Marriage of the Di Daughter

Chapter 103: make trouble


After the Ye Family and Ye Minghui brothers left, the Ye Family was temporarily silent.

Mrs. Ye's body is not good. Now she can't even get out of bed. No one dared to tell her about it. Zhuo and Guan had to force a smile to take care of Mrs. Ye, but Mrs. Ye couldn't find the clue—it was so easy. Mrs. Ye's condition has improved, but she can't fall short at this time.

Regarding what Jiang Li said about Tong Zhiyang’s brother-in-law, Zhong Guanling in Yanjing City, except that Jiang Li had a very clear memory of what officials these people were doing, did not receive the attention of the Ye family.

Jiang Li didn't think so in her heart. The Li family and Tong Zhiyang only needed a Zhongguan order to get involved. With such a close relationship, it's hard not to make her think too much.

I just told the Ye family about this matter, I'm afraid the Ye family won't believe it.

After returning to his yard, Jiang Li sat in the house thinking hard.

Tonger and Baixue did not dare to disturb her, and quietly retreated outside the house. Because of Ye Minghui's and Ye Mingxuan's affairs, the Ye family's subordinates also appeared to be more silent, and the entire mansion became a lot of boredom for a moment. It seems that there is an invisible haze covering everyone's heart, making people feel uncomfortable.

As the saying goes, when you see the truth in adversity, although everyone in the Ye family doesn't want to see something wrong, it might not be an opportunity for Jiang Li. To melt a piece of hard ice, it is not impossible to do nothing and let it slowly melt away, but it takes too long. And what she lacks most is time. If something happens to the Ye Family this time, she can play a part and help the Ye Family get rid of the crisis. I am afraid that after this incident, most of the previous barriers will disappear.

At that time, "rebuilding the old good" with the Ye family was a breeze.

However, the first thing to find out is what is going on about Ye Family's antique satin. Jiang Li faintly smelled the conspiracy. So far, she only suspected that the matter was related to the Li family, but there was no evidence.

We can only wait for the Ye Minghui brothers to return to the mansion twice before discussing.

Ye Minghui and Ye Mingxuan did not return home that night.

Not only that, but in the next few days, they all disappeared. At first, Guan and Zhuo were still waiting in the mansion nervously. Three to five days passed, and there was no news. They could no longer hold back, and went to the Yamen to see the prefect of Tong in person, trying to figure out what happened. .

But the prefect Tong did not see the Guan family, so he only asked the masters around him to come out and fight with the Guan family. It was also that Ye Uncle and Ye Erye were guests at the Yamen, but the things were not done yet. After they were done, they would naturally return. Family.

Rao is the Guan family who does everything on weekdays, and he is helpless in the face of this slippery autumn Tong Zhiyang. He turned back and complained to Zhuo Shi: "I haven't even seen Tong Zhiyang's face! Let alone ask about his master and second brother. , I think Tong Zhiyang was deliberately deliberate. He had known that I would come to the door for a long time, so he avoided it!"

Zhuo was less courageous, and said anxiously when he heard the words: "What the hell does he want to do? Keep the men in the yamen. I don't know how they are doing? I won't torture them privately, right? I heard that an official kept people behind. In prison, just for torture."

Ye Mingyu heard these words, immediately shouted, and said angrily: "Use torture? They have eaten Xiongxinbaozi! Sister-in-law and second-sister-in-law, are you waiting, isn't Tong Zhiyang gone? I'm fucking in! Take the knife Put it on his neck and see if he sees it!"

Guan and Zhuo couldn't keep calling, but Ye Mingyu was someone they could stop, so he picked a horse from outside the door and drove away, apparently looking for Tong Zhiyang to settle accounts.

Ye Mingyu has a strong gangster temperament, and he doesn't know that not everything in the world can be solved with his fists. Jiang Li, who rushed to the front hall after receiving the news, saw that Guan and Zhuo were ordering people to chase Ye Mingyu, and they didn't know if they could catch up.

