Married the Scum Gong’s Villain Brother

Chapter 80


Went to greet Grandpa Shen, and came out of the study, Jing Xun was not taken back to the room by Shen Yijin to rest.

Instead, he was taken across a long corridor, turned a corner, and turned into another corridor.

The Shen Family Villa occupies a huge area, and the structure inside is also complicated. Although nothing can be seen from the outside, the internal structure feels like an old castle.

Walking along the corridor of the fork road to the end, I came to a huge outdoor balcony.

The balcony is in the shape of an arch, and it is covered with various potted plants with dense vegetation, which looks like a tropical garden at first glance.

In addition, there are deck chairs and parasols for vacation, hidden in the depths of the vegetation.

What's even more amazing is to walk through the green plants to the side of the lounge chair, sit on it, and you can just see a neat and tidy lawn, music fountain and rose garden outside.

The bottom of my eyes is a thriving rose bush with red and green colors. In the distance, the shadows of the trees are whirling, and the tall and tall trees guard the garden like solid guards. A little further away, there are endless blue sky and white clouds.

Looking at it from this angle, it seems that the Shen family is not in the urban area, but in the countryside with beautiful mountains and rivers.

People who have been walking through the steel and iron trees of the city for a long time will suddenly feel refreshed and happy when they see this scene.

Even Jing Xun couldn't help but breathed in the fresh air.

What he didn't expect was that Shen Yijin brought him over but didn't ask him to see the scenery alone.

On the veranda covered with greenery, Jing Xun did not lie down on the recliner, but was trapped between the arms of the villain.

Shen Yijin said to him: "What Xiaoxun just said in front of Aunt Yang... very interesting."

Jing Xun, who was hugged, immediately smiled, "Am I very clever?"

"Yeah." Shen Yijin also followed with a smile.

Jing Xun smiled with a bright spring, even more splendid than the rose bushes outside.

He explained a little bit: "I don't like them, although it's just a verbal run on us, but why! Bullying us too lazy to speak up?"

"I know."

Holding the young man tightly, Shen Yijin couldn't help but kissed his forehead again, "Xiao Xun can say whatever he wants. What you said is correct."

"… Ok."

After being held by Chen Yijin, Jing Xun couldn't care about the anger just now.

He would only be caused by the good-quality voice of his husband... Uncontrollable redness on his face.

Regarding the fact that he always blushes in front of Shen Yijin, Jing Xun has done experiments with Xin'er.

I feel that in addition to some of the intimacy that is being carried out from the heart, there is also a part of the reason for the blushing, because the husband is too sultry.

Just like now.

He half leaned in Shen Yijin’s arms, looked at his smiling brows, listened to his voice at close range, and felt his obviously indulgent tone...

It's strange that there will be no response!

Jing Xun subconsciously pounced on his hot ears.

Said that this is really not his problem...!

"But..." Speaking of this Jing Xun, he suddenly remembered: "That Ms. Yang still has scum... Shen Bohan, may have been doing tricks with her husband's company."

I know roughly that the original owner was sent to serve as a commercial spy in the original work, but Jing Xun guessed that the scum attack and others should not be so simple, and only sent the original owner alone.

It should have sent a lot of people and contacted a lot of people inside the company, but Yiwei is just like a monolith and can't kick it. In the end, the scum attack sent in the original owner who had a pretty face.

Even though he won't steal any information up to now, Ke Jingxun can't help but feel worried: "The heart of defense is indispensable."


Shen Yijin's appearance seemed to have been found to be abnormal a long time ago.

He said: "They have always tried to buy people around me, and they have also succeeded in buying some, including the old employees within the Shen Group who have been working hard with my grandfather."

When he said this, Chen Yijin's tone didn't sound particularly ups and downs.

It's just a simple explanation.

It seems to be very open to betrayal and betrayal, and understand that this is just a competition for interests in the business field.

It can be seen that Mr. is still so wise, there is no personal emotion in it, and there is no blackening.

Jing Xun was relieved.

But rest assured, rest assured, the distressed or distressed.

-Anyone who is calculated to be betrayed will never feel better, not to mention Mr.'s enemies, who have always been his blood relatives.

