Married to the Protagonist

Chapter 55


The busy days flew by.

In the blink of an eye, it's December.

Four seasons reincarnate, survive the unbearable heat, and then go through autumn and winter. Now, the imperial capital is surrounded by severe winter again.

Chen Jinyao's belly gradually grew.

The miraculous thing is that her figure has not changed due to pregnancy, or it has not changed much, and the lines that should be there are still there.

If there is a difference, it is probably just a little more rounded, which makes the whole person's complexion better, and Yancheng is very satisfied with this alone.

Occasionally, at home, there is geothermal heating.

After Chen Jinyao walked around in front of the full-length mirror wearing a wide skirt, she would unconsciously fall into self-disgust, trot to the study and complain to Yan Cheng who was working: "I am simply overnourished now."

Yan Cheng raised his eyelashes and looked at her. The emotion in his eyes did not fluctuate. After a while, his lips were slightly pursed, and his voice was gentle, "No."

Hearing this, Chen Jinyao was stunned, she lowered her eyes and looked at herself, she frowned and didn't know what she was thinking, the thinking mode of a pregnant woman became rather strange, she would suddenly become unreasonable, just like at this moment, waiting After regaining her senses, she suddenly widened her eyes, and then turned to Yan Cheng with an indescribable expression: "Tsk, you men just like women who feel sensual to the touch."

"..." Yan Cheng thought for a while and felt that his words made sense, so he nodded and teased her following her conclusion with a half-smile. "It seems so."

Chen Jinyao's lips moved, she was speechless by the other party's bluntness.

It was like a small fight, her unreasonable trouble hit the soft cotton, Chen Jinyao deeply reflected on herself, and was immediately discouraged, quietly glanced at Yan Cheng, who was no longer an idle young master, and knew that he was still I have work to do, so it's not good to bother me like this all the time, so I blinked, turned around and prepared to leave the study.

The man behind him said with a smile: "I only like your sensuality."

"..." Chen Jinyao got goosebumps all over her body.

His footsteps stopped, his body trembled slightly, and he fled after a few seconds.

There was also a "bang" sound when the door of the study room was slammed shut.

Yancheng is letting Chen Jinyao do everything now.

Almost everything follows Chen Jinyao.

As time goes by, the habit becomes natural, and when friends get together, his "following" has become a part of his body.

When Shao Chongsi saw it sometimes, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, paused, and couldn't help reminding, "You, no one can cure you all the time."

After thinking for a moment, he raised his eyebrows, a little gloating, "If you are like this, your wife will definitely be lawless in the future, and dare to run on your head to make a fortune."

There are other voices echoing in unison.

Some without eyesight even directly gave Yan Chengan the title of "Strictly Controlled Wife" as if directly joking.

Although this title has already been circulated.

Yan Cheng's beautiful peach blossom eyes were raised, which was still very intimidating, and he was silent in the moment of making a fuss, and calmed down.

He squinted his eyes, and put his right hand casually on the edge of the table. Under the dim light, the back of his hand seemed to be stained. His light white fingertips touched the transparent cup wall, rubbed it carefully twice, and then lazily returned to Shao Chongsi. : "She won't."

Shao Chongsi sneered, his light brown eyes were clear and cold.

His disdainful expression obviously did not believe Yan Cheng's words.

"You think I've never been in love?"

"Women are like this. If you treat her well, she will make every effort. If you treat her badly by ignoring her, she can also make trouble for you in various ways."

Yan Cheng raised his eyes to look at him, and smiled, "That's because you have bad eyesight."

"..." Shao Chongsi lowered his eyes and shrugged noncommittally.

Because it was a buffet, Chen Jinyao had already left her seat to choose fruits for dessert. Yan Cheng watched her slender back disappear around the corner, and then he slowly looked back, lowered his eyes, and said casually : "But I really hope she can show off her might on my head."

"She is good at everything, but she is not as perfect as you said, and she handles things with a degree. At most, she is probing around the edge. For example, last time she said that she was fat. She saw me at work and didn't chat. She He left graciously."

As soon as the words fell, the line of Yan Cheng's lips stretched into a straight line, showing no expression.

Shao Chongsi: "..."

This is not like complaining, but more like showing affection in disguise.

There was a pause in the movement of holding the water glass, and he squinted his eyes, too lazy to speak.

There was a few seconds of silence.

The girl from Yancheng let out a "huh" full of doubts, and then she was enlightened. The taste of enlightenment is not good. He frowned and bit his lips: "Ah, I always feel that there is a sense of distance between us when I say this. .”

"Isn't she trusting me enough?" Her thoughts were scattered and she couldn't hold it back.


"It's not that I don't trust you." Shao Chongsi took a sip of tea slowly, thought for a while, and simply killed him with an unintentional joke, "It's not that she doesn't trust you, she just doesn't love you at all."

"..." Yan Cheng was instantly pale as if he had been struck by five thunders.

"Hey." Chai Yue, who was devoting himself to eating meat the whole time, finally raised his head, and looked at Yan Cheng with a disgusted expression on his face: "I don't know what it means."

"Brother Cheng, you are the one who is responsible for your family, and you are well-deserved to be the son of heaven and earth."

