Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 61


Lin Qingyu stayed at home for a day, but no news came from the palace. He also asked Huantong to inquire about Hu Ji's mansion. Hu Ji hasn't returned to the mansion for a long time, and almost nine out of ten are still waiting in the East Palace.

On the night of the second day of the Donggong accident, Lin Qingyu returned to the Taiyuan Hospital on duty. Part of the imperial physician who went to the East Palace that day had returned. They were all in a hurry and kept secret about the Prince's situation. Lin Qingyu asked several times, and they all only said that the prince was suffering from a sudden illness and needed a period of rest.

This is treating people as fools. Although Lin Qingyu couldn't see their prescriptions, seeing what medicine was missing in the medicine cabinet showed that Xiao Teng had suffered severe trauma and bleeding continued, most likely in the chest and lungs.

On the third day after the accident, Hu Ji finally returned to the hospital. The official clothes on his body had not been washed for three days, and the sleeves were stained with blood, and he was already in a trance.

Lin Qingyu offered to send him home. On the carriage, Hu Ji told Lin Qingyu that His Royal Highness was not sick, but was wounded by a sword.

"I rushed to the East Palace that day, and the prince was carried to the bed. He was only in bedclothes, with a blood hole in his chest, bloody all over his body, his eyes wide open, his mind was still sober, just speechless." Recalling that time Hu Ji had a lingering fear of the situation, "I rushed forward to stop the bleeding of the prince, but suddenly he grabbed the clothes, and heard him say'come back'... Then the prince fainted until I was gone and still not awake."

Lin Qingyu didn't care what Xiao Teng said before he fell into a coma, he just wanted to know when Xiao Teng died. "How sure are you that the prince will wake up?"

Hu Ji smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Less than 30%."

30%... still too much.

Hu Ji said again: "However, the prince injured his left lung. Even if he takes his life this time, he will still have the decoction and medicine to live as a medicine jar in the future."

Lin Qingyu still felt unwilling. What's the left lung? If Shen Huai's sword is a little bit slanted, and the sword penetrates Xiao Wei's heart, this is what he likes to hear.

Lin Qingyu hesitated for a moment, and said, "Hu Ji, will you treat the patient with all your heart no matter who it is?"

Hu Ji said without hesitation: "Naturally, this is my medical approach."

Lin Qingyu didn't say much. Hu Ji studied medicine to save the dying and heal the wounded. Even if the patient is a heinous person, he would probably save the person before sending him to the government. And he studies medicine, poisons, and Gu all because he likes it, and he will use these to harm people. He respected Hu Ji's ideas and didn't want to ruin Hu Ji's medical skills.

The most important thing is that even if Hu Ji has the heart to do something, other imperial doctors are not blind. Every bowl of Donggong's medicine will be tested for poison, and if he is not careful, he may be harmed by the knife. Murdering the prince is a capital crime, even if it is for his family, he can't do it rashly.

Could it be that you can only resign yourself to fate.

Hu Ji was so tired that he couldn't open his eyes, and he did not forget to tell Lin Qingyu: "By the way, the emperor has issued a death order. The prince's assassination must not be disclosed. Doctor Lin must never tell others about this."

Lin Qingyu nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll be tight-lipped."

Having said that, Lin Qingyu turned around and told Gu Fuzhou the news.

In the past few days, Gu Fuzhou ran to his house without problems. It would be impossible to just say that they were righteous brothers, but he didn't want to take this into consideration right now.

Gu Fuzhou learned that Xiao Teng might survive 30%, so he was not optimistic: "Hu Ji said 30%, then at least 90%."

"how do I say this."

"Xiao Teng is the protagonist of the original book, and the protagonist has a halo added to him. Let me explain to you that even if he fires all arrows at Xiao Teng, he may be unscathed."

Lin Qingyu said, "In short, is he very lucky?"

Gu Fuzhou smiled and said, "It can be understood that way."

"Shen Huaizhi is the same protagonist, will he also have aura?"

"Yes. Don't look at him being miserable, he certainly won't die. Ordinary people can assassinate the prince at most one limit for one change. He can even retreat with a stab in the chest. Isn't this a halo? ?"

Lin Qingyu believed and doubted: "Shen Huai Consciousness can escape from the palace, isn't it because he is good at it?"

The two were talking, and Huantong ran to tell them that a kid who didn't know who was coming and knocked on the door. After he opened the door, the boy stuffed a note to him without saying anything. When he reacted, the boy was gone.

"Where's the note?" Lin Qingyu said, "Take me a look."

Only a few simple words were written on the note. After Lin Qingyu saw it, he immediately ordered: "Prepare a car. I'm going to Changsheng Temple."

Lin Qingyu changed into regular clothes and came to Changsheng Temple with Gu Fuzhou. Before getting off the carriage, Lin Qingyu said, "Or, you wait for me in the carriage."

