Marriage Concerto (Small Thing Called Love)

Chapter 67


After the signing ceremony, Ding Meng quickly threw herself into a lot of work. In addition to the three commercials that Jiang Man received for her before, an animated film also invited her to sing the Chinese version of the theme song, and made a cameo dubbing in the animation.

Ding Meng has never dubbed animation, and is full of curiosity and excitement about this work. Although her role doesn't have many lines, it can be considered an addiction.

During the dubbing, she also learned the new song. The Chinese theme song of the animation is called "Forest of Light", and Qiao Yichen is the lyricist and producer.

So Ding Meng met him again in the recording studio.

Ding Meng was mentally prepared to record a song with Qiao Yichen. Anyway, no matter how many words he yelled at herself, she would retaliate when she returned at night.

Don't ask her how to get revenge :).

It's just that when I came to record this time, Sima Xiaoxiao was also inside. Her new album is in full swing, but she doesn't seem to be getting along very well with Producer Joe.

Ding Meng watched Sima Xiaoxiao slam the door and walk out, blinked and walked up: "Hello."

Sima Xiaoxiao glanced at her and said angrily: "You came just in time, help me go in and teach your husband a lesson."

Ding Meng pursed her lips slightly and asked tentatively, "Did he scold you again?"

Sima Xiaoxiao said, "He can scold me, but he can't insult me!"

Ding Meng: "..."

"He is an expert in music, he is not in acting, why should he insult my acting skills! Shouldn't people have dreams! A life without dreams is a dry desert!"

Sima Xiaoxiao's indignant and poetic remarks ended, and the door of the recording studio was opened from the inside. Qiao Yichen stood at the door and looked at her with arms crossed: "One of the common delusions of modern people is that they have a daydream, but they feel that they are carrying a dream."

Ding Meng: "..."

Sima Xiaoxiao: "..."

She couldn't bear to hold Ding Meng next to her: "Did you see it? You are married to such a person! If you need a divorce, you can contact me. I know a very professional divorce lawyer."

Qiao Yichen sneered: "Oh, some people don't even have a partner, but they find a divorce lawyer first. Thinking that one day they will get married is one of the common misconceptions of modern people."

Sima Xiaoxiao: "..."

Ding Meng: "..."

She couldn't help but wonder how badly the queen sang just now, to trigger his such vicious tongue skills...

Qiao Yichen glanced at them, and finally looked at Sima Xiaoxiao: "If this is still the case tomorrow, your album can be postponed until the end of next year, and you should practice the basic skills first."

Sima Xiaoxiao: "..."

Even Ding Meng couldn't listen anymore, this is indeed a great shame for the queen! She hurriedly stepped forward, took Qiao Yichen's arm and walked in. She smiled and said to Sima Xiaoxiao, "What did you just say? Let me insult him, right? Okay, I'll insult him now!"

Sima Xiaoxiao: "..."

Don't think she can't remember, what she said was to teach him a lesson.

Looking at the door closed in front of him, two thoughts flashed in Sima Xiaoxiao's mind.

One, the couple's tastes are really heavy.

Second, the sound engineer is still inside.

She looked at the closed door, blinked, and quickly turned away.

In the recording studio, Sima Xiaoxiao's brain supplement was not staged at the restricted level, Ding Meng poured herself the quilt and leaned against the wall to look at Qiao Yichen: "With Sima Xiaoxiao's singing skills, it is impossible to sing so badly, what you did just now Are you saying it's a bit too much?"

Qiao Yichen said: "For ordinary people, it's not bad to sing like Sima Xiaoxiao, but she is not an ordinary person, she is Sima Xiaoxiao." He still remembers the first time he heard Sima Xiaoxiao sing "Early February" in its entirety. Stunning at the time of the flower.

"She can sing better, if it weren't for her busy daydreaming for the past two years, she would have made greater progress. Not only did she not improve, but she regressed because of neglect of practice. How could she have waited for her for two years? fans explain?"

"Uh..." Ding Meng was at a loss for words. She had also seen the little fans who were waiting to feed on Sima Xiaoxiao's Weibo. Every time Sima Xiaoxiao appeared on Weibo, they all poured out and tried to urge her to release the album. Kind of scary.

Ding Meng comforted: "Don't worry, she just hasn't been in the recording studio for too long, she's a little rusty, it'll be good to find her back."

"Well." Qiao Yichen nodded and looked at her again, "The same goes for you, as the saying goes, if you don't advance, you will retreat. Don't be complacent just because your last album sold better and feel that you don't need to train on it. class."

When Ding Meng saw the spear turned, she turned to herself, and quickly stated her position: "I definitely don't think so! As long as I have time, I will go to the training center's courses. And..." If you don't take her to do it at night For special training, she still has more time to practice.

