Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 104: Take apprentices


The voices accusing Shu Zimu of plagiarism are fierce, and the color palette does not seem to have any flaws. Many people have already determined that there is a problem with Shu Zimu, and then accused Shu Zimu, and some people turned black because of this.

Shu Zimu couldn't figure out the operation of the other party for a while. He looked at the color palette and thought it was plagiarism. However, Shu Zimu didn't believe that the plot he came up with would really be similar to other works, so he was more inclined to be The other party did some tricks, but he needed some time to find evidence. But during this period of time before the evidence comes out, it is natural that we cannot remain silent. Plagiarism is a serious crime for the original author. If you don’t clarify it immediately, even if it turns out that there is no plagiarism in the end, it may leave a negative impression on some unsuspecting onlookers.

As soon as Qi Yan learned about this incident, he asked people to check the content of the palette and the person who broke the news, but there was no feedback yet. Shu Zimu issued a statement first.

Asamu V: Regarding the issue of "Super Power Office" plagiarizing the novel "Journey to Another World" from S country that is circulating on the Internet, since I don't understand S language, I have already handed it over to a lawyer to apply for appraisal and arbitration to the judiciary. As for the speculation and doubts of netizens, I can only say that I have never heard of this novel before, and there is no possibility of plagiarizing it. I reserve the right to pursue responsibility for certain remarks that maliciously slander me.

As soon as Shu Zimu made the statement, the comments below immediately exploded. Shu Zimu took a tough stance, not only directly saying that judgment and accountability should be carried out from the legal level, but also completely denying the possibility of plagiarism or even learning from it, showing no fear of plagiarism accusations. Netizens saw this speech, and their judgment on this matter has somewhat changed.

Fans who were originally inclined to believe in Shu Zimu believed in Shu Zimu's innocence after seeing the statement, and supported Shu Zimu's appeal to the law; black, who originally disliked Shu Zimu, believed that Shu Zimu was dead and refused to admit it, and threatened netizens to eliminate public opinion; There are passers-by who have no position, because the hammer of the palette is very hard and tends to plagiarize, but seeing Shu Zimu's denial without hesitation, he has a little doubt. Several parties scuffled in the comments.

Netizen A: Support Zamu God! There are many people who are popular, and some people do everything possible to pour dirty water on others, harming others and benefiting themselves.

Netizen B: Zhao Mu Da V587! Those who slander and spread rumors should be held accountable!

Netizen C: Our Mu Mu is so good-looking, Mr. Qi is so rich, and he has both fame and fortune, okay? We were so full that we copied a novel from country S that we had never heard of.

Netizen D: You stupid fans, are you blind? The color palette is so clear. Is it plagiarism that you can't see without eyes

Netizen E: It’s really a fan and ten blacks. If you don’t think you have plagiarized, why don’t you refute the color palette first

Netizen F: No way, who told me that I don't understand S Mandarin like Mu Mu, so I can only leave it to professionals. Anyway, I don’t know what it is to copy a novel that I can’t even read ╮(─▽─)╭

Netizen G: Does he not understand if he says he doesn’t understand? If he said he had never heard of Journey to Another World, did he really have never heard of it? If you are so obedient, then he wants you to eat shit, are you also rushing forward? Koko.

Netizen H: Some people's mouths really stink. Didn't Chaomu say to let a professional judicial organization appraise it? If you don't believe in a professional judicial organization, do you want to believe the keyboard man's nonsense? It's not too late to stand in line after the appraisal results come out.

Netizen I: Why did the judiciary appraise it? Didn’t Chao Mu just see that the original work was a novel from country S, so the author couldn’t sue him across the country? Otherwise, the color palette is so obvious, how can he be so confident? He also threatened netizens to be held accountable.

Netizen J: The legal definition of plagiarism is already very low. Many times, plagiarism is true, but the law does not judge it...

Netizen K: The rhythm is starting again, the legal bottom line is low, so you can be convicted of plagiarism just by opening your mouth, right? You are so capable, why don't you become a god

Netizen L: I think it must be true that Shu Zimu said that he has never heard of it. The person who posted the color palette didn’t even give the starting URL of the trip to another world. I went to the S country website and searched for a long time. The content in the palette is completely different, I wonder if there is this article...