Yan Cheng remained expressionless: "..."

"Sister-in-law, she looks like a rational school, with mature thinking and high consciousness. She will definitely not be forced to talk about a little thing. On the contrary, she will understand that you support you not to disturb you when you are working. What does this mean?"

"Brother Cheng, think about it with your grandma's gray little brain. Before you start doing it, let me remind you friendly, don't think about it."

Yan Cheng glanced at him, pondered for a while, with a serious expression, thoughtful.

Chai Yue is much more useful than the shit stirrer Shao Chongsi, he rubbed his chin thinking.

Chai Yue patted the table, hating that iron cannot be made into steel: "What does this mean? This means that you married a good wife. My sister-in-law must have a prosperous physique."

"Hey, I agree with that." Shao Chongsi immediately switched from slumped sitting mode to sitting upright, straightened his waist and gave Chai Yue a high-five.


At this moment, Chen Jinyao appeared from around the corner again.

All related topics came to an abrupt end.

All the light poured down and hit Chen Jinyao lightly.

When she lowered her head slightly and raised her hands to pin the broken hair to her ears, her curvy side face was dyed with layers of gentleness by the halo.

She walked over, sat down beside Yancheng, moved the tableware on the table, and put the fruit plate on the table after making room: "Husband, here are your favorite oranges."

Yan Cheng tilted his head and couldn't help leaning towards her.

Her cheek was pressed against her neck, and all the warm air in her breath sprayed out.

Like a child who acts like a baby for candy.

Eyelashes fluttered, brushing Chen Jinyao's delicate skin. Chen Jinyao shrunk her neck subconsciously, but when she kept moving out, she heard his murmur: "My wife, I'm sorry, I blamed you."

Chen Jinyao was confused: "?"

Chai Yue: "Sister-in-law, don't pay attention to Brother Cheng, he is actually an indirect brain twitch."

Chen Jinyao let out a "puchi" laugh.

He raised his hand and rubbed Yan Cheng's hair that had been dyed gray by his grandma, "Poor my child, my father was stupid before he was born."

Yan Cheng: "..."


Chen Jinyao's so-called Wangfu physique,

It was Yan's father who told Yan's mother at the beginning.

Erguan's business is as usual, so we can ignore it for now.

The most notable is Zhiyuan Technology.

After the first project of Zhiyuan Technology, Yancheng, as a shareholder, distributed nearly 6 million yuan. Currently, in order to adapt to the market trend, they have focused on the production and development of games. There are countless companies of the same type in the imperial capital. On top of it, there are companies that dominate the industry.

Even so, Zhiyuan still easily killed a bloody road.

Although it can't be said that it can keep pace with leading companies, at least it is already well-known in the imperial capital, and it is still favored by most people.

The technical department certainly contributed a lot, but their head, Vice President Luo Xiaoluo, said: "President Yan is the leader."

Boss Yan, Boss Yan, it's unbelievable that Yan Cheng is now a boss.

Therefore, at the moment when everyone said it was Yan Cheng's credit,

Father Yan thought of Chen Jinyao.

start a family,

This home is the match.

Generally speaking, if you are a leader, you will be busier at work.

Especially in the early stage, when everything is not on the right track, every day I want to break myself in half and turn around again.

Yan Cheng knew it was unavoidable, so he could only squeeze out time as much as possible and go home early.

In many cases, it is even more directly to take the work home to do.

He probably only clearly remembered what Chen Jinyao told Luo Xiao.

Chen Jinyao blamed him for this at the beginning, saying that he would not be a role model.

Later, after knowing that he was approved by Zhiyuan employees, she had nothing to say. Women are always duplicity, especially when they are pregnant, the child's father is by her side, and will follow her to give the child together when he has time. Do prenatal education...

A man with a provocative voice is perfect for reading a storybook.

Mother Yan doesn't have many hobbies, but her favorite is playing mahjong.

Most of her time is idle, she has a lot of free time, and when she is bored, she will call three rich wives to play mahjong together.

Except for the red and white boards, which are all in one color, only the high-level talk is left.

The high talk in the plastic friendship is nothing more than comparing each other, and the older generation is talking about their sons and daughters, and comparing them.

Accidentally mentioning her family's Xiaoliu,

Without raising her eyes, Mother Yan said casually, "Daughter-in-law Wang Xiaoliu."

"It's really important to marry a good wife. You don't know how happy I am. Xiaoliu's career has started, and now he has children..."

"I'm a grandma too."

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the case.

The little old ladies talk about it very badly, and they spread it from ten to ten.

In addition, Chai Yue casually mentioned it in the last gathering.

He does not mean that.

Soon, everyone in the upper circles of the imperial capital knew about Wangfu Chen Jinyao.

As everyone knows, when the rumors became more and more popular, Yancheng, who was flourishing, would bend his waist and put his ear on the belly of Chen Jinyao, who was flourishing, every night before going to bed.

The surrounding was quiet, he propped up the bed with one hand, so serious that his entire face was full of caution.

Chen Jinyao tilted her head and looked down at him: "Is there any movement?"

"No." Yan Cheng shook his head.

So good, it must be a girl!