Marriage of the Di Daughter

Chapter 12: Jiang family


A lot of things have happened in Yanjing City in recent days, and a lot of songbooks have been added to the storytellers in street restaurants.

The most lively thing is that "the pretty nun will meet the ascetics at night, and the capuchin monkeys are shocked by the wind and the moon."

A few days ago, a group of nobles who went to Helin Temple to offer incense came back and brought back a shocking news.

In the Helin Temple of Qingcheng Mountain, the disciple who presided over Tongming's favorite, Wu Wu, was actually an amorous monk, ruining the neighboring young women, even the teacher in the nun's nunnery next to him.

You must know that Helin Temple is a famous temple. Many ladies and ladies have prayed for incense here. They were shocked by the scandal. The women who had gone to incense kept silent for fear that they would be corrupted by their virtues. Someone reported this incident. After seeing this, Emperor Hong Xiao was furious and punished a group of related persons severely. Even the hundred-year-old temple Helin Temple has closed along with it.

At that time, many people saw the monks and nuns having a tryst with their own eyes. The female relatives didn't mention it, but the men eloquently talked about the youthful beauty of the Jing'an Master Taisheng. Quan regarded it as a romantic affair.

However, this romantic affair, in addition to angering the emperor, also involved an unexpected person, Jiang Li, the daughter of Jiang Yuanbai, the first assistant of the capital.

Eight years ago, Jiang Li, the second lady of the Jiang family, pushed her stepmother to have a small birth. Jiang Yuanbai punished her to go to the family temple to cultivate her character, and she disappeared from everyone's sight. After realizing something happened this time, she discovered that Miss Jiang Er was actually in the nun's nunnery of Master Jing'an.

No matter how vicious and domineering Miss Jiang Er was, she sent it to the family temple, even if she really twisted her hair to be an aunt, it would be understandable, but when she was sent to the hands of such a demon nun, Jiang Yuanbai would not do this thing authentically.

Chengdelang Liu Yuanfeng's wife went to Helin Temple to offer incense, and saw this young lady Jiang Er in the temple of Master Jing'an. It was late at night, but Miss Jiang Er was made trouble by the demon, and she knelt in the temple without dripping water. Liu Yuanfeng's account is extremely skillful. Jiang Yuanbo has a lot of contacts, it is difficult to shake, and it is not easy to offend. In this account, there is no mention of Jiang Yuanbai's fault. On the contrary, although Jiang Li made a mistake at the beginning, but at a young age, and the son is not a godfather, how can he put his own daughter into the hands of corrupted people and let him destroy himself. As the master of Jiang Yuanbai's post-house, Ji Shuran is too strict as a mother.

San Ji Shuran, that is, San Ji's family, hit Ji Yanlin in the face. In the zhezi, both overtly and secretly, it was said that Ji Shuran was to avenge her personal revenge, and deliberately sent Jiang Li to Jing'an Master Tai's subordinates, instructing her to torture.

Originally, this fold was just a small matter, but today's majesty, Hong Xiaodi, was not born by the queen first. His biological mother died after he was born and was raised under the name of the queen. The queen has a prince and hates him very much and has made things difficult for him since he was a child. Later, Emperor Hong Xiao endured the humiliation and walked to the end on the road of fighting for power.

This seal of Liu Yuanfeng immediately reminded Emperor Hong Xiao of who he was at the beginning. His birth mother died young and his stepmother was mean, causing him to dislike Ji Shuran like the first queen, and he couldn't help but favor Miss Jiang Er. When I asked Jiang Yuanbai to speak in the Imperial Study Room, he also said a few words.

After Jiang Yuanbai left the imperial study room and returned to the capital, the first thing he did was to immediately pick up Jiang Li back to Yanjing.

After receiving the news, Ji Shuran hurriedly rushed into the house and said, "Master, how come you suddenly sent the second lady..."

Jiang Yuanbo snapped the folder in her hand to the table, and Ji Shuran shut her mouth all of a sudden. She rarely saw Jiang Yuanbo such annoyed appearance.

Jiang Yuanbai turned his head.

Although he was already the father of several children, he had already passed the years of no doubt. As the first assistant of the dynasty and the emperor's mentor, Jiang Yuanbo lived up to his youthful handsomeness, but was more unique than a mature man. In addition, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the head of civil servants.

