Marry a Rich Old Man

Chapter 56


It may be that the reflex arc becomes longer after pregnancy.

It took several days for An Wuyang to pay attention to the incident that the chubby classmate was almost picked up by soap.

—Uh, you said that a gay fell in love with you, and it was all right in the end

Xiao Pang is so smart, he should be able to reject a few mad bees and waves with ease.

—It's okay, I haven't slept well lately...

Xue Jiyang was sleepy in class, and while replying to his buddy's message, he made up his sleep.

An Wuyang's eyes widened and he was astonished like an inflated puffer fish: "..." In other words, Fatty also stepped into the gay circle with half of his foot.

Mixed feelings.

In his impression, Fatty is a straight man of steel and is only interested in girls.

—Sympathy for you, so what do you think

—The next day it was as if nothing happened, what else can I think.

Xue Jiyang thought about it later, classmate Xie Ran is sick and needs to be cured!

Think about it again, now that it is not illegal to kill someone who is mentally ill, are you afraid of it

- He doesn't admit it? Damn, why is your character so bad, but didn't he like you

An Wuyang thought that his head was knotted, and he didn't sort out the logic clearly.

Unless the chubby guy is a scumbag, he only wants passion and doesn't want to be responsible.

But looking between the lines of Xiaopang's words, there is the meaning of wanting the other party to be responsible, so he is a little messy...

—Well, it’s not necessarily that I liked it. Anyway, I’m quite annoyed. If I don’t talk about it, I have to make up for it.

Xue Jiyang came back and was about to ask a doctor when he woke up.

An Wuyang typed 'What do you think about homosexuality' in the edit column and did not post it. After deleting it, he edited it again: "Okay, let's talk when you have time."

The question he faced was not just gay, it was useless to ask.

The baby is more than three months old and is going to have a maternity check-up recently.

Obviously you can't wear home clothes on the day you go out, An Wuyang finds out the loosest outing clothes in the closet.

But because the clothes Huo Yunchuan bought for him were all self-cultivating, it was a little bit obvious when he put on his stomach: "..."

"Zhangzhou, come and weigh it." Huo Yunchuan found the electronic scale and put it on the ground.

An Wuyang pouted, took off his slim-fitting top, and changed into home clothes: "I think I need to buy some loose clothes to wear." As he said, he stepped on the electronic scale and wore white cotton socks on his feet to keep warm.

Huo Yunchuan knelt on one knee on the ground: "Buy." His eyes were fixed on the toes, then he glanced at the numbers and took notes seriously.

"Am I heavy today?" the little angel asked.

"A little bit." Huo Yunchuan helped him down and put away the electronic scale and notepad.

"The clothes you bought before don't fit. I'm going out today in home clothes." An Wuyang said this, and suddenly remembered: "By the way, Mama Huo also went. I contacted her last night."

Since returning to Huo's house during the long vacation, the relationship between the two has gradually become more familiar.

At first, An Wuyang would still think wildly, is the other party accepting him for the sake of the baby or himself

Now he just doesn't want to think about it, he just needs to eat, drink and be happy every day.

Huo Yunchuan glanced at him and packed things in the babysitter's bag: "If you don't want to socialize, don't force yourself."

"It's okay." The little angel tilted his head and said, "I like Mother Huo. She is very kind to me."

Huo Yunchuan pressed the corner of his mouth, and once again became dissatisfied with the little angel's original family.

If there are enough people who are in pain, he will not feel that it is very good that others care about him.

Aunt Zhang hadn't come yet at this point today, when the doorbell rang, An Wuyang stood up and went out to open the door: "Mother Huo must be here."

Zhang Ruoqi entered the door with a large bag and a small bag, all of which were for his daughter-in-law: "ZhangZhang, early."

An Wuyang immediately reached out to help: "Morning, I'll help you."

"You don't need to take it." Zhang Ruoqi was very nervous about him, pointing to the sofa to let him sit down: "Just be obedient, don't move around." She looked worried.

An Wuyang: "Then I'll pour you a glass of water."

Zhang Ruoqi: "I'll come by myself, have you had a drink? I'll pour you a glass."

Huo Yunchuan packed up and came out. Seeing his mother was there, he called out lightly, "Mom."

He nodded with a smile on his face with the lady he once had a cold war with: "What time does the hospital make an appointment? Have you packed everything when you go out?"

Huo Yunchuan replied, "At half past ten, wait for you to have a glass of water and leave."

Zhang Ruoqi turned his head to look at An Wuyi: "Then An Wuyi, go change clothes."

An Wuyi said in embarrassment: "If you don't change it, I'll wear this." He said in a low voice.

