Marriage Concerto (Small Thing Called Love)

Chapter 70


After the awards ceremony, media reports flooded out.

Before going to bed, Ding Meng curiously flipped through the manuscripts of various news networks on her mobile phone.

"Ding Meng won the Best Album of the Year and the Golden Melody Award with her album "Thank You", becoming a new generation of pop music queen!"

"Thanks" creates a new myth! Ding Meng won the Best Album of the Year and the Golden Melody Award at the Music Festival, becoming the biggest winner!"

"Gu Xin encountered Waterloo! Missed the Best Album of the Year and the Golden Melody Award!"

"The music festival "Thank You" won the grand prize! Qiao Yichen and Dingmeng and his wife joined forces to be proud of the music scene!"

Ding Meng: "..."

Do all these reporters have a grudge against her? She just read the title and offended both Sima Xiaoxiao and Gu Xin, and what the hell is that couple who joined forces in the music world at the end!

She angrily crossed out the page.

There was also a lively discussion on Weibo about last night's music festival, and it is still hanging on a hot topic. By the way, Ding Meng and Qiao Yichen are also on the hot search.

Some netizens said that since the marriage was exploded, the couple had to stick together on the hot search, worthy of the title of double monsters of dog abuse.

Of course, some netizens said that since the marriage was exploded, the couple has been taking this hype and looking upset.

In the face of these black fans' remarks, Ding Meng has now learned to deal with it calmly. After disconnecting from the Internet, the whole world is clean.

Although the music festival has just passed, Ding Meng didn't have time to take a breath. The concert has entered the countdown, and she has been rehearsing almost every day these days. In addition, the animation she dubbed before was also released, and the Chinese theme song "Forest of Light" has already become popular.

Xiang Guang was very satisfied with Ding Meng's performance recently, and when he had a meeting with Qiao Yichen, he even praised him: "You are right, I do see her value now, it seems that the one million breach of contract back then Gold is not given for nothing."

Qiao Yichen gave him a roll of eyes: "Don't say the million as if you gave it."

Xiang Guang said cheekily, "I also paid your salary."

Qiao Yichen ignored him and got up to leave. Xiang Guang stopped him behind him: "Do you still have tickets for the concert? Give me two, I want a special seat."

"Blow the cold wind outside." Qiao Yichen left without looking back.

To light:"… "

The tickets for Ding Meng's concert were indeed gone, but Qiao Yichen had reserved one for himself, a special seat.

Although he can't use it at all.

The day before the concert, Ding Meng got an afternoon break, and Qiao Yichen told her to save her energy.

This concert was held for two consecutive days, both in City A. Although the concert was not long, it still tested the singer's physical strength.

Regarding this point, Qiao Yichen proudly told Ding Meng that she can sing two concerts now, thanks to his physical training, and she will need more training in the future.

Ding Meng only expressed a hehe to this.

After sleeping at home for an afternoon, when Ding Meng woke up, Qiao Yichen had already made dinner. Because there was a concert the next day, the dinner prepared by Qiao Yichen was also very light.

Ding Meng looked at the clear soup on the table and didn't complain, so she could only comfort herself with the string that Qiao Yichen had promised before.

Qiao Yichen tapped the rim of the bowl with the spoon in his hand, making a crisp sound. Ding Meng raised her head, and Qiao Yichen was looking at her and smiling: "Let's do an interview, the first concert of your life will be held tomorrow, how are you feeling now?"

Ding Meng thought about it for a while, and said seriously, "You put too little oil on your fried potatoes."

Qiao Yichen: "..."

Who is talking to her about shredded potatoes!

"And this tomato scrambled egg, the tomato juice rate is really low, it looks dry."

Qiao Yichen: "..."

He took a deep breath and maintained a smile on his face: "Can you not say what to eat?" And he said all the bad things, how come the tomatoes are not juicy!

With chopsticks in her mouth, Ding Meng looked at him and said, "But I can't calm down without talking about food."

Qiao Yichen was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and laughed.

Ding Meng continued to pour bitter water at him: "Although it has been rehearsed many times, who can tell at the scene? I used to see singers in concerts having accidents and laughing at them. Now I want to become a singer. The object of other people's jokes."

Qiao Yichen looked up at her and comforted: "It doesn't matter, there is no singer's concert without accidents, the key depends on your on-the-spot reaction."

Hearing this, the corners of Ding Meng's eyes collapsed: "That's even worse, I have no experience at all, it would be miserable if I just fell stupid on stage."

Qiao Yichen said: "No, my wife is the best."

Ding Meng blinked twice, looked at him and said, "If something goes wrong, ask the staff to turn off all the lights immediately!"

Qiao Yichen: "..."

Then it's not an accident, it's an accident.

The concert came unhurriedly in Ding Meng's anticipation and nervousness.

Little Lemons from all over the world held up all kinds of cheering cards early, waiting at the entrance of the gymnasium, and various media also occupied the best position.

The backstage of the concert was also very busy. Ding Meng had already done her styling and was doing her final warm-up. Today's opening song is "I'm here", because the second song will directly switch to "Colorful Kiss", so Ding Meng needs to quickly change clothes on stage.

