Marriage of the Di Daughter

Chapter 16: Little brother


The people's comments are not clear, but it is not necessary to hear them clearly, Ji Shuran also knows what they are talking about. She looked at Jiang Li, who was looking at her with a smile, with a gentle and sincere expression.

However, it is different from before.

Without waiting for Ji Shuran to continue speaking, Jiang Li looked at Jiang Yuanbai who was still stunned, and said, "Father, let's go in."

Only then did Jiang Yuanbo recover his senses, glanced at Ji Shuran, and nodded to Jiang Li, "Okay." He took the lead and walked in.

Ji Shuran's fingertips in his sleeves suddenly pinched into his palms, Jiang Yuanbo's glance was clearly dissatisfied with her. Can't tolerate her to say anything, Jiang Yuanbai and Jiang Li have already walked into the house. I had to suppress my emotions and followed up with a smile.

Jiang Youyao said anxiously: "Mother, look at her..."

"Shut up." Ji Shuran shouted in a low voice, and after a pause, she said: "Your father is already annoyed just now. When you get to the hall, don't say a word."

Seeing that Ji Shuran's expression did not seem to be false, Jiang Youyao was also a little frightened.

The grandmother staying outside the door wringed the veil in her hands nervously, but the fragrance on one side, a stone fell to the ground under her heart. Originally, Mrs. Liu kept her with Jiang Li, in addition to taking care of her at Qingcheng Mountain, but also to prevent Jiang Li from being bullied by the Diao slaves in the mansion when she first returned to the mansion. I want to come to a fourteen or five-year-old girl who has not returned home for many years, and the relationship with her father is not very deep. It is hard to avoid living under the hand of her stepmother.

Who knows that just after returning to Yanjing, Jiang Li had not even entered the door of Jiang's family, and Jiang Li was so sturdy that Ji Shuran's mother and daughter suffered a secret loss. Jiang Li's temperament was beyond everyone's expectations. He was not blindly tolerant, and counterattack was just right. She was a smart girl.

Yuxiang thought that Ji Shuran was not that simple to make Jiang Li uncomfortable.

On the other end, Jiang Li was following Jiang Yuanbai towards the Jiang family mansion.

The Jiang Mansion may be because there was Jiang Yuanbai, the chief assistant of the dynasty, who wanted to show some literati vigor, not blindly extravagant, but rather elegantly furnished. The corridors, pavilions and bridges, the corners of flowers and grass, are mainly black and white, elegant and simple, but exquisite and ingenious. It is unique and naturally costs a lot of silver, but compared to the carefree inlaid gold and silver, it looks much noble.

Jiang Li even saw the green bamboo planted in the corner of the garden, which looked like a hermit.

After all, she is not the real Miss Jiang, and she was completely unfamiliar when she first entered Jiang Mansion. Jiang Li didn't intend to conceal his unfamiliarity with Jiang Mansion, so he looked at it when he walked. This gaze fell in the eyes of the servant girl in the house, and he felt that the second lady in the house had really stayed in the mountains for a long time, and she was not rich.

But in the eyes of Jiang Yuanbai, he felt very uncomfortable. No matter how bad the daughter of his family was, she was so petty to go out and beat his Jiang family in the face.

Jiang Li didn't hide it, but Tong'er walked very straightforwardly, thinking that he could not embarrass the master, and deliberately made a very familiar appearance. Jiang Li looked a little funny.

When I arrived at the "Wanfengtang", there were two slender maids standing at the door, one on the left and the other, wearing bright yellow daffodil skirts, and they looked handsome. Seeing Jiang Li and the group walking by, the one on the left laughed before he even got close. , Said: "Master, madam, the old lady is waiting for the second lady to come home, and finally came back."

Jiang Li glanced at them. The two maids were both rich and honorable in their dresses, and they spoke kindly. They were quite embarrassed when they wanted to come by Mrs. Jiang, and immediately gave them a smile.

The two maids were stunned. The second lady hadn't seen each other for many years. Now that she is going back to the mansion, there are naturally various rumors in the mansion. Only when I saw the second lady, she felt very peaceful and docile, even more comfortable than the third lady.

