Marriage of the Di Daughter

Chapter 109: Silly


The meeting with Mrs. Ye went smoother than Jiang Li had imagined. Although it was a conscious use of the Ye family's trouble to get closer to the Ye family, Jiang Li thought in her heart that even without this incident, there was no barrier between Mrs. Ye Lao and Ms. Jiang Er. As long as Miss Jiang Er turns around, Mrs. Ye will always be her backing.

But after all, it was a matter of mind.

The next thing to do is to wait for the results from Tang Fan with ease. It's just that everyone didn't expect that the result would be so unexpected.

Three days later, Tang Fan went to Ye's house and said, "I have found someone who brought Baoluo flowers to Xiangyang."

Ye Minghui asked: "Who is it?"

Tang Fan shook his head: "In the past few days, I have sent people to investigate the case together with the prefect of Tong. I followed the vines and found the Dafeng Medicine Shop in Xiangyang City. The shopkeeper of this medicine shop sends people to collect some rare medicinal materials every six months. He has one of his men. Smart buddy, came back from the Western Regions two months ago. Some people say that he brought back a lot of medicinal materials. According to others, there seems to be traces of Tuo Luo flowers."

"Dafeng Medicine Shop?" Ye Mingxuan groaned for a moment. "The people in Xiangyang are all grabbing medicine at Dafeng Medicine Shop, but we have nothing to do with the Ye family."

"We wanted to arrest people as soon as possible. Who knew that early this morning, a family of seven shopkeepers in Dafeng Medicine Store, along with the guy who had returned from the Western Regions, were all killed."

"Quiet?" Ye Jiaer exclaimed.

"Yes, it shouldn't be a vendetta, I think," Tang Fan looked at Jiang Li, "it is very likely that the person behind knows that we are investigating and abandoning the car to protect the handsome."

"You mean, there are people behind?" Ye Mingyu asked.

"If it's just the idea of the people in the Dafeng Drugstore, you don't need to kill the door. Now it seems that these people who know are all dead, but someone else is pointing behind them." Tang Fan replied. He was not quite sure at first, when he saw that the suspected Dafeng Medicine Shop was destroyed overnight, he was almost certain that the Ye Family Ancient Fragrant Satin was indeed calculated by someone behind the scenes. However, the method is so brutal, without fear of the consequences, it can be seen that the opponent's power is not small.

It's just that since I was already on the side of Jiang's family, it was too late to go back, so I had to bite the bullet and do it.

"Master Tang's suspicion of Dafeng Pharmacy should have not been leaked out." Jiang Li smiled slightly, "In such a short time, the people at Dafeng Pharmacy were killed. Will anyone know in advance? News, this is the only way to kill the big seal medicine. In this way, there is an insider..."

"Never possible!" Tang Fan promised anxiously, "We were sent to Xiangyang by the weaving room order to investigate this matter thoroughly. It has nothing to do with Dafeng Medicine Shop and will never leak the wind." He was afraid of Jiang Li. It was suspected that their people vented the news to the other party, so that the ID card of Dafeng Drugstore was wiped out.

"Master Tang needn't be anxious. Since I've handed all this matter to Master Tang, I naturally believe Master Tang will give us an explanation. It's just a surprise to see this fact. Just staring at the Dafeng Medicine Shop, Dafeng Medicine Shop is alive and well, isn't it? Don’t you think it’s a coincidence? The prefect Tong has a lot of people. Could it be that someone from the prefect Tong accidentally leaked the news, giving someone a chance to take advantage of it?" Jiang Li smiled.

Tang Fan's gaze changed slightly when he looked at Jiang Li, and he sighed inwardly. Tong Zhiyang completely offended the second lady of the Jiang family. The meaning in Jiang Li's words was that he suspected that Tong Zhiyang was in the same group as the person who framed the Ye family. After receiving the news, he told the other party that the other party sent someone to destroy the crowd in the Dafeng Medicine Shop. Although it is possible, Jiang Li brought it up at this time, but clearly and plainly suppressed Tong Zhiyang. When Jiang Li returned to the city of Yanjing, he told Jiang Yuanbai about the incident. Jiang Yuanbai could find any reason, and Tong Zhiyang could be stared at and checked carefully, and he could always find out some clues.