Netizen M: +1, the original text has not been picked up by netizens so far, it is reasonable to suspect that someone fabricated an article to deliberately pour dirty water on Zhaomu.

Netizen N: Can you fans not be selective? Others have said that it is an early physical novel, and there is no online version. Well, it is too unreasonable to say that other people’s fabrications are too unreasonable. It is also a struggle to clear Shu Zimu’s name. Already...

Netizen O: If there is an entity, what about the book? I didn't even find relevant news. If there is such a book, I'm surprised how some people found it.

Netizen P: You should know soon if there is any. Before Mumu was splashed with dirty water, the overall efficiency was very high. This time, there should be immediate results. It’s not easy for me to wait for the people to check. It should be easy for Mr. Qi to check whether a book exists┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

Netizen Q: 23333, you are right, Mr. Qi will definitely not be wronged in Mumu, I will remind the sponsor~

Netizen R: You are so proud of overpowering others, no wonder you keep saying you want to go to court, because you have Qi Yan, how can you not lose

Netizen S: Other people's money is none of your business, the sour smell will overflow the screen, only losers like to make excuses for themselves to hate the rich, idiot.

Netizen T: Don't worry about Heizi! Mr. Qi posted Weibo to support Mu Mu! Everyone go eat candy~~~

A group of people rushed to Qi Yan's Weibo, and saw that he reposted Shu Zimu's Weibo and added a few words.

Qi Yan V: Leave it to me.

The following comments are naturally bloody again. However, in the turmoil about plagiarism, candy-eating CP fans suddenly emerged, irrationally shouting "Tiantiantianmengmengmeng", and actually suppressed those smoky remarks. Shu Zimu couldn't help being surprised when he saw it, and then he couldn't help laughing, feeling that these fans are really cute.

This matter was somewhat troublesome, but Shu Zimu didn't feel too sad about it, because he had confidence in himself, and he also had confidence in Qi Yan.

But what Shu Zimu didn't expect was that the turmoil of being accused of plagiarism has not yet passed, the outside world is raging, and new bad news has come out. The story of the ghostwriter who died without a problem because there was no evidence before was rediscovered, and there was even news that Shu Zimu's script had taken up other people's achievements, and that he took advantage of Qi Yan's wealth to get the first authorship without any effort.

In addition, someone even broke the news that Shu Zimu's character is arrogant and unscrupulous. He often plays big names in the crew and bullies other staff members. Because Qi Yan is the largest investor, the others dare not speak out.

One by one, these negative news made the onlookers dizzy for a while, regardless of whether it was true or not, there was naturally a burst of heated discussions and rumors.

Shu Zimu was very surprised by this. Qu Fei and Xu Lan, who regarded him as a thorn in the flesh, had already subdued him. Although Yao Yue was not angry with him, it was too late to worry about his own family affairs at this time, so he probably wouldn't have the time to plan such a thing to deal with it. he. From this point of view, there were actually other people who hated him to the bone, specially planned such a move, and followed it up one after another. It seemed that he would not give up until he reached his goal.

After thinking about it, Shu Zimu still couldn't figure out who would be the one who messed with him, so he could only wait for Qi Yan to find someone to investigate. Qi Yan was very angry when he saw the remarks on the Internet. While looking for someone to refute the rumors with Shu Zimu, he contacted the paparazzi and the media who reported the news. He half discussed and half pressured them to withdraw the news, and instead helped Shu Zimu clarify.

However, this time the signboard of the Qi family was not so easy to use. After Qi Yan asked people to contact many of them, many of them just laughed and didn't let go. Qi Yan felt that something was wrong, so he asked a few people with a strong attitude, and finally got the answer - it was the Sheng family who instructed them to be so dark about Shu Zimu.

Qi Yan didn't need to think too much, he knew that Sheng Xiaowu must be the one who gave the order.

