Married to the Protagonist

Chapter 51


Donny the Cat King suffers from a disaster that never happened.

If one had to use a more accurate word to describe this disaster, it would probably be Xiao Qiang's Rebellion.

But in one day, its empire, its thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and the territory it can inspect and overlook were all invaded by the internal enemy Yancheng.

It is pitiful, helpless and weak.

The only weapon, the sharp cat claws it possessed, were cut off when it still trusted Yan Cheng very much before the rebellion happened yesterday.

The dog thief in Yancheng emptied everything of it, and gave it a fatal blow without even giving it a small dried fish. It has now been reduced to a prisoner, and it is locked in the mezzanine of the balcony. The length of the mezzanine is four to five meters , the width is more than one meter, and there are cat litter boxes, small off-white sofas, green plants, various small toys that it likes to play with, and beautiful climbing frames...

"..." Compared with before, there is a little gap, but to be honest, this gap does not make it angry.

Duni jumped up and down lightly, and after familiarizing himself with his short-term rental small kingdom, it meowed a few times, guessing that it was a dog thief giving preferential treatment to the captives.

The current situation is turbulent, which is extremely unfavorable to it.

All it can do is to try its best and wait for the opportunity to make a comeback! ! !

Alas, in the end, it's Yan Cheng, a thief who is too good at winning people's (cat's) hearts.

It's just a lack of defense.

The hostess is actually also obsessed with ghosts.

Emphasis on color and despise petting, Chen Jinyao, you have lost your cutie.

"Would it be too sloppy?" Chen Jinyao bent down and tapped on the glass window, trying to attract Duni's attention.

Du Ni really looked at her, looked at each other for two seconds, and then meowed miserably.

"Listen, how pitiful it is." She couldn't bear it, "Du Ni is very vengeful."

Yan Cheng squatted down next to her, holding the phone in his hand, the page on the screen stayed on Baidu search, and the title of the searched content in the search box was very eye-catching.

――Do cats affect pregnant women? '

"It seems to be too much. There is no doubt about our family's sanitary habits." Yan Cheng frowned and pondered, then opened the door and let it out. The whole process was casual as if it were playing house, "As long as you don't touch its feces Just fine."

"It has toxoplasma in its feces, it doesn't seem to affect you well." Originally, I wanted to be careful, and be careful, not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case, but looking at Du Ni at this moment, I feel a little bit worried I can't bear it anymore.

Although he came out halfway to raise it, he didn't like small animals very much at first, but after a long time, he will have feelings. He has changed from a stepdad who calls it a "little beast" to posting it on Moments from time to time. Praise to my dear father.

Of course, I can't deny that I am Ai Wu Ji Wu. Part of the reason why the little beast of Duny became his 'son' was thanks to his own mother.

"This small balcony, we can put it in when we're not at home." Yan Cheng made a compromise suggestion. After finishing speaking, he paused again, and his expression became more and more complicated. I'm ready."

Chen Jinyao raised an eyebrow, very satisfied that he could say such a thing.

They were originally one bent over and the other squatting like a hooligan.

The height difference was just right, Chen Jinyao took advantage of the opportunity to rub his hair, pursed his lips, and said with a smile: "Okay."

"I'm sorry, Yancheng, classmate."

Yan Cheng gave up, "It's a small matter, don't be polite to your husband."

After finishing the words, he raised his head and bumped into her line of sight, the light in his eyes flickered slightly, and he wore an expression begging for praise, which was a typical duplicity.

Coupled with her messy hair, like a little milk dog, it instantly hit a certain string in Chen Jinyao's heart, making Chen Jinyao soften his expression.

She pinched his earlobe, pulled it, and after a moment of silence, a flash of light came to her mind, she suddenly realized, raised her eyebrows, and smiled in her eyes: "So, last night you were holding your phone to study these?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for his answer, he quickly took away his mobile phone, exited the page, and clicked into the search box to see that the bottom row was related to "pregnant women".

Chen Jinyao lowered his eyes, his eyelashes trembled, and then he heard Yan Cheng's lazy voice in his ears, and he said, "That's right."

Not the slightest carelessness.

The Bo Sao operation after last night only confirmed that Yan Cheng was still that naive ghost with a strange brain circuit.

Every time he did something for Chen Jinyao, it would always reach a ridiculous point in the end, so that Chen Jinyao's moving time would never exceed three seconds.

The noble and glamorous cat King Duny is finally willing to step out of its cage.

The adults ignored the villains, and ran to Yancheng again to rub their feet.

Yan Cheng sneered lazily, and scolded it for being useless, but in the next second, he reached out and tapped the tip of its nose, and then stroked its hair for the arrogant one.

It barely healed its wounded mood.

"..." He really didn't see that Du Ni held a grudge.

Yan Cheng patted the stupid cat's head, and stood up slowly while supporting his knees.

"Student Yancheng."

Chen Jinyao quickly hugged him from behind and closed her eyes.