"Huh? Why."

"There are so many people here, would you like to let others see you in and out with a widow?"

Gu Fuzhou pretended to think for a while: "I'm kind of willing."

Lin Qingyu laughed: "Then let's go together."

The autumn rain was falling outside, wafting and drenched, drenched in clothes. Gu Fuzhou got out of the car first, opened the umbrella, and then went to Fu Lin Qingyu. Lin Qingyu put his hand on his palm and took advantage of the strength to drop to the ground. As soon as he stood firmly, and released his hand, he heard a cold hum from behind him: "Improper!"

Lin Qingyu looked back, and saw an old man staring at the two indignantly, with his expression as if he had seen something dirty.

Gu Fuzhou asked in a low voice, "Who is this person?"

"Yushi Zhongcheng, Yang Geng."

Gu Fuzhou said leisurely: "I'm old, and I'm a fifth-grade civil official like you. If I were him, I would write the word'miserable' on my trousers with blood."

Seeing that they were holding an umbrella together, Yang Geng was still whispering under the umbrella. He didn't know what he was talking about. He covered his face with his sleeves, as if he didn't see his eyes.

Gu Fuzhou stopped him: "Master Yang."

When Yushi is a bit stubborn, Yang Geng is no exception. With a stinking face, he walked to Gu Fuzhou and bowed a salute: "The next official sees the general."

Gu Fuzhou asked: "Who are you talking about just now?"

"Naturally, what the next official said is not a general." Yang Geng looked at Lin Qingyu and said awe-inspiringly, "Doctor Lin, if the old man remembers correctly, Lord Lu Xiaohou has been gone for less than a year. You should still be in the filial piety period. Are other men so close?"

Gu Fuzhou said, "Emperor Lin is the righteous brother of this general."

"The righteous brother is also a foreigner."

"According to you, the emperor is also a foreigner, and Doctor Lin still has to ask him for his pulse every day. Isn't the emperor decent?"

Yang Geng stared straight, and said angrily: "The general is arguing against reason. How can this be the same—"

"It's not the same." Gu Fuzhou said lightly. "The official position of the doctor of Lin was given by the emperor. The emperor didn't mind his male wife status. Master Yang had such a big opinion. Why don't you tell the emperor to save him. Take the post of Doctor Lin?"

"This..." Yang Geng was blocked and speechless. No one in the palace knows that the emperor can wake up thanks to Lin Qingyu, and let him play the role of exempting Lin Qingyu, which means that he can't live with the emperor's dragon body. Although Dayu didn't kill the prosecutor for admonishment, no one dared to say this to the emperor at this time.

Lin Qingyu said: "General, business matters. Let's go."

The two walked towards the main hall. As soon as Gu Fuzhou was about to scold Yang Geng, he heard Lin Qingyu snorted coldly: "Fool."

Gu Fuzhou was taken aback, thinking that he had heard it wrong: "What did you scold him just now?"


Gu Fuzhou was shocked to speak incoherently: "How can you talk like this."

"I learned it from you." Lin Qingyu squinted at him, "You can say it, I can't say it?"

"Of course, big beauties are not allowed to explode."

Lin Qingyu disdainfully said: "I'm going to explode."

Gu Fuzhou blamed himself painfully: "I was the one who broke you."

On rainy days, there are fewer pilgrims in Changsheng Temple than usual, and only a few people burn incense and pray for blessings in front of the golden Buddha statue. Lin Qingyu looked around and saw nothing unusual.

The person who wrote the note asked him to meet at the Changsheng Temple. It should not be in the main hall. At this time, a little monk stepped forward and asked them if they wanted incense, and Lin Qingyu asked for three sticks of incense.

Gu Fuzhou asked, "What are you praying for?"

Even in front of the Buddha, Lin Qingyu did not conceal his malice: "I pray that Xiao Wei will die soon."

Gu Fuzhou smiled and said, "Is it so cute. However, praying at the Changsheng Temple seems inaccurate."

Lin Qingyu lit the incense and asked casually: "Have you tried?"

"Yes." Gu Fuzhou said casually, "If you are accurate, you won't be unhappy."

Lin Qingyu bumped her chest and raised her eyes to look at the person beside her. Gu Fuzhou didn't seem to realize what he had said, and asked Shang Lin Qingyu's gaze, "Why look at me like this."

"... It's okay." Lin Qingyu lowered his eyes, "I went to the Piandian. The last time I met him at the Changsheng Temple, it was in the Piandian."

Gu Fuzhou nodded: "Go, I won't go." He is not familiar with Shen Huai, so it is not suitable to meet him at this time. "I'll go to the back room to see if Xu Junyuan is there."

"National Teacher?" Lin Qingyu frowned, "Are you going to tell him... about you?"