Having not met face-to-face for a while, Qi Yan thought that this person had settled down, but he didn't expect to make such a mess now. But thinking about it again, with Sheng Xiaowu's small-bellied and vengeful character, it's not too surprising that he would do such a thing, especially after Qi Yan heard that his elder brother Sheng Xiaowen recently went to a border base for closed training. Contact with Beijing. Sheng Xiaowu just saw that no one cared about him during this period, and after a few months of pretending to be an obedient child, he began to revert to his old ways.

Knowing the source, the next thing will be easier to solve.

The elders of the Sheng family doted on Sheng Xiaowu very much. If Qi Yan went to sue at this level, it would be no pain to the other party, and he could easily push it to the people below, and the Sheng family might think it was a big deal. Therefore, Qi Yan didn't plan to sue people directly now, but planned to wait for Sheng Xiaowen to come back, and then give Sheng Xiaowu a big gift.

You can't find someone to suppress Sheng Xiaowu immediately, which means that the media big V Qi Yan ordered by the other party will not be able to win over for a while, and they will always try to bring the wind that is unfavorable to Shu Zimu. Qi Yan could only find another group of people who were not completely bought by Sheng Xiaowu's coercion and lure, and help Shu Zimu clarify. The two sides became a tug of war.

But fortunately, although these black materials about Shu Zimu are one after another, and at first glance, they seem to have relatively credible evidence, they are actually all fake. The fake is not true, Qi Yan spent a little time investigating the opponent's flaws, and then asked Shu Zimu to refute them one by one.

First of all, there was no turmoil in the beginning, and then Shu Zimu and the Xue family's grievances were fired together with the "black material gift package". This part is easy to explain, just tell the truth, the news of severing ties with the Xue family was as early as half a year ago, and there were sporadic reports at that time, there was no temporary fraud. Of course, after the explanation, there may still be some keyboard warriors accusing Shu Zimu of being cold-blooded, but after Shu Zimu pointed out the current situation of the Xue family, there are only a few netizens who will stand on their side.

Because Xue Li is a suspect involved in the cultural relics smuggling case, although the Xue family claimed that it was because of being cheated, after netizens found out that Yao Yue said various distorted facts in the interview to smear Shu Zimu, they didn't really believe Xue Li's innocence. . Most people don't like criminals. Moreover, the situation of the Xue family looks miserable, but after careful calculation, even if it goes bankrupt, the remaining property is much more than that of an ordinary well-off family.

What happened to Xue Lin and Xue Yu was indeed miserable, but Xue Yu was underage and driving fast without a license, and he deserved the accident. Moreover, the Xue family is far from being able to pay the medical expenses and needs to borrow money from Shu Zimu, the son of his ex-wife who has severed the relationship, not to mention that when Xue Li abandoned his wife and son, Yao Yue stepped in, causing Shu Zimu and his mother to suffer. No small damage. If they were in Shu Zimu's position, they would probably not have a good look at this family.

The grievances of wealthy families and ordinary people are very interested, but in the story, the original status difference between the two parties has reversed. Now that the stepmother has to beg for help in a low voice, this is even more interesting. The news spread more towards Shu Zimu, and Xue's family became the habitual target of netizens. Due to the two patients of Xue’s family, netizens are reluctant to say too harsh words, but some people with sharper personalities will leave a message: “Thanks to Xue’s family, who reminded me to be a good person with personal experience, thank you for your selfless dedication [Candle]" full of irony.

At this point, Shu Zimu has won a big victory. Even though the media big V who obeyed Sheng Xiaowu tried every means to say that Shu Zimu was cold-blooded, most of the netizens still did not take their side. On the contrary, because they do not agree with this part of their point of view, they also have doubts and wavering about other black materials about Shu Zimu.

Then there is the matter of Shu Zimu's "Super Energy Office" plagiarizing the S country novel "Journey to Another World". From the very beginning, this incident was full of turmoil, and the attention has been rising all the way. Netizens from all walks of life stood in line to express their opinions and opinions. Because the color palette seems to have sufficient evidence, fans who firmly believed that Shu Zimu did not plagiarize were miserably at first.

