Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 44: Chapter 44


As early as the memorial of Gu Fuzhou's first resignation was sent to Beijing, the emperor and his confidantes discussed the matter for a long time. Some people think that Gu Fuzhou has been in command of the army for many years, and he has gained popularity and prestige in the army. In the long run, I am afraid that the soldiers will only obey the military orders and not the emperor's orders. Since Gu Fuzhou asked himself to return to Beijing to release his military power, the saint can take the opportunity to take back the military power at his will, which can be regarded as eliminating a hidden danger of Da Yu.

Another faction headed by Xiao Teng scoffed at this statement. Now that the war in the northwest is stalemate, letting Gu Fuzhou come back will only shake the military's mind and give the enemy a chance. Gu Fuzhou stationed at the northwest border all year round and fought countless victories. His name alone is enough to deter some enemies. If Gu Fuzhou was not in the northwest, the Xixia army would take the opportunity to attack the city and pull out the village. Let Zhao Mingwei guard, can he hold it.

The emperor hasn't made a sacred sentence. Gu Fuzhou's memorandum of resignation has changed from one in five days to one in three days. In the past few days, it was almost one day. At the same time, Zhao Mingwei impeached his memorial from one in five days to ten days. He was impeaching and suddenly stopped impeaching. He even said in the memorial: Although the general is lazy, he can take me. The army has won many battles. I've already done it, I don't want to get it done.

When the messengers were desperately running between the capital and Yongliang, the Xixia army was not idle and attacked the city three times in one month. The news of the emperor's quasi-play was less than a day, and Gu Fuzhou still conquered the generals of the west in a day. Every time the enemy attacked, he would curse and complain for a while, then reluctantly get up from the bed, strategize in front of the sand table, and decide the victory.

What, the sage asked General Gu, why didn't he kill the enemy before he went to battle? That is absolutely impossible. Let's put it this way, the Qingyun Kyushu gun given by the gods has long been ash in the corner, and the sweaty BMW that has been rare in a century has been fed by him for a lap, and he has also given a nasty nickname.

What is puzzling is that Gu Fuzhou can lead them to win every time. Not only can you win, but you can also win beautifully. There was even one time when Gu Fuzhou was commanding the city defense, he transferred a team of elite soldiers, taking advantage of the enemy's full attack, and sneaked an attack on the city where they stored their rations. No one knew how he calculated that the enemy’s rations were only a day away from Yongliang. Macheng’s small town. In short, the enemy's siege was halfway through, and suddenly news came from the rear that food and payment had been stolen. They did not advance, nor did they retreat. In the end, they could only lose their wife and collapse.

This is the first time that Gu Fuzhou has taken the initiative to attack after removing the remaining poison. Everyone thought that he had changed his sex again. They were highly respected, and General Gu, who was sleeping in the morning and sleeping in the night, was coming back. Who thinks, Gu Fuzhou just worked diligently for a day, and after winning, dropped the sentence "let everyone rest for two days," and lay in the account for two days.

The generals were confused again, felt distressed, and had to convince themselves. In any case, for soldiers on the battlefield, being able to win the battle and be able to save a few brothers is the most important thing. Zhao Mingwei wrote in the memorial: Forget it, we don't want to impeach it, so please don't pursue it, your Majesty.

Who wants Gu Fuzhou to find him specifically after learning about this, saying with earnest words: "You can't give up halfway, General Zhao. If you travel a hundred miles, it's half and ninety. Maybe you can pass another memo and you will succeed in impeachment."

Zhao Mingwei replied: "The general has led us to win so many times. Although the method of winning is very different from before, it is enough to win. I am not very demanding."

Gu Fuzhou looked at him reproachfully, hating iron for failing to become a steel track: "You are too boring. Don't you want to squeeze me away, do you take the lead?"

Zhao Mingwei sighed, and said, "General Gu is very wise, and he is ashamed of his inferiority. The position of this general is up to you."

Gu Fuzhou almost vomited blood: "You... can't... so... to me."

The good news spread to Beijing, and the emperor decisively rejected Gu Fuzhou's resignation. Don't look at Gu Fuzhou and don't want to fight anymore. He wants to go back to Beijing for retirement. It really drives him to the battlefield, and he can win the battle and show everyone. In that case, let him continue to stay in Yongliang. The emperor also made a deliberate decree, ordering the Lin Yuan to be judged by the waiter to ensure that the general is safe, and by the way, find the cause of his change in temperament.

Just like this, Gu Fuzhou continued to petition the emperor while fighting the war unwillingly. Half of the emperor's dragon case was his resignation note, and he finally couldn't bear it, and then he summoned his officials to discuss the matter in the Palace of Qinzheng.

Under the emperor's anger, everyone was silent, and no one dared to touch this mold.

The emperor raised his eyebrows coldly, and said in a cold voice: "I have already refuted Gu Fuzhou's excuses, and he told me the same thing one after another. So arrogant, is it true that I can't bear to touch him!"

All the officials complained endlessly. The fighting in the northwest is violent, and Gu Fuzhou is really not moved at this juncture, but now who dares to tell the truth to the emperor.

Finally, the prince stood up. Xiao Wei picked up the scattered memoirs, sorted them out and put them back on the case, saying, "Father, the emperor calmed down. Erchen thought that since Gu Fuzhou can win, it's better to let him stay in Yongliang. Now it's the job of employing people. Circumstances, those who can use them will naturally use them."

The emperor slammed the table: "How can he protect the northwest for me like this!"

"Then wait until he really loses, and it won't be too late to change."

The ministers exchanged unpredictable glances. The Ministry of War Shangshu said: "If General Gu really has to come back, will he lose to the enemy on purpose?"

