Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 49: Chapter 49


The news that Gu Fuzhou was about to return to Beijing passed from Xiao Songzi to Lin Qingyu's ears. Lin Qingyu and Xiao Wei had the same questions, and thought there were too many strange things about this matter.

From the conversations of several people, it is not difficult to see that Gu Fuzhou was allowed to return to Beijing because of the poison of the sky spider. Now that Shengshang is sick and unconscious, whether Gu Fuzhou can return to Beijing depends on what Xiao Zheng thinks.

A few months ago, Gu Fuzhou sent multiple memorials and asked to return to Beijing, but they were ignored by Prince Shengshang. But the situation this time was completely different. Gu Fuzhou was the military's goal. No matter how the court feared the military power in his hands, he couldn't let him be poisoned and killed at this juncture. If they do not allow Gu Fuzhou to return to Beijing, there is a clear way to detoxify but let the poison go and die. Gu Fuzhou's 300,000 army will lose confidence in the court at a slight level, but it is still unknown.

But why is it the poison of the sky spider? If it was the same as the last time, it was Xixia's hand, why did Xixia use the chronic poison from the north

What he could think of, Xiao Teng would definitely be able to come. However, in order to take care of the overall situation, even if he knew that there was a hidden situation, Xiao Teng had to make an order for Gu Fuzhou to return to Beijing.

In any case, Gu Fuzhou's return is not a bad thing for him. When Gu Fuzhou came back, his father would definitely accompany him. It has been six months since his father left, and the family of four can finally be reunited.

Gu Fuzhou's return to Beijing this time is not a class teacher, but returning to Beijing to detoxify. In order to stabilize the situation, the imperial court decided to keep it secret and let Gu Fuzhou return to Beijing in secret. Apart from the cabinet ministers, only the Taiyuan Hospital knew about this matter.

It took ten days for the news to reach Eight Baili in Yongliang and Liangliang, and then it would take at least half a month for Gu Fuzhou to arrive in the capital. The Taiyuan Hospital will prepare the antidote for the Sky Spider within half a month.

Lin Qingyu returned to the mansion from the East Palace on that day, and without warning, developed a high fever. He insisted on prescribing a prescription for himself, asked Hualuzhaofang to grab the medicine, and ordered Huantong to go to the Imperial Medical Office to take a leave of absence for him, and then fell into a deep sleep.

The illness came like a mountain, Lin Qingyu slept drowsy, not knowing day and night. In a trance, he heard someone calling his name: "Qingyu, Qingyu..."

The tone is leisurely and smiling, very pleasant.

Lin Qingyu wanted to respond to him, but couldn't open her eyes. Her body seemed to be crushed by a heavy stone, she was struggling to move her fingers, and she couldn't make a sound in her throat.

The strange thing is that with his eyes closed, he could still see a vague figure. Then the sound of "Qing Yu" suddenly changed its tone and became another man's voice: "Doctor Lin."

Lin Qingyu finally opened his eyes vigorously, saw the person standing next to his bed clearly, and said dumbly: "Shen Shiwei?"

"It's me." Shen Huaizhi handed over a cup of tea, "Are you okay? You look bad."

As the herbal tea entered his throat, Lin Qingyu gradually became sober. He is thinking day by day, dreaming at night, he is dreaming.

Lin Qingyu probed his forehead with the back of his hand, the high fever had turned to low fever, and he had recovered some strength. "Why did you appear in my house."

"I heard from the people in the hospital that you are taking leave due to illness..." Shen Huai said in a frustrated way, "I'm here to visit the sick."

"In the middle of the night, stand on the bedside of the patient without saying hello. Are your shadow guards visiting the sick like this?"

Shen Huaizhi was depressed: "I can't let others find out, I can only make a bad move."

With the skill of Shen Huai's knowledge, let alone a mere Lin Mansion, he might not be discovered if he rushed to the palace at night. Lin Qingyu sneered: "You really can't be discovered by the prince, otherwise he will feel that he hasn't fed you enough, forcing you to steal pleasure from my house."

Shen Huaizhi's face flushed with shame: "His Royal Highness impulsively after drinking, I... I apologize to you for him."