However, the eyes of the masses are also discerning. After some people raised doubts, more people also found doubts. If there is no Qi Yan, maybe Shu Zimu will take some more time to clarify himself, but it is only a matter of time, the truth will always come out. And because of Qi Yan's presence, Shu Zimu was able to throw out the evidence before the netizens had any definite evidence, and slapped those who said he plagiarized.

In the end, the result of Qi Yan's investigation was quite funny, just like the sharp-eyed netizens questioned, this so-called "Journey to Another World" plagiarized by Shu Zimu, in fact, there is no such book at all! The person who made the color palette basically fabricated a book based on the plot of Shu Zimu's "Super Power Office". If this is the case, the degree of overlap is of course high, and it is plagiarism itself, but it is not Shu Zimu who plagiarized, but the other party plagiarized Shu Zimu.

In order to avoid being debunked, the other party specially made up novels in country S that did not understand the language, and used "physical novels from a long time ago" to cover up problems that could not be found on the Internet. It looks very tall. It's a pity that it's still the same sentence, if it's fake, it can't be true. Not only did Qi Yan find out the truth, but netizens also questioned it one after another. In the end, those who kept saying that Shu Zimu plagiarized were as quiet as chickens. The person who first issued the color palette with rhythm has completely disappeared.

Fabricating a novel to accuse people of plagiarism is hard for most people to think of before, but Shu Zimu's plagiarism has caused a lot of trouble, so many people know that such an operation can still be done. While lamenting the eye-opening, many people also felt that this reflected some not-so-good atmosphere.

Anti-plagiarism was originally a good thing, but now it seems that it has become a tool for some people to maliciously attack their opponents, not only as long as there is something that can touch the edge, they will plagiarize, or make a random color palette that is unclear It can attract a bunch of people to denounce it, and now even fabricate the original text and slander it. Netizens have always been disgusted and filled with righteous indignation about plagiarism, but sometimes they unknowingly become accomplices of rumor-mongers and slanders. It can only be said that most people are used to conforming to the crowd, and they don't realize that they are responsible for what they say on the Internet, and they are used to being pointers and critics. But in reality, people's hearts are sinister, separated by a screen, many things are even more difficult to distinguish between true and false, casually standing in line to speak, slapping face after the event is trivial, but being an accomplice of the evil is more serious. If it develops into cyber violence, causing irreparable consequences, even if you feel that you haven't done anything bad, you still feel guilty after all.

In the end, one should be cautious about words and deeds. Even in a virtual world.

The remarks that accused Shu Zimu of plagiarism were also slapped in the face, and the rest of the so-called ghostwriting and script encroachment on the signature of other people's achievements were also much easier to say. There is no definite evidence for these in itself, and there are two coded "informed persons" in the released materials, which are actually fabricated. In fact, the screenwriter Guo Tao and director Che Jingyuan of the crew have both praised Shu Zimu's work and said that most of the script benefited from his efforts.

After this accident, they held a simple press interview and made another public statement, emphasizing this point and expressing that they would pursue relevant remarks that slandered the crew. And because the other party did not continue to release more sufficient evidence, the final direction of the wind naturally turned to their side.

At the same time, regarding the matter of Shu Zimu bullying the low-level staff by using his identity as a big name in the crew, the crew also gave an answer at the interview meeting, saying that this situation does not exist, and hope that "the bullied so-and-so" will be exposed in the news Can come forward and confront them, right and wrong are judged by the public.

As a result, no one came out to confront him, so the "smearing of Shu Zimu" campaign on the Internet completely died down. Those big V marketing accounts who got orders, received benefits, and spread rumors before are also in trouble now, and Qi Yan's lawyer's letter has been delivered to them.

But maybe it was Sheng Xiaowu's instruction, some sailors are still sneaking in the wind, saying that the crew are all employees of Xingyue, because of Qi Yan, the boss, so they can only speak well of Shu Zimu, in fact, secretly they don't like Shu Zimu at all. and so on.