Miss Jiang Er is not easy to provoke, don't offend. Tang Fan had this recognition in his heart, and when he spoke to Jiang Li, he was even more polite, saying: "We found a little bit of Tuoluo pollen scattered in the yard behind the guy's house in Dafeng Medicine Shop, although Dafeng Medicine Shop He was killed by someone, but it can be concluded that this was the work of a buddy. Only after collecting enough evidence, the Ye family can be restored to their innocence."

"But I didn't find the person behind it?" Ye Minghui said solemnly, "This time it didn't work. What will happen next time those people calculate us? Now it's hard to find a clue, and the big seal medicine shop was wiped out. This is the common people. How to believe the Ye family’s rhetoric, maybe I think that Ye family colluded with the official family, the official businessmen, and the excuse that Ye family’s reputation has been ruined. Let alone other things, I’m afraid I won’t be able to do business in the ancient fragrance satin in the future. Now, what should this be?"

Ye Minghui's distress, but it is not completely unreasonable. Tang Fan said: "Our weaving room will find a way to tell the people the truth..." He also felt that what he said was reluctant. Even if the people from the Weaving Room Ling said that the Ye Family's ancient fragrance satin business could not be done in the future, the Ye Family's main business was the ancient fragrance satin. This time, the Ye family's vitality was seriously injured.

"Uncle Minghui," Jiang Li said, "The investigation of the case is not what weaver order should do. If you want to know the clues of the people behind the scenes, you have to rely on the prefect. The prefect of Tong came to investigate. If the prefect of Tong can’t find out, continue to report, one level at a time. If even Yanjing Jingzhaoyin can’t find out, think of a way, I can let my father enter the palace. , There will always be a way out."

She was an understatement. Tang Fan was frightened while listening, thinking that Tong Zhiyang, the prefect, seemed to have come to an end, but fortunately he was on the Jiang family's side from the beginning. Otherwise, with Ms. Jiang Er's temperament, she will clean up afterwards, and she doesn't know how much she will get.

Thinking in his heart, Tang Fan didn't dare to neglect, and then explained the next thing to Jiang Li in detail before leaving.

After Tang Fan left, Ye Rufeng couldn't help but speak: "The people in Dafeng Drugstore have no grievances against us, so how can we be used as spears to stumble our Ye family."

"People die for money and birds die for food," Ye Mingxuan taught his son, "Since you are willing to be a gun, you are either favored by others or threatened by others. If the people who weave the room did not take action this time, the Ye family would be dead. One. To live a good life on the blood of others, you will always pay a price, you see, a good drugstore, now there is nothing."

Ye Mingxuan was very embarrassed because everyone was dead.

"But at least it reminded us, didn't it?" Jiang Li smiled.

"But the business of antique satin is broken," Guan sighed. "Mother will know about this sooner or later. Ye family's family business was beaten down by father and mother, especially antique satin, which is now destroyed. In our hands..." She couldn't say anything.

Mrs. Ye is not in good health and can't stay outside for a long time. She has to stay in bed and stay in bed. Apart from meeting Jiang Li and laughing, she doesn't bother Mrs. Ye with these trivial things on weekdays. But whether Mrs. Ye, who pays equal attention to her, would hear these things from her servants, she couldn't tell.

Thinking of the difficulties of the Ye Family's future, everyone was worried. When he was leaving, Jiang Li pulled the corner of Ye Mingyu's clothes, Ye Mingyu saw it, and understood, and walked to the room to talk with Jiang Li.

"Uncle Ming Yu, how are Suqin and Tong Yu now?" Jiang Li asked. Suqin and Tong Yu are Tong Zhiyang's outer chamber and son.

"Don't worry, I'll be well placed. Tong Zhiyang is like a mad dog these days, sending people everywhere to check the news of the two mothers and children. If it weren't for the fear of He, I think he can call everyone in their yamen out to find someone. !"

