Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 76


Gu Fuzhou meant that he wanted the emperor to take the initiative to abolish the position of prince of Xiao Teng. This is not easy. The emperor refused to establish a reserve for decades after he became the throne. He turned a blind eye to the fight between the princes, just to wait for the final winner.

Four years ago, Xiao Teng stood out from the princes and proved to the emperor that he was the best candidate for the prince. For this reason, the other princes died and were discarded. In the end, only one fool and one fool remained. The price of the controversy for the conquest was so great that the Xiao family couldn't stand the second time in a short time. Even if Xiao Teng has been slack in government affairs recently, even if Xiao Jie can make some extraordinary political achievements, the emperor will not change the crown prince.

Unless Xiao Teng did something that the emperor absolutely couldn't tolerate. Even if he messed up the harem, the emperor might still protect him; only the crimes of murdering the king and treason, collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country could shake his position as the crown prince.

However, although Xiao Teng focused on searching for Shenhuai Consciousness, he did not completely lose his mind. Shen Huaizhi only changed him from a wise person to an ordinary person. He knew that as long as he didn't make any serious mistakes, Jiangshan would be his sooner or later, how could he go to kill the king and seek rebellion, collude with the enemy and betray the country.

Lin Qingyu expressed his doubts, and Gu Fuzhou said, "Do you still remember the six names I wrote?"

"Remember. Xiao Wei, Shen Huai knowledge; Xiao Jun, Xi Rong; Xiao Li, queen."

"They think about each other's weaknesses, and if they want to make a fuss about one of them, the best breakthrough is in the other person-this is the general rule of the entire book "Huai Bu Zhijun"." Gu Fuzhou said, "There is. With this law, it is not difficult for us to see that we still have to work hard on Shen Huai Consciousness if we want Xiao Teng to do crazy things."

Lin Qingyu groaned: "You are right, but no one knows the whereabouts of Shen Huai Consciousness."

Gu Fuzhou said unhurriedly, "Don't worry, give me time for a song, I'll think of a way."

Lin Qingyu said slightly: "I don't know what I can do." No matter how smart Gu Fuzhou is, it is impossible for Gu Fuzhou to come up with a comprehensive solution in such a short period of time. He thought it would take two or three days for Gu Fuzhou to give him an answer. When he got a little bit of the carriage, Gu Fuzhou said, "Did you tell Xiao Wei that Shen Huai Shi might escape to the north?"

"Yeah." The Northern Territory is located in the extreme north of Dayu, and the King of the North is the only king of Dayu with a different surname. Before Princess Jingchun and his wife, he was a confidant of the imperial court. Even now, the emperor also took a lot of precautions against the king of the north. He made Xiao Teng think that Shen Huai Consciousness might be in the north, so Xiao Teng would naturally send more people to the north to find it. The confidants of the prince of a country ran to the north in batches, saying that they were arresting the assassins, but too frequent and careful attention would surely arouse the emperor's dissatisfaction and even suspicion.

Lin Qingyu said this at the beginning to plant a seed of doubt in the emperor's heart. As for whether this seed can grow up, he is not entirely sure.

Thinking of this, Lin Qingyu vaguely guessed Gu Fuzhou's thoughts: "You want to use the Northern Territory...? But since Princess Jingchun and his parents, the relationship between the Northern Territory and the Jingshi can be said to be brothers, friends, and respects, and the King of the North will not be at this time. He has no reason to rebel."

Gu Fuzhou only said, "You call Zhang Shiquan later and let him do something."

After Lin Qingyu used private salt to coerce Nan'an Hou into submission, Zhang Shiquan naturally could not stay in the Hou Mansion. Zhang Shiquan was thorough and reliable, and loyal to him, so Lin Qingyu invited him to the general's house and continued to take care of the accountant for himself.

"What's up."

"Let him find a wave of reliable people in the north, spread a rumor and a truth."

Lin Qingyu asked: "What is the rumor and what is the truth."

"The rumors are of course that the king of the north holds his own soldiers and respects himself, and his disobedience is clearly revealed. He wants to lead his troops south to take the capital directly."

Lin Qingyu disapproved: "Your rumor can only be a rumor. Even if it reaches the emperor's ears, the emperor can't be more suspicious at best."

"Listen to me and finish the other truth first."

Lin Qingyu patiently said, "You said."

Gu Fuzhou's lips smiled, and a good show was about to come on stage to watch the lively appearance: "The reason why the King of the North has turned against it is because the royal court gave the Lord Jingchun to the North and his relatives four years ago, he is a boy."

Lin Qingyu was stunned: "—What?"

The cold and cold beauty who made no secret of shock was a kind of cuteness that would never be seen in ordinary times. If Han Qiushui's eyes were wide open, and her red lips were slightly open, she looked at Gu Fuzhou and wanted to kiss him.

"When Jingchun entered the palace, she was mistakenly regarded as a court lady, and she was blessed by Xiao Teng, so her identity has not been exposed. Only Xiao Teng and Shen Huai know his secrets. Of course, there are also our vast readers. "Gu Fuzhou whispered, "Later, the King of the North fell in love with him at first sight and wanted to marry him as the princess. He was unwilling to live and die because he was afraid of his identity being exposed and causing murder."

Lin Qingyu has never heard of such outrageous things: "A palace lady is a man, how can I hide this for so many years? Are the others in the palace stupid?"

