Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 98


After listening to Gu Fuzhou's words, Wu Youyuan's mood became a little heavy. The general mentioned his wife, the amazing-looking imperial physician. He had met Doctor Lin, and only thought that he was the fairy prince who came out of the script. At this moment, he was excited about the upcoming battle, and Doctor Lin should be worried about his husband.

The relatives of other soldiers must be the same.

Shi Pei was afraid of death because he was afraid of his brothers. General Gu didn't want to die because he had written a letter of guarantee to his wife.

Wu Youyuan thought of his family. When he left Beijing, his mother packed him with red eyes; his elderly grandfather sent him out of the city by himself, and said nothing when he was parting, but the hand that slapped him on the shoulder was trembling.

"I can't die either." Wu You stood up and said loudly, "None of us can die!"

Gu Fuzhou was taken aback and said amusedly: "Why are you suddenly so excited?"

"General Shi is right. Whether it is a general or a clerk, whoever is not raised by his parents, one who can die less is one."

Gu Fuzhou was pleased and nodded: "That's right, it's resuscitation, there is no free reward this month."

Wu Youyuan clenched his fists, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit: "So General, now is not the time to admire the moon, you quickly help me see the formation. With this formation, our army may be able to reduce casualties with one enemy to ten. "

Gu Fuzhou grabbed Wu Youyuan's arm and stood up with strength: "I'm a little hungry. Go to the restaurant and bring two bowls of plain noodles. Let's eat and watch."

"Yes, I will go here!"

When there is a shortage of food and grass, the plain noodles with clear soup and little water are all delicacies of mountains and seas. Gu Fuzhou has been eating steamed buns with the soldiers for a while, and the little Gu worms at home must have eaten better than him.

Gu Fuzhou was expecting the noodles to bring him happiness. He didn't expect that when Wu Youyuan came back with empty hands, he was also full of anger, and his anger was subtle, with a bit of shame.

Gu Fuzhou opened the water bag to drink water: "What's the matter?"

"I went to the building just now, and I saw two small soldiers blindly in the dark. They were doing it, doing that..." Wu Youyuan said without a word, "Do the thing that broke the sleeves!"

Gu Fuzhou almost spit out a mouthful of water, admiring and envious: "Yes." The last time he broke his sleeve, it seemed to be ten years ago, and he almost forgot how it felt like a beauty was in his arms.

"What a serious place the barracks are, these two men are so bold and must be punished severely!"

Gu Fuzhou asked: "Does the military law say that you can't break your sleeves in the barracks?"


"Then how to deal with it?"

"Be cut!"

Gu Fuzhou said "Oh" and said, "Where are those two people now? Bring them, I'll see."

In no time, the two daring and daring two were tied up and brought to Gu Fuzhou. Gu Fuzhou felt that the two were familiar with each other, and when he took a closer look, it turned out that it was Brother Jiang and Xiao Linzi who gave each other steamed buns during the day.

Both of them bowed their heads and were taken to General Gu without begging for mercy. Gu Fuzhou looked at their neat clothes, motioned Wu You to get closer, and whispered beside him, "Didn't you say that they had broken their sleeves?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

"How do they do it?"

"The tall one kissed the short one on the forehead."

Gu Fuzhou: "..."

"General," Brother Jiang said gruffly, "I forced Xiaolinzi to do this. If you want to cut it off, just cut off my head."

Xiao Linzi, who was trembling with fright, suddenly had the courage to speak: "No, no, Brother Jiang did not force me, I am voluntary."

Gu Fuzhou glanced at Wu Youyuan, his eyes were quite subtle: "What do you think should be done?"

Wu Youyuan said: "Of course it is handled according to military law!"

Brother Jiang didn't change his face: "The general wants my life, I have nothing to say. But two days later, I will be in the first row for the siege. I want to die at that time, please do it with the general!"

Gu Fuzhou and Wu Youyuan looked at each other. At the time of the siege, it was almost impossible for the one who rushed to the front to survive. But every time a city is recovered, there must be the first soldier to climb the wall.

