Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 4: Chapter 4


There were too many things on this day. Before going to bed, Lin Qingyu realized that he had miscalculated—he forgot to ask someone to pack a bed in the study. He originally wanted to sleep at the desk in the study for one night, but Lu Wancheng unexpectedly let Hualu come and invite him to sleep in the room.

Lin Qingyu came to the bedroom with a calm face. Lu Wancheng finished drinking the medicine and was about to go to bed. When he saw him, he smiled: "Here."

Lin Qingyu asked bluntly: "What do you mean."

Lu Wancheng puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you say that we don't have to take this marriage seriously?"

"Yes indeed."

"Then why do you want me to come back to sleep?"

Lu Wancheng smiled clearly and said, "You misunderstood. I didn't ask you to come back to sleep to sleep with you..."

The simple and direct words made Lin Qingyu's face hot: "You are Master Hou Men anyway, can you speak more solemnly?"

Lu Wancheng solemnly said: "I didn't ask you to come back to sleep to sleep with you. After all, no matter how good-looking you are, you are still a man, and I am not a broken sleeve."

Lin Qingyu took a deep breath and decided not to care about Lu Wancheng: "I have something to say."

"I want to rub your blessing." Lu Wancheng thoughtfully, "I always feel that when I'm with you, my body can be easier."

Lin Qingyu had a meal: "Are you serious?"

Lu Wancheng nodded: "Seriously."

The corners of Lin Qingyu's mouth moved slightly, and she sneered with a "stupid" word: "I didn't expect you to believe this too."

He thought that Lu Wancheng was different from the others in Nan'an Houfu, but he looked highly.

"I didn't believe it more than you, but now I believe it a little bit." Lu Wancheng said slowly, "Doctor Lin, do you believe that people have three souls and six souls, and the cycle of life and death?"

Lin Qingyu resolutely said: "I don't believe it."


"Because I haven't seen it."

"But I have seen it."

"That must be your mistake."

Lu Wancheng said quietly: "Oh, I know no one believes it."

Lin Qingyu twisted her eyebrows: "So, you also believed the nonsense of the national teacher?"

If it hadn't been for the birthday horoscope given by the national teacher, there would be no Chongxi at the back. The name of the national teacher is naturally also on his list of grudges.

"Guo Shi..." Lu Wancheng thought, "You reminded me that I should go to meet Dayu, the Chinese teacher who'understands heaven and earth, knows ghosts and gods' when I have time."

Lin Qingyu said bluntly: "You can let yourself get out of bed first."

Although the national teacher has never been contaminated with political affairs, he is also distinguished, comparable to the nobles of the sky, and is often called by the sage to accompany him in the palace. Lu Wancheng wanted to see him, only to beg for it.

Lu Wancheng returned to his senses and said, "Let's not talk about it. Doctor Lin, look at how soft Hua Lu prepared for you."

"... What is it?"

Lin Qingyu only noticed that he slept softly last night, covered with thick mattresses and quilts, and a soft pillow, which looked like a small bed.

Lin Qingyu lost her expression for a while, and she didn't know whether to praise or scold.

Lu Wancheng said generously: "I don't mind sleeping with a man, but I'm afraid you would."

When Lin Qingyu left home to study, she traveled with her teacher and sometimes fell asleep with her seniors. It's really not a big deal for two men with bad styles to sleep together, but Lu Wancheng... In the name of his husband, he can't get along with Lu Wancheng as a normal man.

In any case, sleeping softly is more comfortable than sleeping on a desk. By the way, it can save Liang from the trouble of using questions after he knows that he and Lu Wancheng are in a separate room.

Lin Qingyu took notice and said, "I'll go wash first."

As the night got deeper, the lights in the Hou Mansion went out one by one. Two newly married men, one sleeping on the bed, the other lying on the soft collapse, separated by a screen embroidered with a picture of mandarin ducks playing in the water.

Lu Wancheng sleeps too much during the day, and he is not too sleepy right now. He folded his hands behind his head and chatted with Lin Qingyu: "Doctor Lin, how old are you this year."

Lin Qingyu closed her eyes, lacking interest and said: "Eighteen."

"From a normal perspective, you are probably a few months older than me. How about I call you'Brother Yu' from now on?"

Lin Qingyu asked: "Do you have a headache?"

