Married First, Love Later: Don’t Be Too Aggressive

Chapter 64: I just did what my husband should do


In the police station, the three who had just been captured are being tried.

When Qin Lizheng appeared, Xiao Cheng was a little surprised, "Brother, why are you here? Didn't you say I will deal with it?"

Qin Lizheng didn't say anything, and went straight inside, "I am the victim's husband. I want to inquire about the progress of the case." He said.

The policemen who knew Xiao Cheng came out to receive him and said in a low voice: "They have very tight mouths and refuse to confess. Because they are seriously injured, we can't detain them for too long. They must be sent to the hospital immediately."

Qin Lizheng nodded, his face was so heavy that people couldn't figure it out.

When he walked out, he said, "Xiao Cheng, you go back and rest. You don't need to stare at this place anymore."

"But..." Xiao Cheng frowned, "I haven't asked who instigated it yet!"

"It's ok."

Xiao Cheng looked at him suspiciously, and finally responded, "Okay, then I'll go back first."

After Xiao Cheng drove away, Qin Lizheng stayed in the car all the time, with smoke burning in his hand, his eyes narrowed, and his expression became more and more grim through the thin smoke.

At this time, someone escorted the three out. It seemed that they were really seriously injured, and even walking was a problem, so they slowly got into the police car and rushed them directly to the hospital.

Only then did Qin Lizheng start the car to follow.

The hospital at night is quiet.

After the doctor on duty had dealt with the injuries of the three people, a remote ward was arranged, with police guarding outside the door.

In the middle of the night, there were footsteps in the corridor. The policeman raised his head and took a look. When he saw that it was a doctor who was patrolling the ward at night, he lowered his head again, leaning against the wall, a little sleepy.

When the ward of the three people was found, the tall man in a white coat gently opened the door and walked in, locking the door by the way.

Under the action of the drug, the three people's pain sensation was relieved a lot, so they slept very deep.

The man took off his white coat, then unbuttoned the suit jacket inside and threw it aside, then unbuttoned the sleeves of his shirt, and then walked over. I picked up the stent for infusion next to me and lifted it up unhurriedly...

Hearing the screams in the ward, the two policemen outside the door were awakened immediately and turned around to rush in, only to find that the door had been locked, and they turned their heads to ask the doctor to open the door!

In this way, the people outside tossed for more than ten minutes, and when they were about to unlock the door, the door opened from the inside. A man in a suit, trousers, and white shirt walked out without rushing, and the police immediately recognized him, "You are..."

Qin Lizheng put his hands in his pockets, and his shirt was spotlessly clean. When he passed by the police, he said, "These three bastards almost raped my wife. I just came here and did what I should do." He passed it. A business card, "This is my phone. You can call me at any time. I will be responsible for tonight's affairs." After that, under the dumbfounded gaze of the other party, he left like this with a tough aura. .

When these people slowed down and looked towards the ward, they couldn't help being taken aback.

The three people were held up miserably, their faces covered with blood, lying on the ground, they didn't even have the strength to scream. The police hurriedly asked the doctor to check, and the doctor couldn't help but admire him after the examination: "He is very well-measured. Although he beat them half to death, he still gave them a breath."

The police also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they didn't die.

The doctor stood up and couldn't help but whispered a fair word: "If it was my wife, maybe I would do it too, maybe it would be more than that."

When the police heard it, he thought about it, and made eye contact with a tacit understanding that only two of them could understand, and finally agreed.

One of them asked the doctor: "Apart from the aggravation of the injury, are there no other problems?"

The doctor nodded, "Yes."

The other coughed slightly and said, "Then they are not careful, they can fall like this on foot! Who can blame this injury aggravated?"

The doctor is so clever, he nodded immediately and said, "Yes, it seems that I am going to give them a diagnosis report again."

The two nodded, "Trouble."

The doctor smiled: "This is what I should do."

Seeing that the few people in front of me reached a tacit understanding, the three people lying on the ground couldn't help crying!


Su Cheng kept running out of the water in the water heater, and then walked out of the bathroom tiredly.

Xingbao slept on Aunt Yang's side, a room that wasn't too big at first, but this would actually seem empty.

Su Cheng climbed onto the bed head-heavy, as if insecure, she wrapped her whole person in the quilt tightly. It was already early in the morning, but she was completely drowsy. As long as she closes her eyes, the scenes that happen tonight will appear!

The night became too quiet, and even the ticking of the hands on the wall clock was magnified countless times, torturing her ears like noise.

Su Cheng tossed over, and unprecedented loneliness hit her. The moonlight outside was bright, but this would be eroded by loneliness, forming dark clouds, oppressing her layer by layer.

