Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 88


In the past few days, the civil and military officials have been discussing the fall of Yongliang. Wu Zhan offered himself again, and Wu Guo, who was nearly eighty years old, stood up and asked for it.

The two men are high-spirited and have a tendency to overcome obstacles and break the boat. Xiao Jie was infected by the aura of the two, but he didn't dare to make any claims. He turned around and asked Queen Mother Wen who was sitting behind the bead curtain: "Mother, look at..."

What the ministers did not expect was that behind the bead curtain, besides the queen mother, there was still one person standing. This person is dressed in a rank five official uniform. He is not someone else, but Lin Qingyu of the holy family.

Empress Dowager Wen shook her head and said: "General Wu is good at water wars and has never fought in the northwest; Wu Guogong is old and has been in Beijing for many years. I am afraid it is too much for him."

Wu Guogong was dissatisfied: "Lian Po, a famous general in the State of Zhao, is still able to fight on the battlefield at the age of more than 80. The minister is not yet 80, and the minister can still fight!"

Xiao Jie sat uncomfortably on the dragon chair: "Could it be that there is no one else... Uh, except for General Gu."

"Nobody else. In recent years, Dayu's generals have died, maimed, and a large number of them have been implicated in jail because of the controversy. Nowadays, the generals of Dayu are not picked up, and only a few of us can be used. "Wu Zhan twitched, "The emperor, the queen mother, and the ministers have never been to the northwest, but the war is the same. Since General Gu doesn't want to go, let the ministers try."

It is not difficult to hear that when Wu Zhan mentioned "General Gu", his tone was not as respectful as usual. Last year, Emperor Xian wanted to return Gu Fuzhou to the northwest to take over from Zhao Mingwei, but Gu Fuzhou turned down on the grounds that the poison was still unclear. At that time, both Wu Zhan and Wu Guogong were on the side of Gu Fuzhou.

However, this time is different from the past. The battle in the northwest is very urgent. Zhao Mingwei was humiliated to death. Xixia even cut off his tongue to blatantly provoke. At this time, anyone who has the style of generals will rush to the battlefield even if they breathe. But Gu Fuzhou was still the same as last year. He said that he was unwell, thanking guests behind closed doors, and he didn't even want to come in the morning.

General Gu... let them down.

The queen mother hesitated and looked at Lin Qingyu: "Doctor Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Qingyu was about to speak when Xiao Songzi walked quickly from the side door: "Queen Dowager, Doctor Lin, an emergency report from the northwest."

The queen mother opened the memorial and read it in a glance, her face was extremely ugly: "The Xixia Kingdom issued a statement of war declaration, vowing to avenge the prince of Xixia who died in the war ten years ago. The statement asked Dayu to send Gu Fuzhou to the front. You can also take the head of the head in a fair manner. Otherwise, the Xixia army will slaughter the city of Yongliang in January."

Ten years ago, the former prince Xixia died under the Qingyun Kyushu gun of General Gu.

Lin Qingyu took the melodrama, his hand seemed to be heavier and heavier, without saying a word, his face gloomy and terribly gloomy.

The Queen Mother called out: "Doctor Lin..." She hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Qing Yu?"

Lin Qingyu said "um", and then recovered and realized that he was still above the court.

"There is no general in the court, only General Gu can be qualified for the post of General Zhengxi. What's more, if he doesn't go, will the court want to abandon the tens of thousands of people in Yongliang and ignore it?" The queen mother sighed, "Filling the nest. Next, there are no eggs. Today Xixia slaughtered Yongliang City, and the next day they slaughtered the capital."

Lin Qingyu sneered and said: "The Queen Mother doesn't have to talk about these great principles with her ministers. Everyone understands the truth."

The queen mother hesitated and said: "Then, do you have to tell the officials about this matter?"

Lin Qingyu found that she could no longer think calmly, so she could only say intuitively: "Don't say anything for now."

After leaving the court, Xiao Songzi found Lin Qingyu and told him: "Mr. Lin, the only servant sent an emergency report, and I ran into General Gu on the road—the general had already read the emergency report."

Lin Qingyu suffocated her chest and asked, "Where is he now?"

"The general said, he is waiting for you at the Royal Garden."

When Lin Qingyu found Gu Fuzhou, Gu Fuzhou sat by the pond absently feeding the fish. There are dozens of brightly colored koi in the pond of the Royal Garden, which adds a touch of color to the monotonous winter.

Gu Fuzhou sprinkled a handful of fish food, and the koi rushed over to grab the food. He saw Lin Qingyu's reflection in the water and said, "Look at the fish in this pond. They were born in the palace and were fed so fat. They usually don't eat less. Why do you want to fight with your companions?"

Lin Qingyu said: "It's because greed never ends."

Gu Fuzhou thought it so: "It makes sense."

Lin Qingyu asked: "Since you are here, why don't you go to court."

Gu Fuzhou threw out the rest of the fish and food, and said, "There is no seat for me in the Zichen Hall. It is too tired to stand."

"If you are heard by others, it will make people think that you are not a minister." Apart from the emperor, the only people who can sit in the Zichen Hall are the Queen Mother who is listening to politics.

Gu Fuzhou smiled and said, "This is wronging me. I am not interested in being an emperor so hard."

Gu Fuzhou's words were so funny, Lin Qingyu wanted to smile as usual, but couldn't laugh at all. He asked: "You saw the Northwest Emergency."

Gu Fuzhou nodded and sighed, "What should I do with Qingyu, this time, I seem to have to go."

The word "not necessarily" stuck in Lin Qingyu's throat, unable to speak.

