Marriage of the Di Daughter

Chapter 118: Dongshan


"Who is there?"

In the empty cave, the torch in Ye Mingyu's hand was reflected on the stone wall, stretched and swayed into two flat shadows, and the voice of his speech echoed, which looked very strange.

He shielded Jiang Li by his side, cautiously walked forward two steps, took the torch in Gao's hand, and suddenly his eyes condensed.

I saw two people sitting next to the stone wall. At first glance, I didn't see that these were two people, because they were really embarrassed. His clothes were tattered, his body was dirty and smelly, his body and hands were covered with blood stains, and the prisoners were about the same.

Seeing Jiang Li and Ye Mingyu, neither of them moved, as if they were dead. Only when one pair of eyes moved slightly did they know that they were two big living people.

Ye Mingyu was still in a daze. Jiang Li had already grabbed the torch in his hand and walked to squat down in front of the two of them. She was not afraid at all and looked at the two of them calmly. A heart is sinking like a lead.

Although he knew that Feng Yutang would do his best to torture Xue Huaiyuan's former subordinates, after seeing the scene before him, Jiang Li still found that he underestimated Feng Yutang's brutality.

The two of them were clearly dying, dying. Maybe the guards outside didn't know it, or maybe they knew, just watching them coldly, hoping that these people would starve to death inside. If Jiang Li did not come today, these two should not survive tonight.

Seeing Jiang Li squatting in front of them, the two of them moved their eyeballs slightly, but they were still dead and motionless.

Jiang Li looked at their faces carefully, and finally recognized that they were Gu Da and Gu Er who had been with his father before. Gu Da and Gu Er are twin brothers. After the death of their parents, Xue Huaiyuan saw that the two of them had done a good job, so he let them go as official posts. In her memory, Gu Da and Gu Er always walked around vigorously. Their beautiful swordsmanship once made Xue Zhao very greedy, and they entangled Gu Da and Gu Er to teach Xue Zhao the sword.

But I didn't expect to be so embarrassed now.

Jiang Li whispered: "Gu Da, Gu Er, I am Jiang Li, I will pick you up."

Gu Da's eyeballs turned slightly, as if only then did he recognize where Jiang Li was standing. He moved his lips, but Jiang Li didn't hear his voice and didn't know what he was talking about.

"He screamed hoarse. He hadn't drunk water for two days and couldn't speak." A hoarse voice suddenly came from behind him. Although hoarse, he could be heard clearly.

Jiang Li looked back, and saw that there were two people standing behind the stone wall at some unknown time. One person was slightly better, looking at the spirit of Big Brother Gu, his eyes were very energetic, and he looked at Jiang Li warily. The other was weak in stature. I don't know if it was because of Feng Yutang's torment, but he was thin as if he was about to be broken by a gust of wind.

It was the stronger man who was talking.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ye Mingyu couldn't believe that these were soldiers from the past. This is even more miserable than the exiled officials who have committed serious crimes, and the refugees have never been so pitiful. It seems that everything is supported with one breath, and these people can fall immediately with one breath.

Jiang Li looked at the person who was talking, and her eyes were almost moist. After a pause, she said, "You are Peng Xiao."

The man, Peng Xiao, looked at Jiang Li and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm here to take you out of here." Jiang Li said, "I want to reverse the case for Xue Xiancheng."

As soon as he said this, Peng Xiao and the people around him, as well as the dying Gu Da and Gu Er, flashed a ray of light in their eyes.

Looking at Peng Xiao, Jiang Li didn't know what kind of sorrow and sorrow was in her heart.

In the cave right now, the four people who appeared were all her past acquaintances, comparable to relatives. Gu Da and Gu Erchang and Xue Zhao discussed the sword. Peng Xiao was the leader of his father’s officers and soldiers. Jiang Li still remembered that although he was the head of officials, he was very kind to others. When he smiled, he showed his white teeth, like winter sunlight. warm. She and Xue Zhao both regarded him as their eldest brother. That thin man who was about to be blown down by the wind was called He Jun. It is the only one who knows how to read among all official posts. He often consults Xue Fangfei for questions and is a very good person to learn. Xue Zhao also once joked that He Jun didn’t want to be an official, and he had a heart to be a champion. It would be better to have a good relationship with Shen Yurong. One day Shen Yurong High School could promote He Jun and let He Jun be a school book. .

One person won the Dao ascended to heaven, but these words failed to be fulfilled in their Xue family. Shen Yurong has attained the Tao, but stepped on the Xue family's blood to climb up. But He Jun, a studious, was trapped in this mine, only skinny and skinny.

