Married Thrice to Salted Fish

Chapter 99


When Gu Fuzhou walked to Yuanmen, a light snow fell in the sky. This was undoubtedly his quietest expedition. There was no golden drums, no arms raised, and even the sound of flags fluttering—the snow fell into frost, and the flags were frozen and frozen, and they could no longer move.

Gu Fuzhou and his party walked in a low-key manner, with no one to send them off. Shi Pei and Wu Youyuan led their respective armies, the former attacked the city, the latter set up an ambush, and one general was left on the camp.

They followed the established route and rode slowly towards Zhuo County, leaving a line of horseshoe marks in the snow.

A lieutenant said: "It's so quiet, it's so quiet that I'm not used to it anymore."

Gu Fuzhou said casually: "Huaizhi should be very used to this kind of quietness."

"Yeah, Brother Shen was born as a dark guard, and he must have been out of day and night before."

Shen Huaizhi smiled and nodded. The lieutenant asked again: "Then can you see far at night, clearly?"

"Yes, night vision is a skill that dark guards must know."

"It's a pity that the enemy doesn't have such good eyes." Gu Fuzhou said, "Let everyone light the torch. If Xixia comes to reinforcements, it's best to attract them together."

In the dead night, the winding mountain roads lit up a number of "lights", seeming to be announcing the enemy where they were. Just a little bit of brain can tell that they are deliberately introducing it, but the Xixia Army who has been trapped in a lonely city for many days knows it is a trap, and has to jump inside.

Just because there was Gu Fuzhou in the trap, the Great War God who killed one of them, a prince, dozens of generals, and countless Xixia soldiers. Instead of starving to death or being captured after breaking the city, it is better to fight to the death and drag Gu Fuzhou to hell. Zhao Mingwei is dead, and when Gu Fuzhou is dead, there is no general in the Dayu Army who can prevent Xixia from occupying the Central Plains.

Gu Fuzhou led the soldiers to the mouth of the gourd, but there was still no movement around. And the quieter, the more danger is coming. The snow is getting bigger, and the bows and knives are falling one after another.

Not long after, there was a sound of horseshoes from far to near, and the ground trembled. Just by listening to the deafening movement, you would know how many people came.

The lieutenant couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Why do they still have so many people. Don't they leave someone to guard the city?"

Gu Fuzhou was not surprised: "Since you know you can't hold it, why bother to hold it."

Guishuai deserves to be a Guishuai, and he can unconsciously bring such a large number of cavalry out of Yongliang. It is believed that Shi Pei had already attacked the city while the enemy was out of the city. The more enemy troops here, the fewer enemy troops staying in Yongliang.

"Don't panic," Gu Fuzhou calmed everyone. "Even if they come out in full force, they won't be our opponents. They'd better come together, so that we don't have to spend time chasing after the remnants."

The sound of horses' hoofs was getting closer, and I looked up, but saw the black iron horses flooding like a flood, making waves of snow foam. Immediately afterwards, there were shouts and killings, and the sword glowed with cold light under the moonlight.

Shen Huai said: "The general must not underestimate the enemy. These people are obviously dead men. Once they are not afraid of death, they can do anything."

Gu Fuzhou nodded, tightened the reins, and said: "Pass the order, and fight forward, and lead them to the gourd mouth."

The cold wind was cool, like weeping, the valley was filled with the harsh sound of warriors, and the nasal cavity was full of blood. The white blade was mixed with blood splattered, and the blood red almost obscured the sky, and it seemed that only this color remained between the sky and the earth.

When the enemy was led by them to the mouth of the gourd, the mountain shook suddenly, ten times stronger than the movement just now. The lieutenant was overjoyed: "It must be the military general with an ambush—"

Shen Huaizhi stared into the distance and whispered: "No, it's—"

The voice stopped abruptly, the lieutenant's eyes widened, and the smile on his face was replaced by shock: "It's Xixia, it's Xixia's reinforcements!"

The sound of horseshoes made a loud rumbling noise, which was several times stronger than the movement before. It shook the snow and dust on the mountain and set off snow waves several feet high.

"This is a good thing." Gu Fuzhou pretended to be relaxed. "The Xixia reinforcements came to us, proving that Yongliang is safe. The reinforcements traveled a long distance, and we waited for work with ease. Not to mention that we can beat five. One beats two is no problem."