However, because of the previous face-slapping, netizens have already favored Shu Zimu. This kind of rhythm without evidence has no effect. Except for a few sunspots and conspiracy theorists, no one cares.

And to everyone's surprise, Yan Xuan, who had only worked with Shu Zimu for a few days, even spoke for Shu Zimu at this time, directly saying that Shu Zimu is a nice person, easy to get along with, and very popular in the crew.

Yan Xuan is not an artist under Xingyue's banner, and she was only a guest star in the movie "Super Power Office". There is nothing more to say.

However, Yan Xuan's kind help caused some people to deliberately exaggerate the scandal between her and Shu Zimu. Fortunately, this statement was sprayed by fans on both sides and sensible passers-by. Yan Xuan also said that she doesn't like being younger than herself. The boy who is still prettier than himself only regards Shu Zimu as his younger brother, so no one cares about this unformed scandal soon.

The hot spots on the Internet are like this, and several of them can be changed in a day. The news about Shu Zimu has been changing in the past few days, but the result is unexpectedly fast. Netizens watched one, or several big dramas, and after the dust finally settled, they quickly left them behind, and there were new gossip and topics.

However, Shu Zimu gained another wave of fans and popularity because of this incident. Shu Zimu was also a little helpless when he recalled it. It was like this several times. Someone hacked him, and things made a lot of noise, and finally reversed, and then he gained a wave of fans. Although in the end he was considered to have benefited, but he is not a star, and fans and attention are not of much use. Compared to this, he would rather have no one to deceive him. After all, although the reversal can always be clarified, the process is still a bit laborious, and it also affects the mood.

But no matter what, this turmoil is over. Shu Zimu received condolences from Qi's family, the crew, roommates and other relatives and friends, but Mr. Guo called him and scolded him. However, the old man's tone seemed disgusting, but in fact he was very concerned. He complained that Shu Zimu didn't know how to cherish his image and avoid causing trouble, which might make some people unhappy and embarrass him at the birthday banquet. However, when Shu Zimu said that he would not go to the birthday banquet and give a gift in private, Mr. Guo snorted again and refused to agree, saying that he could lend him some face and hang up. Before the break, he specifically emphasized that he must be present at the birthday banquet.

Shu Zimu knew that the other party was doing it for his own good, so he paid more attention to preparing the birthday gift.

Shu Zimu's side is cloudy and rainy, but for those who are wholeheartedly against him, the mood is like a cloud of clouds. Sheng Xiaowu, the instigator who has not yet been liquidated by Qi Yan, pushed away the person who was leaning on him with an uneasy face at this time, and said in an irritable tone, "It's all your good idea! It was a waste of my time and energy, and Qi Yan and Shu Zimu and those two guys have nothing to do, they probably caught me!"

The one who was pushed away by Sheng Xiaowu was a young man with a charming appearance. If Shu Zimu came to see him, he might feel familiar, but he might not be able to remember who he was.

This person's name is Zheng Weihe, a second-tier actor who is not well-known, and has auditioned for the "Super Power Office" crew before. However, the result of the audition was unsuccessful, and Zheng Weihe found an opportunity to climb up to Sheng Xiaowu, because his sweet mouth can seduce people, and he can relax on the bed, so Sheng Xiaowu still likes it.

Zheng Weihe failed the audition for "Super Power Office", and put all his dissatisfaction on Shu Zimu's head, because Shu Zimu said that his image was inappropriate during his audition. After accidentally learning that his benefactor, Sheng Xiaowu, disliked Qi Yan and even didn't like Shu Zimu, Zheng Weihe turned his head and thought of a way to vent his anger on Sheng Xiaowu.

Zheng Weihe doesn't have much talent or vision, but he is well versed in the routines of splashing dirty water and rhythm in the entertainment industry, so he came up with such an idea to discredit Shu Zimu. Not to mention, don't look at Shu Zimu's encounter with this matter seems to be resolved easily, not only did nothing happen, but also gained a wave of fans, but if the backstage is not as big as Shu Zimu, it will definitely not be so easy to clarify. If they were weaker, some of the dirty water might not be able to wash away.

