Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 63


After official Lin Rushan was restored to his post, the emperor handed it over to him, and Lin Qingyu finally didn't have to face the emperor's face that was three to four points similar to Xiao Teng's face every day. Father Lin's medical skills are superior to Lin Qingyu, with his wonderful hands to rejuvenate, the emperor's body is better than a day, although not to the point of recovery, but the frequency of head wind has been reduced, and as long as it does not get sick, it is no different from ordinary people.

Looking at the other side of the East Palace, Xiao Teng's trauma seemed to be getting better, but that sword hurt his roots, and no matter how he was recuperating, he couldn't return to the past. The daily use of medicines made his poor temperament even more violent and unpredictable, making Donggong smog and everyone in danger.

Tianjiying hadn't had a clue of Shen Huai's knowledge for a long time, and Xiao Teng didn't care about it at all. Emperor Nian was hit hard by this, and he condoned his various surly behaviors a lot, but he also sent Xue Ying to raise some points, but the effect was minimal.

How can a arrogant and conceited person like Xiao Teng endure being turned into a pot of medicine? What made him even more resentful was that it turned out to be the Shen Huai knowledge who grew up with him when he became this.

How many scheming, how many people he killed before he came to this day, and finally fell on a shadow guard, how can he be willing? He would never give up if he didn't bring Shen Huai Consciousness back and let him slaughter him.

In the emperor's bedroom, Lin Rushan had just finished acupuncture and moxibustion for the emperor. The emperor's body was relieved, but his heart was not very happy. Although Lin Qingyu and Lin Rushan are father and son, they are not very similar in appearance. Lin Rushan is just an ordinary man's handsome, but Lin Qingyu's brilliance and beauty are rare in the world. Had it not been for the ominous male wife, he would not have replaced him.

When Lin Rushan retired, the emperor asked casually: "What is Lin Qingyu doing these days."

Lin Rushan's face changed slightly, and he said, "The dog has stayed in the hospital for the past few days to dispense medicine for your majesty."

The emperor hesitated, always thinking about the ominous words in his heart, and waved his hand: "Fine, you retreat."

Lin Rushan returned to the mansion with thoughts, and saw a majestic and sweaty BMW standing at the gate of Lin Mansion. He recognized this horse. It was Gu Fuzhou's mount, but it seemed a lot fatter compared to the past. He hurriedly entered the mansion and asked the butler: "General Gu came to the mansion?"

The butler looked weird and said: "Yes, yes, the general is at the moment with his wife, the young master is drinking tea in it."

Lin Rushan said: "Qingyu is back too?" That's right, he wants to remind him to beware of the emperor.

When he arrived in the courtyard, Lin Rushan realized that not only the two of them were here at the house. There were a lot of new faces in the yard. They should all be members of the General's Mansion. Yuan Yinzheng of the General's Mansion was instructing them to place the mahogany boxes one by one. The red wooden box is tied with festive red silk, as if proposing marriage. The point is that Lin Mansion has no daughters.

Lin Rushan walked into the main hall full of doubts, only to see that his wife's face was more complicated than that of the housekeeper. Seeing him back, Mother Lin felt relieved as if she found her heart: "Master."

Lin Rushan saluted Gu Fuzhou first, and was quickly helped by Gu Fuzhou. He asked: "General, this is..."

Gu Fuzhou smiled and said, "Foster father, I'm here to propose a marriage for myself."

Lin Rushan and his wife looked at each other: "Dare to ask the general, who are you here to propose?"

Lin Qingyu said: "Me."

Compared to being promoted by Gu Fuzhou, what shocked Lin's father and Lin's mother was the attitude of the eldest son. Last time Nan'an Hou's Mansion came to propose marriage, Lin Qingyu regarded the man and wife as ashamed. Why this time, he promised to be so calm

Gu Fuzhou patiently explained to the two of them: "The emperor intends to marry me on behalf of me. The candidate he chose for me was either his own daughter or the daughter of the civil servants. I thought about it, these girls are really untrustworthy. I'm afraid that I will raise tigers by my side. Therefore, I have to settle my marriage before the emperor's imperial decree comes down."

