Marry a Rich Old Man

Chapter 116


Unlike Huo Yunchuan, who came from a wealthy family, Lawyer Chen Chen Chu is a self-made scholar; in the comparison of his three friends, Lawyer Chen's family background is only a little rich, but his ancestors have been scholars for several generations. No. .

He is the same age as Huo Yunchuan. He is thirty-one this year and will soon turn thirty-two.

Lawyer Chen's girlfriend is a colleague who is two years younger than him. They have similar backgrounds and seem to be a good match.

An Wuyi followed Huo Yunchuan to this cozy little western-style building, looked at Lawyer Chen's girlfriend without a trace, and secretly sighed that she was beautiful.

She's the kind of big sister who is capable of temperament.

Lawyer Chen introduced his friends to his girlfriend Fang Rou one by one. When introduced to An Wuyang, he smiled and emphasized Fang Rou: "Although I am a few months younger than Yunchuan according to my age, Wuyang is much younger than you. , so he still wants to call your sister."

Not only did he smile when he said this, but the people around him also laughed.

It's a kind smile.

"Sister Fang Rou." An Wuyang shouted generously, but because of her personality, she would still be shy on such occasions.

"Hello, I've heard about you for a long time." Fang Rou smiled and stretched out her palm to him: "When Lawyer Chen and I were only colleagues, your affairs were no longer a secret."

"Huh?" An Wuyang still had doubts at first, but when he thought about his news, he smiled clearly: "Brother Chen is a very good person." In front of everyone, he said very seriously: " When I first saw the four of them, I actually liked Brother Chen the most."

This is the big truth.

"Haha." Fang Rou's eyes burst into a real smile.

Chen Chu also lowered his head and smiled, and glanced at Huo Yunchuan implicitly: "Brother Chen is really embarrassed by what you say, but I am honored."

"It's okay, someone who knows the bottom line, he won't be jealous." An Wuyang said this and raised his glass, but before entering the champagne, he obediently asked the man next door: "Can I drink this wine?"

Ji Mingjue said first: "Drink, it's just champagne."

Not wine, really.

As an outsider, he felt that Huo Yunchuan was too strict in taking care of safety.

An Wuyang still looked at Huo Yunchuan, quietly waiting for the other party to decide.

Glancing at the little angel, Huo Yunchuan nodded: "Drink, it's okay."

Then An Wuyang drank the champagne in the glass. The amount was very small, and the wine taste was not obvious. The taste was different from anything he had ever drank before.

But nothing too special.

Looking at these friends, think about more than a year ago.

"It's really unpredictable." Jiang Shaofei sighed: "I thought at first that the first four of us would marry Chen Chu, but I didn't expect it to be Yun Chuan." They were the most unexpected person.

"It's not." Chen Chu said, "Now that Yunchuan has a son, I can only talk about a girlfriend."

"What's that." Ji Mingjue said, "When any of you have a second child, I may not be able to find someone." He laughed at himself: "I may only be a godfather in this life."

We all know that he is romantic and a typical playboy.

It's really not easy to settle down.

How can a woman of peerless beauty get hold of Ji Mingjue

An Wuyang shook his head, not wanting to worry about this for Brother Xiaoming.

"Where's Shaofei?" Huo Yunchuan rarely cared.

Jiang Shaofei said: "No hurry."

He also closed his mouth and concentrated on cutting fruit for the little angel.

Everyone was accustomed to Huo Yunchuan's silence, and the three of them talked a lot when they usually met and chatted.

So they also admired An Wuyang, and it was not easy to get along with a stuffy gourd like Huo Yunchuan.

"Thank you." The other party's action of handing out the fruit was too natural, just like at home, so An Wuyang didn't pay attention, so he took it and ate it.

"..." The onlookers held back their laughter, and at the same time felt a sense of being beaten in the face.

In fact, An Wuyang, who is unexpectedly simple and neurotic, is the most suitable person for Huo Yunchuan.

Every time I see them sitting together, it makes people feel incredible, but it is extraordinarily harmonious and indescribably comfortable.

The party is over, and the winter vacation is coming to an end.

An Wuyang is about to start school. Before the start of school, they brought Dun Dun, who was more difficult to serve after learning to walk, back to the apartment.

Considering Aunt Zhang's advanced age, Huo Yunchuan found a nanny to share Aunt Zhang's work during the day.

In this way, he also has plenty of time to go out during the day.

He didn't understand the business affairs, but he also knew that it was impossible for Huo Yunchuan to stay at home all day to look after the children.

So after school started for a while, Huo Yunchuan told him that he was going to travel abroad for about a week, and he was very calm.

"I can't help you with your business affairs, but I will take good care of home and Dundun." An Wuyang took out his suitcase and helped the man pack his clothes, shoes and socks.

"The most important thing is to look after yourself." Huo Yunchuan sat on the bed and looked at him.

"Of course." The young man left his reluctance to the closet full of clothes: "When you come back, I will definitely be fat for nothing."

Huo Yunchuan said indifferently: "You can raise a fat man in a week, are you a pig?"