Huo Yunchuan smiled lowly and explained to the little angel, "Zangjie has a big belly, and old clothes can't cover it." Then he said, "If you have time, help him choose two loose-fitting clothes."

Zhang Ruoqi was stunned for a moment, but only later did he realize that his son was talking to him: "Okay, I will."

After she answered her son, she was in a mixed mood.

I thought to myself, this is the atmosphere of a home, isn't it

The four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound for more than three months can clearly see the fetus's eyebrows and eyes, and even the small hands and feet.

An Wuyi sat there, with people standing on the left and right.

After everyone got the photo, they looked at it carefully several times before showing it to him: "ZhangZhou, look at the baby."

An Wuyang took it over, glanced at it softly, and then said, "The baby is so cute, with a round head and a round head."

Huo Yunchuan directly bent down and kissed him several times, his voice not very calm: "He looks like you."

Jiang Shaofei smiled, and then found an opportunity to secretly pull Huo Yunchuan out: "Your baby is about to enter four months, and it is very stable now."

Huo Yunchuan's eyes warmed, and he said sincerely, "Thank you for the trouble."

Jiang Shaofei: "Tsk tsk, what are you talking about?" He turned around and put his arms around Huo Yunchuan's shoulders and leaned closer: "You can have sex between four and six months."

Huo Yunchuan looked at him sideways: "..."

That wolf-like look made Jiang Shaofei regret for some unknown reason.

He touched his nose and said, "But you can't have fun either, just take it easy."

Huo Yunchuan nodded: "I'm afraid of flying when I hold him, and I'm afraid of melting, do you think I'm willing?"

Jiang Shaofei thought about it too, so he was relieved.

Back at the door, Huo Yunchuan did not rush in.

Jiang Shaofei's words kept echoing in his ears, causing his blood to surge, and now his breathing is chaotic.

An Wuyi and Zhang Ruoqi were still looking at the color photos. When they saw the man standing at the door, he grinned at him, and his pure temperament warmed his heart.

"..." President Huo hooked his lips, feeling very beautiful in his heart.

"In this way, I won't go back with you." Zhang Ruoqi's words interrupted his son and daughter-in-law's frowns: "I'll just take a car and go back, Yun Chuan takes the ailment and drives carefully."

Huo Yunchuan replied, "Yes."

An Wuyang looked away from the handsome guy, and said embarrassedly, "Goodbye, Mother Huo."

"Go back and have a good rest." Zhang Ruoqi didn't control her hand, and touched her safe hair before leaving.

Huo Yunchuan didn't say anything on the surface, but repeatedly touched the hair that his mother had touched: "ZhangZhang, kiss me."

He tapped his lips, if he didn't ease, he was about to explode.

"Well." An Wuyi didn't resist, raised his head and kissed Huo Yunchuan's lips.

The sparse brows and eyes and the shallow smile make people look very comfortable.

Huo Yunchuan buried his head on the side of his neck and took a deep breath, then closed his arms around his waist and said, "Let's go."

When Zhang Ruoqi gets home, share the baby's color Doppler ultrasound pictures.

Both Mr. Huo and Huo Xiao watched it, and the atmosphere at home was beaming.

"On the girl's side, take the time to talk to her." Huo Xiao said to his wife.

"Okay." Zhang Ruoqi had already had this plan.

Mr. Huo was more careful, and asked his daughter-in-law: "How is that child looking?"

Zhang Ruoqi: "He's pretty good."

Mr. Huo: "When do you plan to come back home to play?"

Huo Xiao said: "Wuyang is pregnant, it's better not to go out and run around."

Zhang Ruoqi was inexplicably amused when she saw her husband and the old man glaring at each other.

She suddenly realized that this home has changed a lot because of the safe appearance.

"That's right." Zhang Ruoqi said, "Zhang's body is heavy, and the clothes I bought before are not suitable. Yunchuan asked me to choose two loose clothes for the child." She looked at everyone: "Do you have any suggestions? "

Mr. Huo and Huo Xiao looked at her together: "..." They all felt a little dazzling.

Buying clothes for eighteen or nineteen-year-olds and asking these elderly men is not a wise move.

In the end, Zhang Ruoqi made up his own mind, chose some that felt okay, and sent pictures to An Wuyang.

As a result, the other party only chose two sets and said, "I can't wear that much, two sets are enough."

Ms. Zhang, from a wealthy family, said, "Well, let's choose five sets." Then she added, "I was negligent. I should have prepared for you earlier."

Although Huo Yunchuan was in pain and safe, he was still a big man, and he was limited in how careful he was.