Therefore, I have to say that Zheng Weihe's strategy is actually quite sinister, and the routine is also used well. But because it was Shu Zimu and Qi Yan who were facing each other, it was of course useless.

Zheng Weihe came up with the idea to fabricate the plagiarism, but he believed that Shu Zimu was arrogant and domineering, so he didn't expect that all the crew would speak well of Shu Zimu. He thought that there must be people who were dissatisfied with Shu Zimu, who could go digging for information in private. After all, Shu Zimu was so merciless to him during the audition, obviously he looked down on him. Then they probably wouldn't look down on those small scenes and dramas.

Zheng Weihe knew that the plagiarism would be found to be fake, and he just wanted to leave a negative impression of Shu Zimu on netizens, including the grievances between Shu Zimu and the Xue family. In this way, the news that Shu Zimu forcibly seized the script's signature and arrogantly played big names came out later is easier to believe.

When the plagiarism is slowly clarified, the latter has left an impression on people for a while, and even if the plagiarism is false, it does not mean that the others are not true. These are all charges that are not easy to refute directly with evidence. The matter with the Xue family is a family scandal. Shu Zimu is now a member of the Qi family. The wealthy family should not like to disclose such scandals to the public clearly; It's really hard for Shu Zimu to prove that he hasn't done anything for a big name. Shu Zimu can't refute this, even if they can't produce more sufficient evidence, but the impression has been left, so the task of splashing dirty water can be regarded as a success.

It's just that Zheng Weihe didn't expect that Shu Zimu would reveal the matter with Xue's family without any shyness, and he also didn't expect that the plagiarism would be slapped so quickly that the subsequent news didn't have time to ferment, and they fell apart together up.

Moreover, the crew actually spoke well of Shu Zimu, even Yan Xuan from other companies. I don't know how much effort Qi Yan spent to solve Shu Zimu's troubles.

Thinking about it, Zheng Weihe became more and more aggrieved. How could that Shu Zimu be so lucky? Not only did he marry Qi Yan and became a legitimate Qi family, Qi Yan also treated him so well. Unlike him, he managed to curry favor with Sheng Xiaowu, who was far behind Qi Yan by a hundred and eight thousand miles. Not only was he just a foster object who could be changed at any time, but he also had to hold him and coax him, be his venting object, and get beaten. Even if you are scolded, you have to smile.

Zheng Weihe's heart was getting more and more depressed, but on the surface he showed a well-behaved and pitiful look, and apologized to Sheng Xiaowu who was in a bad mood: "I'm sorry, Young Master Sheng, it's all my fault. I didn't expect Qi Yan to value Shu Zimu so much. The matter was found out in a short time, so... it was all my fault."

Sheng Xiaowu snorted coldly, and said irritably: "If you don't know the situation, don't make up your mind! Qi Yan is so cute to that little boy, damn it, he's probably going to trouble me again this time." Sheng Xiaowu said and kicked his eyes. coffee table.

Zheng Weihe approached cautiously, and said softly: "Young Master Sheng, why worry about this, why would Qi Yan go against you just because of Shu Zimu's little trouble."

Sheng Xiaowu snorted again, embarrassed to say that Qi Yan had opposed him more than once because of Shu Zimu. Now thinking of the few times he was taught by his elder brother, and the few punches he was beaten by Qi Yan at the Huo family banquet, Sheng Xiaowu felt a dull pain in his body.

Zheng Weihe glanced at Sheng Xiaowu's face, took advantage of his sweet mouth, and continued to comfort him: "It's not a big deal, nothing really happened to Shu Zimu, Qi Yan may not pursue it. Even if you pursue it, it's not the things you personally posted , Qi Yan will find them at most, you don't have to worry about it."

Sheng Xiaowu thought about it when he heard the words. Even if Qi Yan went to his house to find someone to complain, he could completely say that his subordinates made their own decisions, and Qi Yan definitely couldn't do anything about him.