"Who are you, why do you want to reverse the case for adults?" He Jun asked.

At this time, he was also clear-headed and could still ask Jiang Li.

"My name is Jiang Li." Jiang Li surprised Ye Mingyu calmly. She said: "I am the daughter of the first assistant Jiang Yuanbai. This time I go to Tongxiang and I am entrusted by Xue Fangfei, the daughter of Xue County, to help the Xue family. Reverse the case."

"Jiang Yuanbai?" All of them were at a loss for a moment. For them, Yanjing was too far away, and the first assistant in the city of Yanjing was an existence that they had never seen before. Peng Xiao stared at him and said, "Miss Xue is dead."

Jiang Li sighed in his heart, even Peng Xiao and the others knew about this, and it seemed that Xue Huaiyuan knew better. As I thought about it, in order to torture Xue Huaiyuan, Yongning would of course keep telling Xue Huaiyuan of the bad news one by one, so that Xue Huaiyuan would not be better than death, and slowly collapsed.

"Miss Xue is dead, but she didn't die easily." Jiang Li said: "I had a bad relationship with Xue Fangfei. This time, I am here to clear the wrongs for the entire Xue family."

Not only Peng Xiao and them, but Ye Mingyu was also dumbfounded. He never knew that Jiang Li was still related to Xue Fangfei, the son of Lao Shi. In this way, not only Xue Huaiyuan alone was involved in the Xue family’s accident, but the children of the Xue family were also affected. This meant that the family was destroyed. What was it? Such a deep hatred will be so? Ye Mingyu realized that this matter was not simple.

"How are you going to reverse the case for the Xue family? Why should we believe what you said?" He Jun asked.

Jiang Li stood up and looked into He Jun’s eyes: “I intend to use you as personal evidence and the loopholes in the file as physical evidence to gather the people of Tongxiang, collect evidence of Feng Yutang’s crimes, go to Beijing to reverse the case, and sue the world. Dali Temple is not clear about it. Enter the palace to report the imperial court. Feng Yutang was not behind the scenes. There is another person behind him. This other person is enough for the emperor to take it seriously.

"As for how you believe what I said, now Feng Yutang has control of the whole Tongxiang, and the people even dare not talk about the Xue family. The Xue family is like this, so are you. In fact, no one has come forward except me. Rehabilitate the Xue family. I don’t have to deceive you. You have nothing but one life, and now only half of it is left. If I want your lives, I don’t have to be so troublesome. I can get it easily."

Peng Xiao and the others were silent.

Jiang Li was right. The four of them were weak now, sick and disabled, and even the tall man behind Jiang Li might have taken them all alone. If Jiang Li really wants to deal with them, he will make up some lie if he can't commit it.

"Now, I only ask you, would you like to go out with me and Zhaoxue for your Master Xue?" Jiang Li asked.

Her eyes were firm and fearless, but inexplicably she made people follow her firm.

Peng Xiao first raised his head and looked at her, watching her say every word: "I will go out with you."

"I'll go too!" He Jundao: "We have all stayed in this mine for so long. Fifteen brothers and fifteen brothers were tortured to death until only five of us are left! Why don't we want to die? Is it because we are afraid of death? No! We just look forward to going out one day to reverse the case for adults. People such good adults are framed by others. This is a joke in the world! Now since this lady, you are willing to give Xue The family reverses the case, our five brothers are willing to follow!"

In the corner, Gu Da and Gu Er stood up with each other's arms. They were probably too weak to speak. Their voices were so dumb that Jiang Li could not hear them, but they could see the movements of their lips, saying "Yes."

"But it's not right." Ye Mingyu smacked his lips: "This is at most four people. Don't you five survived? Where is the other one?"

Peng Xiao glanced at Jiang Liye and Ye Mingyu, turned and walked forward, and said, "Come with me."

Passing around a cave, leaning against the stone wall, there was a person lying on the ground. At first glance, I thought that this person was dead, and until I approached and squatted down, I saw that this person was breathing slightly, but he was fragile and fragile. It is like a candle that is burning with sparks, and it can be extinguished immediately with a single breath.

Xiao Hei? Jiang Li could see the man's face clearly.

"Heizi has been ill for more than ten and a half months. We guess he won't live for a few days." He Jun said bitterly: "Feng Yutang's people won't hire us doctors. Our other ten brothers were all tortured to death like this. Yes." He said, shaking the clothes behind Xiao Hei.

On that back, the clothes and skin and flesh have become one piece, and the flesh and blood looks like a foul smell. It is hard to imagine that this is the flesh of a living person. Not a single whip is embedded in the skin and flesh, and there is not a complete piece of good skin.