Mother Lin still didn't understand: "The general is a wise martial artist, and she is a world-famous hero. There are certainly not a few women who truly admire the general. The general can choose the girl he likes from the general's house, so why do he want to marry Qingyu from my family?"

When asked, Gu Fuzhou cast a glance at Lin Qingyu for help. Lin Qingyu didn’t want to worry about his parents. He didn’t tell them about his situation in the palace. At this moment, he just said: “Lin Mansion has always been under the protection of the general. Cons."

Mother Lin didn't understand this, but she still remembered her son's humiliation when he was a man's wife for the first time, and she couldn't bear to repeat the old things. She looked at her husband: "Master..."

Lin Rushan, who was silent for a long time, said, "I understand."

The eldest son did this not only to help the general, but also to avoid disaster for himself. The saint had already felt that kind of thought for Lin Qingyu, and maybe some day another imperial decree came down, letting him enter the harem as a servant. By then, it would be too late to think of a solution.

Lin Qingyu used to be a male wife and wanted to find the right woman to marry again... Even if someone wanted to, he himself would not agree. In this way, it is better for the two to get together, and they will be able to take care of them in the future.

"Since you have considered it, we will not oppose it." Lin Rushan said, "It's just the emperor's side, I'm afraid I won't let it go easily."

Gu Fuzhou smiled and said, "My father-in-law, don't worry, just leave it to me."

This phrase "Father-in-law" yelled quickly and skillfully, which shocked everyone except Lin Qingyu.

Seeing that several men were about to make the matter, Mother Lin couldn't help but said, "But, Lord Lu Xiaohou has only been here for less than a year."

The husband's mind is not delicate enough, maybe it can't be seen. After Lu Wancheng left, Lin Qingyu was calm and calm on the surface, and even a single tear did not flow for Lu Wancheng. He has been like this since he was a child, and his emotions are not easily exposed. Only her mother knows that Lin Qingyu feels more uncomfortable than everyone else.

Gu Fuzhou said, "My mother-in-law is worried about rumors?"

Lin Mu hesitated to speak but stopped: "It's not just this..."

Lin Qingyu knew what his mother meant. "Mother don't worry," Lin Qingyu said slightly, "I have forgotten Master Lu Xiaohou. Who is Lu Wancheng and does it have anything to do with me."

Gu Fuzhou: "..."

Lin Qingyu had said so, and Lin Mu had nothing to say.

The ring was given out, and Lin Qingyu's family's acquiescence was also obtained. Gu Fuzhou entered the palace immediately without delay. Lin Qingyu is going to accompany her parents for dinner at home before leaving.

Lin Qinghe took the opportunity to stick to his brother and asked, "Brother, are you really going to marry General Gu?"

The adults were talking and he was not allowed to listen, but he still learned about it from the mother.

Lin Qingyu nodded: "Yes."

"General, he... He is too old." Lin Qinghe grieved for his brother, "He is twelve years older than his brother!"

Lin Qingyu smiled: "He is not that old." In terms of actual age, Gu Fuzhou is one year younger than him.

Lin Qinghe begged: "Brother, can you find another husband like Brother Wan Cheng?"

Lin Qingyu told the younger brother that if he did not marry a twelve-year-old general, he might be accepted as a concubine by a man in his forties. Lin Qinghe reluctantly agreed to the marriage.

At the other end, Gu Fuzhou saw the emperor in the Palace of Qinzheng. The emperor's complexion improved more than a little bit, and it probably won't take long for him to show up in the morning.

"Aiqing came just right." The emperor said, "Look at the emergency report sent by Zhao Mingwei from Yongliang."

Zhao Mingwei said in an emergency report that Xixia had come back after a few months of recuperation, and he was on the verge of a comeback and captured the three small cities of Dayu one after another. After several defeats, the military's spirit was unstable, and it was urgent for General Gu to return to Yongliang to preside over the overall situation.

