Married To The Male Lead’s Father

Chapter 29


At the gate of Prince Rui's Mansion, the stewards of Prince Rui's Mansion were secretly excited when they saw the carriage of Uncle Changning's Mansion and the carriage of Marquis Anyuan's Mansion colliding head-on, and sent a woman to report to Princess Rui.

"Quick, tell the princess, there is a good show."

Others have long been used to the unique painting style of Prince Rui's Mansion. Who knows that Prince Rui and Princess Rui have similar interests, one likes to eat, drink and have fun, and the other likes to hold banquets and watch good shows.

The only son-in-law is still a lover of beauties, and there are 107 concubines in the backyard, all of them are as beautiful as flowers and jade, with various styles.

Every time Princess Rui held a banquet, the young prince would pull out his concubine for a walk, show off, show off his talents, sing and dance, and were very popular.

In the surrounding carriages, there were boudoir daughters, sons of aristocratic families, or sons of officials and eunuchs who came earlier. Originally, they could enter the mansion first, but they were well-informed and waited at the gate one by one.

Waiting to see the legendary Miss Jiang Si with extremely beautiful appearance and excellent temperament, and the future Mrs. Ding Guo who can easily approach Duke Ding Xie Heng, but the reality gave them a big surprise.

Miss Jiang Si and the eldest lady of the Anyuan Hou Mansion ran into each other at the same time.

Jiang Ningbao, who was in the carriage, saw his second cousin, Jiang Yue, who was riding beside the Fifth Sister's carriage, come on horseback, leaned up to her window, and said with a hint of excitement.

"Fourth sister, we ran into the carriage of the Anyuanhou Mansion, get off the carriage quickly, we must enter the Ruiwang Mansion ahead of them."

"Girl, what the second young master said is right. Your status is different now. You should enter the palace before Miss Yang, so that you can show your status as an elder."

"If you are preempted by Miss Yang, you will be looked down upon by your wives after you get married."

Chunxi quickly agreed, and Chunle nodded fiercely with a pleasing smile.

Jiang Ningbao raised her eyebrows, raised her hand to caress the sideburns of her bun, and chuckled: "Don't rush to make judgments, just wait and see what happens, Miss Yang is a smart person."

The heroine Yang Shuqing is not a fuel-efficient lamp. There are a lot of people watching the excitement in the carriages around. If Yang Shuqing doesn't have the best of both worlds, she will easily fall into the trap of talking, and it will be difficult for both sides.

Yang Shuqing would never enter the palace ahead of her.

If she was allowed to take the first step, she would feel very aggrieved.

First of all, Jiang Ningbao was only the second room girl of the Changningbo Mansion. Before her father died, she was only in charge of managing the business of the Bo Mansion, and had no official position.

Because the eldest aunt Zhang's selfishness does not want to divide the mansion, she is also a girl from the uncle's mansion, with a ranking and the status of an official daughter.

If the eldest brother Jiang Jin can be admitted to Juren this year and get a half-official position, the second house will be established, and she can be regarded as the real daughter of the official family.

If there is no Bofu, Jiang Ningbao's status is actually inferior to the children of Qipin officials with real power.

No one would be reconciled to being overwhelmed by a woman whose status and family background were much lower than his own. Even if he was divorced, he still got what he couldn't ask for in his previous life.

Jiang Ningbao quite understands Yang Shuqing's mentality after rebirth.

Secondly, Jiang Ningbao is now Ding Guogong's fiancée, a marriage bestowed by the Holy Majesty, and her status has been elevated a lot.

In terms of etiquette, Jiang Ningbao will be Yang Shuqing's elder, and Yang Shuqing must respect her as a future elder.

However, Jiang Ningbao is only the fiancee of Dingguogong, and has not married into Dingguogongfu. Yang Shuqing's family status is much higher than hers. Face will make people laugh behind their backs.

With Yang Shuqing's pride, what would she do? Either forbearance and let her enter the Rui Palace first, or discuss it, the two of them play a play, and enter the Palace together in harmony.

Jiang Ningbao smiled with interest.

At this time, Jiang Yue who was outside the car window retorted excitedly: "Fourth sister, you are married by imperial decree. There will be no more accidents and changes. You will enter the palace first, and no one dares to gossip."

"Let's get out of the carriage." Jiang Ningbao directly ignored Jiang Yue's words. Seeing that the opposite carriage had not moved for a long time, Yang Shuqing was obviously caught in a dilemma and watching the changes, secretly amused.

