Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 33: Chapter 33


Lin Qingyu thought that Lu Wancheng was just talking casually, but he was really worried about his funeral. Suspecting the ugly clothes, he said he would wear his own clothes in the coffin when the time comes; also that the white clothes are too monotonous, and I asked if I could change it to a colorful one; I learned that the epitaph he wanted could not be engraved on the tombstone. Arguing with Lin Qingyu for a long time.

"Why not?" Lu Wancheng said angrily, "My own epitaph, I still don't have the right to decide?"

Lin Qingyu mocked and said, "'Let a salted fish here, and finally sleep after death'. Thousands of years later, how do you think future generations will think of you?"

Lu Wancheng smiled leisurely: "You might think that I am an advanced talent, and then put me in the top of the "Eight Great Masters"..."

Lin Qingyu interrupted mercilessly: "Dreams must also be measured."

The meticulously created limericks cannot be engraved on the tombstone. Lu Wancheng looked disappointed. He sat in a wheelchair and sighed, seeing the flowery motherhood overflowing. Lin Qingyu ignored him and went to the study to take care of herself.

It didn't take long for Hualu to find him with a plate of washed fresh jujubes, and she stopped saying: "Saojun, do you eat jujube?"

"Speak straight."

Hualu hesitated for a long time, and said, "Master has been in this last month. I think you should be nice to him and accommodate him more."

Lin Qingyu smiled faintly: "But, he doesn't want to be accommodated."

Hualu was surprised: "Huh?"

"He tried every means to let us relax, how can we let him down." Lin Qingyu's voice was with insignificant tenderness, "Tell the people of Blue Wind Pavilion, during the last period of time, what should we do? , Just as usual."

Hualu seemed to understand but not understand, but she believed in Shaojun. She waited for so long by the young master, she didn't dare to say that she knew the young master. She had only been married for less than a year, and she had already seen through the young master.

This is probably the confidant of the literati.

The coffin is the resting place of the deceased, and it is the most important thing in the funeral. As Lin Qingyu Ji Lu Wancheng said, when he picked the coffin, he really took him with him. Huoqi couldn't move the coffin into the Hou Mansion for them to choose, so he could only bother them to run.

Such special shops like Xiuqi are generally open in hidden dark corners of street corners. This whole street is almost full of shops that do business with dead people, the largest of which is called Wuwangtang, which was commissioned by Lin Qingyu.

Lin Qingyu pushed Lu Wancheng ahead, and Huantong shrank and followed behind, with his arms folded, feeling that the street was much colder than the outside, and the wind was whistling, passing by the door of a family with paper people from time to time. In the shop, you can see goose bumps all over the place.

Wuwangtang's folks learned that Young Master Hou Mansion was coming, and waited at the door early in the morning. "The villain respects Young Master." The guy was surprised when he saw Lu Wancheng in the wheelchair, "Could this be..."

Huan Tong said: "It's my little Hou Ye."

Lu Wancheng smiled and said hello to the buddy, making the buddy startled. He has been doing this for so long, and he has never seen anyone choose a coffin for himself in person.

Lin Qingyu asked: "What about things?"

The guy is clever and reacts quickly, so he hurriedly smiled and said, "All are ready, please come here, Master Hou."

Although the facade of Wuwangtang is small, there is a cave behind. The newly-made coffins are neatly arranged in the backyard, and they are of different types. The guys introduced them to them one by one: "This is Catalpa wood, that is Nanmu. Catalpa wood is not perishable, moisture-resistant and moisture-resistant; Nanmu has fine texture and is not easy to deform... Less Which two kinds of Lord Jun Xiao Hou want?"

Lu Wancheng found a blind spot: "Two kinds?"

The man said: "Since the young Lord Hou is married, he will naturally be buried with Young Master in the future. The so-called married couple will have the same bed when they are born, and the same hole will be the same when they die. A hundred years later, Lord Xiao Hou and Young Lord will be buried together in the same hole. Can continue the front edge."

For a while, Lin Qingyu and Lu Wancheng both fell silent.

Lin Qingyu had never thought of being buried with Lu Wancheng. He was reminded by his buddy that he realized the meaning of "being married".

Even though he and Lu Wancheng were reluctant and ignorant of this marriage at the beginning, their marriage was still hired according to the three-match six, and they went to worship heaven and earth, and worshiped Gaotang, which was completely different from Xiao Wei and Lu Niantao and his ilk.

The knot is a husband and wife, and there is no doubt about love.

Life should come back, and death should be Sauvignon Blanc. ①

The four words "tie-fa couple" are too heavy.