Lu Wancheng felt it, "It doesn't hurt."

"I thought you had a bad brain and forgot your age."

"Hey, how old am I?"

Is this person really stupid or pretending to be stupid

Being irritable before going to bed should not be healthy, Lin Qingyu tried to calm down as much as possible: "Nineteen."

"There is such a good thing?" Lu Wancheng smiled, "Then you call me'Big Brother Wancheng'."

Lin Qingyu turned over, leaving only the back of Lu Wancheng's head: "Go to sleep, Master Hou, you have everything in your dreams."

Lu Wancheng laughed lowly, wondering to himself: "A super-tempered beauty, such a sentimental character is not the protagonist..."

The night was heavy, Lin Qingyu was exhausted physically and mentally, allowing herself to sink into a dream.

Da Yu focuses on medicine. In addition to the Imperial Hospital and the Imperial Medicine Bureau in the palace, it also sets up the Imperial Medical Department outside the palace to train and select medical talents. Similar to the imperial examination, the Imperial Medical Office will report an examination every three years. Regardless of the birth, no matter who the teacher is, as long as they can pass the examination, they can enter the Imperial Medical Office, read the world's strange books, appreciate the treasures of the world, and learn from the outside world. The famous doctors work together; or enter the palace, or write a book, or travel to other countries to study.

The Imperial Medical Office, the sanctuary of healers, had many people squeezed their heads and wanted to go in. The assessment and selection were extremely strict. Lin Qingyu is very talented and talented, and his teacher once asserted that he must pass the exam. But he still didn't dare to slack off, and prepared for this exam for three years.

It's finally the day of the exam. He and a few classmates waited outside the examination room. The young man was full of spirits, and talked and laughed happily. In him, there is no panic from others.

The vermilion door of the examination room slowly opened, and Lin Qingyu's eyes lit up. He walked up the steps step by step and walked towards his ideal sanctuary. Seeing that he was about to touch the beam of light, a strange voice stopped him.

It was a man in an eunuch's suit. Lin Qingyu couldn't see his face clearly, only the bright yellow imperial decree he was holding in his hands.

"The imperial decree is here, Lin Qingyu accepts the decree—"

Lin Qingyu knelt down and listened to the decree. The other examinees didn't seem to care about this sudden change at all, and walked into the examination room one by one, forming phantoms behind Lin Qingyu.

"Feng Tian carries the emperor, the emperor said, the son of Nan'an Hou, Lu Wancheng, has a valuable character, extraordinary appearance, and a weak crown. Today, the Taiyuan Hospital sentenced Lin Zhaoxing's son to be filial and dignified. I would like to marry the two. Auspicious day for the big wedding, thank you for this."

Lin Qingyu looked up in amazement, the bright yellow light pierced him almost unable to open his eyes.

The door of the Imperial Medical Office slammed shut.

Lin Qingyu suddenly woke up from her dream. In the silence, there was only his gasping/breathing sound.

The heartbeat gradually calmed down, but the frustration and unwillingness were like a thick inkstone, which could not dissipate or dissolve in his heart.

Dream and reality are not the same. In reality, the eunuch who delivered the decree went directly to the Lin Mansion, after which he was disqualified for the exam. Before the day of the exam, he became the male wife of Nan'an Hou Mansion.

There was still an hour before dawn, and Lin Qingyu was completely sleepy. He fell down and wanted to pour himself a cup of tea, when he heard a deliberately lowered moan/groan.

It was Lu Wancheng's voice.

Lin Qingyu lit a lamp and walked quickly to the bedside: "Master Xiaohou?"

Lu Wancheng curled up on the bed, slightly arched, his eyes closed, his face slightly distorted, and his long hair sticking to his face from cold sweat.

Lin Qingyu called again: "Lu Wancheng?"

Lu Wancheng opened his eyes, his eyes lost: "Doctor Lin?"

"it's me."

"Doctor Lin, I feel a little uncomfortable."

Lin Qingyu probed Lu Wancheng's pulse and determined that he was the guilty of palpitations.

"I know." Lin Qingyu said softly, rarely, "I feel uncomfortable in my chest, isn't it?"

Lu Wancheng nodded.

"You can bear it, I will come as soon as I go."

Lu Wancheng weakly said, "Are you going to get a knife?"