If Yang Shuqing sent someone over to negotiate, she would definitely give her face and enter Rui Palace with her in harmony.

Now it's time for a cup of tea, and the carriage on the opposite side is still silent, so Jiang Ningbao is too lazy to dawdle.

Do you want her to bow her head first and send someone over to negotiate

Jiang Ningbao shook her head silently, Yang Shuqing thinks too highly of herself, doesn't it mean that she doesn't need face because of her low family background

Don't forget that she is Ding Guogong's fiancee.

When Chunxi and Chunle heard the words, they immediately cheered up and their fighting spirit was high.

"Okay, girl."

The two maidservants opened the curtain and got out of the carriage, and put a low stool on the ground. The crowd outside watching the show and the stewards of Prince Rui's Mansion waited for a long time, in a hurry. It seems that Miss Jiang Si couldn't wait and made a move , all excited and excited.

Sure enough, as they expected, after a while, a silver-red figure got down from the carriage and stood slim and graceful beside the carriage.

The woman has a unique temperament and extremely beautiful appearance. She is wearing a long dress with silver-red dark flowers and plum patterns, which makes her skin like snow.

It is shining brightly, and its elegance is unparalleled.

Especially the golden hairpin inlaid on her head obliquely, with a huge round luminous pearl inlaid, under the sunlight, it shone with a bewitching luster.

The eyes of the boudoir daughters in the surrounding carriages lit up, and their eyes fell on the golden hairpin.

What a big night pearl.

It is said that this gold hairpin inlaid with night pearls is one of the betrothal gifts of Duke Dingguo.

The daughters of the boudoir all showed envy.

The rumors are indeed true, Miss Jiang Si is indeed beautiful and has a good temperament, and her temperament is even better than that of Miss Yang.

I really don't know what Xie Shizi's vision is.

From the reactions of the noble ladies, we can see that a person's external temperament is really important.

Today's Jiang Ningbao's temperament has changed drastically, and his appearance, which was originally thought to be pitiful, weak and deceitful, has been abruptly ignored by others.

Won the goodwill of the noble ladies present.

Yang Shuqing, who was calmly waiting for Jiang Ningbao to send someone to discuss the matter of entering the mansion in the carriage of Anyuan Hou Mansion, heard the movement in the surrounding carriage, and suddenly lifted the curtain, and looked out of the window with his head, just in time to see Jiang Ningbao who got out of the carriage , his eyes suddenly changed, and Jiang Ningbao ignored her to get off the carriage first. Not only that, but she was also wearing a dazzling silver-red dress today.

Yang Shuqing's eyes suddenly sank, and her index finger stroked the silver-red engraved silk long skirt with lotus patterns on her body.

They even chose the same silver-red color by coincidence.

Yang Shuqing's face was as sinking as water, his whole body exuded a cold aura, and the atmosphere in the carriage was oppressive and condensed.

The two maids of Clinrong and Clinique secretly groaned, every time they met Miss Jiang Si, she was particularly susceptible to influence.

"Let's get off the carriage too." Yang Shuqing said in a cold tone.

The movement of the Anyuan Marquis's carriage attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd.

When Yang Shuqing got off the carriage, everyone's eyes were fixed on the silver-red dress on her body and the golden hairpin on her head.

The gold hairpin on Yang Shuqing's head is inlaid with rubies.

The two future mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are surprisingly similar in dressing.

Don't be afraid of comparison, but be afraid of not being able to compare.

Apparently, Miss Yang lost out on the golden hairpin.

A group of people were excited and excited. The children of the family and the officials were interested in admiring the two beauties with completely different temperaments.

I don't know if the two beauties will tear up.

The moment Jiang Ningbao saw Yang Shuqing, a strange color flashed across his eyes.

What a coincidence.

Could it be that the two of them are destined to oppose each other

The girl compared Miss Yang, and Chunxi and Chunle were very happy.

"Miss Jiang Si, what a coincidence, I didn't expect you to also receive an invitation post from Princess Rui."

With a bright smile on her lips, Yang Shuqing led the two maidservants to Jiang Ningbao, and said with a smile.

"It's a coincidence." Jiang Ningbao nodded with a smile, glanced at the gold hairpin on her head and the silver-red dress on her body, and replied meaningfully.

Yang Shuqing was annoyed, but she changed the subject with a smile on her face: "This is the first time Miss Jiang received an invitation from Princess Rui. I'm afraid she is not familiar with it. Why don't we enter the mansion together, and I can tell Miss Jiang Fourth?"