Ye Jiaer and Ye Rufeng also rushed over. After learning the ins and outs, Ye Rufeng said without saying a word: "I'm going to find Sanshu!"

"Rufeng!" Zhuo clan pulled him, "Don't bother you at this time! Right now there is not a single male in the mansion, and the rest are low-quality female streamers. This is really... true, hey!"

Ye Jiaer was also very embarrassed. Seeing Jiang Li standing aside, she walked over and whispered: "Cousin also thinks it's incredible."

"Indeed." Jiang Li nodded, "Before I came to the Ye family, I didn't know that the Ye family would have these troubles. I thought the Ye family was living well in Xiangyang."

"It is true that the Ye family lives very well in Xiangyang, but that was a few months ago." Ye Jiaer smiled bitterly. "But now, people say that prosperity must decline. Is it time for my Ye family to decline?"

In Ye Jiaer’s tone, the loss could not be concealed. Although she was so generous and decent, she encountered this incident at a young age, especially when her uncle and father were arrested. Now I don’t know what the situation is. Will be affected. Jiang Li saw the blackness in her eyes. These days, she shouldn't have a good night's sleep.

"Man is conquering the sky, there is no time when he should or shouldn't. Besides, the Ye Family is not doing evil, God will treat the Ye Family well." Jiang Li comforted her, and when the words of comfort came out, she wanted to laugh a little. God doesn't treat her kindly just because she is kind. In her previous life, the Xue family was not honest and upright in her life, but she ended up in a solitary end. God has never been reliable, and she has to rely on herself.

She calmed down and said to Ye Jiaer: "Cousin, don't say frustrating things. In my opinion, the uncle and the uncle are in the Yamen, and nothing will happen. If it is really going to be disadvantageous to them, you can explain it early. So, it seems to be doing a transaction. I guess Tong Zhiyang has been refusing to let his aunts see them, just to sell for the price."

"Sell for the price?" Ye Jiaer was puzzled.

"Isn't there such a thing in the business field? Many businesses are not achieved overnight. There is a process of pulling each other, squeezing each other, making a little bit of concession with each other, and reaching a price that is acceptable to both parties. At this time, it depends on whose name. Those with heavier chips are confident and patient, and can afford it. Once the other party becomes flustered, he will subconsciously give in and let more."

Ye Jiaer suddenly said, "You mean, the prefect Tong and our Ye family are now doing a business. The prefect Tong will not let our family see his father and uncle. If our family can't hold back their hearts, they will take the initiative to give in. At this time, we can accept whatever conditions the prefect Tong offers."

"That's the reason." Jiang Li smiled, and Ye Jiaer was very smart.

"But, what business does the prefect Tong want to do with us?" Ye Jiaer was still puzzled, "What does he want to do with our family?" Unknowingly, Ye Jiaer had habitually discussed with Jiang Li when he encountered problems. After all, Guan and Zhuo didn't care about business matters, and Ye Rufeng had become a little more immature. Looking around, the only thing that could talk about in the room was Jiang Li.

"It depends on what Tong Zhiyang's conditions are." Jiang Li said, "Don't worry, if Tong Zhiyang really has the heart to trade, he will always make his own conditions before long. Just wait."

Seeing Jiang Li's bosom, Ye Jiaer seemed to have found the backbone. She couldn't help but slowly calmed down. She only calmed down slightly on her face, jokingly: "But the cousin always calls the prefect Tong's name no matter what, if this is heard..."

"He's just a prefect," Jiang Li smiled crookedly, with a bit of innocence, "My father is the first assistant. Even if I stand in front of him and call his name, no matter how dissatisfied he is, he will only I'll be a man with my tail sandwiched."

Ye Jiaer was taken aback, and Ye Rufeng also looked at Jiang Li.

Although I knew this cousin’s “great achievements” in the past, Jiang Li, who came to Ye’s family, was always gentle and considerate, which made people feel that he had no relationship with the rumored nephew. Over time, people will feel that Jiang Li has a very temperament. Good, very soft-tempered, but at this moment, when she talked about Tong Zhiyang's contempt, Ye Jiaer and Ye Rufeng really saw her.