Thinking of this, Jing Xun couldn't help turning around and hugging him.

With a thin chin resting on the opponent's shoulder, Jing Xun said, "It's good if you know what you have in mind, sir."

He said this in a soft voice, lying on Shen Yizhin's ears, the volume was not too big or too small, it sounded soft.

Jing Xun said seriously and frankly: "Anyway, no matter what, I will be with you."

"Jing Xun."

The person holding his neck stiffened for a moment, and then his arms gradually tightened.

Encircling the young man's narrow waist, he didn't dare to use too much force.

Can't wait to embed the other party in bone and blood, and fear that it will hurt him.

In the end, Chen Yijin could only hug the young man with a force that was not light but not heavy.

A hug is a long time.

Today is a cloudy day, but the sky is clear now, the temperature is not too high, and the sunshine is just right.

Shen Yijin looked at the rose garden outside, and suddenly said, "The house at home was not like this before."

Jing Xun: "Huh?"

I don’t understand why the husband said this suddenly, but Jing Xun still showed moderate curiosity and asked, "What is it like?"

"The old house really looked like an old castle."


The gesture of embracing others made Jing Xun invisible to Shen Yijin's face.

He felt a little weird in his heart, because the husband never mentioned the past.

Including in front of a psychiatrist.

But now the other party actually took the initiative to say, where can this Jing not be excited.

He didn't dare to move, and continued to talk: "The old castle... and then?"

"Then that house was demolished by Grandpa, when I was very young."

"... Is it demolished and rebuilt?"


Shen Yijin's voice sounded without sorrow or joy, as if she was simply explaining his memory.

Jing Xun thought he would continue talking, but he didn't. Like many times in the past, the husband still speaks so little.

With a pursed lips, Jing Xun tried to ask again: "... Then why did you remove it?"

But this time Shen Yijin didn't answer.

He just hugged him.

Strictly, he tightly embraces the thin and warm body of the young man.

after a long time.

"Let's go down and walk?" Shen Yizhin suddenly proposed, and his voice sounded the same as usual: "There are still many places that haven't taken you to before."

Jing Xun didn't ask further, but nodded decisively: "Yeah, good."

The garden of Shen's house is indeed very large. In addition to the outdoor swimming pool, it even has its own basketball court and tennis court.

There was nothing wrong with this short period of time when he was about to eat, Jing Xun simply played basketball with Chen Yijin.

He also had a dream of playing basketball when he was a child. After wearing it, he often watched people play on the university campus. However, Jing Xun had never touched a ball before. Although he was very familiar with the rules, he would inevitably be timid and dare not. Take the initiative to join.

But in front of my husband...

Shen Yijin knew his identity and all his affairs, so there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

Because of his height, Shen Yijin was selected into the basketball team several times during his time at school. He played decently for a few years and it was so easy for Jiao Jingxun to play.

On the empty field, Shen Yijin first told him about shooting and exerting strength, and then it was time for Jing Xun to practice with him.

Jing Xun was not low in height anyway, after mastering the skill of wrist force, he successfully made a three-pointer after a little practice.

The basketball slammed on the backboard, made a bang, then turned around the basket a few times, and finally succeeded in scoring a goal.

I have to say that this sense of accomplishment... Jing Xun said that he was very cool.

He ran over cheeringly and hugged Shen Yijin, then took the ball picked up by the opponent and tried to shoot another under the rebound.

This one was also a smooth goal. Jing Xun turned his head to look at Shen Yizhin happily, and his smile was so big that the corners of his lips reached the corner of his ears. That means: look at it, sir, I'm too good!

Standing under the backboard and responsible for picking up the ball for him, Shen Yijian gave him a thumbs up, and then he said, "Shall we try to fight?"

Jing Xun: "Good!"

Jing Xun replied, but shooting on the ground is very simple, and fighting against it is not so easy.

Not to mention that he was rarely able to take away the ball from Shen Yijian, even if he did, he would be easily stopped when he drove the ball or took a shot.

Jing Xun felt that his precise calculation ability was no longer useful, mainly because he could not react to the opponent's strategy.