Xiao Linzi should have known about this a long time ago. He was not very surprised, but he couldn't help but sobbed.

Brother Jiang knew that his death was approaching. In order not to regret it, he would rather violate the military order and show his heart to his sweetheart. Unexpectedly, he kissed his forehead and was caught by Wu Youyuan who was passing by. This reminded Gu Fuzhou of the dean who was in school and took a flashlight to the playground to catch the dean of premature love at night.

After a while of silence, Gu Fuzhou asked, "What is your name?"

Brother Jiang said, "Jiang Shiyue."

Xiao Lin Zi said: "Lin, Lin Lan."

Gu Fuzhou was thoughtful, and suddenly smiled: "That's steady, you will definitely not die tomorrow."

Jiang Shi was more surprised and said, "Ah? Why?"

"Because your names are nice. In Dayu, people with nice names will definitely live a long time."

Jiang Shiyue was puzzled and asked, "The general won't kill me tonight?"

"Don't kill, just go back and rest." Gu Fuzhou said, "Xiao Linzi, be with you brother Jiang on the last day before the war. Twelve hours, a moment is not a day."

Jiang Shiyue was overjoyed: "Thank you General for your accomplishment. If I can survive in two days, I will..."

"Shhh." Gu Fuzhou put his index finger in front of his mouth and carefully ordered, "It is most taboo to say such things before the expedition. Don't say it next time."

The more Jiang Shi couldn't understand what the general meant, but the general said what he meant. He knocked his head again, and led Lin Lan back.

Walking far away, Lin Lan couldn't help asking: "Brother Jiang, what did you just want to say? If you can survive..."

When the sweetheart asked, Jiang Shiyue put the general's warning behind him: "If I can survive, I will go to your house to propose marriage after the battle is over. I heard from my brothers from Beijing that many people in Beijing now marry. The male wife, even our general married a male beauty."

Lin Lan smiled with tears: "It's so good."

Two days later, Dayu attacked the city with all his troops. No matter how they call the formation, the Xixia Army has always insisted not to fight. The Yongliang city has strong defenses, thick gates and more than four feet high.

Gu Fuzhou rode Xiao Hei, Shi Pei and Wu Youyuan separated him. He looked at the Yongliang City Gate many times, and for the first time discovered that it was so high.

The banner was hunting and hunting, the golden drums and drums sounded in unison, the commander gave an order, the soldiers raised their arms and shouted, and the soldiers went straight to take Yongliang.

At almost the same moment, thousands of arrows were fired above the city, and the arrow rained down. The infantry in the front struggling to fall, and the chariot pushing the chariot behind stepped on the corpse of the predecessor. , Was knocked down by the second wave of arrows, and the body was annihilated in the turbulent crowd.

When they finally set up a ladder under the city, they were greeted by a boulder rolling down from a height.

After this day, Gu Fuzhou never saw Jiang Shiyue again. He only saw Lin Lan who was alone in the corner, eating buns while crying silently. In two days, he actually couldn't even see Lin Lan.

For several days, Yongliang City could not be attacked for a long time, the morale of the army was greatly reduced, and the grain and grass gradually bottomed out. In the barracks, wounded soldiers groaning/groaning in pain can be seen everywhere. Since the siege, Hu Ji can't remember how long he hasn't closed his eyes, but there are more and more wounded soldiers.

"The attack on the city, especially the big city like Yongliang, is normal. I think that in those days, the emperor spent a whole year and eight months in attacking Luoyang City, but in the end it was captured!" Wu Youyuan continued to encourage. To everyone, "The enemy's arrows and boulders will always be used up in one day. As long as we hold on, we will break the city just around the corner!"

Gu Fuzhou's tone was tired: "I never doubted that we could conquer Yongliang. The problem is that Guishuai did not doubt either. He knew he could not hold Yongliang."

Wu Youyuan asked: "He knows he can't keep it, why didn't he open the city as soon as possible to make a surrender, and still resist in this negative corner?"

"Since Yong Liang will lose it sooner or later, if I were him, I would make Yong Liang's loss worthwhile."

Shi Pei asked: "What value does the general say?"

