Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 106: Finished


Originally, Qi Yan didn't intend to intervene in the affairs of Xue's family, but Yao Yue wanted to make trouble for Shu Zimu restlessly, so Qi Yan pushed the matter of Xue's family, and did nothing else, just let the relevant The review and punishment are more stringent and faster, but generally they are still in accordance with legal standards, which means that there is no problem with the process and judgment of doing so itself.

Therefore, Xue Li was tried and sentenced much faster. The final verdict was: Although Xue Li subjectively did not know about the smuggling of cultural relics, he had bribed government officials and evaded taxes in terms of the operation and finance of the international trading company. Tax evasion and other acts indirectly provided conditions and cover for smuggling activities. Although the previous successful smuggling transactions were not as serious as cultural relics smuggling, the amount involved was not small. In the end, after summing it up, Xue Li was not sentenced to a high penalty, and was only sentenced to five years in prison, but the fine was huge.

Xue Li was involved in the case, Xue's assets were insolvent, and Yao Yue and other minority shareholders were also powerless, so they had to enter bankruptcy proceedings. It will take a certain amount of time to settle the settlement, but it can be roughly estimated that the Xue family can only leave a few real estate and a few cars. Originally, these casual sales of some people are enough to live a good life, but Xue Li's sum of money After the fine, the Xue family will almost have to drink the northwest wind.

Of course, with a good plan, Xue Lin and Xue Yu's medical expenses and basic well-off living expenses can still be saved. Therefore, after Shu Zimu knew the situation, he had no plan to help the Xue family. Thinking about it in the future, the two should be completely irrelevant, and it is estimated that there will be no chance to meet again.

Shu Zimu was no longer as emotional as he was when he heard the news about Xue's family, because he had so much homework that he had no mood to express his philosophy of life at all.

Guo Lao said that there is a lot of homework, and it is really a lot. Not to mention the types of homework that schools will also assign in class, such as watching movies, writing impressions, and practicing scene clips, Mr. Guo also asked Shu Zimu to read a lot of things that seem to be irrelevant to his major, such as various classical Chinese and some messy popular science books. , and even some technical books on agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry and records of manual work. In short, astronomy, geography, human relationships, sophistication, everything is messy, and I can't find the point. Shu Zimu reads hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of words every day, and then writes a review after reading, and writes a story outline based on the inspiration he got from it.

In addition, Mr. Guo also asked Shu Zimu to write more than three different fragments each time according to the set scene. In the same scene, events and conflicts must be obviously different. Shu Zimu has to rack his brains every time to write During the second, third, and fourth times, I felt that my scalp was about to peel off.

There are also some homework such as writing biographies, reading professional books, and writing film reviews. Shu Zimu will also do it in school, but the amount of tasks and qualification requirements given by Mr. Guo are too high, and it takes enough time to do it well. and energy.

In addition, Mr. Guo also asked Shu Zimu to practice calligraphy.

Shu Zimu has been used to typing on digital products for so many years. If he writes by hand, he forgets the words, but the words are really not good-looking. Of course, it's not ugly, just the level of ordinary people. But for a person like Mr. Guo who is not low in culture and can be said to have been passed down from a scholarly family, as his disciple, Shu Zimu's handwriting is very difficult to show. Although Guo Tao doesn't look like he came from a scholarly family, he has been influenced by his ears since he was a child, and he is much better than Shu Zimu in this respect.

No matter what, Shu Zimu can't lose face to his master too much, of course he can only practice calligraphy honestly. Ten big characters every day, went directly for two hours.

Such an intensity of practice every day, I have to say that Shu Zimu, who was used to sitting in front of the computer for more than 15 hours a day in order to make money in his previous life, would complain even if he could accept it, but Shu Zimu is fine. . Although he has been too comfortable since his rebirth and his endurance has declined, he has returned after practicing. Therefore, although he was very busy, Shu Zimu not only didn't feel tired, but felt pretty good, and could feel that his brain was being enriched a little bit.

