Married First, Love Later: Don’t Be Too Aggressive

Chapter 109: I am off today


Qin Lizheng squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the two people who coincided with each other, his eyes flashed with thoughts, "Different opinions?"

"Yeah." Ji Chenxi nodded, watching Qin Lizheng's eyes flashed with a hint of dark prey.

The emotion in his eyes was caught by Qin Lizheng.

Qin Lizheng lowered his eyes, thoughtfully, "I am in charge of this cooperation. Ji always can find me if he has anything to do, no need to find outsiders."

"Bastard! What are you talking about!" Qin Yikun was furious when he heard these words, and slapped the table violently.

"Heh." Qin Lizheng snorted coldly, his eyes fell on Qin Yikun's body intentionally or unintentionally, "Am I wrong? Which of the most recent projects is President Qin you responsible for?"

"You..." His lukewarm voice made him unable to refute.

It seemed that the show was good enough, and Ji Chenxi smiled and got up, "It seems that Chairman Qin and General Qin have a disagreement. Then I will come back another day, and the two will have a good talk." He finished. Walked toward the door.

Qin Lizheng looked at his back, he knew his intentions very well.

He glanced back, Qin Yikun sitting in the chair with a low voice, "I remember I said that this project was received by the subsidiary. Any comments you have can only be approved by me. You have no right to others. put one's oar in."

Qin Yikun's complexion flushed with anger, Qin Lizheng ignored his anger and walked directly out of the office.

"Where are you going!" Qin Yikun yelled at Qin Lizheng, pulling his neck.

"Since Chairman Qin is coming over to take over the company, I can just take a vacation today." After speaking, he left without looking back.

Qin Yikun was panting heavily with a gloomy face, still thinking about how to grab the cooperation of Da Yue.

Su Cheng sat in the development department, unsure of why.

"What's wrong with you?" Xiaoding asked unhappy after seeing her walking by.

"Can you stop chatting at work?" Zhao Qian frowned and said, looking bored.

"Hold the chicken feather as an arrow." Xiao Ding gave a white glance.

"What are you talking about!" Zhao Qian stared at Xiaoding, his eyes bursting.

Xiaoding didn't reply for a long time. Zhao Qian was feeling very concerned. When he looked back, he saw Qin Lizheng standing at the door. He faintly swept Zhao Qian, and Zhao Qian immediately bowed his head in fright.

Su Cheng looked up in surprise, "Why are you here?" The question was simple, without a trace of awkwardness.

Qin Lizheng glanced at her and was quite satisfied with her changes, "Clean up and go with me." He said softly.

"What's the matter?" Su Cheng asked puzzlingly.

"Then you don't need to ask." Without explanation, he glanced back at the expansion department, although it was only a faint glance, but with strength.

He turned his head and whispered softly, "I'm waiting for you downstairs."

"Yeah." Su Cheng nodded, embarrassed in front of everyone.

Qin Lizheng had just left. Everyone who had talked about Su Cheng's right and wrong before smiled at Su Cheng, and came up to please Su Cheng. Xiaoding sneered at this attitude, "Mr Qin may have something to do with you, so go ahead. Don't make President Qin wait in a hurry." After he said this, he looked around and indirectly rejected those who came to please him.

"Well, then I'm going, you can tell me from Manager Yan." Su Cheng packed his handbag and left.

Su Yun looked at Su Cheng's back, her silver teeth clenched, and she looked at Zhao Qian who was sitting in the position without saying a word, and felt that he was useless.

Su Cheng came to the door of the company, Qin Lizheng's car stopped not far away, she walked over and got in the car, "Is there anything going on?" She asked in a formulaic tone.

Qin Lizheng glanced at her and replied directly, "No."

Su Cheng looked at him suspiciously. Qin Lizheng has always been a dedicated image in the company. He has never faked public interest for personal gain. What happened today

"Then where are we going?" she asked.

"Take you out to play." He said lightly, as expected.

Seeing Su Cheng's suspicion, Qin Lizheng rubbed his aching temples, "I can't take you out if I'm fine?"

"Why are you going out to play suddenly? Don't you work?" Su Cheng frowned, a little puzzled.

"Leave me alone."

"..." Su Cheng was speechless.

The car drove to the lake, and there were places for renting boats around.

Because it is a holy place for lovers, there are many people here.

Su Cheng looked at the rafting people with interest.

Qin Lizheng glanced at her, "Interested?"

Su Cheng shook his head quickly, "Let's go back."

But Qin Lizheng stopped the car by the side of the road and got off first. Su Cheng had to keep up, and the two got out of the car together.

A couple was playing around them.

The boy said without shame to the girl next to him, "The people here are not as good as mine. You see, there are still people who are off there." He pointed to the boats in the lake and commented one by one.

The girl glanced at him, a little disbelief, "You will brag, you show me."

"How can it be difficult?" The man looked disdainful.

"Excuse me, where is the entrance to the lake?" Qin Lizheng asked politely.