Lin Qingyu seemed to have heard some shocking joke: "You apologize for him? Who are you, why should you apologize for him? Did you climb into his bed?"

Shen Huai's expression was stiff: "Don't, don't say it."

"If you don't want to listen to this, you just go away." Lin Qingyu's eyes were a little cold, "I'm not interested in seeing people and committing crimes."

If Shen Huaizhi has been obsessed with being stubborn, and desperately desperate for Xiao Teng, how can he do things for him.

It wasted his time to detoxify Shen Huai Consciousness, heal his wounds and waste.

Shen Huai was silent for a long time, and whispered: "I, Jingchun, and Your Highness, the three have known each other since childhood. Jingchun has a naive and innocent personality. Although she is a'maiden', she is always delicate and delicate. When you encounter grievances, you cry. When Jingchun cries, His Royal Highness will coax him. I don’t know how to coax people. I can only practice martial arts at the gate of Heavenly Prison. I think that I can protect Jingchun and His Highness forever. Later... Jingchun was favored by the King of the North. He didn't want to marry, so he cried and begged His Highness to save him. But the imperial decree had been laid down, and even His Highness could not do anything. This is a heart disease of His Highness. Since then, His Highness has always met people about Jingchun. Things will become violent and moody." Shen Huaizhi raised his head and looked at Lin Qingyu's eyes, "Doctor Lin, your eyes are really too similar to Jingchun, so your Highness will not be able to control it for a while."

Lin Qingyu found the point in a pile of nonsense: "Heaven Gate? Didn't the Royal Guards come from the Tianji Camp."

Shen Huai hesitated for a moment, and said: "Tianjiying and the gate of the heaven are both the emperor's minions. The camp of the heaven is in the light, and the gate of the hell is in the dark. The world only knows the secret of the heaven, but does not know the hell. The two are both bright and dark, complementing each other. Years ago, the gate of Heavenly Prison was destroyed, and I was the only one among hundreds of people who lived in the world."

Shen Huai's words are simple, and many details are hidden. Lin Qingyu asked: "Who destroyed the gate of heaven?"

Shen Huaizhi shook his head, seemingly not wanting to mention the matter more: "In short, His Highness saved me. After that, I changed to the Heavenly Mystery Camp and continued to work for His Highness. I thought there was no one alive at the Heavenly Prison Gate but I did not expect it to be. You can see the jade card of the Heavenly Prison Gate." Shen Huai's eyes moved slightly, "Xuzhou, Suicheng... I must go and see it myself."

Lin Qingyu asked: "When do you plan to leave."

Shen Huaishi sighed: "General Gu is back to Beijing, I can't go away temporarily."


"General Gu is surrounded by people from Tianjiying. From Yongliang to the capital, his every move, every word and deed, are all under the control of His Highness."

Lin Qingyu was a little strange: "You tell me this, are you afraid that I will leak it out?"

Shen Huai smiled and said: "General Gu is so wise, how can he not know that he has been monitored by the Tianji Camp. But this is a condition for him to return to Beijing. He wants to come back and can only accept it."

"Listening to your tone, I seem to admire General Gu."

"A man of the Dayu Dynasty, who would not admire the God of War of a country. Although he has recently performed some unthinkable behaviors, but..." Shen Huai said, "Someone."

Lin Qingyu looked at the door and saw nothing. When she turned around, Shen Huaizhi was gone. After a while, Hualu opened the door and saw Lin Qingyu sitting on the head of the bed, and said in surprise: "Master, you are awake!"

The window was opened at some unknown time, and the wind rustled the leaves, as if no one had been here.

Lin Qingyu couldn't help thinking, Shen Huai knew this skill, could Xiao Teng survive him.

The illness went away like silk, and Lin Qingyu's illness dragged on for half a month before he recovered. The whole person was thin due to the illness, and he was quite weak. A glance can arouse the man's desire to protect.

With the idea of letting Lin Qingyu rest well, Hu Ji took the initiative to take care of everything when he was on duty with him. But Chu Zhengde couldn't see that he was idle, so he sent him to the Imperial Medical Office to prepare the antidote for Sky Spider.