She really wanted to find someone to talk to on such a difficult night, and just say anything, as long as she knew that someone hadn't fallen asleep, she wouldn't feel lonely again.

Touching the mobile phone on the table, there were not many people in the phone book. Only Xiaoding was familiar with it. She hesitated whether to call Xiaoding. Su Cheng was struck by a sudden ringing of the phone when he was struggling with kung fu!

In such a quiet night, the sudden ringtone is a bit strange.

Su Cheng calmed down, and when he saw the name displayed on the screen, he was actually stunned.

Just when the call was about to end, she connected, but was so nervous that she didn't speak. On the other side was a deep voice, familiar, "Are you asleep?"

Hearing this voice at first glance gave her an inexplicable peace of mind, like a shield standing in front of her, indestructible.

Su Cheng held the phone, pursed her dry lips, and slowly said, "No."

She noticed a rustling sound in the earpiece, and she asked cautiously: "Are you going to bed so late too?"

"Well, just got home."

Su Cheng looked up at the time again. It was close to two o'clock in the morning. What can he do at this time? But this was his private matter after all, she was inconvenient to ask, but asked another thing.

"How did you know that something happened to me?"

"I watched the monitoring of your community." He replied lightly, not much ups and downs in his emotions.

Su Cheng was slightly stunned after hearing this, and then slowly asked: "Are you coming over to find me?"

"Yeah." He responded, not hiding anything.

She asked in confusion: "Look for me... Something?"

There was a moment of silence, which could be heard, and the end of the phone also became quiet. After a few seconds, he said: "I just want to confirm certain things, but now it seems that it is not important, and there is no need to confirm it."

Su Cheng was confused when she heard it, but she knew Qin Lizheng very well, and what he didn't say clearly was something he didn't want to discuss further. Simply, since there is nothing wrong, I will not ask any more.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you can rest at home for a few days." His voice sounded again, this time he didn't feel so indifferent. But Su Cheng refused, "The best way to put aside the memory is to keep yourself busy, and it will be easier to think about it when you are quiet."

He listened, fully aware of the negative impact of this kind of thing, and slowly responded.

Su Cheng held the mobile phone and chatted with him casually, cheeks against the pillow, no irritability and anxiety, even the voice of speaking relaxed a lot, gradually, the eyelids became heavy, and finally closed his eyes, and the phone slipped to the pillow.

After hearing her response for a long time, Qin Lizheng vaguely curled his lips and said "good night" before hanging up the phone.

Early the next morning, Su Cheng was awakened by Xingbao.

"Mom! Mom! You should get up to work!"

Su Cheng opened her eyes, and when she saw her son, she struggled to sit up, "Xing Bao..."

"Mom! Hurry up, or you will be late!"

Su Cheng smiled, "Thank you baby."

Although the whole person's condition didn't look very good, Su Cheng insisted on coming to the company.

"Ouch! My little Chengcheng! What's wrong with you? The dark circles are almost on the face!" Xiaoding exclaimed, and quickly sat over.

Su Cheng explained, "I went to bed late and I had a little insomnia."

Regarding last night, she didn't want to attract attention, and didn't want to mention it over and over again, so she also chose to remain silent with Xiaoding.

Xiaoding pinched his waist without causing it, and said: "Do you know that staying up late is a woman's natural enemy! Good sleep will keep your skin young! Look at you, it's like being fucked hard last night Like it!"

Xiaoding said that there was no one, but Su Cheng's body was shaken, and his face immediately became unnatural, "I still had work to do yesterday, so I will work first."

"Well, I'll continue the beauty class for you later." Xiaoding didn't bother her, and returned to his seat.

Su Cheng looked at the information of the cooperating manufacturer in his hand, but couldn't enter a word. She put her cheek in one hand, her eyes staying on the paper for a long time.

She didn't know what she had done, and made Mrs. Ji misunderstood again? However, no matter how wrong she was, she wouldn't be such a cruel hand to herself! Could it be that in her eyes, her own life is actually not a pity for death? Does Ji Chenxi know what she has done? As for her, should I tell the police

Su Cheng was troubled by a series of problems, and the eyebrows were twisted together unconsciously.

At this moment, the phone on the desk rang, Su Cheng picked up his energy and answered the phone, and the man on the other side opened his mouth with an unusual aura.

"Come to my office," he whispered.

Su Cheng's expression was stunned, and he quickly responded, "Okay."

When she hung up the phone, Su Cheng suddenly remembered that last night, it was this voice that accompanied her for a long time until she fell asleep... She was stunned for an instant, so that when she fell asleep, Qin Lizheng must be on the other side of the phone, waiting for her Reply! What about her? Is there a snoring


Su Cheng patted his forehead, blaming himself for his poor memory, and immediately ran to the elevator until he reached the 29th floor.