Lin Qingyu was inexplicable: "What am I doing with the knife."

"Missing knife?"

Lin Qingyu's tone returned to her usual indifference: "... I am not interested in killing people."

However, before the wedding, he did give Lu Wancheng a drug, making him inhumane. If it weren't for Lu Wancheng's good performance on the wedding night, he would first ask him not to take the marriage seriously, otherwise Lu Wancheng might have become half an eunuch now.

Lin Qingyu took out a wooden medical box from the box where he put his clothes. There were a lot of his favorite works in it, most of which were poisons. Of course, there were also some good medicines for curing diseases and saving people.

Lin Qingyu returned to the bed with a porcelain vase and an acupuncture bag in his hand. "This is Zhenxin Pill, which can relieve your palpitations. Would you like to take it?"

Lu Wancheng said, "Come live and eat."

Lin Qingyu resisted the urge to turn around and leave, and helped Lu Wancheng up and fed Zhenxin Wan into his mouth: "Just in case, I'll give you two more needles."

Lu Wancheng seemed to think of the shadow of his youth, holding his arm and trying to get up: "Prick a needle?"

"It's acupuncture!"

"Oh." Lu Wancheng lay back, "then you lighten it."

Lin Qingyu: "I have to work hard."

Lu Wancheng: "..."

Lin Qingyu sighed. Acupuncture is a meticulous job, and he must concentrate on it.

"Doctor Lin, am I going to die again? Save if you can, and don't force it." Lu Wancheng sighed, "I only slept for a few days and woke up naturally..."

"Shut up." Lin Qingyu sweated from her forehead, her eyes gleamed, and she focused on the first needle, "It won't let you die, at least not tonight."

After taking medicine and acupuncture, Lu Wancheng's symptoms were relieved, and he fell asleep soon. Lin Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief, raised his eyes and looked out the window, the sky was already white.

The next day, after three poles in the sun, Lu Wancheng was still not awake. Hualu was so worried, she couldn't help but sniff him. Lin Qingyu saw this and said, "If you are so free, go and sweep the ground in the yard."

Hua Lu said: "Young Master, Master has been sleeping for six hours, is this really reasonable?"

Lin Qingyu didn't care: "The patient sleeps more." Before Hualu was relieved, he said again: "But he is really too sleepy. He used to lack sleep?"

Hualu shook her head: "No, the young master is weak, lying in bed all the year round, and always sleeps when he is sleepy."

Lin Qingyu was thoughtful upon hearing this.

Lu Wancheng didn't woke up leisurely until the hour was too late. Lin Qingyu was called by him to the bed and accepted his thanks: "Doctor Lin, thank you for having you last night, otherwise I don't know how I died."

Seeing that he looked good, Lin Qingyu didn't bother to be merciful anymore: "That's naturally sick and dead."

"Great kindness, no retribution. I have decided, I will do a difficult and troublesome thing for you."

Lin Qingyu was indifferent: "It's not necessary, you just need to say a few words before going to bed."

"Huh?" Lu Wancheng smiled, "Are you being dismissed too much..."

The two were talking, and Fengqin came in to report: "Young Master and Young Master, the third young lady is here."

The "Miss Three" in Fengqin's mouth was Lu Wancheng's younger sister, whom Lin Qingyu had never seen.

Lu Wancheng thought slowly, "Miss San... What is she here for?"

Lin Qingyu said, "Naturally, I'm here to visit the sick-I won't bother your brothers and sisters."

Lu Wancheng grabbed his sleeves: "Look at you who are impatient, I didn't say I want to see her."

Fengqin said in surprise: "Don’t you see the young master? You have always had the best relationship. I think the third young lady also brought the knee pads she made by herself. It must be given to the young master. She came here once yesterday, too. Master Zhi was asleep, so he went back first."

Lin Qingyu has no affection for the people in Nan'an Houfu, but Lu Wancheng is not him. The younger sister came to visit several times, but the elder brother couldn't ignore it.

Lin Qingyu said, "If you don't see her this time, she will come next time. My sister, what are you hiding?"

"I didn't hide, I just didn't bother to pretend to be like them, imagining and scheming." Lu Wancheng thought for a while and said, "Or else, Fengqin, if you go back, let her die as me."

After that, Lu Wancheng turned around, leaving others with a lonely and stubborn back.