In June, the heat wave hits, and the wind blows in the valley. Gu Fuzhou quietly entered Beijing at dusk.

The reason why the poison of the sky spider must be dispelled in the capital is because of its medicinal introduction—the snow lotus of the northern border must be pounded into the medicine with a warm jade mortar, and the medicine must be taken within an hour after the medicine is finished. Nuan Yujiu is rare in the world, and there are only three of Dayu, one of which is in the northern border, and the remaining two are in the Qiancaotang of the Imperial Medical Office.

As soon as the news of Gu Fuzhou's arrival in Beijing reached the imperial medical office, the imperial medical office became busy up and down.

Everything is ready, only the last medicine is needed.

"Where is the drug lead? Get the drug and lead over!"

"Yao Yin is supervised by Doctor Lin, so go to Doctor Lin quickly."

"Where did Doctor Lin go at this juncture!"

Everyone finally found Lin Qingyu in the library. Lin Qingyu knew their intentions and frowned, "Isn't General Gu arriving in Beijing tomorrow?"

"Who told you? General Gu had already returned home half an hour ago!"

Lin Qingyu's gaze fell on a sixth-rank medical officer, who had specially informed him in the morning.

The medical officer also seemed to feel guilty and didn't dare to look at Lin Qingyu. Lin Qingyu didn't have the time to clean him up for the time being, and said, "Give me half an hour and it will be fine soon."

The headed medical officer widened his eyes: "Are you just starting to dispense the medicine now?"

"If you keep talking nonsense, the delay will be longer."

After the medicine was finished, Lin Qingyu personally sent the antidote to the general's mansion without any delay.

The steward of the General's Mansion was too late to wait for the medicine, and was sweating profusely. After finally waiting for Lin Qingyu, he quickly took him to the inner courtyard: "General, the medicine is here!"

Without permission, Lin Qingyu could only wait outside the door.

A low male voice sounded, with undisguised irony: "This is too early. Why not just come back next year, and cut down the three-meter-high tree on the head of my grave by the way."

Lin Qingyu was taken aback.

This is... Gu Fuzhou? The God of War in a country, General Gu, who stood at thirty


Chu Zhengde's voice then sounded: "The general is forgiving. It was the negligence of the junior official, who actually handed such an important matter to a seventh-grade newcomer. When the senior official returns to the official office, he will definitely be punished severely."

"General, let's bring people in first."

Lin Qingyu's heart moved, this was his father's voice. Father's voice sounded a little tired, and he didn't have much rest on the way back and forth to Beijing.

Lin Qingyu calmed his mind and walked in with the antidote. I saw his father and Chu Zhengde both standing in front of a grandmaster's chair. A tall man was sitting on the grandmaster's chair. He was dressed in a black military general uniform with sword eyebrows and star eyes. His not-white face looked cold at first, with a martial artist who was bloodthirsty. He was fierce, but when he matched his eyes, his fierceness was washed away a lot, but he felt a little bit of youthful distraction.

The sky spider is a slow poison. Gu Fuzhou has not yet reached the time when the poison enters the internal organs, so he looks no different from ordinary people. He is holding a tea cup and drinking tea at the moment.

Father Lin has always been reserved, but he was unprepared to see the eldest son who hadn't seen him in half a year. He couldn't hide his emotions and blurted out, "Qingyu?"

Gu Fuzhou gave a sudden pause in his hand and looked up. When confronted with his eyes, his eyes suddenly looked like mists and clouds. Immediately afterwards, he seemed to be a little nervous again, and hurriedly looked away.

Lin Qingyu smiled lightly at his father, and then gave a courtesy to Gu Fuzhou, saying: "Official Lin Qingyu, see the general."

Gu Fuzhou: "..."

Gu Fuzhou was slow to speak, fearing that he was blaming him for his lateness. Lin Qingyu said again: "Let the general wait a long time, and hope that the general will forgive him."

Without looking at him, Gu Fuzhou was finally able to speak.

"It's okay," he smiled softly, "I like to wait for someone."