"Dayu's soldiers, horses, money, siege equipment, or... me." Gu Fuzhou said lightly, "For Xixia, nothing is more valuable than Gu Fuzhou's life. In the eyes of the enemy, Yong Liang has attacked for a long time. However, Dayu faces the dilemma of shortage of food and grass, so it is reasonable to withdraw troops temporarily. If I pretend to withdraw troops and lead the enemy out of the city to ambush. Even if the ghost commander knows this is a strategy, I would like to take the bait—anyway, Yongliang will be lost and the city will be destroyed. After that, they will definitely be unable to escape death. If the general who had beheaded their crown prince be killed with them, wouldn't it be nice."

A few people looked at each other, Shi Pei said: "The general is going to... Use his body to lure the enemy?" The last four words were stuck in Shi Pei's throat for a long time before they came out.

"No!" Wu Youyuan said excitedly, "I would rather we all die in battle than let the general take risks!"

Gu Fuzhou "tsk": "Not long ago, I said you were getting awake." Looking at it now, it was lonely.

"The general think twice." Shi Pei frowned, "Xixia is already at the end of the crossbow, and can't hold on for long, why bother..."

"You think I think, elder brother without food, we won't be able to hold on for long." Seeing the same expressions on the faces of several people, Gu Fuzhou smiled and said, "Strictly speaking, I don't think I've committed a personal risk— Come here."

The crowd gathered around, and Gu Fuzhou pointed to a point on the map, and said: "The terrain here is like a gourd mouth. When I will lead the enemy here, Wu Youyuan will bring a thousand horses to fight out from another mountain pass, forming a closed door and a dog. It’s difficult for the enemy to fly even with wings."

Shi Pei pondered for a long time, and said: "But, in case... General, if you want to lure the enemy, I'm willing to replace the general!"

"Your courage is worthy of recognition, but with all due respect, your life is of little value to Xixia, not enough for them to fight to the death. Don't worry, I believe Youyuan will come to save me," Gu Fuzhou stood in the mottled light, Smiled, "Youyuan, are you willing to be trusted by me?"

Wu Youyuan's Adam's apple rolled: "General..."

"I will go with the general." Shen Huai said, "I promised the doctor Lin, I will protect the general."

Gu Fuzhou thought for a while and said, "You can go, provided that Hu Ji thinks that your body is good enough for the battlefield."

Shen Huaizhi immediately said, "I can."

In the next two days, Dayu's attack on the city faded, and Xixia was able to take a short breath.

Since it is to pretend to withdraw troops, it is natural not to withdraw in an open manner during the day. Xixia Guishuai meant Gu Fuzhou, and he would not act rashly if he did not see Gu Fuzhou's figure. Gu Fuzhou ordered his men to leave in three directions with their parcels, and he led one of them to the gourd mouth that had been negotiated in advance.

Gu Fuzhou rode on Xiao Hei, staring at the vast night, and suddenly found his heart beating a little fast: "It's over."

Shen Huaishi followed him and asked hurriedly, "What's the matter, General?"

"It's okay." Gu Fuzhou chuckled lightly, "I'm just a little bit..."

Just a little scared.

But he is now Gu Fuzhou, an invincible general, and a well-known God of War for Dayu. Gu Fuzhou wouldn't be afraid, so he couldn't be afraid, at least in front of the soldiers who trusted him.

He thought of Lin Qingyu.

It would be great if Lin Qingyu was here. If his wife is by his side, he can hug his waist and complain unscrupulously. He is so tired that he can't sleep with worry every day. He didn't want to lead soldiers at all, he didn't want to fight at all, he just wanted to be a salted fish, a salted fish that stuck to Lin Qingyu all day long.

But he is Gu Fuzhou, and Gu Fuzhou should stand majestic, straight forward and full of spirits. He has worked very hard to do it, I hope he did not disappoint his soldiers.

Gu Fuzhou took a deep breath and comforted himself: "There is nothing to fear, I have planned it." He heard himself say, "I am not afraid at all."

The author has something to say: I want to write the following content carefully, so I won’t post it in a hurry, see you tomorrow~