Jiang Li said: "Nothing, let someone give Tong Zhiyang a letter today."

"What letter?" Ye Mingyu said suspiciously, "I'm worrying about how the two mothers and sons should be resolved. Now that the matter of antique satin is settled, the two mothers and sons are useless in my hands. I still want to tell them directly. He, let He clean up Tong Zhiyang."

"In the end, I must tell He's family," Jiang Li smiled, "but before that, we have to let Tong Zhiyang spit out, who is behind the scenes to harm the Ye family."

"He knows?" Ye Mingyu was shocked.

"I think as a prefect, I don't know the identity of the other party yet, but he can always tell a little clue. With this clue, when I return to Yanjing City, I am not afraid that no one can be found." She saw Xiang Ye Mingyu, "Uncle Mingyu will use Tong Yu's personal fabric to threaten Tong Zhiyang. Even for this only incense, Tong Zhiyang will know everything."

Ye Mingyu said: "I'm going now!"

"Be careful." Jiang Li said, "Don't get caught by anyone."

Ye Mingyu smiled: "Don't worry!"

Tong Zhiyang's life is not going well these days.

First of all, he was sure about Ye Family's tenacity. Suddenly, Jiang Li, who disturbed the whole situation, appeared and watched Ye Family escape his birth. Later, another Tang Fan came, under the name of Yanjing City Weaving Office Order, pressed him in Xiangyang City, leaving him without authority.

The most important thing is that his favorite Wai Shi Suqin and his son Tong Yu have disappeared and haven't been found yet.

Whenever he thinks of this, Tong Zhiyang is heartbroken. Suqin is fine. Although she is beautiful and considerate, she is a woman after all. Tong Yu is different. He is just such a son. It seems that the He family can't give birth to a son. If Tong Yu is gone, their Tong family's incense will be cut off from him. Why not be in a hurry

What Tong Zhiyang suspects most is that He knew of the existence of the two mothers and children, and that He took the two mothers and children away. But think about it carefully. With He's temperament, if he knew about the existence of Suqin and Tong Yu, he would never pretend to be deaf and mute, secretly plot something, the most likely is to hit the door. And even if it was He's doing it, Tong Zhiyang didn't have the guts to question He's.

Zhi Shi Ling moved too fast, but fortunately, he immediately told Tang Fan who was suspicious of Dafeng Medicine Shop, so that something went wrong at Dafeng Medicine Shop. Although he could not complete his brother-in-law’s plan, he did not stab him. What kind of basket come out.

Just as he was thinking, his little boy suddenly hurried over from outside and shouted, "Master!"

Tong Zhiyang turned his head impatiently: "What are you doing so surprised!"

The young man closed the door, panting, "Master... Master..."

"Master has news?" Upon hearing about Tong Yu, Tong Zhiyang immediately stood up excitedly.

The young man sent a letter in his hand to Tong Zhiyang, together with a long life lock, and said: "This was found in the concierge. I don't know how long it has been. The young man saw that it was the button of the young master. Guess it and the young master. It's related." He handed the letter to Tong Zhiyang with Yinsuo.

Tong Zhiyang looked at the silver lock, and his excitement was suddenly evident, saying: "It's Yu'er!"

Tong Zhiyang loves Tong Yu, and when Tong Yu was born, he specially put a long life lock on him. The piece in his hand right now is indeed Tong Yu's piece. He couldn't wait to open the letter, and his face became uglier as he looked at it.

The young fellow didn't know what had happened, but after reading it, Tong Zhiyang slammed the letter to the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "This is justified!"

"Master, what's the matter?" The young man asked.

"Someone tied Yu'er and Suqin," Tong Zhiyang took a deep breath, "This letter is here to threaten me!"

"Do they want money?" Xiao Si asked. Whenever there is a threat, there must be a conspiracy.

"If only you want silver!" Tong Zhiyang was very annoyed. The letter said clearly, Tong Yu and Suqin are in each other's hands, and the other party is not asking for talent. Just let him explain the ins and outs of the Ye Family's troubles that he knew clearly. If the other party is satisfied, he will naturally let him go. If the other party is not satisfied, he will wait until Tong Zhiyang says they are satisfied.

