Marry a Rich Old Man

Chapter 9


There are too many part-time jobs on the street. This is not the point. The point is that these part-time jobs are not very profitable.

Having seen the arrogance that the K club can earn 1,200 yuan in one night, An Wuyang faces those part-timers who make small troubles: "..." It seems that he has no interest at all.

Until, when he passed by a luxurious hotel, the distance between the front door and the road was equivalent to a small square, which can be said to be very rich.

An Wuyang raised his eyes and meditated: Lafayette Castle Hotel.

Very foreign and compelling name.

Last summer, he worked as a waiter for a summer vacation, and he was a little tired of the waiter line.

"Is it possible to be a waiter again..." An Wuyang stood at the door thinking for a long time. He, who had a choice disorder, took out a coin from his pocket: "I'll go if it hits heads."

The silver one-dollar coin was thrown into the air from the boy's hand. When he was about to pick it up with confidence, he was stabbed in the eyes by the sun and didn't catch it.

"Ah, my dollar..." An Wuyang hurriedly followed the place where the coin fell, chasing after him.

The round dollar rolled on the level ground, chasing after it safely and panting, and when the coin stopped, he happily squatted down to pick it up.

However, a sudden appearance of a leather shoe stepped on it.

"..." An Wuyang's hand froze in the air, and he said unhappily, "You stepped on my money, sir."

Generally speaking, as long as the ears are not deaf, most of them will immediately move their feet when they hear such a fierce reminder from An Wuyi.

The owner of the shoe did not respond.

An Wuyi looked up along the leather shoes of this sassy bag, his sweaty face was reddened by the sun, and when he saw the owner of the leather shoes, his expression suddenly changed from fierce to dull: "Louis XIII..."

Huo Yunchuan was in a bad mood at first, and he looked on with a cold-eyed attitude of the enemy, but the sentence of Louis XIII made him break his work, and his face turned black: "I'm worth two bottles of Louis XIII in your eyes?"

An Wuyang's face turned red when he was attacked by the other party. He found out that he had been obsessed with money recently, and he was stunned.

"I'm sorry, that's not what I meant..." But: "Quickly lift your feet, my dollar is still under your feet."

"What do you mean if you don't mean that?" Huo Yunchuan felt that he was stimulated: "Since you don't like me spending money for you, why should you think about Louis XIII?"

"It's not right for you to say that." An Wuyi sat down on the ground, but quickly got up because the ground was hot: "I made an order based on my ability, and I received the money with peace of mind, why can't I see it? the above statement?"

He stood up and patted his butt: "It's you, chicken intestines and a small belly. If you can't force yourself to be rejected by me, then ask Brother Quan to fire me. Who is it? If I have family members waiting for money to save my life, won't your conscience hurt?"

"It's ridiculous, waiting for help instead of thinking of other ways, but to work in the club?" Huo Yunchuan faced the hot sun, and he didn't understand why he was standing here to reason with an unfamiliar teenager. It was simply childish: "Forget it, there's no point in talking to you."

He forced himself to take a step forward.

The disgusted An Wuyao blushed, saw the other side move his feet, and was overjoyed, and hurriedly squatted down to pick up the coin.

"No, it's the front."

He still remembered his decision just now.

When he noticed that someone was following him, he didn't have to think to know that it was the boy.

Huo Yunchuan was in a complicated mood. When he was almost at the door of the hotel, he finally couldn't help but turn his head. His tone was very confused and arrogant: "Why are you following me?"

Do you finally realize that you have missed a good man

"You're so funny." An Wuyang murmured and ran away from him, the slender figure disappeared into the hotel at once.

Huo Yunchuan, who stayed where he was, said, "..." His face turned dark and blue, he couldn't believe that he would be treated coldly by the same person in just a few days.

"Hello." An Wuyang walked to the front desk and asked with the mentality of giving it a try: "Do you recruit waiters here?"

The young lady in the exquisite uniform raised her head with a smile and shook her head: "I'm sorry, we are temporarily not recruiting people here."

An Wuyang showed disappointment, but he was not very disappointed. He was just in the mood to give it a try. He nodded: "Okay, thank you."

"Are you looking for a part-time job?" A voice came from behind him coldly.

"..." An Wuyang nodded angrily, he planned to enjoy the air conditioner here, and then continued to go out to find work.

As for the fact that the other party caused him to be fired from the K club, to be honest, he didn't hold any grudges.

"Since it was me who fired you, I can give you a part-time job." Huo Yunchuan said, under An Wuyang's surprised eyes, he took out the pen in his pocket, asked the front desk for a note, and wrote A phone number, handed out: "Nine to five, monthly salary of 4,000, if you don't have enough money, you can go to him."

"Where?" An Wuyang asked blankly.

Huo Yunchuan put away the pen: "law firm, Chen Chu, you've seen it before."

As soon as he said it, An Wuyang immediately had an impression: "Is that... the gentler person?" That night, he counted that person who was less wilted.

Huo Yunchuan laughed. Indeed, Chen Chu looked more approachable than them: "I still have something to do, you can find him yourself." After that, President Huo turned and left very dashingly.