… After only a few laps on the field, he was exhausted and panting. In the end, he could only hang on Shen Yijin's waist and breathe.

"It's too hard to play, I... can't..." Jing Xun was speechless.

The seemingly simple exercise is much more difficult than pure mental work like chess!

Shen Yijin threw the ball away, turned around and half-supported him, letting the youth lean on him to catch his breath.

"Xiaoxun is already very good."

Jing Xun expressed doubts: "...really?"

"Yeah." Shen Yijin affirmed with a hidden smile, "I'm very savvy."

"Huh." Jing Xun hummed, suddenly remembering the scene of the last time he was determined to exercise his body with iron, and he couldn't help saying: "Mr., take me with you when you work out. I must exercise!"

"Okay." Shen Yijin didn't have any comments as usual.

Outside the basketball court, Yang Nianjiao's car drove by the lane.

The person sitting in the car naturally saw the two people hugging each other on the basketball court.

The driving Qi Zeming couldn't help but sighed: "Tsk, Master Jin and Master Jingxun are really glued together, but also, I knew this is such a powerful person, so I should have let the second master hold him..."

Before he finished speaking, he was glared by Yang Nianjiao in the back row.

Yan Jingxun broke through her cognition of excellence, and made Yang Nianjiao who suddenly learned the news even more to the bottom.

… I thought that the eldest master was confused by beauty, and found someone with no family background to get married casually.

I didn't expect it to be like this...!

In the past two years, the market has been gradually reshuffled, and many large family businesses have collapsed overnight.

The old industry has gradually become saturated and declining, and the most promising emerging industry is high-tech.

Whoever takes the lead in mastering more human resources will win.

Yang Nianjiao didn't realize this in the early years. After returning to China, Shen Yijin took the lead in creating Yiwei Technology, which reminded her of this.

Then the more I understand the market, the more I feel that the future of the technology field is promising, but it is a pity that it will be too late by the time she realizes it.

-Yiwei Technology has become the largest domestic company, but the small company she raised funds from outside the country has not yet officially started.

Originally, I wanted to overtake Yiwei directly on the ai chip in the corner, but I didn't expect that the person Shen Yizhin was looking for was someone she couldn't dig!

Looking at the two people who hugged and hugged and talked together on the basketball court, Yang Nianjiao only complained more about his son at this time.

Why didn't Shen Bohan tell her such important information!

Compared to finding a marriage with a family background, Yan Jingxun is a better student who can determine the direction of emerging industries...

Talent is more important than anything this year!

"Hurry up and go to the company for a meeting! Don't see what time it is to burn your eyebrows, you are still in the mood to laugh!"

After playing basketball for a while, in the afternoon when nothing happened, Jing Xun was accompanied by Shen Yijin to play tennis for a while.

He has played tennis... in a game console.

It looks simple when playing games, but it doesn’t feel difficult to actually operate. After the fight was over, Jing Xun felt that his arm was so sore that he couldn't lift it up at all, and he was shaking with a glass of water.

In addition, they still wandered around the Shen family mansion today, inside and out, and Jing Xun's two legs were too sore.

At this moment, he could only lie on the bed, letting Shen Yizhin rub his arms, shoulders and thighs.

The husband's hands are a bit strong, but Jing Xun knows that he has accumulated lactic acid, and he needs to knead it to heal quickly.

Despite the pain, he gritted his teeth and endured it.

Who told Chen Yijin to come back to rest before, but he didn't agree.

It's just that when you endure it, you always have to grin, and kick your legs from time to time, to relieve this severe pain.

Jing Xun rolled on the bed for a while, then was picked up by Shen Yizhin, and hugged him into the bathroom.

"A hot bath will be much better."

Jing Xun: "Oh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

The water in the bathtub is almost ready.

Shen Yijin put him in the bathroom and went out because the phone rang, it was an official call.

Even Mr. Weekend couldn't get out of work completely, Jing Xun saw no surprises, and took off his clothes and stepped into the bathtub.

They are staying in the main house tonight. The bathtub in the husband’s room is not the kind of jacuzzi at home, or the simple old-fashioned cuboid bathtub. It is not big, but fortunately the volume is deep enough. Soak to the shoulders.