"In..." The woman turned her head and was about to show him the way, but she was stunned for a moment when she looked back and saw Qin Lizheng.

Seeing his girlfriend looking at Qin Lizheng obsessively, the man was a little upset and blocked her sight, "over there, over there." He pointed to the tin room not far away.

"Thank you." Qin Lizheng nodded and dragged Su Cheng to the rental house.

"Do you know how to row a boat?" Su Cheng asked.

Qin Lizheng raised his eyes, obviously unhappy, "Are you questioning me?"

Su Cheng laughed out loud, "Will this hurt President Qin's great self-esteem?"

"Yeah." He nodded seriously, not satisfied with her answer.

Su Cheng coughed, with a stern expression, "I think, President Qin is a master and martial artist, there is nothing in this world, it is rare to defeat President Qin."

"It's pretty much the same." Enjoying her praise, Qin Lizheng's mouth curled up slightly.

After walking by, Qin Lizheng rented a boat. He moved his long legs and stepped onto the boat.

Su Cheng watched with trepidation, she was originally a duck, so why bother torturing her.

She walked slowly, Qin Lizheng raised his eyelids, knowing she was scared, and stretched out his hand.

Su Cheng stared at the hand he handed out in a daze, made up his mind, and stretched out his hand to hold it, instantly, with a warm feeling.

From the moment her hand was placed on his, Qin Lizheng squeezed and pulled forward. Su Cheng closed his eyes without fear, as if she would be safe as long as he was by his side.

Qin Lizheng lowered his head and looked at the woman who was still holding her tightly. The corners of her mouth rose, "When will he hold him?"

Su Cheng opened his eyes and quickly let go, "I didn't mean to..."

Qin Lizheng didn't say much, but the corners of his mouth kept curling up. Seeing his smile, Su Cheng was a little discouraged, "Forget it."

It's better not to say anything.

Next to the boat, there are several other boats, among them the couple just now.

The woman greeted Qin Lizheng enthusiastically, "Handsome guy! See you again!"

Qin Lizheng glanced at her, then withdrew his gaze, without even responding.

Seeing his girlfriend being so enthusiastic to other men, the man quickly said: "Sit down, don't move! You will fall!"

His girlfriend glared at him, "Don't you praise yourself for being great? I fell, you won't save me!"

The man was dumbed by her training like this, and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Turning his head to see Qin Lizheng, couldn't help but want to win back some face in front of his girlfriend, provocatively ramming the bow of the ship against Qin Lizheng's, "Hey, are you interested in a match."

Qin Lizheng started to be ignorant, but from time to time he used the bow to hit him, Su Cheng shook a few times, and his face turned paler in fright.

He narrowed his eyes, finally looked at the man, and sneered, "How do you compare, let's talk about it."

"Don't worry about him." Su Cheng whispered.

Qin Lizheng glanced at her, and said unhurriedly: "There is a kind of person who is called shameless."

Su Cheng was stunned. He didn't expect President Qin Da to have such a sturdy moment!

The man said, "Let's start from here, and we will win when we reach the opposite end! How about?"

Su Cheng hurried to Qin Lizheng and said in a low voice, "I can't row a boat."

Qin Lizheng glanced at her, "I didn't expect you to."

"Then why are you still agreeing?"

"Do you think I will lose?" he asked blankly.

Su Cheng thought for a while, and made sure that this man was absolutely sure of what he did.

"Can we start? Do you want me to let you?" The other party's voice was provocative again.

Qin Lizheng glanced at him, holding the paddle, "Sit down." He looked at Su Cheng and exhorted.

"Yeah." Su Cheng nodded and held the railing beside the ship.

The two boats shook quickly, and Qin Lizheng seemed more calm and relaxed than the expression on the opposite side.

"Have you stroked it before?" she asked curiously.

"This is the first time." He answered very easily.

Su Cheng really opened his eyes this time. There are such people who can do everything with ease!

I don't know if Qin Lizheng was born with a good mind, and quickly grasped the essentials.

On the other end, the man who was bragging about his greatness just now was trapped at one point. The more he tried to shake his head, the more he turned around.

As a result, he got himself covered in water, and the girlfriend on the opposite side kept cursing.

Su Cheng looked at the ship behind him and couldn't help but laughed a little, then looked at Qin Lizheng, and Kui Er commented: "Qin Lizheng, I think you are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

Qin Lizheng raised his eyes, his eyes never moving, "Unfortunately... I only like to eat you."

Hearing these words, Su Cheng's face flushed, and his heart was moved by him again.

The shadow of the boat gradually disappeared behind him, and the sun was just right.

The two returned to the shore and strolled along the grass. It is rare for him to sit down on such a relaxing day, stretching his long legs straight.

Su Cheng sat next to him, he turned his head, looked at her, and said as expected, "I'm sleepy."

Su Cheng blinked, "Then let's go back quickly."

She was about to stand up, but he tugged with a big hand and pulled her back to sit beside her. Then, when she tilted her body, he slept on her lap...