This is to make Tong Zhiyang betray his brother-in-law!

Tong Zhiyang was unwilling, but looking at Tong Yu's longevity lock, he was very unwilling. If it were not for Tong Yu, no matter how big he was, no matter how rich his family was, there would be no successors. Do you want to watch your only incense so much

Thinking about it, Tong Zhiyang gritted his teeth and made up his mind. People are selfish. Besides, he has done his best to do his brother-in-law's affairs. To blame, the second lady of the Jiang family suddenly appeared and turned things around, but he couldn't make fun of his own flesh and blood for others.

"Bring paper and pen!" Tong Zhiyang said.

Xiao Si hurriedly ran to get things, Tong Zhiyang looked at the letter on the ground, and gritted his teeth again.

After the other party asked him to write the letter, he was sent to He's backyard. Tong Zhiyang wanted to send someone to stare at the letter and follow the vine to find out who the other party was. But when it was sent to He’s family, He’s family was He’s natal family. No matter how bold he was, he would not dare to do anything under He’s eyelids. He was even more afraid that the He family would discover the existence of Suqin’s mother and son because of him.

The other party is really exhausted, dripping water is not leaking, people bite their teeth with hatred...

Jiang Li stood at the door of Ye Mansion.

She was waiting for news of Ye Mingyu's return. Ye Mingyu went to get a reply from Tong Zhiyang. Although Jiang Li probably guessed the result, he still needs Tong Zhiyang's letter to verify something.

The sun was lazily spilt down, and the winter was approaching. The winter in Xiangyang City was warm and warm. Unlike Yanjing in the north, it was not very cold when it snowed, but it looked like a snow-white pear flower floating in the wind.

The door of the neighboring house opened, Jiang Li glanced towards the other side, and saw Ji Heng and the guard named Wenji walking out of it.

The two of them also saw Jiang Li, and Ji Heng looked at Jiang Li with a smile, and walked towards this end unhurriedly.

There are not many pedestrians at the entrance of Ye's house. Those who live here are high-ranking officials, but Ji Heng's appearance is so grand that it immediately attracted everyone's attention. Jiang Li even saw a young girl leaning at the door of the house in the distance, looking at Ji Heng frequently.

They didn't know the identity of Ji Heng, even so, Ji Heng could be the most eye-catching one here.

"Duke Guo." Jiang Li saluted with Ji Heng.

"It's rare to see Miss Jiang Er come out to bask in the sun." Ji Heng smiled, holding the folding fan, and said to her.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the folding fan is no longer necessary. If someone else holds it, I am afraid that it will be said to be arty, but if it is held by him, it feels very suitable. It seemed that the golden silk folding fan was born to be held in the palm of a beautiful person like him. Of course, Jiang Li was also very clear in his heart. When he saw the peony on the gold wire folding fan block the tip of the knife, Jiang Li knew that this folding fan was not just a folding fan, it was also the most dangerous weapon. The way is hidden.

Just like its owner.

Jiang Li smiled and said, "Guo Duke is also very interested."

It seemed to others that they would only think that the two of them looked very familiar, like old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time. But Jiang Li wouldn't really think that Ji Heng regarded herself as a friend. Under his gentle smile, the coldest heart was hidden. As for what he was going to do, Jiang Li didn't understand and didn't want to understand.

"What is the second lady waiting for," Ji Heng said: "Waiting for Tong Zhiyang's whistleblower?"

Jiang Li raised his eyes to look at him, and sure enough, it was the movement on his side, even if it was only a tiny bit, it couldn't hide from Ji Heng's eyes.

She generously agreed: "Nothing can be hidden from your eyes."

"Xiangyang City is so small after all." Ji Heng was humble, "There are no secrets that can be kept."

"That's true."

Wen Ji stood on one side, and she couldn't hide her amazement when she saw two people, one large and one small, talking like no one. Ji Heng looked gentle and affectionate, but in fact he was not a good-natured person, and treated strangers especially arrogantly and coldly. Few people can talk so much with one person. Miss Jiang Er left Qingcheng Mountain for less than half a year. In the six months, in addition to causing an uproar in Yanjing City, she also established a lot of contact with Ji Heng.