On the contrary, Qi Yan was a little worried about Shu Zimu's sleepless nights. Fortunately, after observing for a while, he found that Shu Zimu planned his time well, did not affect his normal work and rest, and still ate well and slept soundly, so he let go of his worries. But Qi Yan is still a little dissatisfied after all, because Shu Zimu had to reduce the time spent with him. Although the two of them still often stay together and do their own things, they can really date, flirt with each other and most importantly have sex time is inevitably reduced. So during this period of time, Qi Yan has always been filled with desire and dissatisfaction.

Others couldn't see that he was seeking dissatisfaction, but they could clearly feel that he was in a bad mood, so they were much more cautious when facing him.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Shu Zimu to start school, Mr. Guo sensibly reduced some homework, and Shu Zimu no longer went to the crew, so Qi Yan finally stopped appearing dissatisfied every day.

Shu Zimu's classmates were very envious of him being accepted by Mr. Guo, and they inquired a lot overtly and secretly. Shu Zimu dealt with it with a smile, and only chatted more with a few roommates who had a good relationship. After knowing the amount of tasks Mr. Guo assigned to Shu Zimu every day, their envy for Shu Zimu suddenly diminished a lot. After seeing that Shu Zimu was still racing against time to write and draw in the public class, took part of the lunch break to do homework, and sometimes read books while eating, Qi Hang, Xun Zixuan and others completely lost their envy and hatred. , I just feel admiration for Shu Zimu.

Time flies when you feel fulfilled. Suddenly, it was late autumn, and after four months of filming, "Super Energy Office" was successfully completed.

In the past four months, the crew worked together and worked together. Although it was a bit tiring, it felt quite good. Now that the show is finished, many people feel a little bit reluctant. However, the sense of accomplishment brought by the finale is not small. Everyone at the finale banquet was laughing and noisy, and it was very lively.

Super Energy Office is very meaningful to Shu Zimu. It is not only adapted from his novel, but also his first film as a screenwriter. Therefore, Shu Zimu let go a lot at this wrap-up banquet. He didn't restrain himself like he did at the previous wrap-up banquet in Blood Dawn, but took the initiative to exchange glasses with other people and drank a lot of wine.

Shu Zimu drank happily, but his drinking capacity was average, and he was half drunk after a while. So when he wanted to drink again, Qi Yan stopped him and grabbed the glass. Qi Yan didn't drink much, and when the banquet was over, he took a confused Shu Zimu into the car.

After Shu Zimu was drunk, she was very peaceful and quiet, either in a daze, or fell asleep directly. When he got home, Shu Zimu had already slept unconsciously in Qi Yan's arms, because Qi Yan was resting his face on the side, his mouth was pouted slightly, and a red mark was pressed on his face, looking cute and cute. Seeing that he was sleeping soundly, Qi Yan was reluctant to wake him up, so he carefully hugged Shu Zimu horizontally, and sent him to the bed in the room in the posture of a princess hug.

Originally, with Qi Yan's obsession with cleanliness, she absolutely couldn't bear someone lying on her bed smelling of alcohol without taking a shower, but for Shu Zimu, she can naturally be lenient.

Qi Yan took off Shu Zimu's coat and trousers, and simply wiped his face and body for him. During this period, Shu Zimu became a little sober in a daze, but his mind was still groggy under the influence of alcohol, and he opened his eyes hazily. After seeing Qi Yan in front of him, he moved closer and rubbed against him naturally, and then quickly closed his eyes again.

Qi Yan was softened by Shu Zimu's unconscious attachment, lowered his head and kissed Shu Zimu's forehead, covered him with a quilt, and then turned to the bathroom to take a bath. But in the middle of washing, the door opened with a "click", Qi Yan looked up, and Shu Zimu was looking at him with his hair messed up in sleep.

When Shu Zimu saw Qi Yan, his eyes lit up obviously, and he quickly ran in and began to take off his clothes.

