Marry a Rich Old Man

Chapter 47


There is always a gap between people, this fact, An Wuyang has a deep understanding when he is not sensible.

He remembered that in the year he was promoted from elementary school to junior high school, in the ordinary elementary school he attended, there were two classmates who met every day and got very good grades.

How good is it, that is, it is said that you can go to the best school in the city.

At that time, the sensation of the school was no less than the provincial champion in the college entrance examination.

The parents of the classmates also had a party, and An Wuyang also attended as a classmate.

He went to his classmate's house and saw with his own eyes the atmosphere full of self-confidence, the intimacy between classmates and parents...

That was the first time An Wuyang felt envious and powerless, and a feeling of yearning and inferiority arose in his heart.

He recalled his childhood memories faintly, opened the cabinet, took out flour, baking powder, sugar, etc. from the cabinet, ready to make a chiffon cake.

Auntie Zhang cleaned up the mess she just left, and said to him, "No problem, tell Mr. Huo, Auntie is back."

An Wuyang hurriedly said, "Okay, Aunt Zhang, be careful on the road."

He pretended to be tidying up instead of secretly preparing to make a cake.

After Aunt Zhang left, An Wuyi followed the steps he had memorized, beating eggs, separating eggs, and sieving flour...

Take it step by step, do it super conscientiously and carefully.

Before he knew it, a thin layer of sweat leaked from the tip of his nose.

An Wuyang was unaware of this, and continued to stare at the work in his hands.

An hour passed like this.

Huo Yunchuan hadn't seen An Wuyi for a long time and came in to take a nap. He wondered if the other party was frightened by him just now

He frowned both ashamed and unjustly: "..." As a young and middle-aged man with strong blood, it is normal for him to react to the person he likes.

The other party is also a man, so he can understand even if he doesn't support him.

However, President Huo twitched at the corner of his mouth when he thought of An Wuyang's simplicity, and felt that it was strange that he would be understood.

"Why don't you take a nap today?"

An Wuyang suddenly heard a voice, it was Mr. Huo.

Fortunately, he has put the cake in the oven.

"Well, not sleepy." An Wuyi pointed to the oven in front of him and said, "Aunt Zhang baked it, you can eat it when the time is up..."

Huo Yunchuan had a very good impression of An Wuyang's character, and he didn't believe that the other party would lie at all.

"Don't eat too much cake," he ordered without suspicion.

An Wuyang nodded and smiled at him.

Huo Yunchuan quickly moved his hands that always betray his emotions behind his back: "You slept late last night, it's better to go to sleep."

Hearing Mr. Huo's suggestion, An Wuyang glanced at the oven, and it took more than 30 minutes to bake.

With his stomach full of abacus, he nodded to Huo Yunchuan: "Okay, let's sleep for half an hour."

President Huo paid all his attention to the word 'we' and was completely delighted.

He looked at the little angel with fiery eyes, nodded and agreed, "Yes."

Then turn around and go in to make the bed.

However, An Wuyang was full of cakes, thinking that he couldn't miss the time.

He carefully set the alarm clock before he dared to lie down.

Behind the warm Mr. Huo's chest, since being confessed in person, it finally makes people think...

An Wuyang closed his eyes, and a tall, sturdy figure with perfect lines appeared in his mind.

He moved forward a little involuntarily, subconsciously controlling his breathing by the way.

Huo Yunchuan would never know that just half an arm away from him, the innocent little angel was imagining him.

Half an hour later, the alarm clock that Safely adjusted rang.

He got up, rubbed his sleepy face, and got out of bed to see his work.

Huo Yunchuan lifted his eyes, his eyes were so clear that he could not see any trace of sleeping.

He thought it was safe to go to the bathroom.

If you are worried about whether the cake will be safe, put on anti-scald gloves, open the oven and take the cake out.

"..." He smelled a strong fragrance and smiled.

An Wuyang couldn't wait to break a piece with his hand and put it in his mouth.

He tasted slowly, his expression transitioning from calm contemplation to a satisfied smile.

In fact, the cakes are not delicious, at least not as delicious as those made by ordinary cake shops.

However, An Wuyang felt that his cake was not without merit.

And after he tasted it, he could automatically identify the shortcomings in his mind, and he knew very well how he should improve next time.

"This is probably the talent God gave me..." An Wuyang patted the debris and murmured.

He returned to the bed with a calm expression, lightly clasped Huo Yunchuan on the arm beside him, and slept.