"Wait, Mr. Huo..." An Wuyang said behind his back, "Why are you helping me?"

Huo Yunchuan stopped but didn't look back: "Didn't I say it just now? I asked people to fire you."

"But..." An Wuyang frowned, feeling that he should tell him: "I didn't blame you for letting Brother Quan fire me, even if you don't, I'll figure out that place isn't suitable for me."

Hearing the young man's reply, Huo Yunchuan was slightly surprised, but this didn't affect him. An Wuyang was still a person from a different world from himself, and he couldn't appreciate it: "I know what you think, goodbye."

After saying this politely, he took a calm and steady pace again and left in front of An Wuhang.

Even a teenager who has never seen the world can see that the other party's expensive clothes are wrapped in a tall and sturdy figure, just like the high-class noble boy on TV.

"..." When the little guy An Wuyang meets this kind of person, he doesn't want to flatter or feel inferior, but he just has to admit that others are excellent.

Seriously speaking, it is the nature of most people to yearn for the strong. An Wuyang feels that the reason why he can calmly accept the fact that he has sex with Huo Yunchuan is because the other party is good enough.

But he knew very well that it was enough to stop there.

He didn't call the phone number Huo Yunchuan gave.

In the end, unable to stand his own humiliation, An Wuyang found a chain bakery with a decent scale near his home, and learned to bake while working part-time.

"How many points did you get on the test?" Ding Wei patiently didn't ask because she could check her grades two days ago.

He brought back some cookies from the bakery and was going to make milk for his brother. An Wuyang heard his mother ask this while he was tinkering, and froze: "I haven't checked my grades yet..."

I've been busy with part-time jobs recently, and reading seems to be a thing of the last century.

"Take out your admission ticket and check it now." Ding Wei said.

"Well..." An Wuyang responded.

The scumbag teenager is under a lot of pressure. He is not born to study, and he knows how many points he can get in the test.

Ding Wei doesn't want to embarrass him either. The requirements for him can be said to be as low as possible: "I don't expect you to take one exam, but taking two exams is enough." At least after completing her studies, she can find a stable job. Feed themselves.

As for buying a house in Beijing, marrying a daughter-in-law and raising a child, she feels a little overwhelmed.

An Wuyang found out the score, which was a little higher than his own mock test. For him, it was an extraordinary performance, and for Ding Wei, it was appalling.

This score is really out of the question.

Second school, it should be very reluctant.

She and An Cheng were both academic elites and graduated from good schools, otherwise it would be impossible to find well-paid jobs in large private companies.

Only in the last year or two, the company's efficiency has declined.

As an ordinary employee, Ding Wei was under a lot of pressure, which made her think of such a terrifying mid-life crisis.

The second child is about to pay a fee to go to college, and the oldest one will also spend a lot of money for postgraduate entrance examinations and studying in the United States.

She can only pray now that the news that the company is about to be acquired is not true.

Seeing her little son come out, Ding Wei got up and said, "You guys eat, I'll go to sleep for a while."

An Wuji said, "What's wrong with Mom?"

"I don't know." An Wuyang said, "Maybe it was hit by my score."

The younger brother wrinkled his nose in disbelief: "Your broken score can still hit Mom?" Mom was a little expert in the college entrance examination back then.

"No, she'll never be able to get my score." An Wuyang put away his phone, not wanting to watch the carnival of the test-takers in the class, he just wanted to eat up the can of cookies with his brother.

An Wuji said with a serious face: "That's true. You are the only one in our family who can test this score."

"Eat the cookies." An Wuyang put the milk-soaked cookies into his brother's mouth.

He was also uncomfortable and felt that he was useless.

Just like Ding Wei said, go to a second school, and find a stable job after graduation. You can earn four or five thousand, or a salary of seven or eight thousand in the sky. In any case, you want to live a life of food and clothing.

Doing business has no brains and funds, and no talent in talent.

"..." An Wuyang sighed quietly, thankful that he was able to learn how to bake.

If there is a chance in the future, maybe he can open a dim sum shop, he thought, and then he cheered up and went to work full of energy the next day.

But he said that after Huo Yunchuan gave out the phone, he waited for Chen Chu's call intentionally or unintentionally in those days, but Chen Chu remained silent.

He was confused, even if Chen Chu's personality wasn't like Ji Mingjue's bluff, he couldn't even make a phone call.

After thinking about it, he made a call himself: "Cough, Lao Chen."

"Yunchuan?" Chen Chu was very surprised, seeing how infrequently Huo Yunchuan called him: "What's the matter? Is your family holding a wedding or opening a ribbon?"

"..." It can be seen that Huo Yunchuan only called Chen Chu when there was a major event: "No, you... have any new employees in the office recently?"

"Huh?" Chen Chu looked at the sky to see if it was raining red in the sky. Mr. Huo, who was in charge of everything, actually had time to care about his work situation: "Report Mr. Huo, there are no new employees."

He was very happy this time, but he didn't know how depressed his friend was.

At this moment, Huo Yunchuan felt a deep sense of powerlessness one after another.