Jiang Li really didn't look down on Tong Zhiyang.

Jiang Li does not look down upon Tong Zhiyang, but it is not because Tong Zhiyang is just a prefect. This Tong Zhiyang relied on his brother-in-law to achieve the position of prefect, and he was also affected by his wife's light. He was terrified on the surface, but he raised an outer room outside and gave birth to a child.

At the end of the year, the county will go to the school to review with the prefect. Xue Huaiyuan has a cool breeze. Unlike other counties who give Tong Zhiyang money, Tong Zhiyang deliberately seeks out Xue Huaiyuan's fault. Xue Zhao couldn't see it and wanted to catch Tong Zhiyang's pigtails. He never wanted to know the secret, so he threatened Tong Zhiyang with this secret, so that Tong Zhiyang would not trouble Xue Huaiyuan again.

Xue Huaiyuan didn't know about Xue Zhao yet, but he was just wondering why Tong Zhiyang didn't bother him in later years. In fact, if it had not been for Xue Zhao to accidentally discover Tong Zhiyang's secret, it would be hard to say that Xue Huaiyuan, a county Cheng, could do it for a few years. With Tong Zhiyang's narrow-mindedness, he would definitely find an excuse to let Xue Huaiyuan lose his official hat.

Jiang Li sneered at people like Tong Zhiyang, but he didn't expect that it was Tong Zhiyang who bumped into the Ye family, so naturally he didn't have a good face.

Guan said to Zhuo: "How come the person who chased the third child hasn't come back yet? Didn't you stop him?"

"It's very likely." Zhuo Shi was a little nervous, "The third brother's martial arts is good, and the guards in our mansion are not comparable. At that time, he was thinking about finding the prefect of Tong to settle the accounts, and he must have gone in a hurry... But don't mess with it. What a disaster. At this moment, there can be no more problems."

"No, I have to go to the Yamen." Guan hurriedly got up, "How can the guard in the house persuade the third child, the third child's temperament... I'll go and see."

"I'll go with you." Zhuo Shi said.

The two will get up, but when they see the door, Ah Fu rushes in. Both he and Ashun are helping out in Lizhengtang these days, and they don't need it in the house.

"Fu, what's the matter with you?" Zhuo Shi was taken aback.

Jiang Li saw that Ah Fu's clothes were mostly torn, piled in tatters, and he didn't know whether he was fisted or slapped. He was green and red, and there seemed to be blood on the corners of his mouth. The hair is even more messy, and it looks like a fight with someone somewhere.

"Madam, second madam, it's okay." Ah Fu took a breath. The time he said this, he stopped for a while, as if speaking was also very difficult, before continuing after a long time: "Li Zhengtang, Li Zhengtang was smashed by someone. The guards couldn’t stop them. The shopkeeper was surrounded by people. Ashun was still guarding the other end. Those people smashed things when they came in. They couldn’t stop what they smashed. Even the signboard of Lizhengtang was smashed. . Madam, you should go take a look!"

He finished in one breath.

"Li Zhengtang was smashed?" Zhuo Shi almost fainted.

"Not really." Ah Fu tugged at his clothes, "If the villain is not a small man, he can't return to the mansion to report a letter. Those people are blushing, and none of the Lizhengtang people are allowed to go out."

"Afu," Jiang Li asked, "Who are the people who came to smash the shop?"

Lizhengtang is the property of the Ye family, and no one in Xiangyang City does not know about the Ye family. Dare to come to Lizhengtang to smash the shop, you are not afraid of it.

Ah Fu didn't care about asking if it was a lady who needs to beware of this, and immediately replied: "It's just ordinary people."

"Where did the unsophisticated people dare to go wild in Lizhengtang, they are impatient!" Ye Rufeng was furious, "Why don't you report to the official?"