Lu Wancheng smiled and said to Lin Qingyu: "Joint burial... Now it’s too early, and I’m used to sleeping alone. I don’t have a problem with burial together, but it would be too wrong for you to be buried in the ancestral grave of the Lu family. "If it is the tomb of the Jiang Family's ancestors, he can still think about it.

The guy looked at Lin Qingyu embarrassedly: "Young Master, this..."

Lin Qingyu said indifferently: "That's what I heard from Master Xiaohou."

The guy didn't dare to be beaked: "There are many new works of Wuwangtang behind, please come with me, Master Xiaohou."

Suddenly, a woman whispered faintly. Huantong was so scared that he leaned on Lin Qingyu: "Young master, do you hear the cry?"

The guy explained: "Don't be afraid, brother, that's another guest watching the coffin."

Several people followed the buddy through the rows of coffins, and they saw a woman. The woman is plain, her eyes are out of focus, and she is described as haggard and weak as a willow. Even so, it is not difficult to see how beautiful she used to be.

The man whispered: "This is Mrs. Huo. Her husband contracted tuberculosis three years ago and died at home yesterday."

Mrs. Huo was originally a talented actress of Jiaofang Division. She met a scholar because of fate, and she had a lifelong relationship with him. The scholar boy ran away his wealth and redeemed her for her. He thought he would be able to accompany her with a white head. Unexpectedly, only a few years have passed since the days of raising the eyebrows of the case.

The guy didn't sigh: "Mrs. Huo is a weak woman born in the dust. She has no father and no mother. She lost her husband at an early age. She was born with such an outstanding appearance, I am afraid that the future will be difficult."

Several people were standing not far from Madam Huo, but Madam Huo seemed to be unable to see them at all, nor could she hear them. She gently stroked a phoebe coffin with her hand, and murmured: "May the southwest wind pass into the arms of the king for a long time... ②"

After that, a line of tears slowly slid down from the corner of her eye, and fell to pieces.

Lin Qingyu retracted his gaze and said, "Let's go."

Lu Wancheng was silent for a moment, and said with a smile: "I think the Nanmu coffin is not bad, do you have other styles for me to see?"

Wuwangtang is worthy of being a time-honored brand in Beijing, and things are done quickly and well. Within a few days, everything else was prepared except for the Nanmu coffin that Lu Wancheng wanted. In Lu Wancheng's own words, he could say goodbye to everyone anytime.

After everything was ready, the man went to the Hou Mansion to settle the bill. Lin Qingyu thought that he was doing well, so he personally rewarded him. The guy accepted the reward and said with a smile: "There is still something in the hall, so the villain won't bother Master Xiaohou and Young Master."

Lu Wancheng asked casually: "You Wuwangtang, will you be busy in winter?"

"Who said no." The man said, "There are many elderly people who can't make it through every winter. But today, it was a young lady who went to... Xiaohouye and Shaojun should still remember that it was that day we were there. Mrs. Huo that Wuwangtang has seen."

Lu Wancheng was taken aback: "She was fine the day before yesterday, why is she so suddenly."

The man sighed: "That Madam Huo couldn't bear the pain of losing her husband. After finishing the funeral for her husband, she died in the lake in the middle of the night."

Hearing this, Hualu covered her mouth with red eyes, and Huantong was also quite moved. Lin Qingyu glanced at Lu Wancheng, and said to the guy: "Thanks for your hard work, go."

After the buddy left, Lu Wancheng was obviously quieter. Lin Qingyu could probably guess why he was like this, and she must have nothing to do with Madam Huo.

Sure enough, Lu Wancheng suddenly asked him after drinking the medicine, "Qingyu, you should, haven't you treated me as a husband?"

Lin Qingyu said, "I said, I treat you as a friend and a confidant."

Fortunately, it's just a confidant.

But if the confidant is gone, he will be sad and sad.

"You don't want to be a confidant." Lu Wancheng was a little anxious, "You can treat me as... as a tool."

Tools... A tool that can be thrown away after you use it, without putting any emotions into it

Lu Wancheng wants him to do this

Lin Qingyu sneered, "Lu Wancheng, who do you think I am."

Lu Wancheng was stunned: "... Qingyu?"

"Do you think that after you die, I will be like the other survivors. I will wash my face in tears and live in search of death?" Lin Qingyu's voice is slightly cold, like winter snow. In the miss of you? You are wrong, Lu Wancheng. If I was so vulnerable and indecisive, when I was marrying you, I would have been hit and killed on the Xi bed." Lin Qingyu watched Lu Wancheng, his apple was rolling up and down. , Calmly said, "Don't worry, I will watch you go, and then... live well."

Lu Wancheng watched him for a long time, his eyes seemed to contain Ling Ling Qiushui, and he almost sighed: "What should I do, Qingyu, you really... are completely rooted in my sexuality."