Gu Fuzhou remained silent, but there were thousands of horses galloping in his heart. What overall situation he can preside, he knows how many catties he has. Winning streak depends on luck, and losing streak is bound to follow. He quit now, and he won't lower his winning percentage. Zhao Mingwei fought hundreds of battles, and his winning rate may be only 60%, but it is also much more stable than his total of five games, with a 100% winning rate.

The emperor said again: "I said that I want you to enter Beijing alone and leave Beijing for a couple. The day before yesterday, because of the sudden illness of the prince, your marriage was delayed. Now you can't delay it. Set down your home first. Only Liang can look back and worry-free. The queen has also seen a lot of ladies with you, do you have a favorite in your heart?"

Gu Fuzhou closed the memorial and said: "Speaking of this, the minister deliberately went to find Xu Guoshi to calculate the question, and what he asked was marriage."

"Oh?" The emperor had always respected the unpredictable national teacher. "What did he say?"

"The national teacher said that the minister should marry a male wife, and he should be a man who was born on the eleventh hour of March in the year of Guiwei. Only in this way can I be as divinely assisted on the battlefield."

"Male wife?" The emperor frowned, "Does the teacher really say that?"

"Sure. Your Majesty made an exception to allow the late Lord Lu Xiaohou to marry a male wife. I hope your Majesty will make an exception for the minister."

The emperor said: "Do you know that the male wife has something ominous?"

"The national teacher said that auspiciousness and ominousness depend on the individual. A male wife may be ominous to others, but to the minister, it is a sign of auspiciousness."

With the precedent, the emperor was not easy to refuse, and said: "Did you find the man with this birthday character?"

"This is a coincidence. The righteous brother of the minister, Lin Qingyu, the imperial physician, was born on the eleventh hour of March in the year of Guiwei."

The emperor stood up suddenly: "Lin Qingyu, you mean Lin Qingyu?"

He got up too hard, and his body was not well, so it was inevitable that he was a little unstable. Xue Ying hurriedly stepped forward to help: "The emperor beware of the dragon's body."

The emperor realized his gaffe, and said: "Lin Qingyu is a good talent in the hospital, and I can't leave him by my side. Did you marry when you said you marry?"

Gu Fuzhou said, "This is not a conflict. The doctor Lin is a man who has entered the official position, what he used to be, he will still be the same in the future. The minister does not need him to act as a mistress in the mansion."

"Absurd." The emperor patted the table, "How could I allow a male wife to hold the five-rank official position and walk with the civil and military officials in the palace!"

Gu Fuzhou's tone became colder: "Emperor Lin used to be a male wife. Didn't the emperor still give him an official position? The emperor Lin prepared prescriptions for the epidemic and good medicine for the head wind. The minister was considering the emperor's dragon body and was willing to let his wife continue. Stay in the palace."

The emperor said coldly: "I haven't agreed yet, so you put the word'wife' on your lips?"

Gu Fuzhou raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Just as the emperor said, settle down first, so that the ministers can have no worries after Yongliang." Gu Fuzhou knelt down and saluted, "I also ask the emperor for permission."

The emperor heard the threat in Gu Fuzhou's words, and furiously, his head was fierce. He didn't care about anything else, and hugged his head and said anxiously: "Pan Lin Rushan!"

The news that Lin Qingyu would marry Gu Fuzhou again spread like wildfire. After a lapse of more than a year, Lin Mansion has once again become the post-dinner talk of the Gaomen in the capital. In other words, the rumors about Lin Mansion have not stopped since the day Lin Qingyu married Lu Wancheng.

All kinds of theories about Lin Qingyu in the Taiyuan Hospital are rampant. Hu Ji wanted to ask Lin Qingyu several times. Seeing that the other party was like a okay person, he swallowed again.

Lin Qingyu hates people with broken mouths. If you want to make friends with him, you need to know what to say and what not to say.

On this day, when Hu Ji came back from the clinic, he saw a few Yushi walking with him, and what he was talking about was Lin Qingyu's remarriage.

"Although there is a precedent for the male wife, the precedent is not so good. Why would General Gu go to marry a widowed male wife? I don't understand it anymore."

