Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 34: Chapter 34


In the beginning of winter, the water begins to froze, the ground begins to freeze, the vegetation withers, and the stinging termem. The fragrance of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the Lanfengge courtyard is no longer there, only layers of dead branches are left.

On the other side of the Hou Mansion is the courtyard of the Liang family. The weather is getting colder and colder, but the main house is full of spring and full of vitality. Since Lu Niantao married into the East Palace as a side concubine, the Liang family has gradually been regaining favor. Nan'anhou even deliberately gave her a part of the power of the family. Even the sickly Lu Qiaosong also cheered up again and looked around for famous doctors. Cure your own inhumane hidden illness.

After Lu Wancheng heard about it, he asked Lin Qingyu: "Lu Qiaosong's disease shouldn't be cured, right?"

Lin Qingyu affirmed: "This is natural."

"Then I can rest assured." Lu Wancheng coughed twice and laughed, "Qingyu, we seem to have something to gather together to gloat and curse other vicious villains indiscriminately."

Lin Qingyu also smiled: "It's good to be a vicious villain."

The two were talking, Hualu walked into the room and exchanged hot tea for them. Lu Wancheng saw that her eyes were a little red, and her expression seemed to be crying, and asked, "What's the matter with Hualu, who is bullying you?"

Hualu curled her lips and mumbled: "No one."

Lin Qingyu said, "Is it Huantong?"

Hualu was Lanfengge's maid, and only Huantong dared to make her angry.

Hualu didn't think there was anything, but when the two masters cared about it, she became aggrieved and choked to say what happened. It turns out that the makeup of women's forehead appliqués has become popular in Beijing recently. The flower dew looked fresh, she didn't post it, and drew one for herself this morning. She worked neatly, but she was clumsy when putting makeup on herself. She drew a plum blossom into four different images. She was accidentally bumped into by Huan pupil, and she was laughed at by a lot of people, saying that she was a Dong Shi.

"This fellow Huantong, do you know how to respect girls?" Lu Wancheng comforted Hualu, "It's okay, I will scold him for you when I turn around. Your young master can scold someone, so he must be scolded by his mother. "

The flower dew broke his tears into a smile.

Lin Qingyu said, "I can paint Huatian. I will paint for you and make amends for him."

Lu Wancheng wondered: "Aren't only girls who can paint flowers, how can you?"

"How difficult is this?" Lin Qingyu said lightly, "Hua Lu, take your makeup."

Flower lotion usually seldom puts on makeup and there are not many makeup items, but there are still some rouge that women often use. Lin Qingyu took a clean pen, dipped it in rouge, held the pen in one hand, and put his sleeves in the other, and painted it carefully between the flowery eyebrows.

The flower dew was shrouded in a delicate fragrance of scrolls, and he looked up and saw Shaojun's cold and beautiful jaw, his whole body strained tightly. Even if she only had a heart of awe for Young Master, her heartbeat was speeding up at the moment and her face was hot. She couldn't help thinking, if Shaojun didn't marry into the Hou Mansion and become a man's wife, how many girls' hearts would have been captured.

After a while, Lin Qingyu put down the pen and said, "Okay."

Lin Qingyu painted a small group of burning flames, with a few strokes, vivid and playful. Hualu looked at herself in the mirror and exclaimed: "Young Master is so amazing!"

Lu Wancheng smiled and said, "The beauty is beautiful, it will definitely brighten Huantong's dog's eyes."

Hua Lu was so shy that her cheeks flushed: "Who wants to show it to him."

Lu Wancheng said again: "Qingyu, you can paint so well, do you paint yourself too?"

Lin Qingyu replied, "You are so interested, can I draw one for you?"

Lu Wancheng happily said, "Okay."

Lu Wancheng's Huatian still failed to be painted in the end. The next person came to report that Dr. Hu had arrived.

For Lin Qingyu, Hu Ji was the main source of news in the palace. He immediately asked Dr. Hu to come in and serve hot tea.

When Hu Ji saw that Lu Wancheng was not in a wheelchair during the day, but lying on the collapsed, he knew that his situation was not optimistic. He wisely didn't ask about Lu Wancheng's body, but only reported to Lin Qingyu the current situation in the palace, especially the situation in the East Palace.

The prince accepted the two concubines at once, and there was a lot of excitement in the East Palace. One of the two side concubines comes from the family of civil servants, the other is a military commander, and the temperament is also gentle and lively. According to the little eunuch of the East Palace, the prince treated the two concubines the same at first, but privately preferred the Lu family. He once stayed with Lu family for three consecutive days. However, afterwards, about Mo was fresh, and the prince became quite indifferent to the two side concubines, and occasionally it was a routine to take a look.

"What am I talking about?" Lu Wancheng said slowly, "For the prince, what is not obtained is the best."

Lin Qingyu frowned slightly between her eyebrows. He thought that Lu Niantao would be spoiled for at least half a year, because he looked at Lu Niantao highly. If Xiao Wei doesn't stay with her often, the timing of the poisonous outbreak will have to be postponed again.

Lu Wancheng's current body, how can he wait for that day.

Lin Qingyu said irritably, "A useless idiot, who won't fight for favor."

"Don't be angry, don't be angry," Lu Wancheng coaxed, "Lu Niantao... Well, she is a smart person and very strong. She will find a way to be favored."

Lin Qingyu closed her eyes, calmed herself down, and asked about other things. He heard that there was a seasonal epidemic in the south as soon as winter entered, and he did not know what the current situation was.

"The situation is terrible. Several villages in Hongzhou are empty. Now it is an eventful autumn, with the epidemic in the south and war in the west," Hu Ji said more and more sentimentally. "The dragon body of the saint is still not getting better..."

