Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 5: Chapter 5


After a few days of careful raising, no matter what the inside, Lu Wancheng improved a lot on the surface. Lin Qingyu thought he could try to get out of bed and take two steps. Lu Wancheng listened to his advice, got out of bed, and took two difficult steps. He felt weak in his limbs and his whole body was weak. He lay back and said with peace of mind: "There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to give up. I choose to give up."

Lin Qingyu asked him: "Could it be that you plan to lie in bed for the rest of the day?"

Lu Wancheng: "Is there anything wrong with this?"

Lin Qingyu: "... No, you lie down."

Lin Qingyu, who believes in diligence, study, and practice, can't see Lu Wancheng's half-dead appearance, and hasn't stepped into the house all day-not seeing is clear.

This day is the day when the bride returns.

Lin Qingyu does not want to admit that he is a "bridal", but he does miss his relatives at home. It was only a few days away from home, but he felt that it was years.

Early in the morning, the Liang family sent a steward to the Blue Wind Pavilion. Under the management of Zhang Luo, Jia Ding moved two boxes of gifts, saying that his wife asked Shaojun to bring them back to her natal family.

Hua Lu is not very young, and she bluntly said: "What, there are only two boxes? Madam married a maid and returned home more than that."

The manager smiled and said: "The flower dew girl doesn't understand this. How much gift the bride brings back to the door depends on how much dowry she brings when she gets married. The young gentleman brings less dowry into the mansion, so the gift to the door will naturally follow. not enough.

This is true. When his parents prepared Lin Qingyu's dowry that day, he strongly demanded that there be as little as possible, and it is best not to bring anything. He didn't take any of the antique collections prepared by his father, precious porcelain, gold and silver jewelry prepared by his mother, and deeds to the land. Bringing these to Nan'an Hou Mansion will only dirty the things of their Lin Mansion.

Lin Qingyu knew well that his parents never cared about these extraneous things, and they only asked for his safety and success. He said: "You don't need to bring these two boxes."

The manager was taken aback, thinking that he had heard it wrong: "Shaojun means..."

"Reserve it for Mrs. Hou Ye to use slowly."

Although Hualu hasn't married yet, she also knows that the bride's return to the door is a matter of face. She persuaded Lin Qingyu: "Young Master, you can take a little bit. If the bride really goes back to her natal house empty-handed, she will definitely be talked about by others and give pointers."

"Is Lin Mansion been pointed at for less time." Lin Qingyu said lightly, "Let them point."

The male style prevailed in this dynasty, and the homes of high-ranking officials more or less raised several male concubines, and even the saint’s harem had one or two male concubines. But after all, a man is a man, unable to have children, so he cannot be a regular wife.

Da Yu's law states that there is one man and one woman, monogamy and multiple concubines. If it weren't for saving Lu Wancheng's life, and according to the national teacher, the saint would not violate the ancestral system and marry two men.

Lin Qingyu was the first male wife to be given a marriage. This alone was enough to make a small Lin Mansion famous in the capital, and to become a post-dinner talk for the powerful and powerful in Beijing.

The manager was muttering, and he heard Lin Qingyu ask him: "Is the car ready?"

"Get ready. One more thing, Madam asks the younger one to tell Young Master." The steward cleared his throat and said, "The lady said, the eldest master is not completely healthy and he is cold outside. The master is afraid that he can't stand it, so he doesn't need to accompany him. Young Master is back to her family."

Lin Qingyu calmly said: "Don't worry, I don't plan to take him back."

Lin Qingyu got into the carriage alone. Nan'an Hou Mansion and Lin Mansion are separated by more than half of the capital, and it takes more than half a day to come and go.

When passing Yongxing Street, Lin Qingyu asked the driver to stop and said, "Wait here."

Yongxing Street is the most prosperous street in Beijing. Both sides of the street are full of shops: silk cloth shops, porcelain shops, wine shops and tea shops, etc. Lin Qingyu walked into a wine shop and ordered two pots of good daughter Hong, and then went to the next dim sum shop to buy a few kilograms of candied snacks. He goes home, it's enough to take these.

The Lin Mansion knew that Lin Qingyu would go home today, and opened the door early in the morning. When the hour was almost the same, Mother Lin took her little son, and the young man who had followed Lin Qingyu since childhood, stood at the gate of the mansion and waited.

Seeing that he was about to get home soon, Lin Qingyu pushed the window of the car, and from a distance he saw a little child bouncing around, waving his hands in the carriage.

This is his six-year-old brother, Lin Qinghe.

Lin Qingyu's heart tightened for many days finally relaxed.

Lin Qingyu stepped out of the carriage, and the younger brother jumped into his arms: "Brother!" Lin Qinghe was at the age of changing teeth. Two of his front teeth were missing, and he would still leak when talking.

"Master!" Xiaosi Huantong was very excited, as if his master was not coming back from Nan'an Houfu, but from the battlefield.