Anyway, An Wuyang finally picked five sets: "Thank you, Mother Huo, these are enough for me to wear until the baby is born." After all, during pregnancy, there are not many opportunities to go out.

Zhang Ruoqi knew in his heart that five sets were indeed enough.

But what should I say, the more contact with An Wuyang these days, the more she feels sorry for this little boy in his twenties.

An Wuyang felt warm in his heart when he received these clothes.

He took it to Aunt Zhang and asked the other party to wash it for him, so he could wear it the next time he went out.

The head office held a quarterly meeting today, and all senior executives of the company were present.

More than two months ago, after the company's resident boss withdrew from the company, many people speculated whether Huo was going to change.

Now more than two months have passed in the blink of an eye, and Mr. Huo is business as usual.

After enjoying the freedom of being under the control of the CEO for a quarter, the company's executives were a little worried about being taken over during this quarterly meeting.

Huo Yunchuan paid little attention to the old company with stable operation. The focus of this meeting was the development of the new company Huarui.

Gao Yan stood up to give a report and talked freely about the company under his control, showing extra confidence and calmness.

Few people present knew that he was Huo Yunchuan's aunt and cousin, so it was inevitable to wonder why such a young descendant was appreciated by Huo Yunchuan.

After listening to Gao Yan's management measures for the new company within three months, the achieved goals and planned goals, Huo Yunchuan applauded.

The people in the conference room were very kind and generous.

"Thank you, everyone." Gao Yan leaned down and sat down.

The heads of other companies got up to speak, and according to the written manuscript, briefly explained the completion of economic indicators in the third quarter of this year, the work exchanges of various departments, the company's energy consumption, and so on.

The detailed report is lying in Huo Yunchuan's mailbox. He sometimes reads it, sometimes he doesn't have time to read it.

There are too many clones in the company. After the baby is born, I am afraid that even the quarterly meeting will not be available.

"Gao Yan, come with me." After the meeting, Huo Yunchuan ordered Gao Yan.

"Hey." Gao Yan followed, and only shouted when no one was there: "Cousin."

Huo Yunchuan nodded and led him into the exclusive elevator: "Hua Rui has also been operating for three months, and now the work is slowly on the right track. Do you plan to continue to expand?"

Gao Yan was shocked: "What? What company did you see?"

Huo Yunchuan shook his head: "That's not true, I just think you have this ability."

Gao Yan smiled: "By the way, I want to raise the salary of the outstanding employees and send you the list later?"

Huo Yunchuan's signature is required for the salary increase of the company's employees.

Only if there are official documents, the finance will dare to issue.

"Raise wages? Who is it?" Huo Yunchuan frowned and asked directly, "Is there Ancheng?"

Gao Yan nodded, remembering that this was not the first time Huo Yunchuan paid attention to An Cheng: "His work performance is very good, what's wrong, what's wrong with this person?"

"No." Huo Yunchuan said negatively, and changed the subject with the next sentence: "My grandfather heard that you were working in the Huo family, and he talked about it a few days ago, so that you can visit him when you have time."

Gao Yan hurriedly agreed: "Okay, I've wanted to go for a long time, but I've been too busy recently."

Huo Yunchuan hummed, and when the other party thought he had time to have a meal together, he said ruthlessly, "I'll go home for dinner, you can do it yourself."

Gao Yan smiled bitterly and went to eat takeaway by himself.

The next morning, the fax machine at home beckoned.

An Wuyang has done a lot of work for the president of the family recently, sending and receiving faxes is one of them.

He also couldn't understand the documents of big companies.

After An Wuyang received the fax in the corner of the living room, he took it into the bedroom: "Yunchuan, I have your documents."

Huo Yunchuan stretched out his long arms and carried the little angel with the document onto his lap: "Let me take a look." He took the document and pecked at the heart in his arms.

Sweeping the words of Hua Rui, he looked down and found the name of Little Angel's father in a list of lists.

"..." Huo Yunchuan glanced at the little boy in his arms who didn't know anything, picked up the pen in the other hand, revised the document, and signed his name.

Gao Yan's eyes widened when he received the returned document, but he did so without asking any further questions.

I just took a chance to observe An Cheng secretly. What's so special about him

Speaking of which, the appearance of safe and sound is not so unforgettable.

It's just that he and Huo Yunchuan appeared in front of Gao Yan together, and Gao Yan took note of his appearance.

When Gao Yan saw the photo on An Cheng's desktop, his mind became clear, no wonder.

It turned out that the handsome young man was not his cousin's illegitimate son, but a sweet and greasy little lover...