"..." Shu Zimu only had a few pieces of underwear on her body, but she took them off slowly. Only then did Qi Yan realize that the other party was still in a state of drunkenness. She was a little helpless, funny, and a little novel, and got up from the bathtub to help him.

"Want to take a bath?" Qi Yan supported the man who was acting a little out of order, let him lean on him, and helped him take off the jacket covering his head.

After the clothes were removed, the skin of the two touched each other, rubbing against the fiery temperature in the cool air of late autumn, but Shu Zimu, who was drunk, didn't notice it, and answered Qi Yan's question as an answer, then bent slightly Waist to take off his pants.

Originally, Shu Zimu's back was almost attached to Qi Yan's chest, and then bent down like this, the position of close contact suddenly changed from the upper body to the lower body. Feeling the soft touch of the lower body, the fire in Qi Yan's heart suddenly burned. He straightened his back unconsciously. However, the next moment Shu Zimu jumped into the bathtub naked, splashing water all over the place like a playful child.

The splashed water droplets fell on the body and it was already slightly cool, at least it calmed down the hotness on Qi Yan's body. He walked over, held down the brat who was playing in the water, and planned to wash him up and send him back to the quilt early to avoid catching a cold, but after he also got into the bathtub, Shu Zimu kept rubbing against him restlessly. Qi Yan was reluctant to beat and scold him, and in the end he pinned him in the bathtub.

As a result, Shu Zimu really caught a cold the next day, lying on the bed all over with soreness, and couldn't tell whether it was because of the cold or because of the turmoil last night.

Because Shu Zimu's spirit has been a little tense in the past few months, after this cold, it seemed a little serious, and it took three or four days to get better, which made Qi Yan very regretful and blamed himself. Shu Zimu didn't think much of it, and instead comforted the other party, at least he took this opportunity to rest for a few days, which was a blessing in disguise.

After the cold got better, Qi Yan approached Mr. Guo without telling Shu Zimu, trying to make Shu Zimu's homework easier. Facing Mr. Guo, Qi Yan had a soft attitude and prepared gifts for "bribing", but his ideas were very "hard", and Mr. Guo would bother him again and again if he didn't agree. Mr. Guo was out of control by him, and he couldn't get angry with this junior chess player who was still in good temper. He also felt the sincerity of his relationship with Shu Zimu, and in the end he really let go.

Of course, the more important reason is that the tasks assigned by Mr. Guo to Shu Zimu are indeed a bit overloaded, just because Shu Zimu, an apprentice, is very lacking in foundation, but he is very motivated in learning, and he never complains. Unconsciously, I want to train people out earlier so that Shu Zimu can improve faster, so I need to do more homework. In fact, compared with the normal level he taught his disciples before, Shu Zimu's learning intensity is indeed greater.

If it weren't for knowing this, Mr. Guo would definitely not relieve Shu Zimu of the task, no matter how distressed Qi Yan was. As his apprentice, there must be no less homework to do.

When Shu Zimu got the good news that his homework was reduced, he didn't know that it was a benefit that Qi Yan had won for him, but Qi Yan was not at a loss, because most of Shu Zimu's extra free time was spent on him.

After "Super Power Office" was completed, the rest of the editing and post-production work proceeded very quickly. Che Jingyuan had already drafted many drafts on how to cut this film. The editor Xingyue found was highly skilled, and he continued to communicate with Che Jingyuan, and the film was edited out efficiently.

When the post-editing work was almost completed, the crew thought about it and planned to release "Super Power Office" during the Spring Festival. On the one hand, it is because the time is just right, and on the other hand, it is because the ticket warehouse will be larger than usual during the Spring Festival. Of course, the competition for the Spring Festival file is relatively fierce, but although "Super Energy Office" is not the most popular family comedy film during the Spring Festival, it can be regarded as a good-quality popcorn commercial film. Those who are confident, feel that it is not a problem to stand out in the competition of the Spring Festival stalls.