The afterglow of the orange-yellow setting sun crept in from the window quietly, and the air-conditioning was on in the room, so it didn't feel too hot to be exposed to the sun like this.

"You will be a good father in the future." Her voice was a little soft, as soft as a feather, tickling Di Yancheng's ears.

Yan Cheng also seemed to have been tapped on the Dingshen acupoint, his body froze, and he couldn't answer "um" for a long time. He only narrowed his eyes and looked at the distance blocked by tall buildings. He couldn't imagine being blocked. What does the distance look like? In fact, he was just in a trance for a while, and then his mind wandered away.

The word "Dad" is both familiar and unfamiliar to him.

At least, it was unfamiliar when it was dropped on him suddenly.

In fact, it was not sudden, after all, it had been planned for a long time, but even so, Yan Cheng didn't know how to describe it, but when he calmed down and talked about this matter, he could vaguely feel a strange emotion affecting him with him.

He is ready, but it seems that he is not ready at all.

Even if there is still a period of time in between that is specially reserved for him to prepare.

Yan Cheng gently opened the hand that almost strangled his waist, and then turned around to face Chen Jinyao. He looked directly at her, pursed his lips but didn't know what to say for a moment. The bewilderment made him flustered.

Almost without any thought, he grabbed Chen Jinyao's waist and hugged her in turn, and it would be much better after not seeing her teasing eyes with a half-smile.

In the near future, there will be a little radish like himself or Chen Jinyao calling him "Dad" with his small face raised and inarticulate.

I would accompany him and teach him to speak when he was babbling, and I would lead him and protect him when he was a toddler.

In these processes, slowly accompany him to grow up.

"..." My thoughts diverged, and I thought a little too much unconsciously.

Yan Cheng suddenly came back to his senses, his old face flushed.

He didn't expect that one day, he would be able to slander his mother-in-law so much.

It's amazing.

It's not like myself anymore!

After suppressing these inexplicable emotions and the uneasiness caused by them, after a while, the corners of Yan Cheng's lips raised lazily again, and he resumed his usual cynical look, looking like a little rascal.

At this moment, Yan Cheng was thinking blindly again, thinking:

The little ruffian feels that he is still a half-grown unlucky naughty child, and now he is going to be a father.

Tsk, this is really incredible.

Chen Jinyao quietly listened to the man's strong heartbeat, and stayed silent with him for a long time. She blinked and felt that she could probably guess Yan Cheng's current state of mind, and the arm holding his waist moved up. Moved, and patted his back twice like coaxing a child.

He raised his head and asked him, "Are you confident in becoming a good father to your child?"

Yan Cheng immediately put away the things that were entrenched in his heart, straightened his back, raised his voice, and said firmly, "Yes, there must be."

The palm rested on her flat abdomen, trying to feel the so-called existence of life and the power of life, but he seemed to be unable to feel anything, but Yan Cheng still pretended to feel it, "From now on, he will follow me to eat and drink spicy food."

Chen Jinyao: "..."

Yan Cheng: "With me covering him, think about how majestic he is."

Chen Jinyao: "... ... ..."

The content of what he said now, and the tone of the content, seemed to define the unformed cub in her belly as a boy.

Chen Jinyao couldn't help raising her eyebrows and guessing that it was probably because she said something like "Son, are you not a baby" in a friendly manner earlier, which sublimated his thinking, and it was almost equivalent to a qualitative change. .

So much so that now he no longer unilaterally only calls his daughter, daughter, daughter, daughter.

Respect the idea of equality between men and women.

But there was a problem with the parenting scriptures.

According to what he said, although there are elements of jokes in it, it is undeniable that what he thinks is a beautiful vision that he stated, if you look carefully, it is simply a big devil with a little devil.

Chen Jinyao rolled her eyelids, "Forget it."

Yan Cheng: "Huh?"

Chen Jinyao raised his eyes and glanced at him, "I will take the child by myself, it has nothing to do with you."

Although it was easy to hear the joke in this sentence, Yan Cheng was still shocked and couldn't help ignoring the 'joke'.

"No no no."

He opened the distance between the two of them, bent down a little and looked at Chen Jinyao, thought for a moment, organized his words, and said very seriously: "Your thinking is wrong, too conservative, although most people in the past and present The situation is that the male dominates the outside and the female dominates the inside. The man makes money to support the family outside, and the woman takes care of the children at home to do housework, but this is really wrong, very decadent. Look at you, you have a stable job and make money. I don’t care about housework now. It’s more than half packed, so of course, I have the obligation to help take care of the children in the future.”

"Help each other, lighten the burden." To be honest, his current ideological consciousness is on the high ground, "I will give you a second to take back the last sentence."

"..." She was really relieved that he was so self-conscious.


"I refuse." Chen Jinyao said with a serious face.

She tilted her head and said with a smile: "I don't deny that you have a heart to be a good father, but I want a good child more than this."

Yan Cheng couldn't believe it: "Are you afraid that I will spoil the child?"

"Yes." Chen Jinyao nodded without thinking.

Yan Cheng: "..."