Wen Ji could not see what her master was thinking, saying that Jiang Li would become a sacrificed pawn sooner or later. Ji Heng did not move her from beginning to end, saying that Ji Heng planned to support Jiang Li, but aimed at the conspiracy and danger that Jiang Li had caused. , Ji Heng has never helped.

I just watched the play happily on one side, and didn't intend to help or get into trouble.

And Miss Jiang Er is also a wonderful person. Facing the moody Su Guo Gong, she has never had a trace of fear. Not to mention that she is a little girl, even if she is older, she will not talk with Ji Heng in such a calm and calm manner.

"The second lady seems to have guessed who it is." Ji Heng gave her a smile and said.

"I guess it's the Li family." Jiang Li said directly.

I probably didn't expect Jiang Li to speak out suddenly, without even covering it up, Ji Heng was slightly surprised, did not speak, the next moment, I heard Jiang Li say: "The Lord Guo knew about it, right?"

Throwing this question at him again.

She was not afraid of him at all.

Ji Heng said: "Why ask me?"

"Because Xiangyang is too small, no secrets can't be kept from the eyes of Lord Guo." Jiang Li replied of course. She smiled and looked crooked. She looked like she was innocent, simple and cute, but she was a good word.

Ji Heng also laughed and asked: "Want to know?"

Jiang Li just looked at him and smiled, Ji Heng shook the fan and said, "Don't say it."

It is said that it cannot be said, but it means it is. Jiang Li nodded. In fact, until now, she still couldn't see which side Ji Heng was on. Not to mention the relationship between him and Emperor Cheng Wang Hongxiao, that is, he and Youxiang's family are also confusing. Seeing that he met Li Jing, the eldest son of the Li family, but it was a matter of the Li family. Seeing the failure of the Li family's plan, they did not lend a helping hand. If it is an ally, it is really an annoying ally.

As he was talking, a maroon horse ran from far and near, and the horse did not pull the reins, but just gave a whistle, and the horse stopped in front of the door.

Ye Mingyu is back.

Ye Mingyu stood up and got off the horse, and saw Jiang Li standing next to a beautiful, utterly disgusting man. The man was dressed in a red suit, too beautiful, yet he was not feminine at all. Although he was smiling, he felt that his long and narrow phoenix eyes had no meaning to smile. The days of licking blood on the tip of the knife have passed a lot. Ye Mingyu instinctively perceives the danger, and subconsciously wants to pull Jiang Li behind him and stay away from the man.

"Uncle Ming Yu." Jiang Li called.

"Ali, this is..." Ye Mingyu looked at Ji Heng. He didn't remember when such a character came to Xiangyang City.

Jiang Li hesitated for a moment, and said: "It's a young man who lives in a neighboring house. He has had some fate."

Didn't tell the identity of Ji Heng after all.

Ji Heng smiled and said to Jiang Li: "The secret is back, the second lady will go back soon." It was quite meaningful.

Because Ye Mingyu was here, it was not convenient for Jiang Li to say more, so he nodded to Ji Heng and followed Ye Mingyu into Ye's house.

After seeing the two of them leave, Wen Ji asked, "My lord, you need me..."

Ji Heng blocked the fan and said, "No." He glanced at the closed door of Ye's house and smiled, "You don't need to look at it to know what she is going to do. Xiangyang will be upset."

Ye Mingyu and Jiang Li returned to Jiang Li's yard.

Tong'er and Bai Xue hurriedly made tea for Ye Mingyu. Seeing that there was no one else here, Ye Mingyu couldn't wait to ask: "A Li, who is the man just now? Although you didn't say clearly, I don't think I'm the thing in the pool, you also seem to have the appearance of old friendship. ."

Seeing that Jiang Li couldn't conceal from him, he said, "He is Ji Heng, Lord Su Guo."

"Duke Su?" Ye Mingyu took a deep breath. He had heard the name of Duke Su, but Duke Su was too far away for the people of Xiangyang, like a legend. When you see the legend with your own eyes, you will always feel unreal.