"..." Mr. Huo, who pretended to be sleeping, didn't dare to let out the air, and only dared to gently rub the top of the little angel's hair with his chin.

Sunday just fell by the wayside, and soon it will be Monday.

An Wuyi sat on the bed to wake up, and suddenly rubbed his stuffy chest: "I feel like vomiting."

Huo Yunchuan threw down his half-dressed clothes and took out a bucket from the room.

He made An Wuyi spit here: "You don't have to go to the bathroom."

Sit comfortably on the bed and vomit.

But how can nausea and nausea be comfortable, not to mention that when you wake up in the morning, your stomach is empty.

It's hardest when there's nothing to vomit.

An Wuyang's entire face was twisted into an ugly look, but he remained silent.

He grabbed the rim of the barrel with his thin white fingers, lowered his head and aimed his mouth at the mouth of the barrel...

Huo Yunchuan squatted beside him and guarded him, his clenched eyebrows tied into a knot.

He couldn't do anything other than soothe An Wuji's back with the palm of his hand.

Both are boring gourds, one is not used to complaining, and the other is not good at comforting.

In the bedroom, except for the occasional vomit sound made by An Wuyang, it could only be silent.

Ten minutes later, the pale boy raised his head and asked for water and a tissue.

Huo Yunchuan delivered these things as soon as possible, then twisted a hot towel, brought tools for brushing his teeth, and so on.

An Wuyang knew that he had low blood pressure, so he accepted the other party's kindness: "Thank you."

The voice he had just spit out was hoarse and a little weak.

"Why do you want to say thank you to me?" Huo Yunchuan said, "Don't say it again in the future."

He was not so happy to hear it.

On this matter, the young boy who felt that anything was okay nodded, and finished the washing steps with a bit of discomfort.

Then he lay back on the bed, resting languidly with the quilt in his arms.

Huo Yunchuan's heart clenched into a ball, and he got up and went to the kitchen to make porridge.

There was a call from the company, and he picked it up and said, "I'm very busy right now, don't call me if it's not urgent."

Anyone who called him could hear that the president was in a bad mood.

Fortunately, he got up safely and ate something, and his spirit gradually improved.

He even snatched the bowl from Huo Yunchuan's hand, started it himself, and devoured it.

"I vomited hard just now, and I am very hungry." An Wuyang smiled embarrassedly when he found that Mr. Huo was staring at him.

Then continue to feed yourself at this rate.

Huo Yunchuan looked at An Wuyang almost absently. If he hadn't experienced it himself, how could he believe that someone in this world could put you in hell with one expression, and then send you straight to heaven with one expression.

He took the bowl that An Wuyang finished eating and put it on the table next to him.

Then open your arms and hug each other tightly...

But An Wuyang had just eaten his fill, and his body and mind were immersed in the satisfaction of being full.

In such a beautiful atmosphere, he gently hiccupped: "Hiccup..."

After being stunned, President Huo laughed softly while holding the little angel.

After realizing that he was hiccups, An Wuyang also smiled: "I'm sorry."

Fortunately, I just ate corn lean meat porridge, there is no heavy taste!

"It's okay." Huo Yunchuan had a smile on his lips, got up in a good mood to wash the dishes, and be a cow and a horse for the little angel.

Get up safely, brush your hair, and change your clothes.

Going to pick up the marriage certificate today, he opened the closet and planned to pick out a nice set of clothes.

I have already inquired clearly before that I have to wear a white shirt when taking a group photo, so I chose a white shirt.

An Wuyang took out one of his few shirts and touched the fine fabrics with his fingers, with a hesitant expression.

He was silent for a few seconds, then took the clothes and ironed them.

Huo Yunchuan usually wears white shirts, and the wardrobe is full of them.

He chose it for about ten seconds, and chose a shirt of the same series as the little angel.

Everyday clothes, Aunt Zhang is hot.

Now take it out and wear it again.

An Wuyang changed his clothes and touched his hair: "Mr. Huo, I want to get a haircut..."

He felt that his hair was a little long and he didn't look very energetic.

Huo Yunchuan frowned lightly: "We are about to get the marriage certificate. Do you think you should change your name?"

Mr. Huo is always long and Mr. Huo is short, and he seems to be rich.

"Yes." An Wuyang thought the same thing before, but he was used to shouting, so he never changed his mouth: "But..." He suddenly muttered, "Are we going to charge a change fee?"