After thinking about this, Sheng Xiaowu's mood immediately improved a lot. Seeing this, Zheng Weihe struck while the iron was hot and said, "And I don't think Qi Yan intends to fight you for this matter. He must have found out what should be investigated, but he hasn't done it yet. I have looked for you, and only sent lawyer letters to those who sent messages. It can be seen that Qi Yan should have a sense of proportion, knowing that Young Master Sheng is valuable, and should not offend you for such a trivial matter."

Sheng Xiaowu didn't think that Qi Yan would be afraid of offending him, but everyone was willing to wear a high hat, and Zheng Weihe flattered him, so he naturally wouldn't refute it. Glad to be flattered by Zheng Weihe, Sheng Xiaowu didn't care about the bad idea he gave him.

Zheng Weihe saw that his expression had completely calmed down, so he took the initiative to lean over again, and dawdled ambiguously against Sheng Xiaowu.

Sheng Xiaowu took advantage of Sheng Xiaowen's closed training and finally broke the precept. During this time, he was also quite satisfied with Zheng Weihe, so he took advantage of the opportunity to pull him into his arms, and put his hand in from the hem of the other's clothes.

Zheng Weihe took the initiative to cooperate with the other party's movements, panting sweetly, and suddenly asked: "Sheng Shao, what do you think of to that Shu"

Sheng Xiaowu paused, and snorted lightly: "What? You still want to compare with him?" Sheng Xiaowu pinched his chin, raised his eyebrows and said, "You don't expect me to marry you, do you? I can't afford to lose it." Such a big person."

Zheng Weihe said coquettishly: "I'm satisfied as long as I can be with Young Master Sheng, how can I expect so much? I just think Shu Zimu looks pretty, and I want to know if Shaoxi Sheng likes that."

Sheng Xiaowu said in a tone of impatience: "So what's good-looking, I can't touch Qi Yan's people." He rubbed Zheng Weihe's chest vigorously and panted, "Master, I knew you were very energetic." , that little white-faced old man has never played before, who knows how he compares to you."

Zheng Weihe groaned, smiled coquettishly and sent her body to Sheng Xiaowu's hands, but her eyeballs turned brightly.

Sheng Xiaowu didn't take this episode to heart, and concentrated on enjoying the "big meal".

On the day of Guo Lao's birthday banquet, Shu Zimu and Qi Yan wore Tang suits and arrived at Guo's house early with birthday gifts.

Although it is already quite a familiar place, Guo Tao still specially came out to welcome them in. In addition to Guo Tao and Mr. Guo, Guo's father and mother, Shu Zimu, have also met many times, and they are no strangers. After meeting people, they greeted people familiarly.

Old Guo and his second and third friends were sitting on the sofa. They saw Shu Zimu and Qi Yan coming in and took a sip of tea. They waited until their friends asked about it before calling them over slowly.

We still have to go to the hotel for the banquet later, and those who can come to Guo Zhai first to celebrate his birthday are relatively close people. Shu Zimu understood what Guo Lao meant, and immediately walked over respectfully with Qi Yan.

"Happy birthday, Grandpa Guo! I wish you a long and healthy life, and peace and prosperity!" Shu Zimu walked up to Mr. Guo and said his best wishes, then handed over the birthday gift with both hands, "This is a gift prepared by me and Qi Yan for you."

Qi Yan also said a word of congratulations, bent down after Shu Zimu, and performed the etiquette of the younger generation.

Seeing this, Mr. Guo still held it on his face, looking indifferent. He took the gift and put it aside. Instead of asking Shu Zimu and Qi Yan to sit down, he introduced the three people around him. "This is Tan Shurong, Wang Yuhua, and Lou Linfeng. You just need to call grandpa and grandma." Mr. Tan and Mr. Wang are a loving couple. Mr. Lou, like Mr. Guo, has passed away. They were friends for many years, and Mr. Guo was not very polite when he introduced them.

"This is the child I mentioned, the day and night when I wrote "Returning on a Snowy Night". This is his companion, a descendant of the Qi family, who plays chess well."