"The officials have all caught our master, Master, what kind of closure is reported." Ah Fu replied sadly.

Jiang Li asked: "Then why did they break the shop for no reason? Did Li Zhengtang provoke them? How come they are asking for trouble."

"I heard it was because of the antique satin." Ah Fu's expression was also a bit solemn. "The people who came said, wearing our antique satin clothes are getting rashes, and now the garment shops in Xiangyang no longer accept antique satin. But the antique satin sold is still harming people. A few days ago, someone wore the antique satin and disappeared."


Ye Jiaerwu covered her mouth. As the daughter of a merchant, she knew clearly that once the rumor that "the ancient fragrance satin would kill people" spread, the Ye family really had no chance of turning over.

And now, this rumor has spread.

Zhuo's and Guan's were about to collapse.

Ye Rufeng clenched his fists tightly.

Looking at the people in this room, Ah Fu felt a little desolate for some reason. Right now, both Ye Uncle and Ye Erye were invited to the Yamen. Ye Sanye went to find someone and didn’t know what was going on. Mrs. Ye was ill in bed. There was a room of people left. Ye Ru was fashionable and immature, and everyone else was. Weak female stream. But the Ye family's crisis is coming fiercely, but what should we do

"I'm going to Lizhengtang." Ye Rufeng said.

"Rufeng, what can you do now?" Zhuo Shi stopped.

"Mother, what can I do if I don't go? Li Zhengtang is a foundation laid down by our ancestors and cannot be destroyed by our hands. Now I am the only man in the house, and I want to go." He said, "I must go."

Zhuo Shi let go of his hand in a daze.

Jiang Li was quite appreciative. Although Ye Rufeng did not look very mature, he could recognize his responsibilities, but it was a rare quality. Never flinching at critical times, this is very similar to Xue Zhao.

Her eyes suddenly softened.

"I'll go with you." Jiang Li said, "Don't be afraid, I'll find a way."

"You..." Ye Rufeng was about to speak, and Ye Jiaer had already taken Jiang Li's hand: "I will go too."

At the moment, Li Zhengtang was in chaos outside.

The street was surrounded by water, and the shopkeepers of other shops around were leaning against the door to watch the show. In the past, Lizhengtang occupies the best land in Xiangyang, and the business is so good that it will inevitably make people jealous. If the peers are light, they are not peers, and there is much jealousy. Seeing Li Zhengtang unlucky right now, she sympathizes on the surface, but is overjoyed in her heart.

It's always shameful.

A Shun stopped at the door. Although he is not tall, he has been walking north and south with Ye Mingyu over the years, and he has been more or less fistful, and he has also given birth to some gangsters. The entrance of Lizhengtang was not broken right now, precisely because he commanded the guard to stop it. Even so, the cabinet next to the door was completely smashed, and the ground was all shredded fabrics, the crowd was excited, and new people were constantly coming in. Holding a wooden stick in his hand.

Two fists are hard to beat four hands, and if this continues, he will almost be unable to stop

Ashun complained constantly, if Ye Mingyu were better here, he would probably be able to bluff people. But Ye Mingyu disappeared at this moment. Even if he tried his best alone, he couldn't stop the crowd that kept coming.

In the crowd, there were households sent by big families, and ordinary people who did not seem to be wealthy, all yelling with an angry expression.

"The Ye family makes money and kills, and the ancient fragrant satin wears to death!"

"The profiteer Ye Family! Let the Ye Family be the master!"

"The Ye family can't die!"

It is the first time that the Ye family has been so infamous in Xiangyang that they have never cheated their guests. Ashun was dizzy when he heard it. Someone raised his sleeves and showed people around him to see the dense red rash on his arm. The surrounding people exclaimed, and the action of smashing the shop became wilder.

Ye Jiaer and her party had just arrived at Lizhengtang, and they saw this scene.

The Guan family and the Zhuo family did not come. The Guan family went to the Yamen to look for Ye Mingyu. The Zhuo family stayed in the house and waited for the news. Before Jiang Li left, he called out all the accompanying guards from Jiang's house.