"That's not the case, I will find him at most for a divination."

Lin Qingyu and Gu Fuzhou separated and came to the side hall alone. The side hall is even more deserted than the main hall, and there is not even a guardian monk. The tablet and eternal lantern of Lu Wancheng are enshrined here. When Lin Qingyu was adding oil to the ever-bright lantern, Yu Guang saw a figure behind the stone pillar.

Lin Qingyu turned around and said, "I am the only one."

Shen Huaishi walked out from behind the stone pillar, his expression numb and said, "Doctor Lin."

Shen Huaishi was wearing the rough clothes of ordinary people, his face was wiped with a layer of dust, scum was all over his face, and his eyes were bloodshot. He was extremely desolate and decadent, and he hadn't closed his eyes for a long time.

Lin Qingyu asked: "Where have you been these few days."

Shen Huai seemed to be unable to hear Lin Qingyu's question, and said to himself: "Thank you, Doctor Lin for telling me about the Gate of Heavenly Prison."

Lin Qingyu asked, "Is Xiao Wei's serious injury related to you?"

Hearing the word "Xiao Xuan", Shen Huai moved his eyes, and still answered the wrong question: "Teacher Lin will settle down with Brother Zhu, let him go back to Xuzhou, and give him a peaceful life."

"What about you? Where are you going." Lin Qingyu said, "Can you escape the hunt of Tianji Camp."

Shen Huaizhi twitched the corners of his mouth and showed an ugly smile: "Are you... are you caring about me?" He slowly lowered his head, "Except for my family, no one cared about me. Doctor Lin, if I don't commit a crime, you Would you treat me as a friend?"

Lin Qingyu gently spit out two words: "Perhaps."

A gleam of light flashed in Shen Huaizhi's eyes, and he quickly returned to numbness: "Unfortunately, it's too late."

Lin Qingyu was noncommittal, and took out the medicine box prepared in the morning from his sleeve, "This, you take it."

"... what is it?"

"Fake death medicine. You can use it to get out if necessary."

Shen Huaizhi collected the medicine box: "Thank you. Then..." He stared at Lin Qingyu deeply, "I'm leaving."

Lin Qingyu watched him leave, and suddenly said, "Did you fail that night or were you soft-hearted."

Shen Huai stopped for a while, shook his head in silence, walked out of the side hall step by step, and did not tell Lin Qingyu the answer until the end.

Lin Qingyu stayed alone for a while, and when she went out, she saw Gu Fuzhou standing under the eaves, looking at the hazy rain curtain, she seemed to have something to worry about.

The raindrops dripped from the eaves and broke on the moss stone steps, awakening Gu Fuzhou: "It's over? Have you seen him?"

Lin Qingyu nodded: "I said some useless nonsense." He paused, and then said, "It's not entirely nonsense. In short, Shen Huaizhi should leave the capital."

Gu Fuzhou smiled and said, "Xiao Wei will definitely go to him when he wakes up. He flees, he chases them, and it's hard for them to fly with their wings."

Lin Qingyu said displeased: "Do you still think Xiao Wei will wake up?"

"Whether Xiao Wei is dead or alive in the end, we must prepare for the worst."

"The worst case is that he is alive and sitting as a prince. Then we can't move the emperor."

But the emperor was obviously thinking about him, and he might be asked to stay for bedtime someday. Not only does Gu Fuzhou need a second marriage, he also needs it.

"Then the second marriage will be on the agenda." Gu Fuzhou confirmed again, "Qingyu, you really don't want to marry me?"

Lin Qingyu weighed repeatedly: "Don't marry."

Don't say that he doesn't want to marry, he just wants to marry, and marrying a fifth-grade imperial doctor to a first-grade general is a provocation to the prosecutors of the whole Dayu dynasty.

Gu Fuzhou didn't give up: "Really don't marry? Would you rather die than marry?"

"… Ok."

Gu Fuzhou couldn't figure out what Lin Qingyu meant: "Are you willing to marry? You shouldn't. Don't you always think that it is humiliation for a man to wear red makeup on a wedding dress."

Lin Qingyu said indifferently: "Those who are not humiliated have already passed through twice."

"Twice?" Gu Fuzhou asked in surprise, "Where did they come twice?"

Lin Qingyu was stunned and chuckled, "I remembered it wrong."

"Qingyu...?" Lin Qingyu didn't smile sneerly, always with some gentleness and calmness. But for some reason, Gu Fuzhou felt that he was smiling sadly at the moment.

The author has something to say: The atmosphere is a little bit sad, so let's come to an entertainment question to create the atmosphere.

Where is Salted Fish Attack from? (Purely entertaining questions, but the answer will be revealed later)

A. Liaoning

B. Sichuan

C. Guangdong

D. Jiangsu