"They used the whips to beat us with barbs on them." He Jun looked at Xiao Hei and said: "Xiao Hei is young, but he has reached the end of his life, and he is about to die right now."

Jiang Li knew Xiao Hei, the youngest of his father's hands. He was about the same age as Xue Zhao, but gave birth to an immature baby face, looking at someone like a naughty boy. Every time I saw Xiao Hei, it was like seeing Xue Zhao. Xiao Hei was lying motionless here, causing Jiang Li to feel cramps in her heart.

There are too many people around her that have been lost one by one.

"We will take them out immediately and find a doctor for him, he can't die." Without further ado, Jiang Li made a decisive decision and said to Ye Mingyu: "Uncle Mingyu, you help carry Xiao Hei, I will support Brother Gu, we Get out of here as soon as possible. When the people outside come, we will send them to the secret room to find a doctor, Xiao Hei will be too late."

"But how do we get out?" He Jun couldn't help asking: "Although we have been in the mine for a few months, the roads in the mine are all connected. We live in the mine and we have never walked outside the mine. "

"Don't worry," Jiang Li said, "I know how to go."

"How do you know how to go" before the sentence came out, Jiang Li had already helped Ye Mingyu carry Xiao Hei. He Jun had to swallow all the doubts, and followed Jiang Li forward.

A group of people walked out of the mine tunnel.

Jiang Li supported Gu Da and Gu Er. Although she was wearing the clothes of a man's servant, she had a delicate and delicate face, and her skin was as white as jade. She looked like a young lady raised by a big family. Peng Xiao didn’t forget what Jiang Li had just said in her own report. She is the daughter of the current chief assistant. Such a high-ranking daughter, supporting these dirty people like them, can be regarded as ant-like in her eyes. Human, but his eyes are very gentle, without a trace of disgust.

Peng Xiao was in a daze. The girl pursed his lips, her gentle and firm appearance reminded him of the adult's daughter, Miss Xue. Miss Xue is also the pride of their Tongxiang, in their hearts like moonlight, no one can be insulted. Ms. Xue has a charming face, and she is extremely smart, but she has no pretensions at all. They grew up watching and watching. Later, when it was learned that Miss Xue had an accident, it was still on such an unbearable crime, all of them couldn't believe it.

The adults didn't believe it either, but they didn't wait for the truth, but waited for the adults to go to jail, and they became prisoners.

Fortunately... Peng Xiao looked at Jiang Li. Jiang Li supported Gu Da and Gu Er, and while taking care of the footsteps of the two, he walked forward firmly. In the dark mine tunnel, she couldn't see her fingers, but she seemed to know which direction had light. As long as she kept walking, she could find an exit.

Fortunately... As long as you keep going, you will see hope. Peng Xiao thought like this in his heart, as if infinite strength was suddenly injected, and he lifted his spirits, and then walked forward.

When they reached the exit, it actually took less than half of the incense, but Jiang Li and Ye Mingyu agreed that this time was extremely long.

Ye Mingyu's subordinates were waiting outside, and seeing them come out, they couldn't wait to greet them in. Jiang Li gave the carriage to Xiaohei and Gu Dagu. They were too weak to walk. Ye Mingyu was still thinking about what Jiang Li would do, but when he saw Jiang Li turned on his horse without hesitation, Ye Mingyu's beautiful movements made Ye Mingyu's eyes shine brightly.

"Let's go, uncle." Jiang Li said: "It's not too late, we have to rush to the next place and hide them first."

Feng Yutang's people will soon find that the officials in the mine tunnel have been robbed, and they will certainly search for the whereabouts of several of them. Sending people to the secret room before Feng Yutang has started to search the city, it will also be safer.

Ye Mingyu believed that, and went alongside Jiang Li’s horse. As the team set off, he asked Jiang Li, "How can we ask the doctor to come over and show them? Feng Yutang’s people will find us as long as they follow the doctor? They can’t. Those people are afraid of Feng Yutang's official power, so how dare to take the initiative to help?"

"Find a doctor who has a wife and a son, and take their wives to the secret room together. The medicinal materials are all ready." Jiang Li whispered: "There is no way, the situation is special, it can only be threatened. When you introduce it, you can promise enough. Yinliang, promise to send them out of Tongxiang, and they will agree." Jiang Li thought for a while and said, "Go to Doctor Zhong from Baohetang, he is very suitable."

Here again, Ye Mingyu thought to himself, Jiang Li was so familiar with Tongxiang's deeds, as if he knew everything about Tongxiang casually. But what is going on? Ye Mingyu didn't ask too much, because he didn't understand 10,000 in his heart, and he respected Jiang Li's own secrets.