Gu Fuzhou shrugged: "Don't ask, ask is what the plot needs."

Lin Qingyu still couldn't believe it: "The King of the North should have known it a long time ago, so why is there no movement at all?"

"Calculating the timeline, Jingchun should have known the King of the North in the second year of her marriage. But at that time he had fallen in love with Jingchun, and the love was quite deep. What can he do, of course it is to choose to forgive. For the sake of the overall situation, the King of the North didn't tell others about this, and Jingchun has always been dressed as a woman."

Lin Qingyu couldn't help but said, "I didn't know until the next year? Did they not have a bridal chamber?"

"Whoever says we must have a bridal chamber when we are married." Gu Fuzhou said sourly, "We have all been married twice, don't we also have a bridal chamber. The king of the North is a gentleman who does not have love without love."

When Gu Fuzhou said this, Lin Qingyu suddenly felt that this story wasn't too outrageous. Zhi Ge and the prosperous princess were actually a man, and this could indeed be the reason for the king of the north to rise up in rebellion. Even if the King of the North didn't want to rebel at all, the court would think he was rebellious after learning about it. In this way, the doubts he planted in the emperor's heart happened to have the greatest effect.

Lin Qingyu pondered for a long time, and suddenly asked: "You have known about this a long time ago, why did you tell me now?"

Gu Fuzhou didn't feel that he was wrong at all, and he didn't even think about it. He moved out of the principle: "The so-called mountains and rivers have nowhere to go, and the willows are dark and the flowers are in another village. This kind of thing is only interesting when it is said to make you doubt your life. He is cheerful, and the future is bright and bright. You don't know how cute your expression is just now," Gu Fuzhou said with endless aftertaste, "I guess I've only seen it once in a lifetime."

Lin Qingyu: "..."

"Also, who said that no one knows the whereabouts of Shen Huai's consciousness?" Gu Fuzhou smiled badly, "I know. The original book says where Shen Huai's consciousness left the capital, although the plot is under the intervention of you and me. There have been changes, but as long as you follow that route, you should be able to find clues."

Lin Qingyu sneered again and again: "Do you think you are amazing, do you want me to give you a reward?"

Gu Fuzhou realized that something was not right, his eyes blinked: "Hey?"

Gu Fuzhou didn't take the initiative to inform him of the important clues, so he was still pretending to be in front of him. Lin Qingyu was so angry that he wanted to poison him, and because he couldn't bear it, he just ignored him.

Gu Fuzhou was deeply aware of his own mistakes, he was pleading guilty, knelt on the bedside at night, and told all the plots he remembered in "Huai Does Not Know Your Lord". Even Xiao Wei and Shen Huai reunited after seeing the broken mirror. / The details of the bed are not overlooked.

The excitement he was talking about was interrupted coldly by Lin Qingyu: "Why do you remember these plots so clearly?"

Gu Fuzhou sighed innocently: "I don't want to, but the author wrote too detailed and exaggerated, and left a great shadow on my heart. You know, at the age of seventeen, I don't even know how men love each other. The author shed thousands of words to describe that Xiao Teng found a good jade/situation, and played with his own double dragon into the sea. My expression at the time was like this—"Gu Fuzhou picked up a book casually, his facial features wrinkled together, vividly imaged To restore the situation at the time, "This will work? I can't get in. I don't even think I can get in."

Lin Qingyu's forehead jumped: "... Enough, shut up."

After that, Lin Qingyu sent Zhang Shiquan to the north. On the other side, Gu Fuzhou picked a few capable soldiers and followed the route he planned to find the whereabouts of Shen Huai Consciousness.

In a blink of an eye, it is the fourteenth of the first lunar month, and tomorrow is the Shangyuan Festival.

The annual Shangyuan Festival is the busiest time in the capital of the year. Usually there is a curfew in Beijing, and people are not allowed to go out after nightfall. During the Lantern Festival, Beijing’s curfew was temporarily relaxed because of the lantern festival.

Gu Fuzhou has been to Dayu for two years and has not yet celebrated the Lantern Festival: "I heard that the Spring Festival is equivalent to a carnival for you. Is this true?"

"Carnival?" Lin Qingyu smiled lightly, "That's not bad to say."

On the night of the Spring Festival, the wind of the Dayu Lantern Festival is prevailing. It was night, and there was a sea of lanterns in the capital. Willow heads on the moon, people meet after dusk. The ladies in the ladies only come out at Shangyuan Energy Saving, and will meet the men they like.

When Gu Fuzhou heard the last sentence, he was slightly surprised and said: "Actually? I thought that you Dayu people usually do not date before marriage, and all important matters of marriage are decided by your parents."

Lin Qingyu moved in her heart and asked, "What does'dating' mean?"

Gu Fuzhou patiently explained to him, and also talked about the allusion: "Look at the big boats in the canal, they all tow small boats. When they are near the shore, the big boats have deep drafts and it is difficult to get to the shore. At this time, the boats can unload and go ashore, so back and forth. Dependence①. So in my hometown, “dating” means that two people depend on each other after they fall in love, and they are inseparable. In your words, it probably means holding a hand and growing old together."

Lin Qingyu said slowly: "In this way,'dating' is also the meaning of making love?"

"It can be understood that way."

Lin Qingyu looked at him meaningfully: "Oh."

The author has something to say: The salted fish reading the original book: The subway grandfather looks at the phone.jpg

①I belong to Baidu