The movie is already made, but that's not all there is to it, there is one more crucial thing, which is distribution. There are many movies that are made but fail to meet the audience on the big screen. The problem lies in the distribution. No matter how good a movie is, if it is not screened in theaters, unless it can win a heavyweight award at a film festival, it must be a complete failure.

There is no need to worry about the release of "Super Power Office", as it invests heavily in well-known IP and popular actors, and the industry's estimates are not low. The theater chain will not be troubled by money, so there is no special reason not to reject the "Super Power Office", and it should be good to arrange films without accidents. However, the competition for the Spring Festival film is fierce. In addition to Chao Neng Office, there are other Chinese New Year films that are also invested by other big directors. In order to avoid being seized by competitors, they still have to fight for the film schedule.

The construction of the commercial district of Shi'an Real Estate is accompanied by a cinema, so there is no need to worry about arranging films at home, and the other two theater chains with a market share that cannot be underestimated, Ruijin and Theo, need to carry out some communication and negotiations up.

Although it is about business, the wine table culture with Huaguo's characteristics often leads to the need for a banquet to build relationships before talking about business. The film crew of "Super Energy Office" approached Ruijin Studios to discuss the film's distribution contract, but Ruijin Studios was very friendly and took the initiative to invite the crew to the banquet. The main creators all got an invitation, and Shu Zimu was no exception.

Shu Zimu didn't want to go to such a banquet. After all, he doesn't know how to drink or talk about business. However, he heard that the person in charge there claimed to be his fan, so the producer and Che Jingyuan persuaded him to go. movie score. Under such circumstances, Shu Zimu naturally agreed.

This banquet was hosted by Ruijin Film City, and some people in the film and television industry were invited. A gathering of people with good connections in the city. Therefore, the crew of "Super Power Office" was invited, which has to be said to be the goodwill of the other party, so everyone is more optimistic about this cooperation.

Qi Yan didn't accompany Shu Zimu to this banquet because the timing was unlucky, and Qi Yan's Shi'an Real Estate and Ruijin Studios had a competitive relationship after all, so it might be a bit embarrassing to go there. And with so many people in the crew, Shu Zimu doesn't necessarily have to be accompanied by Qi Yan. Now he is used to things like banquets, and he feels that he can still handle them.

Shu Zimu, Yun Hao, Guo Tao and others arrived at the banquet together. They were a large group, but they were quite conspicuous. The person in charge of Ruijin who invited them quickly greeted them.

"Welcome everyone, welcome everyone," said the other party, a somewhat wealthy middle-aged man, who shook hands with them enthusiastically, and his eyes lit up when he saw Shu Zimu, "This is Mr. Shu, right? He is indeed a young talent ,Nice to meet you."

Shu Zimu hurriedly said "Thank you", and shook hands with the other party.

The middle-aged man is a senior manager of Ruijin, surnamed Wang, looked at Shu Zimu and said with a smile: "To tell the truth, Mr. Shu, I am actually your fan."

Although Shu Zimu knew this a long time ago, he still felt a little uncomfortable with Manager Wang claiming to be his fan, but before he could react, he heard the other party say again: "But this time I specially emphasized that I want to invite you The main reason for coming here is because our Chairman's young son is a loyal fan of yours, and he especially hopes to get to know you, so we made this arrangement. I hope you don't mind."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, Shu Zimu was stunned, and realized that the "fans" that Manager Wang called himself probably only read his books, and the real fans should be the young son of the chairman, he will come The reason here should actually be that young master.

Although the other party is hiding something, it is harmless. The two sides still have to cooperate, and there is such a "loyal fan", Shu Zimu will not really say that he minds.

"Our chairman's son is a bit inconvenient, so he didn't come to the lobby. In the lounge above, can Mr. Shu come with me to meet him?" Manager Wang said after the polite greetings from both sides.

Shu Zimu was stunned again when he heard the words. As the young son of the chairman of Ruijin, he should be sought after, but the middle-aged man said that it is not convenient for him to come to the hall. Then this "not convenient" situation can basically guess some clues up. Shu Zimu realized that this young man might have some flaws that were different from ordinary people.

