has 130 decibels, and you can open the metal ring to scream. , then you can throw it at him like a bomb, you can scare him to death without scaring him."

Ding Meng: "..."

tough enough.

"Also, you usually remember to lock the door, and don't go to the living room if you have nothing to do. If you must go to the living room, remember to dress more tightly."

"Oh… "

Jiang Nanqing wondered if there was anything else missing, and when she glanced at the agreement on the table, she smiled a little: "But the last clause of your agreement is really interesting."

Ding Meng was suddenly a little embarrassed, and quickly walked over to get the agreement back, and glanced at the last one inadvertently.

Article 9, if both parties are fake and real, Article 7 may not be implemented according to the wishes of both parties, and both parties will become a veritable husband and wife.

Ding Meng's eyes moved slightly, and she hid the agreement again.

Two days later, Qiao Yichen and Ding Meng went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate. When I went to see Grandma Ding in the hospital, Grandma Ding was so happy that she burst into tears. The next day, Ding Meng negotiated with her parents and moved to Qiao Yichen's house.

Qiao Yichen helped Ding Meng carry the big suitcase and walked into the elevator with her: "Do you only have so many things?"

"Well, I only live for half a year anyway."

Qiao Yichen laughed abruptly: "Why does it sound like you went to my place to rent a house?"

Ding Meng: "..."

It's kind of like.

Qiao Yichen's home is in a high-end apartment, Ding Meng followed him in, and looked around in surprise: "It seems that my grandma is right, you are indeed a successful person. You actually bought such a big house, It's still double."

She stood at the head of the stairs and looked upstairs. Qiao Yichen put down her suitcase and walked up to her: "This is the key to the access control downstairs, this is the key to my house, and the password is the last six digits of my mobile phone number." He He handed the key to Ding Meng and led her to her room, "You live in this room, both keys are here, you can keep them yourself."

"Oh, okay." Ding Meng held a bunch of keys in her hand, memorizing which lock was opened.

"I'll go back to the company later. You can pack your own things. There's something to eat in the refrigerator. If you're hungry, make it yourself. You don't have to wait for me."

"Okay." Ding Meng pulled her luggage and asked curiously, "What are you doing upstairs?"

"There are some simple recording equipment upstairs, and I usually write songs on it."

"Oh..." It turned out to be the work place, so she should not go up casually.

She dragged the suitcase into her room, and Qiao Yichen was also ready to go to the company. Walking to the door, he turned to her again and said, "I will make an appointment as soon as possible to take you home to meet my parents."

Ding Meng was stunned for a moment, and then said confidently: "Don't worry, I will perform well!" Goudan behaved so well in front of his family, it's time to repay him!

Qiao Yichen laughed at her appearance, turned around and walked out.

Ding Meng packed her things and started cleaning.

Although the agreement stated that she only needed to clean the house where she lived, she still cleaned the living room and kitchen by the way.

After cleaning, she collapsed on the sofa with exhaustion, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Yo was quite comfortable.

So she happily rolled twice.

Until her stomach growled, Ding Meng finally got up reluctantly, walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

There's a lot of stuff in the fridge, and it looks like it's just been replenished. Not only vegetables, but also snacks.

The corners of Ding Meng's mouth curled up, she didn't think that these were specially prepared for her by Qiao Yichen!

She looked at it for a while and chose cabbage, eggplant, tomato and eggs.

Half an hour later, there was a plate of fish-flavored eggplant, a plate of tomato scrambled eggs and a bowl of cabbage soup on the table.

After Ding Meng had a full meal, she sealed the rest of the meal with plastic wrap, and returned to her room—not forgetting to lock the door.

There is a separate bathroom in her room. She found her robot cat pajamas from the closet, and went to take a bath humming a ditty.

Qiao Yichen came back before dark, and when he saw the food left on the table after entering the door, he was stunned subconsciously.

He was in a trance for a while before realizing that this was what Ding Meng had left.

There was a strange feeling in his heart, Qiao Yichen couldn't say what it was, but it wasn't bad.

Ding Meng heard the voice of Qiao Yichen coming back, opened the door and stuck out a wet head, just in line with Qiao Yichen's eyes.

She smiled and said to Qiao Yichen, "I made the food on the table just now. You can heat it in the microwave and eat it." Ding Meng paused for a while, then added, "But if you've already eaten dinner, put it in the fridge for me, and I'll eat it tomorrow."

Qiao Yichen raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "I haven't eaten yet, thank you." He picked up the plate on the table and glanced at Ding Meng, "After washing your hair, quickly dry it."

"Oh." Ding Meng retracted her head and stuck it out again after a second, "By the way, I took a bag of potato chips from you."

Qiao Yichen laughed and walked into the kitchen with a plate: "I originally bought it for you."

This is definitely not the first time Qiao Yichen has bought something to eat for Ding Meng.

In junior high school, Qiao Yichen would bump Ding Meng's chubby arm with his arm almost every day between classes: "Go, go to the canteen to buy something to eat."

Ding Meng worked hard on the exercises in the workbook, without even raising her eyelids: "No."

Qiao Yichen said again, "I invite you."

"Go! o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓" Ding Meng dropped the exercise book and marched towards the canteen with Qiao Yichen.

Thinking of the past, Ding Meng covered her face in shame, how could she be so cowardly before!

… But now it seems that nothing has changed. She devoured a potato chip sadly.

Before going to bed, she checked whether the doors and windows were closed, then put the screamer and spray within reach of her, and then closed her eyes with peace of mind.

The phone vibrated violently.

Ding Meng covered her frightened little heart and clicked on an unread text message.

"Hello, Ms. Ding Meng, congratulations on passing the registration review for "Sound of Heaven"! Your first selection will be at 2 pm tomorrow, please prepare a cappella song and arrive at least half an hour earlier. Venue: Starlight Media No. 1 The third floor of the studio building."

Ding Meng jumped up from the bed.

When she passed by Starlight Plaza last week, she saw a lot of people queuing up. After inquiring about it, she found out that it was a singing competition organizing registration. She liked to sing when she was a child, and when she met her, she couldn't help but sign up for one. At that time, the staff just asked her to fill out a form, and then asked her to sing a cappella on the spot, and told her to go back and wait for the news. If she passed, she would be notified by text message.

Originally, she still had some expectations, but it turned out that there were too many things in the past few days, but she completely forgot about it.

Now it seems that she passed

awesome! Now she doesn't have to be forced into marriage by her family and can prepare for the competition wholeheartedly!

Ding Meng turned around on the ground excitedly, opened the closet and thought.

What should she wear for the primary election tomorrow? No, shouldn't you think about which song to sing first?