Married to the Protagonist

Chapter 2


It was obviously not Yan Cheng who answered her question.

Chen Jinyao's eyes were about to burst into tears. She turned over halfway in boredom, and after doing a few stretches, she shrank back into the warm quilt. Yan Cheng on the other end of the phone was calmly explaining the incident to her. The whole process.

Duni who was beside the pillow let out a meow, got up and slipped into the bed with graceful steps, and finally straddled her neck with her whole body, acting as a scarf that automatically heats up, with her tail wagging, meow, meow, meow barking non-stop.

"Stop messing with Du Ni." Chen Jinyao was helpless.

The voice of explanation stopped abruptly, and after a long silence, Yan Cheng said: "I'll find someone to get rid of Zhou Chao's grandson who can't get on the stage sooner or later."

"Zhou Chao is Zhou Xue's cousin?" After stroking two cats, she woke up a lot, and flicked on the bedside lamp, "Are you willing?"

At two o'clock in the morning, the city has fallen into a deep sleep.

Without the hustle and bustle under the reinforced concrete, everything is quiet.

After a long while, Yan Cheng said with a half-smile: "Is there anything you can't bear?"

Yan Cheng and Chen Jinyao got married after a blind date.

The two parties have no relationship foundation, and the parents of the two families are impatient. On the premise of not being too repulsive to each other, they still maintain a high degree of agreement on their future married life. The 'like-mindedness' allowed them to willingly accept the arrangement of their family members.

Their combination is a match made in heaven.

But the truth is, long before the marriage, it was rumored that the young master of the Yan family had a special liking for Zhou Xue, and this week Xue was Huo Qidong's wife.

In order to completely shatter Yan Cheng's wishful thinking, and in order not to tear themselves apart with the Huo family, the Yan family arranged a blind date for Yan Cheng. Only then did he bow his head. A man who has others in his heart is still a man who loves that woman to the point of madness. Many families who are well-matched to him have rejected this kind of strong alliance after consideration. Only the Chen family is their own. I came to the door.

Different from Yancheng who made love in the city full of wind and rain, only the Chen family knew that Chen Jinyao loved Huo Qidong. Chen Jinyao and Huo Qidong were childhood sweethearts. After Huo Qidong married Zhou Xue, the wishful unrequited love was doomed to be scarred.

What the Chen family didn't know was that,

The current Chen Jinyao is no longer the Chen Jinyao of the past.

Erguan will be closed for a period of time.

This is to put it nicely, but to put it bluntly, it means being blocked.

Zhou Chao's counterattack was too fast, and the anti-pornography that was caught off guard at the time was indeed swept up, and Yan Cheng naturally became the one who took the blame.

Chen Jinyao didn't quite understand how the uproar about chasing Zhou Xuezhui could turn into indifference and even mocking "what's the matter?" so quickly.

She guessed that it was about a man's dignity, or his inferiority.

"So can you leave that stupid cat behind and release me on bail?" Yan Cheng sat in the interrogation room with his long legs stretched out straight. After a "tsk", he raised his hand and pulled his tie, twisting his neck twice. Patience finally ran out.

"No." Chen Jinyao answered him without thinking. There is no awareness of the emotional care that a wife should have for her husband at all.

"I say one, but my wife doesn't dare to say two." The big words that Shao Chongsi uttered in front of them are now playing in stereo.

However, Shao Chongsi's dog-skin plaster was still on the side.

Yan Cheng: "..." Hiss, his face hurts a little.

Probably because the refusal was too straightforward, which caused her conscience to feel a little guilty. Chen Jinyao found a way out for herself: "Do you think it's a gentleman to let the lady out in the middle of the night? Anyway, they are all inside, so it doesn't matter if you stay for a few more hours."

After a pause, he comforted, "Be patient, I will come to you tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Yan Cheng lowered his eyes and compromised, his tone casual.

After hanging up the phone, Shao Chongsi glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. Seeing that his expression was so pale that he couldn't tell any emotions, he wanted to get acquainted without asking too many questions.

But she just kept talking, and couldn't control her curiosity: "Is sister-in-law coming?"

Most people have the same mentality, watching the excitement is not a big deal.

Yan Cheng raised Erlang's legs, raised his eyebrows, turned his face away in disgust, and after a while, let out the breath from his chest, and said in a slightly aggressive tone, "I won't come."

Hearing this, Shao Chongsi raised his eyebrows in surprise, this result was really unexpected.

The teasing gaze was too hot, and after a moment of silence, Yan Cheng licked his lips, trying to cover up: "It's too late and it's not safe, I told her not to come."

"When did you say that, I didn't hear it." He didn't take this kind of trick.

"..." This kind of inquisitive behavior is like a slap in the face, which is particularly unpleasant. Yan Cheng took a deep breath to calm down his fluctuating mood, and lazily raised his eyelids, and stared at the past , the implication is obvious: None of your business! ! !