Taking care of Gu Fuzhou so calmly, other people's hanging hearts also fell. The lieutenant shouted: "Brothers charge in, General Wu is waiting for us in the gourd!"

Gu Fuzhou's expectation was not bad. The Xixia reinforcements came in a hurry. They had already rushed for hundreds of miles in the ice and snow, losing more than half of their physical strength. Knowing that the chances of winning are not great, they still have to come.

They are not thinking about winning this battle, nor about defending Yongliang City. They only need Gu Fuzhou's life, even if they exchange the lives of tens of thousands of Xixia soldiers for Gu Fuzhou's head.

Shen Huaizhi quickly realized that it was wrong: "General, there are many martial arts and powerful assassins among these reinforcements, and they are definitely coming for you."

Gu Fuzhou sighed helplessly, "They tried too hard to kill me."

"Please keep the army at your side. I will not let the Xixia Assassin have the opportunity to approach the general." As soon as Shen Huai finished speaking, his brows suddenly frowned. He lowered his head and glanced at the place where he was injured before. Raise your head and concentrate on responding to the enemy.

The Da Yu army fought and retreated, and finally led them into the gourd mouth, but they could not wait for the ambush to take action.

"What's the matter?" The lieutenant returned to Gu Fuzhou after killing a circle, "Where are the other generals?!"

Gu Fuzhou looked solemn, looked at the snow-capped mountains on the left and right, and finally couldn't help but explode: "Fuck."

"It's an avalanche," Shen Huai said in a low voice, "General Wu was dragged by the avalanche."

Not only them, but others are also anxious about why they are not in the ambush. However, the sword has no eyes, and a moment of distraction can kill them.

"It's a bit unlucky, brothers. But it doesn't matter, Wu Youyuan must be trying to come here, we will wait for him." Gu Fuzhou smiled suddenly, laughed wantonly and openly. What a pity."

After all, Gu Fuzhou grabbed the lieutenant's bow and arrow, and directed a bow and arrow to a general of the enemy army in one go.

The arrow flew out like a shooting star, and they couldn't see the end of the arrow. But this arrow was like a signal, and the soldiers responded, no longer entangled in the ambush, fighting hard, one more can be killed.

In order to make the enemy think that he could fight a battle, Gu Fuzhou had no more than three thousand cavalry. Without Wu Youyuan's ambush, their number was greatly inferior, but no one flinched. They believed that the ambush would arrive, and the only thing they had to do was to hold on.

For the first time, Gu Fuzhou, who had always been strategizing in the rear, truly stood on the battlefield for the first time. Qingyun Kyushu Gun reappeared after three years of silence. Isn't it just killing? He has learned it.

This fight went from dark to dawn, from heavy snow to snow stop, from the mighty to the dead. The iron knights that stood in front of Gu Fuzhou fell one after another, and there were three thousand iron knights, and in the end there were no more than 30 left.

Gu Fuzhou's Xiaobai had already died in the rain of arrows. Like the rest of the infantry, he had an iron suit and a long/gun against the remaining hundreds of enemy soldiers. But it doesn't matter, right now-Wu Youyuan is coming soon.

Wait, wait, wait.

Suddenly, Shen Huaiyu saw a ghostly figure approaching silently. He stepped out decisively and sealed the opponent's throat with a dagger.

He used his work lightly and quickly, involving old injuries, and stopped briefly. In this very short moment, a cold arrow flew out from behind him and pointed directly at Gu Fuzhou.

Shen Huaizhi shouted: "General!"

Gu Fuzhou heard Shen Huaizhi's shout, but didn't stop swinging his gun to block the action of a sharp knife for a soldier.

A panic hit, Gu Fuzhou saw Shen Huaizhi running towards him with a pale face before Gu Fuzhou realized what was going on. He then slowly lowered his head, looked at the arrow inserted into his chest, and twitched the corner of his mouth in hindsight.

No one can win all battles. He won so many games by luck, but he still loses to luck after all.

Then, the second, third... nowhere arrows flew to Gu Fuzhou from all directions.

The Qingyun Kyushu spear was heavily inserted in the snow, supporting the owner not to kneel down, until Shen Huaizhi came and held Gu Fuzhou who was crumbling.

Gu Fuzhou's face that has been able to do so all the year round finally showed a trace of fear.

What he feared was not death. He has died twice, he has experience. Death is nothing terrible to him.

What he fears is that Lin Qingyu faces his death.