Thinking of this, of course Shu Zimu couldn't refuse the other party's request, so he followed Manager Wang upstairs. The rest of the crew didn't have this invitation, so they stayed in the hall and continued to attend the banquet.

After Shu Zimu went upstairs, a person silently withdrew his sight blocked by the corner, and walked out from the shadow of the corner.

It was Zheng Weihe who plotted against Shu Zimu before but failed.

Zheng Weihe came with an artist from the same company, who was much more popular than him, and qualified enough to participate in Ruijin's internal party. Relying on his ability to talk and coax people, Zheng Weihe managed to get the other party to agree to bring him to this party. Zheng Weihe was only thinking of taking the opportunity to expand his network and curry favor with the powerful, but he never expected to see Shu Zimu here.

Unlike him, a small character who was brought in incidentally and no one cared about him at all, Shu Zimu and the others were greeted by Manager Ruijin as soon as they came in. After a happy chat, Shu Zimu was invited upstairs alone.

When Zheng Weihe saw Shu Zimu's group, he hid reflexively, and at the same time, because of time, he was silent for a while, and the jealousy that he could only put away because he couldn't vent it became more and more intense at this moment. When he saw Shu Zimu going upstairs with Manager Wang, Zheng Weihe's first reaction was that they had some shady relationship.

But soon his rationality came back a bit, and he realized that this was definitely impossible. Even if Shu Zimu really wants to cuckold Qi Yan, it is impossible to leave a clue in such a public view. Besides, although Manager Wang is already the target of many people in the circle, his conditions are not as good as Qi Yan's. Shu Zimu didn't say anything else, she was young and beautiful, and she would only cheat on the other party unless she was stupid.

But thinking about this clearly made Zheng Weihe even more dissatisfied. After all, Shu Zimu absolutely despised someone, and he might have betrayed himself for the sake of his future. The more he feels the gap between himself and Shu Zimu, Zheng Weihe doesn't feel that he is worse than Shu Zimu, but only thinks that the other party is lucky to have caught such a wealthy son-in-law as Qi Yan. Even though Shu Zimu is not an artist, in fact, he has no conflict or competition with him, but Zheng Weihe looks down on him very much, even more disgusted than those competitors who competed with him for roles and endorsements.

Zheng Weihe didn't know why, and he didn't bother to care about why, he just knew that he really wanted to see Shu Zimu fall violently from the clouds into the mud. Extremely want.

The previous attempt with the help of Sheng Xiaowu's influence failed, and Zheng Weihe was actually very unwilling. Afterwards, seeing Shu Zimu's limelight on the Internet, he even contemplated other bad ideas more than once.

However, Shu Zimu didn't have many weaknesses, and was protected by Qi Yan, so he couldn't touch it at Zheng Weihe's level. It's not good for him to push Sheng Xiaowu casually anymore, after all, it's good that Sheng Xiaowu didn't pursue his problem last time, so even though Zheng Weihe's heart was filled with anger, he still had to calm down.

But now that she accidentally met Shu Zimu, Zheng Weihe's bad thoughts started to move again. It's just that it happened so suddenly that he wasn't prepared...

Zheng Weihe was not willing to give up just like that, after thinking about it, she turned and left the venue, avoiding contact with others.

Shu Zimu followed Manager Wang to the door of the innermost lounge upstairs. Manager Wang knocked on the door and said, "Master, Mr. Shu is here."

"Come in." A clear young voice came from inside.

When Manager Wang opened the door, Shu Zimu raised his heart slightly, wondering what kind of "inconvenient" this young master is. He controlled his expression and asked himself to try not to look surprised when he saw what happened later.

The layout of the lounge is simple and comfortable. When Shu Zimu entered the door, he saw the boy sitting on the sofa. At first glance, this is a young master who is pampered and well-educated at first glance, with elegant posture, exquisite appearance, expensive clothes, and a great temperament.