Hey, they are in the arena, the temperament is supreme, and they never overwhelm others.

The story of Jiang Li's robbery in Dongshan has not yet reached Feng Yutang's ears.

In Feng Yutang's mansion, in the study, Feng Yutang was pacing back and forth. His concubine knelt on the ground, beating his leg gently. Organizing events for Yongning, he has gained a lot of benefits, not only being able to build such a gorgeous mansion in Tongxiang, but also having a house of beautiful concubines. His study is a furnishing, there are many precious ancient books in it, but he will only hang around here.

Today was a rare and serious time for him, and even the charming concubine Ji couldn't arouse his interest.

I don’t know how long it took, when someone’s voice came, and a small servant rushed up from outside. Feng Yutang immediately screened Ji concubine, let the servant come in, closed the door, and the small servant took out a letter from his arms and sent it to Feng Yutang. In his hand, Feng Yutang picked up the letter, quickly pulled it out, read the ten lines at a glance, and slumped on a chair.

"Master?" Seeing his ugly expression, Xiao Si asked in a low voice.

Feng Yutang didn't speak, but the hand holding the letter was trembling slightly. One was not careful, and the letter fell to the ground. Xiao Si quickly glanced, but the others did not see clearly, but saw a shocking "kill." The words are particularly conspicuous on it.

Feng Yutang's heart beat extremely fast.

There is a special way for Fei Ge to pass on the book, and the letters from Princess Yongning also come back very quickly. Feng Yutang has long known that Yongning is an arrogant and lawless temperament, which can be seen from her dealings with the Xue family. But Xue Huaiyuan was just a small official, and in the eyes of Princess Yongning, it didn't seem to be a major event worth mentioning if he didn't put a small official in his eyes.

Feng Yutang never expected that Princess Yongning's arrogance and domineering, when facing the first auxiliary family of the dynasty, did not constrain at all. She wrote without hesitation in the letter that if Jiang Li wants to investigate the Xue family's case, with the idea of reversing Xue Huaiyuan's case, in Tongxiang, Feng Yutang must painfully kill Jiang Li's life!

Feng Yutang couldn't believe his eyes.

He wrote to Princess Yongning, hoping that Princess Yongning could tell him what to do next, but Feng Yutang didn't expect Princess Yongning's method to be such a method. Thinking of the murder of the daughter of Shoufu, Feng Yutang was frightened. He didn't dare!

This is not the daughter of ordinary people, this is the daughter of the emperor's mentor, chief academician, and Xue Huaiyuan, the chief assistant of the dynasty! Xue Huaiyuan's disciples are all over the world, and he murdered his daughter. This is no trivial matter. He will inevitably send someone to investigate. Once it is found out that he did it, his life will not be guaranteed!

Knowing this was the result, he shouldn't have rushed to write to Princess Yongning. It's alright now, Princess Yongning straightforwardly gave the order in the letter to kill Jiang Li herself. Having done so many things for Yongning, Feng Yutang also understands Yongning's temperament. Those who obey others prosper against others and perish. Yongning's order cannot fail. If he fails to do it, he is also a dead word!

What can I do

Feng Yutang only felt that sweat was all on his forehead, dripping drop by drop. He dared not look at the letter paper that fell on the ground at a glance, as if the black words on it had become bright red reminders.

The front is death, and the back is death. What should he do

The little servant fell on the ground respectfully, and didn't dare to let out the atmosphere. I don’t know how long it took, Feng Yutang’s voice came from the beginning, light and fluttering, and he asked: "What do you think, defying the master’s order?"

"That's absolutely impossible." The little boy was taken aback: "Master, you know the temper of this master, if it is... but your life won't be guaranteed!"

Even Xiao Si knew about Princess Yongning's murderous temperament, let alone him. Feng Yutang walked around the house two times irritably, and suddenly slapped the table, and said, "Just do it! It's better to die than to live. If you kill her, you may die. If you don't kill her, you will die immediately, kill!"

He figured it out clearly. Even if Jiang Li was killed, Jiang Yuanbo would still have some time for the investigators to arrive in Tongxiang. The big deal is that he would take this opportunity to escape. Anyway, the money he accumulated in Tongxiang is enough to eat and wear. Besides, he is doing things for Yongning, so Yongning has to protect him. It was that Yongning Jinzhi Yuye didn't bother about him as a small person, and he would have no less money to reward him. But if he didn't do this, Yongning would be able to let people come and take his life immediately.

If this is the case, it is better to seek stability at the moment, and then plan for future things.