These words were so clear that Yang Shuqing really chose to enter the mansion with her.

Jiang Ningbao is not a person who likes to make people watch, so he smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, please trouble Miss Yang."

The onlookers in the carriage showed disappointed expressions, but they didn't tear up.

In the next moment, things turned around.

Jiang Yue's second cousin, the pig teammate, suddenly yelled: "No, fourth sister, you are the future wife of the state, and the future mother-in-law of Miss Yang. There is an orderly hierarchy, and you should enter the house first."

Zhang Zhan, who was not far from Jiang Yue, was taken aback and almost fell off his horse. Did the second cousin lose his mind

Jiang Mingyao, the Frost beauty who just got off the carriage, was shocked, and took a sharp look at Fourth Sister, her eyes were full of shame.

Yes, yes, that's how it should be.

Tear it up! Tear it up!

The originally disappointed crowd cheered up immediately.

Yang Shuqing's complexion changed, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze instantly, and his eyes towards Jiang Yue were icy cold.

The corner of Jiang Ningbao's eyes twitched, she was tricked by pig teammates.

If I knew it earlier, I would have rejected Mrs. Jiang's proposal.

The superficial harmony could have been maintained, but God obviously didn't hear her heart.

Not only that, but also a slightly familiar laughter sounded.

"That brother is right, Miss Jiang Si should enter the mansion first."

Accompanied by these words, a handsome and handsome young man came out of Prince Rui's Mansion, followed by a group of beauties with different styles.

The beautiful young man was shaking a folding fan in his hand, and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes flashed a playful smile, looking at Jiang Ningbao with burning eyes.

Today's Miss Jiang Si is so beautiful.

It was Xiao Ran, the beauty-loving little prince of Prince Rui's Mansion.

Jiang Ningbao: "..."

Yang Shuqing's pretty face darkened instantly, a dark light flashed in her eyes, and her hands clenched tightly in her sleeves.

Damn Xiao Ran.

Jiang Yue was very happy to be affirmed by the little prince.

Da da da…

There was a loud and tidy sound of horseshoes, and everyone took a closer look. It was King Qin's guard, no, there was also King Jin's guard, and the two princes came together.

King Qin once expressed his appreciation for Miss Yang and wanted to marry her as his side concubine.

The expressions of the people in the surrounding carriage were subtle.

Seeing the person coming, Yang Shuqing unconsciously showed a charming smile on his face.

Jiang Ningbao glanced at the gate blocked by the little prince and his beauties, smiled softly, his eyes were calm, and he sighed in his heart, where there is a heroine, it is difficult to live safely.

If it's good in the last days, whoever has the biggest fist will listen to him.

After the belated carriages learned what happened ahead, they also became interested and stopped to watch the excitement.

The steward of Prince Rui's Mansion excitedly sent someone to inform the princess of the news again.

Main courtyard of King Rui's Mansion

The gorgeously dressed middle-aged beautiful woman lay comfortably on her side on the soft couch, and several delicate maidservants were rubbing her shoulders and legs for the middle-aged beautiful woman.

A woman rushed to the big house, out of breath, and said: "Princess, there is a good show. Miss Jiang Si and Miss Yang were planning to enter the mansion together, but a young master who came with Miss Jiang Si loudly protested, and the little prince suddenly appeared I got mixed up and stood on Miss Jiang Si's side. Coincidentally, King Jin and King Qin arrived. I heard that King Qin admired Miss Yang very much. change."

The eyes of the middle-aged beautiful woman on the soft couch lit up, she sat up straight suddenly, clapped her hands happily, and said with great interest: "It seems that there is really a good show to watch. It is not in vain that my princess specially invited Miss Jiang Si to participate in the flower viewing feast."

Gate of King Rui's Mansion

The king of Qin and the king of Jin arrived together, and the two princes on the horses were the dragon and the phoenix, and they were very noble.

There were many boudoir daughters who looked shyly and timidly through the curtain of the carriage, with a thin blush on their faces, and got out of the carriage one after another.

Jiang Ningbao's eyes fell on the first male supporting role, King Qin. This King Qin was in his early twenties, handsome, dressed in a dark blue robe, with patterns of auspicious clouds and cranes embroidered on the skirt and cuffs, and a suet jade pendant tied around his waist. Noble and extraordinary.

