Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 97


Although the shortage of food and grass was concealed, the soldiers saw the rice turned into porridge, the steamed buns were a little smaller, and the firewood sent at the night watch at night was not enough to keep warm. Especially for the veterans who stayed in the northwest last year, they experienced a tragedy of running out of food and going to the battlefield hungry. Even if they are not afraid of death, and they don't want to die too aggrieved, at least they can't be exhausted because of lack of food, and die at the hands of their original men.

Shi Pei is the one who has the best relationship with ordinary soldiers among the generals. Someone asked him if the food and grass were not enough, so he could only move out the excerpts he prepared in advance: "Everyone is relieved. The food and grass have always been enough, but the day is getting colder and colder. The general is worried that it will be the same as last year. The road was blocked by heavy snow, which prevented the transportation of grain and grass. That’s why I thought about taking precautions, and now I’m saving a bit of it.”

However, this set of rhetoric is okay to use once or twice, but if you say too much, it makes the soldiers complain.

"Since there is enough food and grass, why don't you give it to the brethren? Two clear soups a day and there is too little water between the teeth. How can you practice if you don't have enough food!"

"It's still cold at night. I stayed there for half the night, and my face was stiff like something."

"Don't talk about people, if this goes on, the horse won't be able to run."

Seeing that the military's spirit is getting weaker and weaker, Wu Youyuan can't sit still: "If we continue to use it like this, we will consume ourselves! In ancient times, we only took three days of food to fight. If we don't have enough, we will fight. It’s better than starving to death. We don’t have food for more than three days, so why can’t we fight!"

There is a small pot of firewood burning in the camp, and the warm place can only be surrounded by a circle. Gu Fuzhou sat beside the firewood for a long time, his hands warmed up, and his armor was as cold as snow. He lifted his cheeks and looked at the swaying flames, and Wu Youyuan and Shi Pei had spoken countless times in the past few days.

Shi Pei shook his head, disagreeing: "General Xiaowu, you also said that it was in ancient times. For a city such as Yongliang to be captured, at least ten times the strength of the defenders would be required."

"But General Shi has ever thought that Xixia has been spent so long by us, and the situation is definitely worse than ours. In the past few months, our army has been repairing fortifications and fighting for aid. It can be said that everything is ready. Procrastination, the day will come. It gets cold every day, if the road is blocked by heavy snow like last year, wouldn't we also be a lone army?"

"But in today's situation, even if we can conquer Yongliang, there will probably be countless casualties..."

"There is no undead in a war." Wu You was so impatient, he could not hesitate to say, "General Shi might be too greedy for life and fear of death."

"Youyuan." Gu Fuzhou said, "Pay attention to your wording."

Wu Youyuan was taken aback, and he seemed to remember that Gu Fuzhou was sitting behind him: "The general is actually listening to us?"

Gu Fuzhou raised his eyes to look at him: "Otherwise?"

"You never say anything, I thought you were thinking about things."

"I don't want to delay listening to you. One mind and two uses are necessary skills for generals." Gu Fuzhou put some firewood into the fire. "You just said too much. Go and apologize to General Shi."

When Wu Youyuan was about to apologize, Shi Pei smiled bitterly: "I'm really afraid of death. I'm afraid that the brothers will die in vain. Whether the generals or the men, they are all born to parents, they are all alive. Fate..."

Wu Youyuan then forgot to apologize, and retorted: "But if you don't die now, you will die more in the future!"

Both Wu Youyuan and Shi Pei were informal people, and they had fateful friendships, and they generally quarreled inside the account and settled outside the account. As long as it's not too much, Gu Fuzhou doesn't bother to control them.

The dispute between Shi and Wu was fierce, and Gu Fuzhou didn't know if he left. When the army was using food, there was a long line in front of the room that couldn't be seen. Gu Fuzhou stopped behind the tent to observe in secret, and saw that everyone received only a bowl of gruel and a steamed bun the size of Lin Qingyu's fist. It was not enough to eat in summer, let alone in the ice and snow.

After a tall and strong man received the steamed bun, he did not gobble up the steamed bun like others, but put the steamed bun into the iron suit. Gu Fuzhou was a little strange, and silently followed the man behind him, walked around a tent, and came to the stable.

The man shouted: "Xiao Linzi!"

The teenager who was feeding the horse turned around, with a smile on Qingxiu's face: "Brother Jiang!"

The man put the steamed bun that he had carried in his arms all the way into the boy's hand: "Quickly, eat this while it's hot."

The young man glared at him: "One person has one bun. I ate it. What are you eating? Get it back quickly."

The man refused to answer the question: "I'm not hungry. What do I eat. Didn't I tell you, General Shi and I are fellow villagers. He takes care of me. I just ate the two meatloaf that he rewarded me. I'm full."

"Liar, I heard your stomach scream..."

Gu Fuzhou was watching with gusto, and an abrupt voice came from behind him: "General."

There is no one in this kind of ghostly body except Shen Huaizhi. Shen Huai's injury has not been fully healed, but he can't take it easy. After he gets out of bed, he starts to do some things within his capacity.

Gu Fuzhou did not disturb Xiao Linzi and Brother Jiang, and left quietly with Shen Huai's knowledge. "What's the matter, little Shenzi."

Shen Huaizhi was stunned, and said: "A report from the front shows that the grain road from Guangyang to Yongliang has been blocked by heavy snow, and grain trucks can't get in, so they can only rely on people to carry them one by one."

Gu Fuzhou looked back at the two people in the stable, chuckled, and said helplessly: "Unlucky, I... Seems like there is no other way."