"I heard that he asked the national teacher to do some calculations, and the national teacher said that Lin Qingyu can prosper him."

"Nonsense! Gu Fuzhou must have been confused by Lin Qingyu's beauty, so he asked the national teacher to endorse him. If he is so obsessed with masculine sex, if he comes to the Japanese enemy to be a beauty, wouldn't he have to give up?"

"In my opinion, it is Lin Qingyu who took the initiative to seduce. Lin Qingyu, an imperial doctor who does not do well to be a widow in her husband and shows her face in the palace, will not be surprised what she does. It's a pity that General Gu's fame..."

Hu Ji couldn't hear these words, and in his capacity he couldn't come forward to stop him. Just about to make a detour, he heard a voice coming from behind: "I said—"

He and several supervisors looked back together. I saw Gu Fuzhou wearing a first-grade military officer uniform with two flying eagles embroidered on his head. He was tall and had a cold face. Standing in front of a few officials, he could not describe it as a standout group.

"Almost done." Gu Fuzhou said slowly, "Whose person do you think you are talking about."

Gu Fuzhou's voice was unusually calm, but the faint desire for destruction made everyone present feel distressed and oppressed.

The supervisor exchanged his eyes and saluted him together: "The next official pays homage to General Gu."

Yang Gengzhuang said with the courage: "I and others are all the emperor's personally-appointed censors. The so-called censorship, the censorship of the censorship, and the responsibility of monitoring, can be rumored. The doctor's behavior is improper and shameless. Why can't I say so? !"

Gu Fuzhou's eyes swept across the crowd: "Listen well. It's me, Madam Lin who begged the emperor to marry him. Madam Lin was unwilling in every possible way. Because of my power, he had no choice but to curse. ."

Yang Geng said angrily: "The general is so aggressive, does he want to do something with me?!"

"Can not?"

When Gu Fuzhou's voice fell off, the officials were in an uproar.

"Of course not! This is the palace, not on the Northwest battlefield, nor on the general's military camp campus!"

Gu Fuzhou smiled: "Don't you think that I have never fought anywhere other than on the battlefield of the barracks."

Yang Geng blushed with anger and his neck was thick: "Dare to ask General Gu, is there an emperor in his eyes!"

Seeing that the situation became serious, Hu Ji was afraid that Lin Qingyu would be implicated, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "General!"

Gu Fuzhou naturally remembered this imperial physician who was closely related to the Lin family: "What's the matter?"

"The general calmed down his anger. After all, this is in the palace. If it reaches the emperor's ears and condemns the guilty doctor Lin, then..."

Gu Fuzhou was uninterested: "Go away."

Gu Fuzhou was going to the Palace of Qinzheng to discuss the war in the Northwest with his ministers, but he didn't stay much. Hu Ji returned to the hospital and saw Lin Qingyu looking at the pulse case, so he couldn't help but leaned over.

"General Gu..." Hu Ji shivered, "It's a bit scary."

Lin Qingyu was a little surprised: "Why do you think so."

Hu Ji told Lin Qingyu what he had seen and heard one by one: "It's no wonder that General Gu has shot so many dead souls with a Qingyun Kyushu gun, and only a Northwest God of War like him can crush those spokespersons with his aura alone. But get up. However, I always thought that General Gu was a restrained and gentle warrior. I didn't expect him to say that he would fight with others besides on the battlefield of the barracks..."

Lin Qingyu couldn't help but smile when he heard the words.

His past and future husband seemed to have a side he couldn't see.

The window was not closed, and a gust of wind blew by, bringing a trace of chill. Lin Qingyu said, "Is the sky getting colder?"

Hu Ji said, "Yeah, it's going to start winter."

Lin Qingyu sighed for no reason: "So fast."

The story of winter is about to begin again.

The author has something to say: I have fought in other places, referring to the fight in school and then I was caught to write a review? Salted fish~ (狗头)

The debt of 10w nutrient solution, the second is at night, I don’t know how late it will be, I can see it tomorrow~