Marriage Concerto (Small Thing Called Love)

Chapter 76: Extra six


It was 6:45 when Gu Xin woke up.

The morning sun shines through the heavy curtains on the spacious bedroom, with a little gloom.

Gu Xin sat up from the big bed, picked up the jeans that were lying on the side, and walked to the window naked, and opened the curtains.

The sunlight lost its barrier, and all of a sudden, a large picture shone on Gu Xin. Gu Xin raised his hand and brushed his hair, glanced out the window, turned around and went to the cloakroom.

No need to record today, he plans to stay at home all day writing new songs.

He picked out a black T-shirt and put it on, and went for a run on the treadmill.

Just after 8 o'clock after exercising, he opened the refrigerator and took out a large carton of milk, and found that the refrigerator was almost empty.

After breakfast, he picked up the key on the table, and was going to sell the food to fill the refrigerator first.

There is a convenience store near the apartment where he lives, and there are not many people in this area, so he just put on a hat and went out with confidence.

When the door of the convenience store was opened, the bell above her head made a crisp sound, and the short-haired girl standing at the cashier said sweetly, "Welcome."

Gu Xin glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, it was a girl he hadn't seen before, she should be new here. She looks good, and her voice is as sweet.

He walked straight to the food area, and after choosing what he wanted, he went to the cashier to check out.

"Hello, a total of 483 yuan." Although the girl is a newcomer, she is still very skilled in business, and she quickly settled Gu Xin's account.

Gu Xin took out a card and handed it over. When the girl took the card from him, she was stunned for a moment: "You are..."

"I'm not." Gu Xin lowered the brim of his hat a little bit.

The girl blinked and said nothing. After collecting the money, she handed Gu Xin's card along with the receipt.

When Gu Xin walked out of the supermarket with a shopping bag, the bell above his head rang again.

As he walked back down the street, luxury cars whizzed past every now and then. Four or five girls dressed as high school students approached, holding cakes and various gifts, smiling and saying something.

Gu Xin subconsciously lowered the brim of his hat to the lowest level, thinking that if he turned around now, it would be even more abrupt, so he simply walked over and pretended not to care.

When those girls saw Gu Xin, their voices became ambiguous.

Even if Gu Xin didn't put on the cloak of the king of the music world, he was conspicuous enough to make the little girl scream.

"Wow, look, that boy is so tall."

"Yes, yes, at least one meter eighty-five, right?"

"A good figure, long legs, and a small waist."

Their voices drifted into Gu Xin's ears one after another, and Gu Xin was still calmly approaching them.

As the distance got closer, the girl's eyes on Gu Xin became more and more detailed. Before they passed by, the girl who brought the cake pointed at him and shouted, "It's Gu Xin!"

Without any hesitation, Gu Xin immediately turned around and ran.

The fans of these high school girls are the most difficult to deal with. Gu Xin has seen it more than once.

However, when he ran, it seemed that he justified the girl's statement, and several girls screamed and chased after him.

The few pedestrians on the side of the road looked in their direction for unknown reasons.

Gu Xin ran fast all the way, and unknowingly ran into the convenience store just now.

"Huan..." The girl at the cashier only said one word, and then changed her tune, "Sir, have you left anything?"

Gu Xin quickly walked up to her and asked, "Is there a place for me to hide?" After he finished speaking, he walked towards the bathroom on his own.

Instead of hiding in the toilet because of fans chasing him, he suddenly found that he was very familiar with this kind of thing when he sat up.

"Wait, go to our lounge." The girl stopped Gu Xin, ran to the door of the lounge quickly, and opened the door.

Gu Xin glanced at her, stepped into the lounge, and locked the door.

As soon as the girls walked to the recycling counter, the girls who were chasing Gu Xin also pushed in the door.

"Welcome." The girl greeted them politely, with an impeccable smile on her face.

The high school girl carrying the cake walked up to her and asked anxiously, "Have you seen Gu Xin?"

The girl blinked and said, "Gu Xin? That banana donut is his endorsement." She pointed to a shelf in the direction of her left hand, "It also has his picture on it."

Female high school student: "… "

She took a breath and said, "I'm talking about a real person."

The girl said, "I haven't seen the real person yet. Isn't his concert going to be held at the end of the year?"

Female high school student: "… "

Does this cashier's IQ really matter when he goes to work? Also doing such an important job as a cashier!

She had to ask another way: "Did you just see a tall, thin boy wearing a hat, black T-shirt and jeans."

The girl said, "Oh! I've seen this! He was shopping here just now!"

The high school student seemed to finally see some hope: "Then what?"

"Then he just ran past here again." The girl pointed to the main road outside the convenience store.

The high school student opposite looked at her for a while and smiled at her: "Where is the toilet here? Can I borrow a toilet?"

The girl nodded: "Of course."

She pointed her in the direction of the toilet.

The high school girl handed the cake in her hand to her companion and went to the bathroom by herself. After a while, she came from inside, her face still a little anxious: "I'm not inside, maybe it really ran away, hurry up and chase!"

So several high school students swarmed out as always.

The girls at the convenience store looked at the backs of them leaving in a hurry, sighed and shook their heads.

Just being a fan, what are you doing so crazy.

She walked to the door of the lounge, raised her hand and knocked on the door: "Sir, they are gone, you can come out."

The door lock clicked, and Gu Xin walked out.

The girl looked up at him and smiled: "So you really are Gu Xin, right?"

Gu Xin laughed and said, "I'm sorry."

The girl didn't mind: "You go quickly, they might come back later."

"Well, thank you..." He glanced at the girl's badge, "Ms. Shen Shishi."

Shen Shishi had heard her name thousands of times, but it was particularly touching to say it from this person's mouth, it even made her feel a little blush.

Gu Xin chuckled lightly, took a few steps out, and looked back at her again.

He remembered that this time was when the convenience store changed its shift.

"What, what's wrong?" Ms. Shen Shishi was a little overwhelmed by him.

Gu Xin hooked his lips, lifted the shopping bag in his hand, and asked her, "Do you like curry rice?"

The author has something to say:

I'm sorry that this episode is so short [laugh cry] because maybe I will give Gu Xin a story alone, so I didn't dare to write too much [laugh cry]

And then this article is all over! Thank you all for your company and support over the past two months!

See you in the next dog egg!

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