"How many people are Jiang Li and his party?" Feng Yutang asked.

The young man replied: "A total of eight people, six guards, one big man, and one Jiang Li."

"Eight people..." Feng Yutang pondered for a while, and said, "Not too much. The master left a few killers. Now go and invite them. It's time for them to take action. We don't have enough manpower."

As he was talking, someone outside suddenly rushed in and said: "It's not good, sir, it's not good!"

Feng Yutang had just made up his mind. He was at a time of restlessness. When he heard this suddenly, his heart became even more irritable, and said angrily: "What is it called, what's wrong?!"

"Master," the young man didn't dare to say much, only said: "Those people in the Dongshan mine have been robbed!"

"What?" Feng Yutang was furious: "What do those people look at to eat? Can a good person be robbed under the nose? Drag it down! See clearly who did it?"

Xiao Si shook his head.

"Huh, needless to say, I also know." Feng Yutang sneered. "Today, the only people who dare to raise the Xue family case in Tongxiang are only those people. Those officials are similar to the useless people. Who will take care of ordinary people? Dried ginger pear!"

"But the terrain in the mine is complicated, how did they find the exit?" Xiaosi asked.

"Who knows." Feng Yutang snorted, gradually feeling uneasy in his heart. Jiang Li should be just an eldest lady who knew nothing, but she seemed to be familiar with everything in Tongxiang. It was because of this familiarity that she was able to do many things with ease, but Feng Yutang was at a disadvantage.

"They kidnapped those officials to reverse the case for Xue Huaiyuan." Feng Yutang said with a deep expression: "Look! Send out all the county officials to dig three feet in the ground, and find those officials to me. I don't believe it, so many people. , Will disappear out of thin air, nothing!"

Xiao Si hurriedly took his order and left, but Feng Yutang felt a little confused in his heart. He couldn't tell what it was for, and he always felt that something uncontrollable was happening.

But anyway, there is one thing he still has to do, and that is to assassinate Jiang Li.

In short, the source of all anxiety is Jiang Li. As long as Jiang Li is dead, the officials will be found soon. There is no leader in the group, and they are afraid of what storms they will cause

"This second Miss Jiang is very powerful." Feng Yutang passed a vicious look in his eyes, "but that's all."

The Tongxiang Pub is empty and there is no one.

Since Lu Ji gave out a huge silver ticket, the treasurer disappeared and never appeared again. When Ji Heng was in Tongxiang, there was an inexplicable number of pubs, although he didn't care.

"That's Feng Yutang's people." From the window, Lu Ji looked at the pair of people downstairs who followed his followers. Officials appeared continuously from the county office. It seemed that something important had happened.

"They are going to Dongshan." Lu Ji smiled and said, "Miss Jiang Er's movements are very fast." The more you watch Jiang Li's work, the more she marvels at this girl in such a strange place as Dongshan Mine Road. , Can take away Xue Huaiyuan's men so quickly. For others, just finding the exit of a mine tunnel without getting lost and trapped inside is a horrible thing.

Therefore, Miss Jiang Er is still very capable.

"It's too late to go now." Ji Heng glanced downstairs and said: "Everyone has been sent to the secret room, what are you looking for."

"How did Miss Jiang Er discover the secret room here?" Lu Ji was puzzled. "She had never been to Tongxiang, and she hadn't seen anyone. How could she even find such a secret room?"

"Don't you think she looks like she grew up in Tongxiang?" Ji Heng smiled.

"What do you mean?" Lu Ji was puzzled.

"Means nothing."

Lu Ji paused for a while, and then said: "Princess Yongning's letter should have been delivered to Feng Yutang. The adults thought, what would Princess Yongning let Feng Yutang do?"

"She has a vicious heart. It's better than I pity and cherish Yu, and of course I will cut the grass and roots." Ji Heng played with the folding fan, with a relaxed tone.

"Will Feng Yutang do this?"


Lu Ji was silent for a while, and asked tentatively, "Ms. Jiang Er is wise and courageous. There shouldn't be any trouble, right?"

For some reason, watching Jiang Li so much, it was originally an outsider watching the excitement, but Lu Ji had watched it for a long time, just like raising a child by herself. He didn't want to raise the child halfway, and stopped abruptly. At least not now.

"Not necessarily." Ji Heng said.

Lu Ji: "Will your lord take action?"

Ji Heng: "No."

------Off-topic ------

Braised Chicken: I've been chasing after the drama for a long time, and I've been chasing out my feelings/(ㄒoㄒ)/~

The grandfather of the country is about to be slapped in the face by himself (akimbo and laughing wildly)