Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 68


Even in the morning, the officials were discussing the battle between Dayu and Xixia. Xixia made a comeback this time, and also changed the coach, the marching style is completely different from before. There is no trace of Zhao Mingwei. After three straight defeats, he adopted a conservative strategy of defending the city. In the memorial, Zhao Mingwei repeatedly emphasized that he was not qualified for the position of coach, and asked the saint to let General Gu regain his command as soon as possible.

The emperor sat on the dragon chair and looked down on the ministers, while Xiao Teng stood at the head of the courtiers. This pair of heavenly father and son have a somewhat similar deity, and now they have the same sick face, thin and haggard. The emperor put his hand on his forehead, his eyebrows were furrowed, and the voices of the ministers were endless, and Xiao Teng's muffled cough was also mixed with him from time to time, which made him feel a splitting headache.

Xiao Teng is also strong in the upper court. Shen Huai recognized that sword and injured his left lung. Unless the genius doctor is reborn, he will not be able to live like a normal person for the rest of his life.

Gu Fuzhou also supported the upper dynasty. I saw him standing upright with his eyelashes down, and others thought he was closing his eyes and thinking.

"General Gu and Young Master Lin were only married for a few days, so he caught up on the battlefield? This marriage bed didn't sleep warmly." It was General Wu and Wu Zhan who had been close to Gu Fuzhou.

The prime minister struck his beard and said: "General Wu's words are wrong. Only a country can have a family, and the country is in trouble. Is it because General Gu is greedy for a gentle town and abandons the 300,000 troops in the west?"

Wu Zhan cursed: "What is the national crisis? Cui Xiang said too exaggerated. Aren't you just a few Xixia grass bandits." Wu Zhan went out and knelt on the ground, "The emperor, you give me ten thousand elite soldiers, I immediately go to the northwest to support General Zhao. Within March, Da Yu will be given a big victory!"

The prime minister shook his head and said, "You can't speak arrogantly."

Wu Zhanhuo Dadao: "I can't help myself? Then you can go!"

The emperor listened quietly to the two arguing, and suddenly said: "Prince, what do you think of this matter?"

Xiao Teng didn't seem to hear the general, his expression changed the same, obviously absent-minded.

The emperor sternly said: "Prince!"

Only then did Xiao Teng come back to his senses, and said, "Irchen seconded."

"You second? Whose proposal do you second."

"Naturally it belongs to Cui Xiang." Xiao Teng coughed again, "The child minister is unwell, and he is ill-mannered in front of the palace. I hope my father will forgive me."

Taking into account Xiao Teng's body, the emperor tried to resist the attack. He asked Gu Fuzhou again: "Gu Aiqing, what do you think?"

Gu Fuzhou: "..."

Being ignored twice in a row, the emperor couldn't bear it, slapped the table and shouted, "Gu Fuzhou!"

Gu Fuzhou opened his eyes, and a daze flashed in his eyes very quickly. Seeing Wu standing kneeling in front of the imperial court, he took the initiative to invite him, and he could probably guess what the emperor was asking him. "General Wu is a general, not a handsome talent. Chen thought that he was more suitable to be a pioneer."

Wu Zhan kept winking at Gu Fuzhou, but Gu Fuzhou just didn't see it: "And the terrain in the northwest is mostly plains and deserts. General Wu is good at water wars. It is not appropriate for him to go to the northwest."

Gu Fuzhou's words were justified and well-founded, so that the emperor couldn't fault him, so he had to slow down and say, "Gu Aiqing is reasonable, and Wu Zhan is really not suitable for Northwest China."

The prime minister took the opportunity to say: "General Gu has been in the northwest for many years. No one knows how to march on the plains and deserts better than the general. It is General Gu that is the commander of the West."