Not a vulgar wild girl.

With caress in their minds, the two maids stopped thinking about it, and welcomed the group in with a smile.

On a hot summer day, Jiang's Mansion was not hot at all, although it was because of the many trees and flowers planted in the courtyard, but the ice in the cellar was also indispensable. And this "Wanfeng Hall" was a bit cooler than the outside of Jiang's Mansion. As soon as I stepped into it, I only felt that it was just like March and April in the world, and it was hot and cold, and very comfortable.

There were many people sitting in the hall. Seeing Jiang Li and his party coming in, everyone stood up except the soft seat in the front.

"Mother, Li'er is back." Jiang Yuanbai arched his hands towards the person in the seat.

The person in the seat spoke with a calm voice. For a while, she couldn't hear the happiness or anger. She said: "It's fine when you come back, Er girl, come forward and let me see."

Jiang Liyiyan stepped forward and slowly raised her head.

The old woman in the seat was about an old age, with her silver hair combed meticulously behind her head, and she was very clean. She was wearing a thin pine-green silk robe, very light, and the jade-colored buckle made her look a little more luxurious. A face covered with wrinkles, a little old, but those eyes are very energetic and majestic.

This is a very neat old woman, even if she is old, she is also careful in dressing, about to be critical and strict with herself and others, not showing kindness, but enough to carry the burden of a mansion. She is a smart and courageous woman.

As expected, Mrs. Jiang passed away early, and Mrs. Jiang began to be widow before her forty. It was certainly not easy for a woman to raise the first assistant of the court.

Jiang Li had heard from Tong'er that this old lady Jiang had a harsh character, but she was fairly fair. After Ye Zhenzhen's death, Ji Shuran came in, and Mrs. Jiang did not ignore Jiang Li. But later Jiang Li caused Ji Shuran's miscarriage and lost Jiang's parents and grandchildren, so Mrs. Jiang was disappointed with Jiang Li. When Jiang Li was sent to Qingcheng Mountain, Mrs. Jiang didn't say a word to stop him.

All in all, today's Jiang Li and Mrs. Jiang, the friendship between grandparents and grandchildren is not thin.

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard the messy footsteps from outside, accompanied by the child's childish cry: "Mother, grandmother!"

Jiang Li turned his head, and a servant woman walked from the door. The servant girl was also holding a child in a gold silk shirt. She was about five or six years old, and she was born in white and cute.

As soon as the child entered the door, he broke free of his servant’s hand and ran to Mrs. Jiang. Mrs. Jiang hurriedly asked the grandmother beside him to support him, and the child familiarly climbed onto Mrs. Jiang’s lap and hugged Mrs. Jiang. Man's neck suddenly looked at Jiang Li, and then he said crisply: "Are you the bad guy who killed my brother?"

elder brother? Bad guys

As soon as the words came out, the surroundings were silent for a moment, and Ji Shuran scolded: "Gee, don't talk nonsense!"

Brother Ji's mouth was flat, and he looked at Mrs. Jiang aggrievedly.

Mrs. Jiang did not speak, and Jiang Yuanbai coughed slightly before saying to Jiang Li, "Li'er, this is your brother, Bingji."

Kang Byunggil? Little brother

Jiang Li looked at the child in Mrs. Jiang's arms, and then at Jiang Youyao who raised her mouth, suddenly realized.

Being so spoiled by Mrs. Jiang, and calling Ji Shuran "mother", it seems that when the second Miss Jiang murdered the fetus in the womb of her stepmother, at least it was false to say that the stepmother could no longer have a pregnancy.

And this is the grandson of Jiang's family, the son of Ji Shu, Jiang Youyao's younger brother, and Jiang Yuanbai's only son, Jiang Bingji.

In an instant, Jiang Li didn't know much about many things.

No wonder Jiang Youyao dared to blatantly grabbed Ms. Jiang's marriage. It was Ji Shuran who gave birth to her son. He stood firm and Ye Zhenzhen completely became a thing of the past, and the long house was completely turned over.

This is arrogant!

------Off-topic ------

Everyone does not bubbling on weekdays/(ㄒoㄒ)/~