This fear even overwhelmed the physical pain. Sorry, he is still not a true general protector of the country, nor is he a great hero. At this moment of life and death, he only thinks of Lin Qingyu.

At this time, he vaguely heard someone shouting: "Yongliang Great Victory—Yongliang Great Victory!"

"General Wu is here!"

Shen Huaizhi, who had fought bloody nights, was finally able to put down the long sword. He held Gu Fuzhou's hand tightly. He saw Gu Fuzhou laugh and said, "It hurts."

It hurts more than twice before.

Shen Huai is a martial artist, wandering on the edge of life and death all year round, but has never been so helpless. He hated his stupid mouth and couldn't even say a word of comfort.

Gu Fuzhou's mouth overflowed with blood and asked, "I seem to hear... I won?"

"Yes." Shen Huaizhi tried to squeeze a smile, "We won, we won."

"Then, can you save me? I... I can't die." Gu Fuzhou leaned against Shen Huaizhi, his eyes widening, and he almost begged in embarrassment, "He is still waiting for me, I wrote to him. Guarantee, I can’t lie to him... Don’t let me die, he will cry."

Shen Huaizhi was already crying: "I will save you, General. You hold on, Doctor Hu must have a way. I will take you to find him."

The corners of Gu Fuzhou's mouth raised slightly when he heard the word "Doctor" vaguely. What else did he want to say, suddenly he vomited a big mouthful of blood, even with Shen Huai consciousness supporting him, he couldn't hold it anymore, and his body slipped slowly.

"General!" Shen Huaizhi knelt down in the snow and hugged Gu Fuzhou into his arms. He covered Gu Fuzhou's wound with his hand, blood overflowing from his fingers, flowing continuously into the snow, and a peach grove blooming in winter, untimely, but warm as spring.

No matter how hard he tried, Gu Fuzhou's blood continued to flow more and more.

Can't hold it, can't stop, can't stop.

Gu Fuzhou's vision gradually blurred, his chest was weighed heavily and he couldn't breathe, and every breath was a piercing pain. The bleeding seemed to take away his body temperature, and his body was getting colder and colder to the bone.

Is he... dying again.

He lied to Lin Qingyu, he was going to die, he couldn't go back.

If he knew it would be the same ending, he shouldn't confess to Lin Qingyu, shouldn't kiss him, shouldn't get him dirty. He hurt Lin Qingyu once, and he hurt him a second time, he was too bad.

He understands Lin Qingyu. Lin Qingyu couldn't forget him, and Lin Qingyu wouldn't do stupid things of martyrdom. He will live, cold and unconscious.

If... It would be great if Lin Qingyu could amnesia, forget all these years, forget him, and maybe live a little happier. There are fake death medicines, can I have amnesia medicines too

After all, his wish is for Lin Qingyu to be happy forever.

From the age of seventeen to the present, it has always been.

Hmm... The eyes are so heavy, this pitch-black dizziness is the same as last time. He remembered that at that time, Lin Qingyu didn't stop him from closing his eyes. Then this time, can he also—

"General!" Shen Huai yelled in a choked voice, "Hold the general, Doctor Hu will be here soon. Don't close your eyes, Doctor Lin-Lin Qingyu is still waiting for you!"

Gu Fuzhou opened his eyes suddenly, and he also had strength to grasp Shen Huaizhi's hand.

If he can't close his eyes, he will definitely be rescued. It will be fine when the doctor comes, and they will heal him.

Lin Qingyu who has forgotten him will not be happy. Lin Qingyu will be happy only if he is alive.

So he can't die... He must survive.

With his efforts, the vision became clear again. He saw a beam of light, a beam of light penetrating the clouds. He whispered: "Dawn?"

Shen Huai nodded in tears: "Yes, it's dawn."

"It's great." Bad things usually happen at night, and dawn always symbolizes hope. Maybe he really wants to be saved, as long as he doesn't close his eyes, he can survive.

Gu Fuzhou just looked at the beam of light on the horizon, with unwillingness and nostalgia, his pupils were motionless against the light source.

"General... General!"

Then, the last bit of light disappeared in Gu Fuzhou's eyes. It was as bright as a star in the past, and there was only infinite silence in the smiling eyes.

But he still kept his eyes open.

—At the beginning of the third year of Chuxi, Gu Fuzhou waited for a long time to wait for the reinforcements to arrive. Outside the city of Yongliang, a thousand arrows pierced his heart and died.