Shu Zimu was surprised after all. He thought he would see a boy with obvious flaws, but he didn't expect him to look so perfect.

But when he put away the momentary surprise and continued to walk a few steps forward, from the side of the young master to the front, he discovered the problem.

The boy's right sleeve is empty and there is a visible scar on the right side of his face. The length of the scar is not short, extending from the temple to the nose, quite eye-catching.

Seen from the left side, this boy can be said to be the favored son of heaven, but seeing the incomplete right hand and the scar on the right face, it suddenly becomes inconvenient for him to appear in front of others. It's a pity.

However, the boy's demeanor is elegant and calm, and he didn't show a negative state because of the disabilities and scars on his body, so he didn't look scary, and it made other people feel too much surprise and pity. Shu Zimu was just a little startled, the way he looked at the other party was not much different from that of ordinary people, but with a little more appreciation.

"Hello, I'm Qiao Ye." The boy stood up and stretched out his left hand to Shu Zimu.

Shu Zimu also stretched out his left hand, showing a smile, "I'm Shu Zimu, my pseudonym is Chaomu, nice to meet you."

"I know." Qiao Ye's smile widened. He looked only fourteen or fifteen years old, but his demeanor appeared to be personable and quite mature, but when he smiled, there were two dimples around his mouth, which made him look a little shy and youthful, "I like your book very much."

Seeing that the two of them were very happy to meet, Manager Wang wisely did not disturb the boss's son's idol meeting, and said, "Young master, Mr. Shu, then I will go down first. If you need it, you can call the waiter, and you can always come to me if you have something to do." notice me."

Qiao Ye nodded, "Okay, Uncle Wang, thank you."

Manager Wang said "You're welcome" and left the room.

Only Qiao Ye and Shu Zimu were left, and the room was quiet for a while. Seeing that the atmosphere was about to become awkward, Shu Zimu quickly tried to think of a topic, but Qiao Ye said first: "It's not convenient for me to go to a crowded place. I asked other people to help me go to your previous signing, although I got the signature , but I haven’t seen a real person like other people, so I want to ask you to meet.” Qiao Ye showed a bit embarrassed look, and said, “I like the original work of Super Power Office very much, and I am also looking forward to your screenwriting works. I will try my best to help you arrange the filming.”

It seems that Qiao Ye is indeed a loyal fan of Chaomu, and he is very thin-skinned. He felt quite embarrassed to meet Shu Zimu by using the film arrangement, and made up for it as soon as he opened his mouth.

Qiao Ye's appearance seemed too harmless and innocent, and Shu Zimu suddenly felt that he had cheated the ignorant boy, although he didn't say anything.

But today Shu Zimu and others came to the banquet for this purpose. Qiao Ye offered to provide convenience. Of course, Shu Zimu would not be so lofty to push it out. He smiled and thanked him, because he found that Qiao Ye got along better than he imagined, so he relaxed with each other chatted.

Although Qiao Ye and Shu Zimu are not the type who are good at talking to strangers, they have a common topic that can't go wrong, and that is Shu Zimu's two novels. Both of them had a lot to say on this topic, so the chatter soon became lively.

When the topic of the work was satisfied, there was no strangeness between the two of them. Shu Zimu also gradually discovered that although Qiao Ye looked like an elegant and arrogant nobleman at first glance, he was actually very young at heart. Because of physical defects, he is not as mischievous as boys of this age, but his personality is also a little lively, with a youthful fantasy and romantic color, he can make up the magical ability written in the book, and Talk to Shu Zimu about the cheating plot he designed.

Although Shu Zimu and Qiao Ye seem to be about the same age on the surface, Shu Zimu treats Qiao Ye as if he looks at Qi Yao or even Qi Yun, with a sense of love from elders to juniors. Especially when the other party has such flaws at a young age, this kindness is even more obvious.

