Marry A Sweet Pet: Huo Shao, Don't Make Trouble!

Chapter 1136: An illegitimate child will always be an illegitimate child


The variety show Yang Ran has already talked about it, and Qiao Yitong also signed the contract, but the guests have not yet gathered, so it will take a while to record.

Qiao Yitong returned to school again, but she was a little absent-minded. Ever since she knew Xiao Mingshu's thoughts, she felt very upset and always worried about his safety.

After her frequent trances, Xiao Mingshu came to pick her up from school and disclosed the love affair. Xiao Mingshu now only wears a mask, showing good-looking eyebrows. The two walked together holding hands, and someone took pictures of them.

Qiao Yitong did not notice this, and Xiao Mingshu did not intend to pay attention to it.

"Tong Tong, what's the matter with you? Is it something uncomfortable?" Xiao Mingshu found her absent-minded as soon as he received her.

Qiao Yitong shook his head: "It's okay, let's go home first!"

After getting on the bus, Qiao Yitong changed his mind again: "Let's go to Aunt Ye's house first!"

"it is good."

The two left by car, and someone posted and photos on the school's forum.

-Come to Kangkang, everyone, the frontal photo of Qiao Yitong's boyfriend! !

[I have to say that this little brother is really good-looking. Even if he wears a mask, he can’t hide his handsomeness. He is so handsome, and he has no makeup. He is much more handsome than those in the entertainment industry. He is taller and has good clothes Okay, the beauty is spiked. 】

Many people know Qiao Yitong. Whether they are interested or not, they clicked on this post to read, and they were really handsome.

Qiao Yanni, who had conflicts with her illegitimate child, happened to be reading the post. When I saw this post, I clicked in and read it. Seeing that so many people were praising Xiao Mingshu and envy Qiao Yitong, Qiao Yanni had a strong resentment in her heart, and she replied a few words below. .

[You can see handsome when wearing masks, are you glaring eyes? No matter how loud the rainbow fart is, Qiao Yitong won’t look at you again]

As soon as it was finished, her cell phone rang, and it was Jiang Xiaoman.

"Nini, where are you?"

Qiao Yanni's eyes are sour: "I'm still in school."

Jiang Xiaoman said: "Why don't you go home?"

Qiao Yanni: "I don't want to go back."

Although the illegitimate child did not return to her home, he lived with her grandparents, and Qiao Shangqing also ran there every day.

Qiao Yanni was angry, but didn't know what to do, "Mom, my dad doesn't want us anymore."

She said poorly and choked up for a moment.

Jiang Xiaoman is still filming now and is not at home. Qiao Yanni feels isolated and helpless.

"Don't cry." Jiang Xiaoman's voice reached Qiao Yanni's ears, "because crying has no effect, what should happen has already happened, crying is only a manifestation of the weak."

Qiao Yanni is still very hurt: "But... Mom, aren't you sad?"

She thinks her father is too human.

"Is sadness useful?" Jiang Xiaoman asked her back, "Listen, as long as I and your dad don't divorce for a day, the bastard will never want to enter the house, he will never be able to enter our door."

"But grandparents..."

Jiang Xiaoman said: "You don't care about these things, I will deal with them. As long as I am in one day, the bastard will always be an bastard. Don't be sad or sad, because there is no use, no one will feel sorry for you, except yourself. ."

The voice on the phone was very soft, but Qiao Yanni felt that her mother must be very sad, just because her father didn't feel bad.

The more so, Qiao Yanni hated Qiao Shangqing even more.

"I will, I will listen to you."

"Then you go home now, don't quarrel with your father anymore, the quarrel will only push him further and further, do you want to see him with that bastard?"

Qiao Yanni opened her mouth and took a deep breath. These days, she had quarreled and quarreled, but it had no effect.

Jiang Xiaoman continued: "Nini, in this matter, it's your father who is sorry for us. Don't make people think that we are making troubles unreasonably. The filming of my side is about to be finished. Wait for me to come back."

Qiao Yanni's tears shed instantly: "Okay."

Qiao Yitong and Xiao Mingshu went to Huo's house. Ye Fan hadn't returned yet, and only Xu Tianze took Huanhuan to play in the yard.

Xiao Mingshu looked at Xu Tianze and said, "Tongtong, look."

Qiao Yitong followed his line of sight and saw only Xu Tianze and Huanhuan, but didn't know what he was referring to.

"My father-in-law should be more than 70 this year, do you think he is different from Aunt Ye and Uncle Huo now?"

Qiao Yitong was stunned, yes, Xu Tianze looked really young except for his gray hair, not at all like a person in his seventies.

Xiao Mingshu touched his chin, his eyes flashed with wisdom, and even a little excited: "I guess there must be something in him that is a secret we don't know."

He wondered if Xu Tianze had eaten something.

Qiao Yitong patted him: "You are not allowed to think."

She doesn't have a grandfather herself. In her heart, Xu Tianze is her grandfather.

Xiao Mingshu smiled innocently: "I'll just talk about it casually."

Although very interested, he knows how to measure.

"Aunt, Aunt Tongtong." In the distance, Huanhuan ran towards Qiao Yitong, the little man with red lips and white teeth, big eyes bright and clear, "Auntie hug."

Qiao Yitong bent over to pick him up, and smiled softly: "What is Huanhuan playing?"

Huanhuan ran too fast, her little cheek was flushed, there was fine sweat on her forehead, and her milk was milky: "I'm playing hide-and-seek with the grandfather and grandfather, and aunty come together."

Qiao Yitong helped him wipe the sweat from his forehead: "Relax for a while and play again."

Not long after, Xu Tianjiao also came back, holding a bunch of materials, looking like he was very busy.

"Tong Tong, you are here."

Xu Tianjiao was still very happy to see Qiao Yitong. She gave the information to the servant and took it back to the room, and chatted with Qiao Yitong in the living room while playing with Huanhuan.

Qiao Yitong looked at Huanhuan and asked, "Huanhuan will be four years old soon!"

Xu Tianjiao said: "Well, my mother said that I will send Huanhuan to kindergarten in the second half of the year."

"What have you been up to lately?"

Xu Tianjiao smiled and said: "I said before that I would hold a jewelry design competition, and now I have opened a channel for submissions. I will be busy for a while."

Qiao Yitong asked: "Then you are very hard, can anyone help you?"

Xu Tianjiao smiled and said: "Of course, the whole company is busy up and down, but there is a senior in our school that has helped me a lot."

Qiao Yitong had to think more when he heard the word senior.

Xu Tianjiao knew what she was thinking at a glance, "Tongtong, you'd better stop, don't think about it, I just admire this senior, besides, he is now our company's intern designer, shouldn't it help me?"

Qiao Yitong said: "I didn't say anything, you are thinking too much."

Xu Tianjiao choked: "Okay, I think too much."

On the other side, Xiao Mingshu couldn't help but curiously approached Xu Tianze and looked at it, as if he was curious, but also as if he was embarrassed by some problem.

"Father-in-law, I have a question for you."

Xu Tianze said: "Ask!"

Xiao Mingshu asked with a serious and serious look: "Did you take something? Or what medicine did you use to keep you so young?"