"In the past few days, the upper and lower courts have been quite complaining about me. Wu Zhan also found me yesterday. In a hurry, he pointed at me and called me a coward-laughing to death." Gu Fuzhou said, he really laughed. , As if this was an extremely ridiculous thing, "Although, this is my own death, but if Wu Zhan can be agitated like this, someone must be adding fuel and jealousy."

Lin Qingyu also thought of this layer: "Indeed."

"Whoever it is, his goal has been achieved. If I don't go to the northwest and gradually lose heart in the middle of the kingdom, how can those hot-blooded men still serve me desperately in the future. A general who does not want to go to the battlefield, in the army There is no prestige, but even his wife can't protect him." Gu Fuzhou pressed his eyebrows, "Now, Xixia threatens the lives of the people of Yongliang again-annoying to death."

Lin Qingyu listened to Gu Fuzhou in silence and said, "So, you want to go."

Gu Fuzhou said, "It's not that I want to go, but that I have to go."

Lin Qingyu is indifferent: "You really care about the people of Li people."

"Because you are also one of the people of the Li people." Gu Fuzhou thought without hesitation, "I protect them, and I am also protecting you."

Lin Qingyu slowly lowered her eyes and whispered: "I don't want your protection, and I don't want to be a saint who cares about the common people. I just want to be with you."

Gu Fuzhou patiently explained: "How many Xixia dead souls were shot by General Gu, Xixia obviously came at me this time. Unless Xixia is completely defeated, I can hide for a while, can I hide for the rest of my life."

Lin Qingyu sarcastically said: "You also want to tell me the truth."

"I'm not… "

Lin Qingyu interrupted him coldly: "Have you ever thought about it, if you have three long and two short, what should I do?"

Gu Fuzhou was taken aback.

Lin Qingyu's voice trembled slightly: "On a snowy night two years ago, I knelt in front of your wheelchair and watched you gradually die, feeling your coldness in my palm bit by bit. At that time, I hadn't seen myself clearly. You may still be able to endure the pain of losing your husband. But now, if you want me to experience it again..."

Gu Fuzhou's Adam's apple rolled and said dumbly: "Qing Yu..."

"It's not terrible to lose. The terrible thing is to lose it again after gaining it." Lin Qingyu looked at her hands and muttered, "Even if it is to me, it is too cruel."

Gu Fuzhou whispered: "I'm sorry, Qingyu. This time, I will definitely try to come back. Look, I have written a guarantee for you."

Lin Qingyu said nonchalantly: "At the time, didn't you also try to live longer, and the result was. Before you died, you apologized to me, saying sorry to me, saying that you have worked very hard, but still did not live to Xiao Teng's death. That day—have you forgotten all this."

"I haven't forgotten. But I became ill at the time. It's useless to work hard. But now it's different. I have a healthy body and working hard should work miracles." Gu Fuzhou smiled, "By the way, Qingyu, I am here. I haven't set off yet, you think so much is too unlucky."

Lin Qingyu couldn't help asking, "Are you really not worried at all?"

Gu Fuzhou thought for a while and said, "Actually, I'm still a little scared."

Lin Qingyu stared at him.

"I'm afraid I can't do well, and I'm afraid that people who trust me will die because of my wrong decision. I'm afraid of tiredness and pain, and I hate losing, and I'm even more afraid..." The voice stopped abruptly, and Gu Fuzhou spoke again. Swallowed back. He said leisurely: "So, people like me can never be the protagonist."

Lin Qingyu knew that Gu Fuzhou was coaxing him with the same old way of easing the atmosphere, but still couldn't help but follow his words and asked, "Why did you say this?"

"Because the male protagonist in the storybook is either superior in strength and can easily crush opponents; or has a heart of innocence, knowing that he can't do it. And I," Gu Fuzhou spread his hands, "I don't have much strength. Lazy and courageous, it's no wonder that you can only wear supporting roles when you wear books."

"Wrong." Lin Qingyu said, "Lu Wancheng, Gu Fuzhou may be a supporting role. But when you come, they will become the protagonist."

A smile appeared in Gu Fuzhou's eyes: "Hello, Doctor Lin. But you are also wrong. It is because I have been by your side and caught the light of a beautiful woman that Lu Wancheng and Gu Fuzhou become the protagonists of this book. Qingyu, do you remember, what is the protagonist?"

Lin Qingyu repeated exactly what Gu Fuzhou once said: "The so-called'protagonist' means that no matter how many swords and shadows, blood and blood, even the moment when he crawls out of the mud, he will always be the one who is dazzling."

Gu Fuzhou snapped his fingers and said in a relaxed tone: "That's right. Xiao Wei is dead. We replaced him as the protagonist. The halo is on us, so we don't die that easily."

Lin Qingyu disagrees with this statement. He was silent for a while, then suddenly looked at Gu Fuzhou and said, "Xu Junyuan."

Gu Fuzhou said, "Qingyu, are you stupid? I am your husband, not Xu Junyuan."

Lin Qingyu was rare and eager: "Back then, Xu Jun was willing to use your birth date to figure out whether you should be dead. We can ask him to calculate whether you can win the trip and return to Beijing safely."

Gu Fuzhou said "Oh". It seemed that it was useless to find Xu Junyuan, but in order not to save Lin Qingyu's happiness, he still said, "It makes sense."

Lin Qingyu immediately said, "It shouldn't be too late, I will order someone to prepare a car."

Gu Fuzhou smiled and said: "You and I are both ministers of power, so you don't need to go to Changsheng Temple to find him-come, if Xu Jun is willing to enter the palace, he said that the emperor wants to see him."