Qiao Ye felt that the way Shu Zimu looked at him looked a bit like the housekeeper's grandfather at home, but he coughed and didn't say anything. After talking enough about the novel written by Shu Zimu, Qiao Ye said, "Isn't it good to keep dragging you to chat with me? Would you like to go down to the banquet for a while?"

Shu Zimu didn't think chatting with Qiao Ye was a good idea, and he himself didn't like attending banquets. But after all, I came to the banquet with the rest of the crew, so I should show my face for a while, Shu Zimu thought about it and looked at the time, and said: "It should take a while before the banquet is over, then I will go downstairs and come to you again." It's better to hide here."

Qiao Ye froze for a moment, then smiled, "Okay."

The other party smiled without haze, and even the hideous scar on the right face looked cute. Shu Zimu wanted to touch his head, but felt that he was not familiar with the other party enough, so he could only restrain himself and wanted to Then go back and pick up a few more snows.

Qiao Ye watched Shu Zimu leave the lounge, then took out his mobile phone, and in a good mood went to Shu Zimu's text to drop a few deep-water torpedoes. After Shu Zimu became popular, there are many rich readers, and Qiao Ye is one of them. Among Shu Zimu's local tyrant readers, Qi Yan has the most sense of presence, and the other is the big star Yun Hao who accidentally dropped his vest. Compared with Qiao Ye's vest, he has no sense of presence, but Qiao Ye is quite popular among Shu Zimu's readers. Active, someone in the group discovered it soon after the mine was smashed.

Fresh Meat Mooncakes: Why did the noodle master suddenly fall into deep water

Custard mooncakes: smashed several...

Matcha Mooncake: Big Brother! Is the noodle master here? Routinely ask if the boss is missing a leg pendant

Snow skin mooncake: What is the happy thing about the noodles

Qiao Ye's reader ID is half beautiful and half abyss, and is affectionately called noodles by other fans. Qiao Ye felt that this title was quite good, so he simply changed his nickname in the reader group to Mixed Noodles.

Mixed noodles: it is a happy thing

Ice Cream Mooncake: What what? Quick to share

Leek Mooncake: I really want to give Zhaomu a big thunder QWQ

Mixed Noodles: You may not believe me when I tell you, but I have a big meeting with Chaomu~

Lotus Paste Mooncake:! ! ! Face base? ?

Laoganma Mooncake: ... I really don't believe it

Wuren Mooncake: Oh my god, is the noodle master and Mu Mu's noodle base together

Meteor mooncake: no picture no truth

Sesame Mooncake: Quickly upload the picture! ! I want to see Mumu's flourishing beauty!

Mixed noodles: ... no picture, but the noodle base is real.

Cloudy Leg Mooncake: I don’t believe it without a picture, so why is it not me who made a big face with Chaomu╭(╯^╰)╮

Mixed Noodles: Then I’ll see if I can take a picture later, it should be fine

Bean Paste Mooncake: ...Wait, Mr. Noodles, are you still with Mumu

Crispy Ren Mooncake: →_→When did you hook up with Chaomu, Mr. Noodles, tell me honestly

Curry Mooncakes: Most of them don’t talk much in the group

Egg yolk mooncakes: The noodle boss actually made noodles with Mu Mu in silence. I seem to see that Qi is always green in the crowd

Peanut Mooncake: Hey, what will Mr. Qi’s reaction be if he finds out that Mu Mu and the noodle boss Shou Shou have a blind date

Salt and Pretzel Mooncake: Of course I choose to forgive him [manually funny]

Cantaloupe Mooncake: Nothing will happen to the two shou, so Mr. Qi is definitely not worried

Meat floss mooncakes: If Shuihuoteng, which is at the top of the overlord list, knows about this, they will throw deep-water torpedoes to scare the noodle lovers who dare to dig the walls to death

Mixed noodles: →_→ It’s just a meeting, don’t think so impure

Sweet-scented osmanthus mooncakes: We’ve met each other, I must have been secreting the music for a long time before! Don't tell me the truth!