Fortunately, Jiang Li called the guard. Because the group had just walked to Lizheng Hall, someone saw them and immediately said, "Miss Ye Family and Young Master Ye Family are here!"

"Hula" all of a sudden, the crowd ran towards this side with a fierce attack. When A Shun saw this, he secretly screamed, but when he saw Jiang Li's guards behind him, he suddenly pointed out his knives.

The guards of the Shoufu family seemed much more unsmiling than the guards of the Ye family, and it was okay to take them out to bluff, at least they seemed to be no worse than the yamen official who came to the Ye family to arrest people. People are bullying and fearing hardship, and seeing so many fierce guards, they subconsciously stop.

The heart is timid and dare not step forward.

Ashun and the shopkeeper were relieved. If the young master and the cousin from Beijing had an accident here today, they would be blamed for their actions.

The guards guarded Jiang Li and walked into the Lizheng Hall. The troubled people wanted to follow, but they were afraid of the long knives in the guards' hands, so they had to follow each other step by step.

After retreating to the entrance of Lizheng Hall, Jiang Li looked inside the door, and there was already a mess inside. The treasurer Qian held a veil to his forehead, bleeding and blood stains, probably because he was thrown by something. It seems that these troublemakers came suddenly with money, and the people who beat Li Zhengtang were caught off guard.

"Everyone..." Ye Rufeng said with courage: "Don't get excited, calm down. I'm the young master of the Ye family, sit down and talk about something, the Ye family will not evade responsibility..."

Before this was finished, an egg slammed on Ye Rufeng's head and was blocked by Jiang Li's guards, otherwise Ye Rufeng would be smashed.

"Why don't you evade responsibility? Your antique satin pierced people to death. You killed people, and you want to make money from the people of Xiangyang. What you make is black-hearted money, but what you take is life debt!"

Ye Rufeng's face flushed all of a sudden. Everyone in Xiangyang praised the Ye family when he talked about it. Naturally, his young boss was also highly respected. But now it looks like a rat crossing the street that everyone shouts and beats, and the contempt in the eyes of the people is really real. They attacked him.

Young boys have never experienced this kind of thing, some are at a loss, some are puzzled, and even more discouraged. No one wants to believe him. He is indifferent and self-aware, but it is too cold.

Ye Jiaer is older than Ye Rufeng. Although she feels sorry for her brother, she doesn’t care about comforting Ye Rufeng at this moment. I haven't checked it out clearly. The Ye family has been doing business in Xiangyang City for so many years, and the goodwill is obvious to all. We will not deceive you."

But these words were immediately overwhelmed by the noise, Jiang Li even saw someone bend over to pick up stones and smash them on Ye Jia'er.

Jiang Li quickly pulled Ye Jiaer and let her hide behind the guard.

"Who said that ancient fragrant satin can wear dead people?" The slightly cold, crisp female voice was not high, but it seemed to be very penetrating, and it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

Everyone looked forward.

I saw the cardamom girl who didn't know where was standing in front of the guards. The dress was in deep and shallow blue, very clean, beautiful and gentle, clear and lovely.

Perhaps the change of identity between "Shoufu Qianjin" and "Miss Merchant", even the smell will be slightly different. The common people dared to throw stones at Ye Jiaer, facing this gentle-looking girl, but they did not dare to speak bad words, as if they were jealous.

Maybe it was Jiang Li who had an unscrupulous "qi".

"Who are you? There is a problem with the antique satin. This is something that everyone knows? Look at us!" The man might be embarrassed by a little girl like Jiang Li. He rolled up his sleeves and showed Jiang Li. Dense red rash.

Maybe she thought Jiang Li would block her eyes in a loss, but Jiang Li just glanced at his bare arm with a flat expression, like looking at a tea cup, a bowl, and an oil lamp, without any fluctuations.

"Oh." She said lightly, and then drew a short dagger from her sleeve.