"Why is Su Guo Gong here?" Ye Mingyu said.

Jiang Li shook his head and said, "I don't know. I saw him when he went to the palace banquet with his father. He said several times because of his father's relationship. It was a fate. This time I saw him in Xiangyang by accident. It was really unexpected. , I just said a few more words. However," After a pause, Jiang Li continued: "Uncle Ming Yu, please don't tell anyone about this matter, because Su Guo Gong has a special status. I don't know why he came to Xiangyang to avoid trouble. , It’s better not to speak out."

"I know." Ye Mingyu patted his chest. Although he didn't understand the affairs of officialdom, he also knew that these high-ranking officials and nobles had a lot of activities in private.

He took out a letter from his arms and said: "This is a reply found in He's Mansion." He turned his head and praised Jiang Li: "You are really good, knowing that Tong Zhiyang fears his wife like a tiger. Tong Zhiyang really did not dare to let people follow. The letter was easy to take, but he didn't know if what Tong Zhiyang wrote was true or false."

Jiang Li opened the letter and said, "Really, Tong Zhiyang will not risk his son's life."

She unfolded the letter, read it carefully, and after a while, handed it to Ye Mingyu, motioning Ye Mingyu to look at it.

Ye Mingyu picked it up and looked at it, Jiang Li was lost in thought.

Tong Zhiyang should be very close to Tong Yu's life, this letter conveyed a lot of news. Tong Zhiyang himself didn't know exactly who was responsible for the Ye Family Guxiang Satin. It's just that his brother-in-law of Zhong Guanling wrote to instruct that Tong Zhiyang must make the Ye Family suffer in the matter of the Ye Family's ancient fragrant satin. When the Ye family is desperate, Tong Zhiyang will give the Ye family a way to survive, and the Ye family will have to pay a certain price, but Tong Zhiyang is the only life-saving straw for the Ye family.

From this point of view, it seemed that someone used the antique satin to force the Ye Family to desperate, make a deal with the other party, and become the other party's knife. But Tong Zhiyang didn't know who the other party was. Although the matter was said by his brother-in-law, his brother-in-law is only a messenger. Because his brother-in-law once promised that if this matter can be done, Tong Zhiyang's official career will inevitably rise to the next level.

And that Zhong Guanling also vaguely revealed a meaning. There is a huge power behind this whole thing, involving a very powerful nobleman in Yanjing City, and they are all doing things for this nobleman.

It was a foolproof thing, but Jiang Li suddenly appeared, and when Jiang Li first arrived in Xiangyang and knew about the ancient fragrant satin, he wrote back to Yanjing to let the people from the office to come, disrupting Tong Zhiyang’s entire plan. . He had to write to Zhong Guanling's brother-in-law, but the people who weaving the room order came too quickly, and before they responded with instructions on how to go next, things were no longer under Tong Zhiyang's control. Instead of being forced into a desperate situation, the Ye Family came back to life.

This is all the facts that Tong Zhiyang knows, no matter how much he knows, he doesn't know. Jiang Li believed that Tong Zhiyang didn't say all of it, but concealed part of it. For example, the destruction of the Dafeng Medicine Shop, but these are not the most important ones. The important thing is that in the part that Tong Zhiyang said, the powerful and powerful person, if she guessed correctly, should be the rightist Li Zhongnan’s family. No doubt.

From the beginning of Li Lian's sighting on Ye Shijie, to the later talks between Li Jing and Ji Heng, and to the conspiracy against the Ye family now, the whole thing is confusing, and it seems that there is no side to it.

"Ali," Ye Mingyu said after reading the letter, "I know all the words on this letter. How can I connect them together so I don't understand what it means?"

"Uncle Ming Yu, to put it simply, there is a nobleman in Yanjing City, who took a fancy to Ye family fortune, and Ye's cousin's career, deliberately did a scene inviting you to enter the urn. But well," she smiled: " Singing silly."

------Off-topic ------

Today, 520 Oh, to show everyone your heart, what is it!