This is undoubtedly a problem for Ding Meng. She is a novice in the concert, and she has to challenge such a difficult project at the beginning, which is simply not a way to survive.

Fortunately, the costumer also considered this problem and gave her a magical dress.

In the first song, she would wear a white dress similar to the one in the MV of "I'm here". This dress is very cleverly designed, and the skirt is retracted, but when Ding Meng puts the skirt down in line with the dance moves, she will wear it. It will turn into a lemon-yellow over-the-knee dress, and then put on the matching vest and hat to achieve a quick change.

The important thing is that it has no risk of disappearing on the stage, and won the hearts of the big producers of Qiao.

However, this technique is simple to say, but it still requires proficiency, so Ding Meng has practiced it many times.

I don't know when, the singing has been played on the stage, which is the prelude to the concert.

The director found Ding Meng and told her to go to the waiting area, it was about to start.

Ding Meng's heart was beating non-stop, but she walked to the waiting area calmly and calmly.

The screams of the audience can be clearly heard here.

She secretly glanced outside, and the crowded audience made her quickly withdraw her gaze.


Qiao Yichen's voice suddenly came from the side, Ding Meng turned to look at him, and pursed the corners of her mouth: "A little bit."

In fact, she was so nervous that she could hardly breathe.

"Start counting down, 10, 9, 8..."

The sound of the countdown from the staff came, and Ding Meng felt her heart contract a little, giving the illusion of suffocation.

Just stand on stage.

She repeated this sentence over and over again in her mind, trying to adjust her breathing.

"Wife." Qiao Yichen called from the side, Ding Meng looked back at him subconsciously, Qiao Yichen slightly lifted her chin and kissed her on the lips.

This kiss was very light and soft, as if it had some magic power, and instantly calmed Ding Meng's restless heart.

The backstage suddenly became quiet, and the staff in charge of the countdown almost forgot how many they had counted.

This pair of dog abusers really deserved their reputation.

As if knowing that time was running out, Qiao Yichen quickly let go of her, and a pair of black eyes stared at her for a moment: "I will always be here watching you."

Ding Meng bit her lip and nodded to him: "Yeah!"

When the countdown reached zero, Ding Meng turned around and walked onto the stage, the screams of the audience spread like a flood.

At the concert, Ding Meng will sing all her songs, plus a guitar version of "You Said to Break Up Today" and "With You" sung with Gu Xin.

Gu Xin, the mysterious guest, was not announced in advance, so when Gu Xin suddenly appeared, the screams of the audience almost drowned the stadium.

The audience was screaming again and again, but Qiao Yichen behind the stage was sneering again and again.

Gu Xin was invited by Ding Meng, of course it was a good thing to have him help, but Qiao Yichen was very dissatisfied with his attitude of agreeing without thinking.

And it's still free.

What do you mean by being so nice to other people's wives

So in the end, when Gu Xin stepped down, he didn't give him a good look.

Gu Xin took off the headset, looked at him and smiled: "I didn't expect the producer Qiao to be so naive, it's very interesting."

Qiao Yichen: "..."

Get out of here when you're done singing.

However, Gu Xin did not leave the concert as he wished. He changed his clothes and sat in the guest seat again. When Ding Meng invited him, she gave him a ticket.

The concert was coming to an end without knowing it. After Ding Meng sang "Forest of Light", which was just released, the lights on the stage went dark. Not long after, Ding Meng in an off-white dress rose from the center of the stage, and the audience burst into screams again.

Ding Meng held the microphone in her hand, looked at the cheering boards everywhere under the stands, and began to speak: "Thank you very much for coming to my concert during your busy schedule, as I said at the music festival before, today I can stand Here, I would like to thank many people. Along the way, I have experienced many ups and downs. Thank you for staying here and willing to continue to listen to my singing. I also thank my agency for giving me this opportunity and preparing for me. Such a great stage. Finally, I would like to thank my husband, Mr. Qiao Yichen. Without him, I would not be where I am today. He has spent a lot of time and effort on me, and thank him for everything he has done for me. One thing, thank him for every note, every word he wrote for me. I love you all."

The audience screamed enthusiastically, Ding Meng smiled at everyone, and took two steps forward: "The last song tonight, to all those who helped me, "Thank you"."

The soothing piano music came from a corner of the stage, and when the beam of the spotlight fell, Qiao Yichen appeared in everyone's sight.

He was wearing a white suit and sat quietly in front of the piano, as elegant as a prince in a fairy tale.

The melodious sound of the piano continued to flow out from between him, and the audience soon quieted down only after the initial exclamation.

The MV of the song "Thank You" is playing on the big screen, which was edited from the video that the fans sent her, and it shows the bits and pieces of her journey.

Ding Meng's clear singing voice also sounded on the stage through the expensive microphone.

"Even though I went on a journey alone, I never felt sad or lost.

You let me know that I'm not alone.

Even in the dark quagmire, he never gave up the sun.

It's you who let me know that the night will fade away.

You taught me that there is no difficulty that I cannot overcome.

Your warm smile inspires me to be strong.

Thanks for your company.

Thank you for your concern.

Thank you for your kindness.

Thank you for waiting.

Thank you, for everything”

The author has something to say:

That's all

Tomorrow will start a grand update of the extravaganza, what a da!