Not to mention, after being soaked in water, it feels better after being affected by buoyancy.

Jing Xun leaned on the wall of the bathtub idly and looked up at the mist that had condensed on the roof.

I don't know if it was changed to a new environment. At night, Jing Xun rarely got used to it.

He remembered what Shen Yijin had told him about the house during the day, and couldn't help blinking blankly.

Dr. Li once said that the main problem with her husband was that he never talked about his past.

After struggling in the long mental torture for nearly two decades, Shen Yijin has changed countless psychiatrists.

However, because most of the early psychotherapists were not authoritative, and they had been treated for countless times, by the end of the day, Chen Yijin was almost more professional than the doctor who handled him.

Perhaps he knew that psychological treatment alone could not save him. Long ago he refused to analyze his problems in front of others, and even did not want to be mentioned again.

He accepted a life of relying solely on drugs to stabilize his emotions.

Either it is extraordinary and generally without feelings, or it is awake all night in manic depression. Shen Yijin got used to it.

He gave up treatment and chose not to speak any more.

So all the secrets are buried deep in my heart along with emotions.

For a long time, let alone outsiders can't touch it, maybe even Shen Yijin himself can't convince himself to think of it.

… So what did the husband experience in the past

Jing Xun exhaled heavily in the warm water.

Shen Yijin didn't mention it himself, nor was it allowed to be mentioned by outsiders, so not only Doctor Li didn't know it, but even Jing Xun didn't know it.

He did not dare to ask, nor did he dare to inquire about his husband's family.

For fear of irritating Shen Yijin.

In fact, Dr. Li did not advise him to touch her husband's past easily.

Of course, if you try to remember the past often, it may help you recover.

The husband suddenly mentioned the past about this big house today, which gave Jing Xun a kind of hope.

But today they made a full circle around the mansion, and it seems that Mr. has no special feelings or feelings for the rebuilt mansion.

So what to do

Maybe because he was too tired, Jing Xun, who was leaning there, began to wander away.

He thought for a moment that he still couldn't worry, he had to take his time. After a while, I thought that my husband is already very good now, but I still have to take the medicine, and I can’t take the medicine all the time. It’s not good to take too much...

Thinking about it, Jing Xun couldn't sit still again.

He crawled out of the bathtub again, wrapped a bathrobe casually and ran out of the bathroom.

Shen Yijin was still standing at the window calling, hearing the voice, he looked back at Jing Xun.

The tall figure could be turned around, and he was wrapped around his waist by the youth.

Shen Yijin paused for a while, and then raised his hand to touch the young man’s dripping wet hair. Seeing that the young man seemed to have nothing particularly urgent, he spoke on the phone and brought someone back to the bathroom. He gave him the towel. Wipe your hair.

After wiping with one hand for a while, he finally ordered the supervisor on the other side of the phone, and then Shen Yijin hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?"

After talking on the phone, throwing the phone aside, Shen Yizhin began to wipe the young man's hair with both hands.

"Why did this come out?"

"I just want to hug you." Jing Xun said.

Even though he was tired just now, his eyes were still round and bright at the moment.

I feel that no conversation is more important than companionship and amusement, head: "I'm just fine with you, sir."


Shen Yijin didn't seem to have thought of this answer, it was visible to the naked eye, and he was stunned again.

Then he pulled the young man to sit down... He sat on the sofa and let the young man sit on his lap.

The water marks on Jing Xun's legs that hadn't been dried wet Shen Yijian's trousers, leaving a water stain on them.

Later, Jing Xun was so tired that he couldn't move.

He fell asleep without success on the way to bathing again.

The bed here is not as big as the bed at home.

In the middle of the night, the sleeping youth rolled aside subconsciously and was picked up by a slender arm.

The young man in his sleep was lying on his side unconsciously, adjusted his posture twice unconsciously, and finally raised one leg and put it on the calf of the person next to the pillow. This was satisfied and stopped moving.

But soon, that leg was gently lifted up by someone, and finally changed to a posture where he was pressing on the other's thigh and he was half-riding on the person.