Huo Yunchuan: "Cough..."

His stern old face turned red, and blood rushed to his heart.

"Um..." The man over thirty responded vaguely with a trembling heart, "I'll give it to you."

An Wuyang waved his hand and said, "I'm joking, how could I ask you for a red envelope."

Even if Mr. Huo doesn't mind, he is embarrassed to accept it.

After going out, the itinerary is like this. First, I took An Wuyang to the store and got a fashionable and beautiful haircut.

Huo Yunchuan found that no matter what hairstyle his little angel cut, he always had a little bit of goodwill.

He curled his lips and smiled, and continued to read the newspaper in his hand.

After cutting it, An Wuyang looked left and right in the mirror and felt that it was not bad.

It's just that the bangs are a little short and the eyebrows are exposed.

He protested to the hairstyle teacher before, but the other party said that he had a good face shape, and this hairstyle could be held completely.

The hair style teacher was also very puzzled when he saw the effect of the finished product. It was obviously such a cool, handsome and arrogant hairstyle, and then when it came to this guest, it was a little literary and fresh...

I don't understand.

At first, An Wuyang didn't know that it would take so long to cut his head here, and it was eleven o'clock after the cut.

He urged: "Mr. Huo, let's go quickly, the Civil Affairs Bureau is going to get off work."

Then everyone around looked at him.

I saw a tall man stand up from the waiting area, walk to the side of the young boy who looks small, and walk out with his arms around the other's waist.

Sitting in the car watching the passing street scene, An Wuyang felt a lot calmer than in the morning.

He felt that the occurrence of many things seemed inevitable.

At the nearest civil affairs gate, Huo Yunchuan stopped the car.

He believed that he was not a decent man, but when he came to the door, he still asked responsibly, "Are you sure you really want to register with me?"

Safe nodded.

The man in front can see his reaction in the rearview mirror.

"If there is no accident, there will be no divorce." Huo Yunchuan made it clear.

This is different from what was promised at the beginning. It is no longer for the sake of the baby to get married, and An Wuyang knows it well.

He frowned and said nothing, his chin lingering.

Huo Yunchuan leaned against the comfortable seat and sighed heavily.

Then open the car door and go out, leaving the space for An Wuhang himself.

But he didn't go far, just stood beside the car, and An Wuyang could see his back as soon as he turned his head.

Mr. Huo looked very irritable, and now he must really want to smoke a cigarette to relieve his boredom. I don't know why, but An Wuyang feels this way.

If he thinks about it carefully, he hasn't seen Huo Yunchuan smoking for a long time.

The ashtrays at home are thrown away...

Mr. Huo instructed Aunt Zhang to take it and throw it away.

"Okay, if we don't leave, we won't leave." An Wuyi said to himself, anyway, Mr. Huo will get bored in the future, and this marriage still has to be divorced.

Thinking of this, he opened the door and got out of the car.

"Mr. Huo, let's go in."

Time is running out soon, and I have to take pictures later.

Huo Yunchuan turned his head, walked over without saying a word, took An Wuyang's hand, and entered the gate directly.

This is probably the fastest speed that An Wuyang has passed since he was with him.

Unimpeded along the way, the pair were soon arranged by the staff to submit materials and take pictures.

"Have you brought your account book?"

"Bring it."

Huo Yunchuan took out two copies, and An Wuyang's household registration book and ID card were obtained by him in the morning.

When taking pictures, the photographer asked the newcomers uniformly: "Come on, two people head closer, look at the camera and smile."

An Wuyang is an obedient child. Hearing this, he is next to Huo Yunchuan, smiling brightly.


The photo of his marriage certificate with Huo Yunchuan was frozen in the photographer's camera.

After taking the photo, I was told to sit next to me and wait, because the marriage certificate can be obtained on the same day.

An Wuyang is quite calm, except for occasionally raising his head to watch the movement of the staff.

The man sitting next to him was calmer than him, just sitting there, holding his hand, so bored that he didn't say a word.

Finally, the staff said it was done.

Huo Yunchuan brought An Wuyang forward and got their red book skills.

"Is there a copy for me?" An Wuyang's eyes were full of curiosity, he stretched out his fingers and touched it, wanting to take a copy.

"I'll keep it." Huo Yunchuan only gave An Wuyang a glance, and then put it away by himself.

Divorce will use this book, he intends to lock it after returning, in a word, he can't let An Wuyang touch it again.