Xiao Wei smiled: "If he deliberately defeated and lost the city, causing continuous casualties among his subordinates, how could he still gain a foothold in the army? At that time, the father and the emperor will take back the military power in his hand, and who else among the generals will speak for him? ."

The emperor slowly sat down on the dragon chair: "This is a way."

"Furthermore, Gu Fuzhou is so eager to return to the capital, presumably not just wanting to provide for the elderly." Xiao Teng said, "I beg your father to send Tianjiying to investigate the reasons."

The emperor was very pleased, rubbing his forehead and said: "This matter will be handed over to the prince."

Seeing this, Xiao Wei asked with concern: "Father, but the dragon's body is unsafe?"

The emperor closed his eyes and said, "It's okay to get sick."

Everyone said in unison: "Hope your majesty take care of the dragon's body."

The emperor waved his hand to signal them to retreat. Xiao Wei walked out of the Palace of Qinzheng, called Xue Ying, and asked, "My father often has headaches these days?"

Xue Ying said: "No, your majesty is worried about the war in the northwest."

"Then let Chu Zhengde show his father."

Xue Ying said, "The minion will send someone to go immediately."

Chu Zhengde is the vice judge of Taiyuan Hospital. He is sixty-five years old. The entire Taiyuan Hospital is the most senior of him. However, he has been overwhelmed by the judgement of Lin Yuan and has been in the position of vice judge for ten years.

Medical skills, like poetry and swordsmanship, come in different schools. Chu Zhengde and Lin Yuan have different factions, and their political opinions have been in disagreement for a long time. Because of this level, he didn't have a good face towards the son of Lin Yuan's sentence.

After Lin Qingyu arrived at the Imperial Hospital, Hu Ji took him to meet his senior colleagues one by one. No matter what others think of him, they are polite to him on the surface. Only Chu Zhengde came up and said: "Are you the yellow-mouthed kid who wrote the prescription for the epidemic?"

Lin Qingyu said: "Yes."

Chu Zhengde stroked his beard, shook his head and sighed: "Others want to enter the Taiyuan Hospital. They have to take a cold window for ten years, take the one-in-a-million examination of the Imperial Medical Office, and then study at the Imperial Medical Office for at least three years. The man and wife who died of her husband, relying on a prescription that did not know the truth or falsehood, did not take the exam, and went to the hospital before the weak crown... The world is getting worse."

Hu Ji said, "Emperor Chu's words are not correct. Since ancient times, when the hero was born as a boy, Lin Yuan was sentenced to the Imperial Hospital, but he was only twenty. Moreover, the prescription of Lin Yuan is not true and false, and it is indeed effective for the epidemic. "

Chu Zhengde sneered and said: "Everything must be done step by step. The more miraculous the effect, the more you have to worry about it. I am afraid that even if the prescription of the doctor Lin cures the epidemic, it will bring a lot of curse to the patient. ."

Lin Qingyu said: "The prerequisite for the curse is that the patient is still alive."

Chu Zhengde's face sank, and when he was about to argue again, he was called by Xiao Songzi from the Palace of Qinzheng. Hu Ji said, "Doctor Chu is like this, don't take it to heart."

Lin Qingyu nodded: "After all, I have been a deputy judge for ten years, and I can understand it."

He had heard his father mention Chu Zhengde before. Father Lin recognized Chu Zhengde's medical skills, and he also believed that the qualifications should be considered as Chu Zhengde's judgement position. But ten years ago, Chu Zhengde was ordered to succumb to a beloved concubine. The emperor's heirs are thin, and the beloved woman is pregnant, so this child is highly valued. Unexpectedly, the beloved concubine slipped inexplicably under the meticulous care of Chu Zhengde. Even if Chu Zhengde was accused of negligence, no matter how good his medical skills were, he could only be a vice-president.

Chu Zhengde's emotions were all written on his face, and there was nothing to care about. On the contrary, those colleagues who seem to laugh at him at Yan Yan are more worthy of his caution.

Lin Qingyu came here for the first time, and this day is still quite idle. After he was on duty in the Imperial Hospital, he left the palace from the north gate to the Imperial Medical Office and went straight to the library.

It was late at night, there was no one in the library, and two guards guarded the door. The emperor granted Lin Qingyu the right to enter and leave the Imperial Medical Office freely. Even when the curfew came, the guards still opened the door for Lin Qingyu and handed over the lanterns: "What is the order of Lin Qingyu to wait."

Lin Qingyu pushed the door and walked in, and a row of two-story bookshelves appeared in front of him, unable to see his head at a glance. Rumor has it that it will take decades to read the medical books in the library of the Imperial Medical Office. Lin Qingyu was holding the lantern, but after walking around two times, he found several long-lost books of the former dynasty.

There is a locked iron door at the end of the library building, behind which is supposed to be the imperial family history dating back to the centuries of the founding of Da Yu. Opposite the library building is Qiancaotang, where you can find any rare and exotic plants you want.

This is the imperial physician's office that gathers the best of world medicine.

Lin Qingyu stayed in the library for an hour, and it was four more days when she came out. He remembered that he could not find any medicine in Beijing, so he went to Qiancaotang again.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a person coming towards him in the hall. This person shouldn't be a student of the Imperial Medical Department, but he doesn't seem to be a thief, judging by his calm pace.

The man also found him, and said solemnly: "Who?"

Lin Qingyu only felt that this person's voice was somewhat familiar. He smelled a strong smell of blood and knew that this person was seriously injured. "Executive doctor of the hospital, Lin Qingyu."

The man had a sudden stop.

Lin Qingyu raised the lantern and looked at him. The first thing he saw was the blood-stained black clothes and a blood-stained blade.

After seeing that person's face clearly, Lin Qingyu's heart moved and said, "It's you."