The Bingbu Shangshu echoed: "The general secretly returned to Beijing that day to understand the poison of the sky spider. If the spider has been solved today, the general has married with a big fanfare, and he has long been in Beijing. Xixia also learned about the general. You dare to act so recklessly if you are not in Yongliang. The general will not go back to stabilize the military spirit, I am afraid that Xixia will become even stronger."

Gu Fuzhou frowned, clutching his chest and said: "The minister is willing to lead troops out."

Wu Zhan hurriedly said: "No! Although the sky spider is resolved, the successive poisoning injuries have long damaged the general body. The doctor has said that if the general wants to live for a few more years, he must stay in the capital to recuperate."

The doctor in Wu Zhan’s mouth was Gu Fuzhou’s newlywed wife. A few days ago, Wu Zhan went to the General's Mansion as a guest. General Gu, regardless of trivial matters, asked his newlywed wife to drink at the same table with him. The general's wife revealed to him the general's physical condition at that time.

Gu Fuzhou said solemnly: "Before the country's righteousness, the minister is willing to put his life and death aside."

"How does this make it! The life and death of the general is a matter of Sheji. If he was forced to return to the northwest at this time, causing the relapse of the old disease, wouldn't it be more in the mind of the Xixia thief!"

The emperor could not bear the headache. He expected Xiao Teng to come out to preside over the overall situation, but except for replying to what he said, Xiao Teng didn't say a single word, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

How could his prince, who had high hopes, become what he is now.

"The coach will discuss the matter later. You will first draw up a temporary plan so that Zhao Mingwei has something to do-retreat." The emperor stood up with exhaustion, his figure swayed, and the minister suddenly fell to his knees: "The emperor takes care of the dragon. body."

After leaving the dynasty, Gu Fuzhou and Wu Zhan traveled together. Wu Zhan asked him: "General, why don't you let me go to the northwest?"

Gu Fuzhou said, "You are not suitable for the Northwest Battlefield." If you go there, you are giving away heads to the opposite side. You don't have to.

"But if I don't go, the general is going to go." Wu Zhan joked, "Is the general willing to abandon his new wife and go to the desolate land in the northwest for several years?"

"Naturally willing." Gu Fuzhou said eloquently, "If a big man is in all directions, how can he be imprisoned in one world because of his children's personal love."

Wu Zhan immediately stood in awe: "The general is really a role model for my generation!"

After separating from Wu Zhan, Gu Fuzhou saw an eunuch walking towards him carrying a vase. The vase was as high as half a person, and I couldn't see the road ahead when I moved it in my hand.

The eunuch who led Gu Fuzhou was afraid that this person would block the way of General Gu, and said, "Xiao Songzi, you have to slow down."

"Little pine nuts?" Gu Fuzhou asked, "but the little pine nuts from Qinzheng Hall?"

Xiao Songzi poked her head out from behind the vase with difficulty, and saw Gu Fuzhou, hurriedly said: "If you go back to the general, the minion is working in the Palace of Qinzheng."

The corners of Gu Fuzhou's mouth raised slightly: "Long Yang."

Xiao Songzi was flattered, how could He De, an eunuch, make General Gu admire him for a long time. "The general is joking, it is the slave who has long admired the general's reputation."

"You are humble." Gu Fuzhou turned to the eunuch who led him, "It's up to this Xiao Songzi to send this general out of the palace."

The leading eunuch took the vase from Komatsuko and withdrew. Gu Fuzhou said, "I heard my wife mentioned you."

Komatsuko said, "Mr. Lin... No, the general's wife used to treat us minions."

Gu Fuzhou nodded lightly and asked, "Didn't the sage's head disease improve before, why is his face so bad today?"

Komatsuko deserves to be a Komatsuko, and she said without hesitation: "If you go back to the general, the emperor did get better before. But as soon as the winter comes, it suddenly becomes serious again. Drinking medicine and injections are useless, and even the forest court judge is helpless. Woolen cloth."

Gu Fuzhou returned to the general's mansion. Before he could ask, Yuan Yin said, "Madam should be in the study now."