Shao Chongsi raised his eyebrows and changed the subject, "How about I get you out?"


In the second half of the night, it began to snow in the imperial capital. At the beginning, it was sporadic light snow, which melted when it fell to the ground. Gradually, it fell bigger and bigger. When the city turned from night to day, it was not the first thing in the morning to wake up the sleeping people. A ray of sunshine, but the reflection brought by the snow.

The auspicious snow heralds a prosperous year, and this year will probably be an auspicious year.

The road was blocked by heavy snow and it was not easy to go out, so Chen Jinyao deliberately waited for the snow to subside and the snow on the road downstairs was shoveled before going out. It was already nine o'clock at that time, and she stood on the window sill and looked outside. The window was slightly opened, and the biting cold wind came in, and the duni at your feet was constantly acting coquettishly against you. Chen Jinyao looked down at it, and raised her leg to poke it.

"I have to go get your dad," she said.

Before going out, he listened carefully to the cold wind howling outside.

She pursed her lips, and went into the cloakroom to get a down jacket for Yan Cheng.

It was almost ten o'clock when Chen Jinyao arrived at the police station near the city center.

She put on light makeup, trying to make herself look dusty.

He found a parking space, put the gear on and turned off the engine, unfastened his seat belt, bent down to grab the down jacket and handbag on the passenger seat, got out of the car, and when the light turned green, he trotted across the road and went straight to the gate of the police station.

"Hello, Comrade Policeman." I couldn't help panting after running too much, "I'm here to find someone. I came in yesterday, and my name is Yancheng."


Chen Jinyao's belated behavior aroused Yan Cheng's strong dissatisfaction.

The door was opened, and the people inside slowly raised their eyes when they heard the sound. When they saw her, they said the first sentence without any hesitation: "Why don't you come back tomorrow?"

After feeling frustrated, his tone was unconsciously sarcasm.

"..." Chen Jinyao felt that she was in the wrong, and leaned against the door without saying a word.

However, her gaze remained on him.

Red eye sockets, dark eye circles, short stubble, messy hair, etc., finally converged into his haggard face.

Heating is also provided in the room, so that he, a man who wants style but not warmth, will not freeze to death here. The coat is just a suit, which can be used as a cover.

"It's snowing outside, and the road conditions are bad." Chen Jinyao walked over and handed him the down jacket, "I've completed all the formalities, so I can go."

Yan Cheng put on his clothes, half bent over and began to zip the zipper, "Yes, yes, my wife's life is worth a thousand pieces of gold, and safety must be ensured when traveling." Probably because of anxiety, the zipper was blocked at the very beginning, and the bad luck came. Come to a basket, as if against him, stuck at the joint, no matter what, "Tsk."

"Get up." The back of his hand was patted lightly.

He curled his lips and straightened up, still obedient.

Chen Jinyao lowered her head, concentrating, her sporadic broken hair fell loosely on her fair cheeks. A few seconds later, with a creak, the zipper was pulled to the top and hit his chin. :"alright."

"Yeah." The Adam's apple rolled up and down, and Yan Cheng moaned.

"How long will the Erguan be closed?" The big trees and buildings on both sides of the road were constantly retreating. Chen Jinyao held the steering wheel with both hands and looked ahead. There were soothing English songs in the carriage, which was very quiet and let the whole The space became awkward, she squinted her eyes and couldn't help asking.

The economic source of Yancheng lies in Erguan.

The Yan family has an heir, so they don't interfere with his career at all.

He wanted to be an idle barkeep and let him do it.

Anyway, Er Guan's business is good, and the profit is enough for him to squander.

Yan Cheng propped one hand on the car window, resting his head on the palm, and turned his face to look at Chen Jinyao. After a while, the corners of his lips parted, and he smiled, "A month and a half."

Chen Jinyao nodded, "Is there anything to do?"

"What?" He was stunned for a moment, then realized, closed his eyes, and said lazily, "Yes, as a housewife."

"..." I was so scared that I almost lost my grip on the steering wheel.

Yan Cheng: "I rely on you to support me."

Chen Jinyao was silent for a moment without answering.

Silence is the best rejection.

Yan Cheng also recalled it, so he opened his eyes and asked, "Are you not happy?"

"Hmm." Not happy. Isn't that obvious enough

"Why???" Yan Cheng paled in shock, exaggeratedly.

Chen Jinyao took a moment to glance at him, and bent her lips, "I can't afford it."


The atmosphere along the way is very good.

While waiting for the red light, Yancheng's cell phone rang.

It was Zhou Xue who called, and the caller ID was conspicuous enough, or Yan Cheng showed it to her on purpose, anyway, Chen Jinyao glanced sideways and scanned it casually.

The carriage suddenly became quiet. Chen Jinyao's dark eyes were tinged with starlight, and with a smile on his face, he raised his eyebrows at Yan Cheng, and slightly parted his thin lips: "You take it."