Speaking of the west, Lin Qingyu thought of his father who was far away in Yongliang, and asked: "Doctor Hu, has any news about my father?"

Hu Ji said, "After the court sentenced the lord to Yongliang, he has been helping General Gu to detoxify. I don't know where the Xiliang thief found the strange poison. The court sentenced the lord to try all the herbs, but it still has no effect. General Gu. Weak day by day, I heard that he may not be able to survive the New Year."

Lu Wancheng casually said, "Then I am going to meet this General Gu under Jiuquan."

General Gu was born in a poor family and joined the army at the age of fourteen. Li Zhinian has no father, no mother, no wife and no children, and a gun/gun is his only family.

Lin Qingyu sneered and said, "God is so unfair."

People who damn don't die right away, and people who don't deserve to die don't die well.

After Hu Ji left, the relaxed atmosphere of painting Huatian on the mirror not long ago disappeared. Lu Wancheng looked out the window and laughed at himself: "Do I really want to die earlier than Xiao Wei? Alas, I'm so unwilling."

Lin Qingyu was quiet, and said: "There will be other ways-there must be."

Lu Wancheng smiled: "Well, it will."

Having said that, it was not easy for them to want Xiao Wei's sudden death, and they couldn't even enter the palace.

Knowing this long ago, he might as well abandon medicine and join martial arts. When Xiao Teng called him "Little Qingyu," he could pinch Xiao Teng's neck directly and watch the light in his eyes disappear with his own eyes.

Lin Qingyu gradually became restless. He was lying on the upper bunk of Lu Wancheng, unable to sleep all night, so he had to prescribe a pair of sleep aids to himself.

How could he make Lu Wancheng live longer... longer.

On this day, Lu Wancheng woke up from a nap and saw that Lin Qingyu was not there, calling out: "Hua Lu, help me up."

Hualu put down the work in her hand, and while helping Lu Wancheng got up, she took a soft pillow and placed it behind him: "What does the young master want?"

Lu Wancheng paused for a long time, and said, "There is a prescription in the second cabinet on the left. You take it to the pharmacy and ask them to decoct me according to this prescription in the future."

Hualu is not at ease: "Who prescribed this prescription, let's show it to Young Master first."

Lu Wancheng smiled and said, "It's okay, this is the recipe of the father-in-law."

"It turned out to be the judge of the court, that must be a good prescription." Hua Lu said with joy, "I'll go right away."

Lu Wancheng stopped her: "You don't need to tell Young Master about this. Hmm... But he is so smart, he can definitely see it."

I don't know when, Lin Qingyu began to personally serve Lu Wancheng's decoction. When it was time to drink the medicine, Lin Qingyu returned to the room. Hualu brought the medicine, he took the medicine bowl, and knew that this was not the prescription he had prescribed for Lu Wancheng.

Lin Qingyu suddenly raised her eyes.

Lu Wancheng smiled at him: "What's the matter?"

Lin Qingyu's fingertips almost pierced into his palm. He shook his head and said as calmly as possible: "It's okay."

If this is Lu Wancheng's choice, he will respect it.

"When did you ask for my father?" Lin Qingyu asked.

Lu Wancheng did not conceal: "I got up very early on the day my father-in-law left Beijing."

Lin Qingyu smiled faintly: "The fate is like this. Aren't you afraid of pain?"

"How painful can it be?" Lu Wancheng didn't care. "Women can endure the pain of childbirth. Shouldn't it hurt to have a baby any more pain?"

Lin Qingyu seemed to have something stuck in her chest, and said in a dumb voice, "Didn't you say that your life is up to you."

Lu Wancheng "Ah" said, "Then I want to take a look at Xuexue more, take another look... and then go."

Lin Qingyu didn't say anything, she patiently fed Lu Wancheng down all the medicine, and then stayed with him until the effect of the medicine began to take off.

Lu Wancheng's expression didn't change much, but his forehead was violent, and it didn't take long before he broke out in a cold sweat. To Shang Lin Qingyu's gaze, he covered his eyes with his hand, and said with a trembling smile: "Don't look at it, I must have distorted facial features now, very ugly."

Lin Qingyu took his hand down, held it in his palm, and whispered softly, "What should I do to make you feel better."

Lu Wancheng thought for a while and said, "Well... let me take advantage of it?"

Lin Qingyu hesitated for a moment and asked, "How do you want to account."

"Don't worry, I won't go too far, just want to hear you scream..."

Lin Qingyu guessed: "Brother Wan Cheng?"

Lu Wancheng really thought so. However, seeing Lin Qingyu's unconcealed expression of concern, he suddenly changed his mind, he wanted to go a little bit more.

Anyway... Anyway, Lin Qingyu would never know what he wanted to express in this life.

Lu Wancheng shook his head: "Don't call it'brother', call-'husband'."

Lin Qingyu was startled, and asked helplessly: "Do you know what the word'husband' means in Dayu."

"I know, it's the eunuch's meaning." Lu Wancheng wanted to talk to Lin Qingyu in the usual humorous tone, but he was so painful that he could only barely show a broken smile, "But I don't want to conceal it, I have spent my whole life. The dream is to go into the palace and become a eunuch."

Lin Qingyu: "..." To be sure, Lu Wancheng was already so confused by the pain that he would speak such nonsense.

Lu Wancheng said with difficulty: "Can you let me take advantage of this?"

What's wrong with this.

Lin Qingyu gently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with the hem of his sleeve, and whispered, "Husband."

Lu Wancheng smiled weakly, suppressing the moan/groan that almost overflowed from the pain, and smiled crookedly: "It's so nice, thank you, wife."