Mixed Noodles: No... I met at a banquet and chatted for a while.

Bingtang mooncake: [惊] Banquet, it looks very tall...

Salted fish mooncakes: a world that can only be understood if you look at it...

Strawberry Mooncake: Why can't I make noodles with Mu Mu? Because of poverty. [forced smile]

Taro mooncake: In fact, if you are a waiter at a banquet, you can also see Mu Mu. It cannot be said that it is because of poverty. A more comprehensive summary should be called no life :)

Lychee Mooncake: What kind of banquet is @川面, isn’t Mr. Qi here

Noodles: It was a movie-related party, Chao Mu and the crew from Chao Neng Office attended together, and Mr. Qi was not there.

Chocolate Mooncake: Is that so... So you also make movies, Mr. Noodles

Mixed noodles: Uh, my family does make this related

Rose Mooncake: Wow, isn't there a lot of opportunities to meet Mumu in the future? envious

Black truffle and foie gras mooncake: I suddenly want to apply for Xingyue→_→

Jujube paste mooncakes: Speaking of which, if the noodle boss is with Zhaomu now, is he leaving him in the water? Or is Zhao Muda spying on the screen

Zhanmen: No, I'm alone now, Chaomu won't come back until later

Wasabi Mooncake: Remember to take pictures later, Mr. Noodles! When you meet the real person, let's take a look at the photos [eye-catching]

Lychee Mooncakes: Waiting for Photos Waiting for Photos[Fly Rubs Hands.gif]

Seafood Mooncake: Mu Mu hasn’t come back yet_(:з」∠)_

Fried moon cake: Yes, it’s been a long time, it shouldn’t take so long to go to the toilet

Mixed Noodles: He is not going to the toilet, he is going to the banquet hall below. I guess someone is going to talk to him and he can't leave.

Hawthorn Mooncake: It’s quite normal for someone to talk to Zhao Mu… =0=

Mooncake with plum dried vegetables: After all, it looks good. I am sure everyone wants to talk to Mumu, and I really want to_(:з」∠)_

Crystal Mooncake: ... When you say that, I somehow have a bad feeling. I suddenly remembered that the good-looking protagonist in the novel was drugged at the banquet or something...

Purple Potato Mooncake: That’s a novel, there are so many such things in reality

Pumpkin Mooncake: Although it is a novel, I also feel that Yi Mumu's beauty is likely to be coveted by others how to break it orz

Mixed Noodles: ... No, this is a formal banquet. It's not for the host's face to do this kind of thing, and the invitees won't be so stupid.

Pineapple Mooncake: That’s it, the reality is still different from the novel

Beef Mooncake: No matter what, it’s fine if Mu Mu is busy, continue to wait for the photo~

Crayfish Mooncake: Wait for the photo to be +1, but Mr. Qi is not here. I really want to see Mr. Qi’s photo, and I want to see the photo of the two of them together. The autographed photo given by Weibo lottery is too cheating

Mustard mooncake: Yes, it’s a pit, and finally won a prize, it’s an old photo, not high-definition [Despair.jpg]

The group made up their minds that Shu Zimu was in danger, and then changed the subject with relief, but Qiao Ye still felt a little uneasy for some reason. The more he thought about it, the more he frowned, and finally he couldn't help standing up and walking to the door of the lounge. But he stopped after holding the doorknob with his left hand, and turned to call Manager Wang after a while.

"Uncle Wang, please help me find Mr. Shu and convey a word for me," Qiao Ye said, "Just say that if he is busy, he doesn't have to come to me."

Qiao Ye didn't directly say that he was worried about Shu Zimu, because he also felt that he should have been overthinking the group's words. In fact, there were so many people in the banquet hall below. Apart from the waiters and security personnel, Shu Zimu's crew members were also there. , what can happen.

It's just that he still felt a little flustered, so he decided to find an excuse to ask Manager Wang to take a look, and he would definitely be fine when he received the news that Shu Zimu was fine.