The crowd around was startled, and stepped back involuntarily. This little girl took the knife when she didn't agree with her. She wanted to kill, didn't she? Although they kept saying that the Ye family killed people, they knew in their hearts that the Ye family wouldn't kill people in broad daylight.

"Cousin—" Ye Jiaer eagerly wanted to dissuade.

But seeing Jiang Li put the dagger horizontally under his hand, with a "swipe and pull", he cut off a piece of cloth on his sleeve neatly.

She threw the fabric to the end of the man who rolled up his sleeves, and the man subconsciously caught it.

"You guys might as well take a look. I am also wearing antique satin. But I don't have such a rash on my body. If you don't believe it, you can come in with me to verify which sister-in-law." Jiang Li said.

Ye Jiaer and Ye Rufeng were in a daze. They didn't know that this piece of Jiang Li was wearing antique satin. Walking in such a hurry today, who would pay attention to what Jiang Li is wearing. However, when Jiang Li came to Xiangyang, the antique satin had an accident. Even Lizhengtang no longer sold the antique satin, and Jiang Li could not get one and a half horses. She must have bought it in Beijing.

Seeing the people's expressions eased, Jiang Li felt slightly relaxed.

This dress was discovered in the salute she brought to Xiangyang. Yesterday, Tong'er was looking for clothes for her, and she happened to say to Jiang Li when she saw her. Jiang Li's heart moved and she didn't expect to use it so soon.

Antique satin is very valuable, and the people who can afford it are at least not poor, but it is not a small sum. Most of them were bought to give gifts, and the gifts they gave went wrong, and they spent such a large sum of money. Naturally, these people would not let it go.

Nothing is more convincing than wearing it in person. Jiang Li once heard Xue Huaiyuan say: You will never know the pain if you don’t cut a knife on yourself. It’s not easy to empathize with the people, but if you want the people to believe You know how they feel, and many things can be solved.

No one came to examine Jiang Li's arm. Perhaps it was because Jiang Li's expression was so magnanimous that one had to believe that the arm under the sleeve was as white as her face.

There were also people who did not believe what Jiang Li said. They picked up the split sleeve and took a closer look. Finally, they had to nod their heads: "It's really antique satin."

Jiang Li smiled: "Look, if there is a problem with antique satin, I would never wear it on myself and seek my own death, right?"

"What's impossible?" Someone in the crowd murmured, "In case you are a childcare provider from the Ye family, you can do a play for the Ye family for the sake of silver, what a fortune telling."

Before Jiang Li had time to speak, Tong'er beside her was furious: "Nonsense! Our lady's life is worth more than money!" However, her mouth was tight, but she did not say Jiang Li's identity.

People in Xiangyang have never seen Jiangli, and don't know who Jiangli is. Hearing that Ye Jiaer called Jiang Li's cousin, thinking that Jiang Li was a distant relative of the Ye family, she came to join the Ye family.

Jiang Li said, "I really can't make it as a childcare for the Ye family. My life may not be more valuable than this Lizhengtang."

"Who are you?" someone asked mockingly: "Are you a princess?"

Speaking of the word "princess", Jiang Li's face was slightly calm. Soon, she raised the corner of her mouth, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was a little bit ridiculous.

"I am not a princess, I am Yanjing's first assistant, Jiang Yuanfu's direct daughter, Jiang Er." She said.

The ridicule in the crowd gradually disappeared.

Jiang Li's smile was also completely cold.

In the small tea building opposite Lizhengtang, there was a beautiful young man in red who was drinking tea and watching a play.

Lu Ji, a green shirt scribe, stood opposite, looking at Li Zhengtang at the moment, frowning slightly: "I didn't expect Miss Jiang Er to stand up for the Ye family."

Ji Heng supported his chin with one hand, and gently shook the folding fan with the other, making the folding fan into a narrow strip. As he swayed carelessly, tiny golden threads could be vaguely seen.

"Tong Zhiyang's plan will not come true," he said.