Shu Zimu and Qi Yan greeted each other one by one. Shu Zimu's face was more tender when he was young. Although he didn't look cute, he acted very well. He was wearing a bright Tang suit, which was very pleasing to look at. Grandma Wang felt very rare when she saw it. She asked Shu Zimu to sit next to her, and couldn't help asking him: "How old are you? Are you still in school?"

Shu Zimu answered with a smile. Grandma Wang patted him and said with a smile, "You look so good. I wish I had such a grandson."

Mr. Guo obviously mentioned Shu Zimu and Qi Yan to a few friends before, especially Shu Zimu, and even several old people read his novels and discussed the plot with him, and they quickly became familiar with each other. They admired Shu Zimu's works quite a lot, and were even more amazed at his youth. After hearing Shu Zimu's words, Shu Zimu was flattered, his face was stained with a thin layer of red, and he looked quite embarrassed.

This appearance suddenly made Grandma Wang feel rare again, she took off the finger puller on her hand for a moment, and handed it to Shu Zimu, saying that she would give him a meeting gift.

Shu Zimu quickly refused after being surprised. I am not a junior of someone else's family, but I have some friendship with Mr. Guo and come to celebrate his birthday, so there is no reason to get a meeting gift. And if he took Grandma Wang's, Mr. Lou would have to give a copy too. Of course not.

Shu Zimu didn't pick it up, and Grandma Wang couldn't force it. She was about to take it back and give up, but she didn't want Mrs. Guo to say suddenly: "Okay, just keep it. Her finger ring is not a family heirloom for your daughter-in-law. It will last ten and a half days." It is a thing that is replaced every month, and it is not hot.”

Shu Zimu and Grandma Wang couldn't laugh or cry when they heard the words, but Mr. Tan and Mr. Lou realized something was wrong, and looked at Mr. Guo with a little doubt. Mr. Guo snorted, and said again: "The meeting gift must not be given by one person, you should also prepare it."

A few people understood the meaning now, and they all seemed a little surprised, but they quickly accepted it. Grandma Wang simply put the wrench into Shu Zimu's hand, and said with a smile: "Then grandma will take the lead."

Shu Zimu didn't quite understand what was going on, but under Mr. Guo's gesture, he still took the things honestly.

Several people continued to chat, and this time Qi Yan also got a lot of topics. As they talked, several people became curious about the birthday gift that Shu Zimu and Qi Yan gave to Mr. Guo. They all know that the Qi family is rich, powerful and powerful, so the birthday present must be something extraordinary, right

Old and young, Mr. Guo himself has a bit of a stubborn temper, and he is even childish in front of his old friends. He deliberately puts away the gifts so that no one will see them. But in the end, it was dismantled on the spot, and several people stretched their necks to look at the contents of the box.

There are two things in the box, a painting and calligraphy, and a chess set. The calligraphy and painting are the authentic works of an ancient master that Mr. Guo highly respects. The chess set is nothing special, but the workmanship and material are relatively good. The chessboard is made of sandalwood, and the chess pieces are polished from jade. Both items are expensive, and they are also in line with Mr. Guo's preferences, especially the calligraphy and painting are very rare, and it takes a lot of effort to find them if you have money, which shows that you put your heart into it.

Mr. Guo was very satisfied. Although he only said that he was okay with the envious words of his old friend, he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Several art-loving elderly people immediately admired the paintings and calligraphy, and it was only when Father Guo reminded them that it was time to go to the hotel that they woke up like a dream, carefully put away the paintings and put them away.

There will be a lot more people going to the hotel to participate in the banquet. Although Mr. Guo seems to only play chess and enjoy paintings at home and has no rights, in fact, the old man's ability and connections are immeasurable wealth, so people who want to make connections very much.

Mr. Guo's social circle is naturally different from that of Qi's family, but the top-level circle is so big. Although the scope of business is different, it is inevitable that they overlap. Those who recognized Qi Yan and Shu Zimu were surprised that they would appear here and that they seemed to be close to the Guo family. But what surprised them even more was what happened afterwards.

Guo Lao announced at the birthday banquet that he decided to accept Shu Zimu as a closed disciple.