Lin Qingyu touched his brother's head, and looked at the gentle woman on the side: "Mother."

Mother Lin said with tears in her eyes, "It's fine to come back." She looked at the carriage, quite nervous, "Is Xiao Hou Ye still in the carriage?"

Lin Qingyu said, "Master Xiaohou is sick in bed and should not go out. He let us treat him as dead."

Mother Lin looked shocked: "This..."

Lin Qingyu smiled soothingly: "I won't mention anyone else at home-where is my father?"

"A protégé of your father came to visit the mansion today, and he is waiting for guests in the hall."

Lin Qingyu asked, "Which student?"

Lin Mu said: "Tan Qizhi."

Lin Qingyu smiled slightly on her face: "I really pick a day." If he didn't come early, he didn't come late, but he came when he returned home.

The Tan family runs the largest pharmacy in Beijing. Tan Qizhi is an outside disciple of Father Lin, and Lin Qingyu has some friendship with him. But the friendship is the friendship, if only about preferences, Lin Qingyu does not want to interact with this person too much. This person is always willing to compete with others over and over again, and it is really annoying to have too many times. Compared with Tan Qizhi, even Lu Wancheng can look lovable.

In any case, Lu Wancheng didn't come to make Lin Mu breathe a sigh of relief. She and her husband are only thinking about their sons, and if their son-in-law comes, their family will be cautious. "Don't stand at the door, go in, mother has prepared your favorite plum cake."

Lin Qingyu asked: "Did my mother make it by herself?"

Lin Mu smiled: "That's natural, no matter what other people do, it won't be in your mouth."

Lin Qingyu smiled lightly, the coldness of the whole body seemed to have turned into a ray of spring breeze, and the Houfu coachman who was driving the car was stunned-is this the young gentleman who ignores anyone and treats people all day long

As soon as Lin Qingyu entered the door, he saw Tan Qizhi approaching: "Brother Qingyu, you can be regarded as waiting for you!"

Tan Qizhi looks good, bookish, and looks like a young talent at first glance.

Lin Qingyu nodded to Tan Qizhiqing, and then gave a family salute to the man in charge: "Father."

Father Lin wouldn't be as happy and angry as Mother Lin, only a little flash of light in his eyes said, "I'm back."

Tan Qizhi looked out the door and asked, "Why are you alone? Where's Master Xiaohou?"

Lin Qingyu said indifferently: "He didn't come."

Tan Qizhi's face was surprised: "I have never seen the bride return to the door and the husband does not come with him."

"Really, you can see it now."

Father Lin thought about it and said, "I think it's because Xiao Hou Ye is not healed, so he shouldn't go out."

Even if the sickness is not healed and it is not suitable to go out, how can you not even have a letter of worship

Tan Qizhi looked at Lin Qingyu unabashedly. Lin Qingyu wore plain white clothes today. He was already thin, with a breeze flowing into his sleeves and a thin waist. Beauty is beauty, but it's too much. A male wife is always above her head. Does her husband like it when she sees it

He almost understood that Lin Damei didn't please her husband and her husband's family.

"Brother Qingyu is indeed still graceful, and his appearance is better than that of a woman." Tan Qizhi smiled, "However, they are all the young masters of the Hou Mansion, so why do they still dress so plainly?"

Lin Qingyu glanced up and down Tan Qizhi's eyes: "Naturally, I can't compare to Brother Tan. Brother Tan has purple clothes and a pierced waist. He is very noble. Who can be more like a high-class man and wife than you."

Tan Qizhi's face twisted, and he quickly recovered as before: "Brother Qingyu joked. Mentioning Gaomen... What about Qingyu brother's return ceremony? Quickly take it out, and let the brother see the wealth of Houmen."

Lin Qingyu picked up the two pots of her daughter Hong: "Here."

When Father Lin saw this, he smiled at him.

Tan Qizhi stared: "This... is gone?" Even if Lin Qingyu fell out of favor, he was still the male wife of the Hou Fu Ming matchmaker. How could the return ceremony be so shabby

"There are still a few catties of candied snacks," Lin Qingyu said lightly, "Brother Tan wants to taste it?"

Lin Qinghe heard that there is candied fruit, and said excitedly: "I want to eat candied fruit, thank you brother."

Tan Qizhi said in a joke: "Brother Qingyu has hidden all the good things, don't you want to give it to the teacher and wife?"

Father Lin said: "I think it's so good. Madam, please take the wine to warm it up. Qingyu and I will have a few drinks later."

Tan Qizhi was embarrassed: "Teacher, I'm afraid this is not in compliance."

Father Lin asked: "How can I not comply with the rules?"

Tan Qizhi wanted to say something but stopped: "Brother Qingyu is already a man/wife, how can I drink alcohol at the same table as a foreigner of mine?"