An Wuyang folded a pair of his trousers and put them in, and flattened them with his palms: "I think you are beautiful, if you can raise fat pigs in a week, everyone will raise pigs."

The man smiled narrowly: "In other words, it is more cost-effective to raise you than to raise pigs?"

"..." An Wuyang threw his wool vest, showing a lot of air: "Humph." Then he continued to fold his clothes and instructed: "Eat well, sleep well, pay attention to your body, come back early, I will miss you."

Huo Yunchuan looked at him silently, finally couldn't bear it any longer, got up and hugged him.

"What am I doing, I fold my clothes..." An Wuyang struggled.

"Don't worry, I'll fold it myself in a while." Huo Yunchuan took the clothes from An Wuyang's hand, put them in the suitcase, and said, "Can't you just look at me? Why are you always hiding from me?"

As he spoke, An Wuyang felt a few strong fingers clamp his chin.

He was used to this kind of compulsive dominance, but this time he was not ashamed, but afraid.

His eyes were all red, and Huo Yunchuan couldn't even be laughed at when he saw it.

Unexpectedly, Huo Yunchuan saw the red eyes of the little angel, his chest was tight, and he even felt a little hard to breathe: "Fool." He lowered his head and kissed An Wujiu's lips, trying to comfort him in this way. .

"..." The young man, who had nothing to do with it, was comforted, but his emotions overflowed, and he kept rubbing his head against the chest of the man he liked.

"Stop acting like a spoiled child," the man who was about to leave him for a week couldn't bear to hug him deeply: "I'll change my mind if you do this."

"No." An Wuyang came out of Huo Yunchuan's arms and refused decisively: "What are you doing, I will continue to pack up."

Turning around, he said forcefully, "I won't do it with you tonight."

Huo Yunchuan: "..."

In fact, An Wuyang knew that he needed a lot, so he was just talking about it if he wasn't going to do it.

It's about to be separated soon, and the other person is not the only one who is reluctant.

But I didn't expect that Huo Yunchuan really didn't touch him at night, just hugged and chatted and talked.

From this itinerary, to future plans, there is also the little villain Dun Dun.

An Wuyang felt very puzzled. This question never came to his mind to ask. Tonight, when he remembered it, he asked, "Why do they always say that you are bored, Brother Chen?"

He didn't think Huo Yunchuan was boring at all, but he was quite talkative.

When the little angel said something, Huo Yunchuan knew what he meant: "It's boring, but I'm afraid you'll be lonely."

"..." An Wuyang was stunned, and leaned towards him with a warm heart.

"Go to sleep." Huo Yunchuan said.

Gentle fingers, gently stroked the little angel's hair.

The next morning, Huo Yunchuan didn't have to catch a plane.

So he still had time to accompany An Wuyang to have breakfast, and then sent him to the entrance of the university.

"Are you going directly to the airport?" An Wuyang asked him.

"Yes." The trunk was in the car.

The 12:00 noon flight took more than an hour on the way to the airport, so it was almost the same.

"Goodbye." An Wuyang waved his hand, turned around and entered the school gate with his bag on his back.

The man in the car did not hesitate, and immediately started the car and merged into the traffic, heading for the Capital Airport.

In the past year or so, in order to take care of the pregnant little angel and young son, Huo Yunchuan pushed a lot of business affairs.

At that time, he really felt that An Wuyang and Dun Dun could not do without him.

Now Dundun is healthy and lively, and his growth is reassuring; An Wuyang has a good life at school. Not only is he accompanied by friends, but he also participates in his favorite sports.

Huo Yunchuan took advantage of this time to free up his hands and began to deal with the work that had been piled up before.

At eight o'clock in the morning local time XX, he made a phone call to go home and went to work.

It is mid-March now, and the weather in Beijing is still cold, with a huge temperature difference between day and night.

Compared with other cities, it rarely rains in spring.

But it will be windy, whirring with the wind with soil.

When you go out safely, you will definitely wear masks, scarves and hats, and wrap yourself tightly like a zongzi.

This is the common attire for people in this city to go out.

It was also windy today. Aunt Zhang was very worried and asked An Wuyang to go out and take a taxi.

"The journey is only so short." An Wuyi thought in tears, as if after Huo Yunchuan left, Aunt Zhang became more and more concerned about herself.

I usually dare to count on it, but now I have to nagging several times.

In fact, after Huo Yunchuan left, An Wuyang felt that his life had not changed much.

It's just that when I get home without the other party to eat with me, I have to sleep alone at night.

When he was at school during the day, he received another call from Huo Yunchuan.

Because of the time difference, the time on both sides is different, so it is difficult to find a suitable time for everyone to chat for a longer time.

When An Wuyang saw the call, he couldn't help but calculate, what time is it over there

After calculating with my mouth and fingers, I couldn't help but feel that I was mentally retarded, so I would know if I answered the phone and asked.

"Hey, what time are you over there?"

As soon as Mr. Huo answered the phone, he heard his daughter-in-law say.

Just after attending the event, he was still wearing a suit and leather shoes, and before he had time to take off the watch in his hand, he glanced at it and said with a blank expression: "XX time, 22:05."