It's just that his usual gentle expression is completely absent at this moment, and there is a hint of anger.

"Today the emperor summoned me to the imperial study room. Although Chengdelang Liu Yuanfeng didn't state my name in the book, I was also tired." Jiang Yuanbai said, "Come back with Lier, this is what the emperor meant!"

Ji Shuran was taken aback: "What does the emperor mean? How could the emperor bother with this kind of thing?"

"Your Majesty's biological mother is not the Queen Mother—" Jiang Yuanbai only said a word. He was the gentleman of Emperor Hong Xiao when he was a child, and assisted Emperor Hong Xiao to ascend the throne of God. He naturally understood the character of Emperor Hong Xiao very well.

It won't work if you don't pick Jiang Li back, Jiang Yuanbai said in his heart, the emperor is no longer the little emperor who has to deal with him in everything. When the emperor's wings grow rich and enjoy the taste of power, he will not tolerate any resistance. Since Emperor Hong Xiao had personally dealt with this matter, he naturally wanted Jiang Yuanbai to do this.

"Besides, Li'er is indeed the daughter of my Jiang family." Jiang Yuanbai sighed: "It's unbearable to keep her out of the house. Madam," he looked at Ji Shuran and asked softly, "You won't blame me?"

At this time, he returned to his former gentle appearance, with guilt in his eyes.

Ji Shuran smiled, snuggled up and said, "Master, what are you talking about, when I am a vicious-hearted person? The second lady is the young lady of the Jiang family and the master's biological daughter. I would make mistakes. After so many years, I have long since paid attention to it. If the master is going to pick up the second lady, I will ask the mother to prepare something and vacate the house early."

"Madam's thoughtfulness, the world can't find a second one." Jiang Yuanbai sighed, holding her in his arms.

"These are all I should do, but..." Ji Shuran's voice was a little cautious, "I hope I can get along well with the second lady." It was actually a little scared.

When Jiang Yuanbai heard the words, thinking of the things Jiang Li did six years ago, he couldn't help but frown, and calmed Ji Shuran: "Now she is no longer a child. If she dares to say and do nothing, I will not be merciless!"

After pacifying Ji Shuran a few more words, Jiang Yuanbai only left, should be to order the pick-up personnel to go.

As soon as Jiang Yuanbo left, Jiang Youyao broke in with the maid, and said as soon as he entered the door: "Mother, do you know that Jiang Li is..."

"You Yao!" Ji Shuran stopped her words, making people close the doors and windows, and then scolded: "Why are you so reckless!"

Jiang Youyao said aggrievedly: "Mother, it's not that I was rash! I heard that my father was going to take Jiang Li back. What's the matter, it's so good, why would I suddenly think of taking her back?"

Ji Shuran frowned: "You Yao, how many times have I told you, don't stare at Jiang Li. She is just a grass, and will be trampled out sooner or later. You are the daughter of the Jiang family, why bother with her? ."

"But..." Jiang Youyao was unwilling to speak.

"So what if she really came back? Now in this mansion, your mother is in charge of me, and she will be able to get some benefits when she comes back? This time she just got lucky and ran into it."

"Mother can keep her from coming back?" Jiang Youyao asked angrily.

Ji Shuran shook his head. If it's just someone else's meaning or even Jiang Yuanbai's meaning, of course she can do something to get someone to kill Jiang Li on the way back to Beijing, because Jiang Li's life is not good. It's a pity that even the emperor has been involved in this matter. If something goes wrong in the middle, the whole Jiang family can't eat it.

Jiang Li not only must not have an accident, but must also be picked up properly, and even if it is beautiful, he will show it to Emperor Hong Xiao.

It is really unpleasant to think about it.

"It's okay," Ji Shuran said coldly: "It just gave her seven more years to live, so she didn't know the heights of the sky. It doesn't matter if she comes back, I will naturally have a way to clean up her after returning."

"At that time, she won't think it's a good thing to return to Beijing."

------Off-topic ------

The scum daddy and the mother scum sister are all online╮(╯▽╰)╭

Thank you all for the colorful diamonds sent by little fairies~ it's coming weekend again