The other heroine's target of revenge is King Jin, dressed in a black brocade robe, tall and tall, with a handsome face, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, a condensed and sharp demeanor, with a faint hint of aggression.

The male protagonist Xie Jingyi belongs to the cool and handsome type.

No wonder Yang Shuqing fell in love with King Jin crazily in his previous life, King Jin did have this capital.

Jiang Ningbao did not ignore the hatred in Yang Shuqing's eyes the moment he saw King Jin.

"Second cousin, Mr. Zhang, fifth sister, let's go aside first."

Jiang Ningbao said in a low voice, and after finishing speaking, asked the coachman to park the carriage on the side of the street and make way for him.

The door was blocked, and Jiang Ningbao suspected that the little prince did it on purpose.

Yang Shuqing and her two maidservants were left standing at the gate of Prince Rui's Mansion.

The two princes who rode their horses pulled the reins at the same time, and Qi Qi stopped in front of Yang Shuqing.

Yang Shuqing was blessed by the two princes, and said with a smile: "Shu Qing has met King Qin and King Jin."

The word "Jin Wang" at the back was squeezed out between her teeth.

King Qin showed a surprised smile and asked gently.

"Miss Yang is waiting for the king?"

As soon as these words came out, King Jin next to him narrowed his eyes sharply.

Yang Shuqing shook his head, looked up at Jiang Ningbao, and smiled faintly: "I'm about to enter the Rui Palace with Miss Jiang Si."

King Qin and King Jin followed her gaze and saw a beautiful woman also wearing a silver-red dress.

It turned out that she was Miss Jiang Si.

Xie Jingyi's ex-fiancee, Ding Guogong's fiancee.

A gleam of light flashed in King Jin's eyes.

"Did she embarrass you?" King Qin asked with a frown, and glanced at Jiang Ningbao unkindly.

She also wore a silver-red long dress, but the dazzling golden hairpin on her head made Shu Qing feel inferior in comparison.

A tinge of displeasure appeared in King Qin's heart.

Yang Shuqing's heart warmed up, and she shook her head with a smile: "No, it's because her second cousin said that there is an orderly hierarchy, and Fourth Miss Jiang must enter the mansion first."

There was no trace of grievance in his tone, but he pointed out his grievance, which made King Qin feel distressed.

"Wait for you to go in with the king."

Yang Shuqing was overjoyed in his heart, but there was a hint of hesitation on his face.

"Isn't that bad?"

Not far away, Xiao Ran, the little prince, heard Qin Wang's words, sneered, shook his folding fan, turned his eyes to Jiang Ningbao and walked in front of her with a group of beauties.

"Miss Jiang Si, we meet again."

Jiang Ningbao bowed slightly: "I have seen the little prince."

"It's rare to meet someone I know, let's go, Miss Jiang Si, I will take you in."

The little prince Xiao Ran said with a smile, and after finishing speaking, he let a group of beauties disperse from the gate.

Jiang Ningbao did not refuse.

"Thank you, my lord."

"Wait, Xiao Ran, wait until we go in first." Qin Wang suddenly said.

The little prince Xiao Ran narrowed his peachy eyes, and snorted coldly: "Xiao Xu, this is Prince Rui's Mansion, not your Prince Qin's Mansion. Whoever I let enter first will enter first."

"Xiao Yan, are you right?"

"The guest is up to the host, I have no objection." Jin Wang Xiaoyan nodded, and slightly nodded at Jiang Ningbao.

Yang Shuqing's pretty face changed color, and she lowered her eyes to conceal the hatred and killing intent that appeared in her eyes.

King Qin frowned.

Jiang Ningbao smiled slightly at the young prince: "Please trouble the young prince."

The little prince folded the fan, nodded in satisfaction, and laughed loudly: "Let's go."

Jiang Ningbao led Fifth Sister and the others directly into Prince Rui's Mansion.

He didn't look at Yang Shuqing at all, only leaving her a graceful and graceful back.

Yang Shuqing was left standing there with a reluctant smile, looking at her from all directions, as if watching her joke.

Qin Wang's face darkened, he didn't expect Xiao Ran to intervene.

The ladies around covered their mouths and sniggered, their hearts filled with joy.

Miss Yang also has today.

They were not blind, and they couldn't see that Miss Yang wanted to use Qin Wang's status to step on Miss Jiang Si's mind. They didn't expect that the beautiful young prince would stand by Miss Jiang Si's side.

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice.