Marry a Rich Old Man

Chapter 68


At the entrance of the hotel, there is a red carpet about 100 meters long.

Huo Da Gongzi and his sweet-smiling gay lover walked at the forefront. The wealthy couple sometimes put their arms around each other's waists, and sometimes looked at each other and smiled. The picture was like an art film, giving people an unreal feeling.

The reporters on both sides of the red carpet couldn't stop their hands pressing the shutter.

There are also girls shouting excitedly outside the venue: "Men are kings! Call for you!"

It can be seen that the high-profile marriage of President Huo to a same-sex lover is destined to set off a hurricane in the capital.

After all, the identities and appearances of the two protagonists are like that, and these are the explosions among the explosions.

When they reached the middle and latter stages, Mrs. Huo's Mrs. Zhang Ruoqi got out of the car with a swaddle; media reporters knew at a glance that it was today's protagonist, Mr. Huo's.

The camera that was looking at Huo Yunchuan and An Wujie just now turned this way.

Zhang Ruoqi's face was full of red light, with a bright smile, and the whole body showed the comfort of being overjoyed with Jinsun.

Standing beside her was her husband, Huo Xiao, who was wearing a Tang suit. The former entrepreneur who stepped down from above waved his hands gently to say hello to everyone, looking very humble and polite.

Then came the Ancheng family.

Astute media reporters immediately guessed that these four beautiful adults and children are likely to be the maiden family of Huo's new daughter-in-law.

With such a bursting existence, it is natural to be caught and slapped.

The Ancheng family laughed until their faces stiffened. For the first time, they faced the attention of many media, and their performance could only be regarded as correct.

The old man of the Huo family is very old and does not like such a noisy scene.

After the car carrying him arrived at the hotel, he secretly entered the lobby through the back door.

At this time, the old man in the four-core Ruyi purple red satin Tang suit was sitting at the main table and entertaining his great-grandson.

As the host, Huo Yunchuan took care of his daughter-in-law and son to his parents, and then went out to welcome guests by himself.

There was a large vermilion table, and behind it stood an elderly director. He was the elder of Huo Yunchuan's clan with a high status.

"Ninth Uncle, I'll copy the list."

Huo Yunchuan walked over, took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves, ready to work.

Uncle Huo: "Okay." He looked at his eldest nephew with a critical eye. It was different when he got married and had children. He was much more pleasing than before.

At eleven o'clock the guests came in one after another.

When Uncle Huo received the red envelope, he opened it and read it out on the spot, then took out the cash and accepted the red envelope.

This is a moral, and the guests who are not poor in money all smile happily and say congratulations.

Xue Jiyang and her boyfriend Xie Ran came with a post with a special handwriting, and when they were sealed back with a thick red envelope, they grinned very happily: "Tsk tsk, my buddy's in-law's family is really rich, if I knew I would have more packages. point."

Xie Ran: "Come in quickly, don't be ashamed." The school tyrant, who has gained a lot of weight, dragged the hole and walked forward quickly.

Huo Yunchuan glanced at the hands that the two held together, and the corner of his mouth tickled.

After a while, the fat man found out, what the fuck, this place is so fucking close to the main table, and when he turned around, he saw my buddy!

The guests behind the little angel's handwriting were all arranged to Xue Jiyang's table, where acquaintances saw acquaintances, which was convenient for chatting.

The Ancheng family, as safe and unharmed family members, must also be sitting at the main table.

Fortunately, this table is big enough, with a total of twenty seats, and it can also sit down.

When the relatives invited by An Cheng and Ding Wei came in, most of them sat politely in their assigned seats, only a few of them could not wait to come to the main table to congratulate, chatting endlessly.

An Cheng and Ding Wei can be said to be particularly embarrassed, feeling that everyone is looking at them.

Very embarrassed, An Wuyu kicked his parents' feet under the table and told them to quickly deal with these relatives.

At this time, An Wuyang was reminiscing about the past at the table of his classmates and teachers, but he did not witness the embarrassment of his parents.

It wasn't until An Cheng asked his relatives to sit back that the main table was quiet.

An Wuyu blew the bangs in front of his forehead unbearably, rolled his eyes and muttered, "I don't visit once in eight hundred years, and I rushed over when I heard that there was an advantage. I really don't know what to do with these relatives?"

Yes, she just doesn't understand why her parents invited such a relative who can't fight!

Ding Wei glanced at her daughter: "Don't say a few words." Then she smiled, said hello to Zhang Ruoqi, and got up to greet her ordinary relatives.

Before she went over, she walked over to her second son and asked, "No problem, your uncles and aunts are here, will you come and see with your mother?"

He was greeting the safety of his classmates, teachers and buddies. He froze for a while and said, "I didn't know much about it before, so I won't go over there. Please say hello to me." Grandma will prepare some gifts for you to bring back when you leave."

Ding Wei said: "You child, just hold revenge, don't you?"

She thought that in the past, everyone praised the eldest and the third, but not the second, so the second child now has a problem.

An Wuyi said blankly, "Remorse?"

It turned out that his mother thought so, and he quickly frowned and explained: "Mom, we have no grievances and no grudges, where do we hold grudges?"

Then the delicate-looking boy loosened his brows and smiled and said something in his heart: "I, for them, it's not necessary, and they really don't have any sense of existence. On the contrary, they are the same for me, this state is not good. It will change with my situation."

Ding Wei choked: "But they are your relatives. I came here today to congratulate you."

An Wuyang pondered for a while and said, "But I obviously don't want to go there, and I have to go there pretending to be there, which will make me very uncomfortable."

More importantly, he knew what eyes he would face after he passed.

That's hard.

"I hope all relatives can treat me like they did before." An Wuyang said to his mother.

Ding Wei's gaze on her son suddenly became complicated. For a moment, her face became hot: "Then let me go and see for myself."

Her back turned away slightly stiffly.

Safe: "Um..."

If he is favored because of changes in the situation, he cannot accept this favor.

What An Wuyang wants is Xiaopang, who likes the most primitive self from the bottom of his heart, without mixing anything else.

As for whether there will be relatives who want to see me after my mother passes by - there should be, but he doesn't care.

Back at the table of the classmates and teachers, the atmosphere was still hot in the place where Xiaopang was there.

"Dude!" Xue Jiyang backhanded, hugging his more and more handsome little friend: "You are a winner in life, you married into a wealthy family without a word!"

Classmate A: "Yes!" He blushed excitedly and had a thick neck. He was still having a heated discussion just now: "The XX guys are really snobbish, how well they played with you in class before, hehe. After the news is broadcast tomorrow, maybe my bowels will be green with regret!"

An Wuyang: "It's feasible, I'll be satisfied when you come."

He pushed the chubby bear's hug away and picked up the blueberry juice in a red wine glass on the table: "Mr. He, classmates, although we haven't started the table yet, but I can't help but be happy, come here, have a drink first."

He, the teacher of his third year class, pushed his glasses, and smiled and took up the red wine to drink with the classmates: "Classmates, let's wish the safe classmates together, and they will get better and better in the future!"

An Wuyang: "Thank you, Boss He!" They called the teacher like this in the third year of high school, and Boss He seemed to return to the dark years of high school.

The little friend was drinking without frowning, Xue Jiyang asked: "What are you drinking?" He took the other party's wine glass and smelled it, and a sweet smell came to his nostrils, he patted his thigh and smiled: "Oh, I'm going, blueberry juice. ."

An Wuyang also smiled: "What about blueberry juice, no human rights?"

It's not that he doesn't want to drink, it's just that Huo Yunchuan doesn't allow him to drink, not even a drop.

"It's the same as drinking anything, hehe."

The former teachers and classmates couldn't believe that standing in front of them would be the introverted, quiet and very inconspicuous boy a year ago.

The main reason is that there are too many changes in safety, and of course they are all good changes.

The first is temperament, from quiet and introverted to cheerful and confident, the whole person is like a shining star.

The second is the appearance and complexion. It is still the original facial features, but it is a hundred times more dazzling than the original.

So-called dusty pearls, that's it.

Once the dust is removed from it, it will shine brightly.


An Wuyi didn't stay here for long, and was soon called back by her father-in-law: "Come here, Ming Jue and the others are here, looking for you everywhere."

An Wuyi responded and turned around to say goodbye to his classmates and teachers: "Dun Dun's uncles are here. They are my husband's good friends. I'll go over and say hello."

He left, leaving a beautiful back for the students to sigh.

The emotional classmate A just now couldn't hold back. While the banquet was in progress, he shot a small video towards the classmate who married into a wealthy family and his wealthy family.

Classmate A's circle of friends: high school classmates who are married to love, blessing [picture][[picture][picture][picture][picture][picture][picture][picture]picture]

That's right, this is an angry nine-grid dynamic.

The Huo family are all public figures and have been active in newspapers and magazines since childhood.

The younger generation of the Huo family also has their own accounts on major platforms, and their attention is no less than that of celebrities.

If you see people in your classmate A's circle of friends, you can basically decode the identities of these people.

So the little transparent classmate A, who has always been unknown, was immediately besieged by classmates and friends because he posted this small video.

Of course, those who question authenticity are the majority.

Classmate A was extremely depressed after being questioned, thinking that you will know when the news comes out tomorrow.

An Wuyang was photographed a lot today.

There are those who are with Huo Yunchuan, those who are holding Dundun, and those who are standing with their families. The only thing that doesn't change is the smile on their faces.

Including every photo taken by media reporters, even if he didn't smile, he was called sweet by the retoucher.

Before the next day's press release was written, An Wuyang was given the title of Sweet An in the studio.

The official report authorized by Huo, with a very positive and positive brush, wrote one by one the safe background and simple life stories, including his college entrance examination scores and the reason for the temporary suspension of school.

Of course, the reason is just to write that the body is not feeling well, and the other is not disclosed.

The small black court-style suit, neat black hair, and bright and sweet smile made a nineteen-year-old boy look dignified and dignified on the red carpet.

The newspaper published a photo of An Wuyang and Huo Yunchuan hugging each other facing the camera, as well as a photo of him raising his scissors and smiling at the reporter.

A beautiful young man who does not mean to smile at all, full of youth and happiness, very, very sweet.

The newspaper sales on May 16, relying on the high-profile appearance of the wealthy couple, reached their peak this year.

Another magazine that sells well is a magazine with a large feature of An Wuyang's left hand.

Xiao Bian used a very long length to introduce the origin of this blue diamond, as well as the price.

In short, after the 15th, both the print media and the online media are reporting on this.

For ordinary people, the example of ordinary people marrying into a wealthy family is the same as the example of celebrities marrying into a wealthy family. It has always been there and is not new.

However, this time, it was an ordinary 19-year-old who married into a wealthy family, and the controversy seemed to be higher than that of female stars marrying into a wealthy family.

Just look at all kinds of headlines and hot searches on the first day after the report.

Many people clicked into the various videos and photos of #胡思夫夫# with a curious mind.

And then their focus is weird!

Netizen 001: "One smiled so sweetly and the other sullen the whole time, are you sure they are true love?"

Netizen 002: "Small smile is really happy, and he looks very good, but standing next to Huo makes him so small."

Netizen 003: "Huo really has a scheming. He originally wanted to use his son's full moon banquet to cover himself up, but the media focused on their foundation [whacky laugh/]"

Netizen 004: "I'm An's classmate, and he was sitting at the front and back tables in the third year of high school! Everyone, please like and send me up!"

Netizen 005: "It says that Mr. Huo doesn't smile, you have to understand! He hated the media before! It's good to be able to take pictures together!"

This netizen 005 told the truth.

Huo's father, who was told by netizens that he was not in true love, is now taking care of his son with a lot of shit and urine at home - feeding milk and changing diapers, if he can do it himself, he can do it himself.

An Wuyang came back to sleep after eating breakfast, and when he woke up, he felt that his fatigue had been relieved a lot.

The cell phone on the pillow kept ringing.

He brought it over unprepared, and the dozens or hundreds of little red dots scared him—what a fat four!

"Zhangjiang, are you awake?" It was Zhang Ruoqi who knocked on the door and said, "A well-known magazine and TV program want to interview you, are you interested?"

An Wuyang is very surprised. After all, he hasn't watched the news on the Internet yet, so he doesn't know what's going on: "An interview? Thank you, I'll discuss it with Yunchuan later."

He thought that he didn't know much about these things, so he should ask an experienced gentleman.

Next door, Huo Dashao, stepped on the base of his son's cradle with one foot, shaking his sleepy son, holding a tablet computer in his hand, slender fingers swiping over it, flipping through today's news.

When President Huo Da saw 'Fuck! Attack and suffer a good match! God! I have no regrets to eat such high-level official dog food in my lifetime! ' The corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

When President Huo Da saw 'oh An An is so sweet! Super sweet! I'm dying. Would you mind changing my husband? install! ' His face turned black.

"Yunchuan, what are you and Dundun doing?" An Wuyang came from the next room in light pajamas, and stretched his waist as he walked, revealing a flexible and white waistline.

Huo Yunchuan saw someone coming and put down the tablet in his hand.

"He fell asleep." At the same time as he spoke, he got up and walked towards the oncoming teenager, hugged him by the waist, and moved smoothly without any pause.

An Wuyang's face turned red, because he knew that this was the prelude to the fight.

I married a man who couldn't do without kissing him for a day.

Huo Yunchuan took the boy's white palm and pressed it directly on the place he needed to comfort. By the way, he pushed the boy against the wall covered by the curtain and kissed him carefully.

Guessed wrong.

Still too naive.

Having seen the safety of the other party's needs in this regard, he blushed and did not dare to move. He seemed extraordinarily obedient, well-behaved, and obedient.

After a while, Huo Yunchuan held the tip of the little angel's ear in his mouth and teased vigorously: "ZhangZhou, do you want me?"

An Wuyang felt unreasonable heat around his ears: "I want to..." His heart was beating wildly, and he was a little scared: "But my... The wound is not healed yet, I'm afraid I can't afford it now... "

The 31-year-old man's eyes dimmed in an instant, and he couldn't bear it anymore: "Well..."

Isn't it just abstinence? His strengths are one, one point, all, no, difficulty, and difficulty.

The author has something to say:

Mr. Huo carefully threw a pair of Aces: "A pair."

Chi-Chi: "I can't afford it... TAT"

Mr. Huo gritted his teeth and pulled out a pair of 3s: "Yes 3."

Tsukuyomi looked at Sunja who was full of hands: "I can't afford it... TAT"

Mr. Huo took a deep breath and threw out the red heart 3 that was previously ordered: "One 3."

The chigger pulls out one of the highest cards in the straight: 'An ace. '

Mr. Huo ignored his big and small king: "I can't afford it."

Tsukigyo showed off happily: "Shunzi!"

Yay, won!