Father Lin's expression sank. Even though his eldest son had a prodigious face and married into Hou Men as a man, he still regarded him as an upright man. But others may not think so. Nan'an Houfu has strict rules. Whether a male wife can see a foreigner is open to question, let alone drinking at the same table.

"It's really not in compliance." Lin Qingyu appeared calm and calm, but in fact he was already thinking about what poison would be worthy of Tan Qizhi's mouth. "Then Brother Tan, what are you waiting for? Walk slowly and don't give it away."

Tan Qizhi was dumb and colorless, obviously he hadn't seen a good show, and he didn't want to leave for the time being. He chuckled and said, "It's true that I'm not telling you, this time I came to the mansion, in addition to greeting Master, I also asked for one thing..."

Before he finished speaking, a steward hurriedly said: "My lord, my aunt is here!"

Lin Qingyu said coldly: "Who is Auntie? What do you mean?"

"It's Master Xiaohou!" said Huantong, who was behind the steward, "It's Master Xiaohou from Nan'an Houfu here!"

At this hour, Lu Wancheng is not sleeping in bed, so what will he do in Lin Mansion

Lin Qingyu calmed down for a moment: "I'll go take a look."

Father Lin said solemnly: "Let's go too."

In the end, Lu Wancheng's status is noble. If they don't go out to meet them, neglect others, and pass on to the Nan'an Hou Mansion after the words of a caring person, Lin Qingyu's situation is afraid it will be more difficult.

Tan Qizhi rolled his eyes and followed him.

As soon as Lin Qingyu arrived in the yard, he saw Lu Wancheng sitting in a wheelchair and pushed in by a small servant.

The two looked at each other.

Lu Wancheng curled his lips and smiled, carrying the Zhilan Yushu, the gentleman Qianqian: "Qingyu, you went back to the Lin Mansion, but you didn't take me." Seeing Lin Qingyu's expression moving, he lowered his voice and said, "No, why are you angry again... At his own house? Why are you still angry?"

In the past few days, Lu Wancheng had a bloody color on his face, but his complexion was still paler than ordinary people. He is holding an exquisite heating stove in his hands, a crimson shirt, a snow cape on his head, and snow-white fox fur on his legs, but it is not bloated at all. On the contrary, it is luxurious and handsome, with a jade and metal appearance. .

When Lu Wancheng was paralyzed on the bed, he was like a salted fish, got out of the bed... He looked like a dog.

Before Lin Qingyu could speak, his parents walked out. Lu Wancheng turned his eyes slightly, the young man behind him understood, holding the heater and fox fur in one hand, and supporting him with the other. After Lu Wancheng stood firmly, he bowed to his father and mother Lin and said, "I pay respect to my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, my son-in-law is late."

Graceful demeanor, generous and decent, is exactly the style that a noble man should have.

Lin Qinghe hid behind his brother, staring at Lu Wancheng with wide eyes: "Brother, this person looks good."

Lin Qingyu looked on coldly: "Illusion."

Father Lin said, "You don't need to be polite, Lord Hou, just sit down if you are sick."

Lu Wancheng returned to the wheelchair, his eyes fell on Tan Qizhi: "This one is?"

"I've seen Master Xiaohou." Tan Qi stepped forward respectfully, "Tan Qizhi is a protégé of the Lin Yuan court. The'Changxi and Medicine Shop' in the capital is my house."

Lu Wancheng smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Huh? What do you often get with?"

Tan Qizhi hurriedly said, "Chang Xihe."

Lu Wancheng asked again: "What is the peace?"

Tan Qizhi vaguely realized that he seemed to have been tricked. Although the identity of the other party is not ordinary, he can only greet him with a smile no matter how to play him: "It's Chang Xihe."

"What is Chang Xi?"

… What and what is this all about.

Lin Qingyu interrupted the two: "The cold wind is bleak. Father and mother, you go into the house. Master Xiaohou just hand it over to me."

Mother Lin stretched out her hand to Lin Qinghe: "Qinghe, don't always stick to your brother, come here to my mother."

After his parents left, Lin Qingyu asked Lu Wancheng in a low voice, "Have you taken the wrong medicine?"

Speaking to Lin Qingyu alone, Lu Wancheng didn't bother to pretend to be anymore, with low brows and a tired look: "I'm here to support you, Doctor Lin."

"No need." When something goes wrong, there must be a demon, Lin Qingyu frowned, "Usually you never get up at this time."

"Yes, I worked hard for several times to get up successfully." Lu Wancheng smiled, "I did this for you, just to repay you for giving me medicine and needles. How is it, are you moved?"

Lin Qingyu said coolly, "No."

Lu Wancheng raised his eyebrows: "Then I go?"

Lin Qingyu thought slightly, and said, "Alright, you can find an excuse to go back to the Hou Mansion."

Lu Wancheng choked, suddenly felt that the world is not worth it: "...too much brother."