She didn't say the latter words, but Qiao Yichen understood it. He didn't look away, coughed dryly, and said again: "This is the best, don't forget your goal, which is to defeat Gu Xin and win this year's Golden Melody Award."

The sound engineer who had been pretending to be dead next to him almost cheated.

Dressing up Gu Xin to win the Golden Melody Award? He swallowed his saliva. Producer Qiao really dared to set a goal. You are so confident, does Gu Xin know

However, with Ding Meng's potential, it doesn't seem impossible to defeat Gu Xin.

Ding Meng is not so confident in this matter. Gu Xin has not been famous for a year or two. His achievements and appeal to fans are not comparable to her.

But she and Qiao Yichen did their best to record the album "Thank You", so that even if they lose in the end, there will be no regrets.

As if thinking of something, she suddenly looked at Qiao Yichen and said, "By the way, Gu Xin's new album has been released. I asked my assistant to buy one for me. She has already listened to it and said it is very good."

Qiao Yichen said: "Gu Xin's works are very good and have a strong personal style. This is his strength and his weakness."

Ding Meng was puzzled: "Why do you say that?"

"The style of his songs in the past two years is almost the same. He should have noticed this problem himself, but he couldn't break through. And the public is the most prone to aesthetic fatigue."

Ding Meng nodded thoughtfully, that's why he said at the award ceremony, "Can't there be newcomers in the music world?" If the music world has always been like a pool of stagnant water, no matter how brave he is, there will be times when he is exhausted.

But with one competitor, it's different.

A good opponent is not only your rival, but also your helper. He can help you break through yourself.

Qiao Yichen looked at Ding Meng who was thinking, and squinted slightly: "I think Gu Xin is quite fascinated by it."

Ding Meng: "..."

In order to make the recording later not so cruel, she said firmly: "I am thinking about the future of the music world and the true meaning of life."

"Oh." Qiao Yichen nodded, "For you, Gu Xin is the future of the music world, the true meaning of life?"

Ding Meng: "..."

Sima Xiaoxiao, don't go, let's insult him together!

She pursed her lips and looked at Qiao Yichen sincerely: "Dog Dan, to be honest, do you have a crush on Gu Xin?"

"Pfft—" The photographer next to him finally couldn't hold back, and squirted out all the tea he had just put in his mouth.

Qiao Yichen: "..."

When the recording of Ding Meng's "Forest of Light" was completed, the competition for "Sound of Heaven" also ended. The champion this time is Jia Shuai, that's right, he was the guy who was eliminated because he sang Gu Xin's "Crazy Loud" during the PK with Ding Meng last year.

He came to the competition again this year, and after a year of retreat and practice, his singing skills have improved a lot. In the final, he sang the song "Crazy Sound" that once defeated him. This time, he won the championship with this song.

Ding Meng was suddenly very touched. It turned out that this year, she was not the only one who was working hard and growing. Many other people did not have time to spare.

Just like Mu Shuang, her new album was released as scheduled last month, Ding Meng bought one specially to listen to. She remembered the PK match between her and Mu Shuang. Qiao Yichen said when she voted for herself that the biggest flaw of Mu Shuang's singing was that her relationship was closed. When listening to Mu Shuang's album, she found that all the feelings that Mu Shuang wanted to express were well passed on to herself.

In front, Gu Xin and Sima Xiaoxiao are the kings and queens, and behind, there are Jia Shuai and Mu Shuang, Ding Meng thinks...

What about the depression of the music scene? Why did it become so difficult for her to get along after stepping in

Life is always so difficult.

Ding Meng didn't dare to leave her daily training sessions. Just like what Qiao Yichen said, rowing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

The days are in the midst of everyone's busyness, and we are striding into December.

This month has been an extraordinary month for Ding Meng, except that her first solo concert in her life is about to begin, and December 12th is also the day of the music festival awards ceremony.

This time she was nominated for two awards, Album of the Year and Golden Melody.

Sima Xiaoxiao's new album didn't make it to the awards ceremony, which undoubtedly gave others a chance. But Gu Xin was still standing in front of everyone like a mountain.

Ding Meng has also been insanely busy these days, trying on dresses, rehearsals, and rehearsals for the concert, and her nerves are tense.

When Qiao Yichen saw her like this, he felt distressed, looking at her face, he seemed to have lost weight.

Qiao Yichen is not afraid of her gaining weight, but is afraid that she will be thin. Perhaps the photos of her being sick in high school had a great impact on him.

So he pushed all of December's work away, and only devoted himself to two things—

Prepare Ding Meng's concert, and bring Ding Meng's meat back.

In addition to cooking for Ding Meng every day, he has always loved Ding Meng's hobby of eating snacks.

There are always a lot of snacks in the refrigerator. Although everyone said that eating too many snacks is not good, because it will not be able to eat the main food, Ding Meng does not have this trouble.

Because she has a big appetite.