Gu Fuzhou was obviously smiling, but Shen Huai's chest was inexplicably choked: "General?"

"Let's go." Gu Fuzhou said, "Go and see if Wu Youyuan and Shi Pei have finished their quarrel."

In the camp, the argument between Wu Youyuan and Shi Pei really wasn't over. Gu Fuzhou picked up Xi Qin brought from the capital, and pulled it casually, Xi Qin made a harsh sound. The two finally closed their mouths and looked at Gu Fuzhou.

Gu Fuzhou's tone was as usual: "Let the soldiers eat happily for two days. Two days later, they will attack the city with their troops."

Wu Youyuan and Shi Pei had two completely different expressions on their faces. Wu Youyuan was overjoyed and left in a hurry, leaving behind a sentence of "I'm going to prepare now." Shi Pei hesitated, but stopped talking. Gu Fuzhou guessed what he was going to say, and said: "Wu Youyuan is right. The city is always going to be attacked. If it continues to be procrastinated, the casualties will be heavier by then."

Shi Pei said solemnly: "Since the general has made up his mind, the general will obey his orders."

"Don't worry too much." Gu Fuzhou comforted him, "I have a way. Maybe I can regain Yongliang while reducing casualties as much as possible."

Shi Pei's eyes lit up: "What is the general's trick?"

"It's not a good calculation." Gu Fuzhou sold a pass, "I'll know then, I hope I won't be able to use it,"

On this day, the snow for a few days finally stopped. Under the clear moonlight, the barracks seemed to be no different from usual, and it seemed to be quieter.

Gu Fuzhou lay on the bed, and under the dim firelight, he read the letter from Lin Qingyu to him for the 108th time. A large part of Lin Qingyu's home letter is about the situation in Beijing, and occasionally responds to his love words in the letter.

He wrote to Lin Qingyu: Acacia in the bone and red beans, Linglong dice knows nothing. ①

Lin Qingyu returned to him: know. Everything in Beijing is fairly stable, but Xiao Jie is so stupid that it bothers me.

He wrote Lin Qingyu: Then replace him-no, Doctor Lin, I have waited for your reply for a month, and you will reply me with a "knowledge"? You say you miss me positively anyway.

Lin Qingyu returned to him: I don't want to touch these two people for the time being until Yongliang is regained. I miss you.

He started to make things worse: Where do you miss me? What do you want to do with me? Doctor Lin said more, I like to listen.

Lin Qingyu returned to him: Xi Rong was dissatisfied with the control, and repeatedly provoked, I could not bear it.

He depressed and replied: Why do you have to bear it? It's all done. I left you so many people, not to let them see you being wronged. And ah baby, you didn't reply to my love words in your last letter, and I will make trouble if you don't reply this time.

Lin Qingyu: I want to sleep with you, are you satisfied? I naturally endure it for you and Northwest, but Xi Rong has secretly attracted the Prime Minister and Prince Heng, and Tianjiying is also under his control. I'm afraid it's not my turn to shoot first. These two masterpieces.

Looking back to Lin Qingyu's correct and elegant handwriting, Gu Fuzhou could see a big beauty who was so angry that she had to maintain her composure. Without him, Lin Qingyu would be unhappy no matter how uncomfortable he was, and didn't know how pitiful and helpless there would be. Then he was pitiful and helpless, and went to do bad things, making the people who offended him more pitiful and helpless.

It's a pity that he can't see it, it's so bad. If he continues the long-distance relationship, he will be back from the first kiss.

"General!" Wu Youyuan came before the people, and the voice came first, "I have researched out a new set of formations. There is no one before, and even the Xixia military division may not be able to break the formation!"

Gu Fuzhou stuffed his family letter under his pillow, and said perfunctorily: "It's amazing. You came just right. Come out with me to enjoy the month."

Wu You is far from understanding: "When is the time, the general is still in the mood to enjoy the moon? At the moment of the war, looking at the formation is the right way."

"You are too nervous, You are far away." Gu Fuzhou smiled, "Even the moonlight before the war should not be let down by us." He walked out of the camp, sat down at the door, and patted the empty seat beside him, "Come here. Sit, accompany me to admire the moon, and see your formation after the admiration."

Wu Youyuan was about to refuse, and Gu Fuzhou said again: "This is a military order."

Wu You was far from sitting down beside Gu Fuzhou willingly. Gu Fuzhou asked him: "How does the bright moon in the northwest compare to Beijing?"

Wu Youyuan looked up and said, "Isn't this the same."

Gu Fuzhou shook his head and smiled and sighed: "A boring straight man." He quietly admired for a while, then suddenly said: "Youyuan, if I'm unfortunately captured..."

Wu Youyuan hurriedly interrupted: "The general must not say such things. The general is counted as an exhaustive plan, and our army will win this battle!"

"Don't get excited," Gu Fuzhou smiled, "I mean in case..."

Wu Youyuan resolutely said: "There will be no accidents."

Zhao Mingwei defeated Yongliang and was captured by the enemy. Without a word, he swung his knife and killed himself. Those who worship the general can be killed but not insulted. General Gu must think so too. Once in the hands of the enemy, they will never give them a chance to humiliate themselves.

Gu Fuzhou said leisurely: "I just want to say, if I am unfortunately captured... you must come to rescue me."

Wu Youyuan was stunned: "Huh?"

"I promised that Doctor Lin will not die. I wrote him a letter of guarantee." Gu Fuzhou stretched out his hand, watching the clear light fall on his palm, and bends his lips, "So, no matter what happens, please do find a way to save it. I'm back—please."

The author has something to say: ① Er Zhuang made a mistake on purpose.