Gu Fuzhou threw the official hat to Yuan Yin and walked straight to the study. The door of the study was open, and the windshield door was opened, and Lin Qingyu dressed in white, sitting by the window playing against each other. He held a chess book in one hand, and flipped a black stone casually with the tip of his finger. Obviously there is a bright face, but the temperament is as cold as the moon, as if it is not a cannibalistic firework. Huantong was on the side, quietly putting charcoal fire into the stove.

Damn, please let him be confined to death by his children.

The husband wants to do something about him. He just wants to wake up naturally, and then stay at home to see the beauties.

Lin Qingyu looked at the chess score with enthusiasm, and did not notice anyone entering, until he heard a familiar voice: "Lin Qingyu—"

Lin Qingyu raised her eyes and looked, "What's the matter?"

"What's wrong."

"You never call me Lin Qingyu."

Gu Fuzhou asked deliberately, "Then how do I call you?"

"Qingyu, or Doctor Lin." Lin Qingyu frowned, "Did something happen?"

"It's nothing," Gu Fuzhou laughed a little badly, "Isn't this Huantong still there, I think don't be too tired and crooked. He hasn't married, and seeing us love will feel sad."

Huantong called injustice: "I won't!"

Lin Qingyu said displeased: "Don't call my full name next time, I'm not used to it."

Gu Fuzhou coughed twice, not wanting to be too proud: "I will try my best."

Gu Fuzhou slumped across from Lin Qingyu, picked up a white child and tossed it to the ground to play, and said casually: "Qingyu, your wedding leave is about to end."

Lin Qingyu mentioned to Gu Fuzhou before that the emperor’s formula for ruling the wind had the wings of golden silkworm Gu. The golden silkworm Gu has different shapes in different seasons, and the dispensing of medicines will also change accordingly. Even his father does not know the secrets. When it gets colder, the previous prescription will no longer work. If the emperor doesn't want to be tortured by the wind, he can only come and ask him to go back.

So he was not surprised at all: "Is it."

Not long after, Hualu came to tell them to eat dinner. After dinner, Gu Fuzhou went to the school to lift iron painfully after digestion, Lin Qingyu continued the unfinished chess. When the night darkened, the two went back to the bedroom and went to bed one after another to rest.

In the middle of the night, Lin Qingyu woke up thirsty, opened his eyes and saw light in the room. It was Gu Fuzhou who lighted the lamp and was writing under the lamp to meditate, not knowing what he was writing.

Lin Qingyu saw a lot of Gu Fuzhou's nonchalant appearance, and occasionally saw him earnestly, only then would he think of this person as scheming like him, but he didn't bother to think about it most of the time.

Lin Qingyu sat up. When Gu Fuzhou heard the movement, he looked at him: "Awake you?"

"I'm thinking about how the new coach of Xixia used troops." Gu Fuzhou looked down at the enemy's marching route he had restored from his memory and Zhao Mingwei's memo. "It's kind of interesting."

Lin Qingyu asked: "Why don't you think about it during the day?"

Gu Fuzhou said without hesitation: "Because I want to play during the day."

Lin Qingyu got out of bed, put on a crane cloak, and poured himself a cup of tea: "So, you are worried about the situation in the Northwest?"

"No, I just think about it casually." Gu Fuzhou held the pen horizontally, "He will let him be strong, and I will choose to lie down at home."

Lin Qingyu took two steps back in advance, watching the pen in Gu Fuzhou's hand vigilantly. As long as Gu Fuzhou holds a pen while thinking, he is in danger of being splashed with ink.

Gu Fuzhou moved for a while: "What's the matter?"

Lin Qingyu said, "Are you trying to get me dirty again?"

Gu Fuzhou was stunned, and after confirming his own mind, he smiled and said, "It's over, it seems to be thinking a little bit."

The author has something to say: Male high school students actually want to dirty the big beauties, you are not innocent!