Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 108: arrived


Zheng Weihe is very ambitious and courageous, he has a grudge against Shu Zimu early in the morning, and has thought of many ways to deal with him. Although there was no chance to implement it before, it did not give up completely. Meeting Shu Zimu this time was unexpected, but Zheng Weihe immediately decided to take advantage of this opportunity to do something, and came up with a feasible solution in a short period of time. Even though this method appears to be relatively risky due to lack of careful preparation in advance, Zheng Weihe has no intention of giving up trying at all.

The entertainment industry says that big is very big, but when the scope is narrowed to a relatively high level, it is said that small is also very small. For this small banquet in Ruijin, the guests are naturally not ordinary people. Therefore, besides Shu Zimu, the director and producer of the crew and Yun Hao and others are familiar with the other guests. Can find people who have worked together.

After Shu Zimu went downstairs from Qiao Ye's lounge, he naturally wanted to participate in these small groups of chats and say hello to others. Although he is doing behind-the-scenes work like a screenwriter, the contacts in the circle also need to be managed. Of course, because of his relationship with Qi Yan, even though he hasn't actually released a signed play yet, others still treat him with courtesy, and don't ask much about his disappearance just now.

Therefore, it is easy for Shu Zimu to join the conversation, but it is not easy to get out later. In addition to those who want to have a good relationship with him, there are also some who inquire about gossip. Shu Zimu was surrounded by several people and was quite disturbed. However, these people who can get along well can still be considered to know how to read words and expressions. After chatting for a few words, seeing that Shu Zi Muyin was impatient, he toasted a glass of wine and left voluntarily.

This kind of banquet is not a wine table, the drink is rather expensive red wine, and the toast does not need to be stuffy, just a little sip. Therefore, when Shu Zimu had almost drunk a glass of red wine in his hand, he had greeted almost everyone in the circle.

It's just that when he was busy dealing with other people, he didn't notice that someone had put something into his wine glass, nor did he notice a slight change in the taste of the red wine.

In fact, Zheng Weihe's move is very risky. Once someone finds out that he has absolutely no good fruit to eat, but I don't know whether it should be called luck. When Zheng Weihe was thinking of playing by ear, it happened that someone on the other side seemed to hit something, and there was a loud noise. The noise attracted everyone's attention, but Zheng Weihe kept staring at Shu Zimu, so he took the opportunity to complete this step quite smoothly. The light in the banquet hall was a bit dim, and there was moderate music, so the movement of Zheng Weihe's drug delivery was really not very obvious.

Because it was a temporary idea, the medicine that Zheng Weihe gave to Shu Zimu wasn't anything powerful. He is well versed in the rules and sophistication of this circle, so he always has something with him just in case.

Zheng Weihe is Sheng Xiaowu who took the initiative to climb up, but he doesn't accept whoever puts forward unspoken rules. Sometimes, in order to get away from certain bosses who don't accept the request of rejection, he will use the method of secretly drugging. Of course, although he is unwilling to accept some people's power and sex transactions, most of the time he can't offend those people, so he actually uses a harmless sleeping pill, which works relatively quickly and is used rarely. Only a very small dose is given each time, so as not to be noticed.

The medicine is in powder form and is placed in a capsule. If only a little bit is dissolved in water, it is difficult to find it. Because the dose is small, the drowsiness will not be too severe, and it will not make people fall asleep suddenly, so other people will not be able to detect something wrong. And when yawning, most people are not in the mood to do anything.

This method is only suitable to be used once when the other party has a sudden idea. It will not be useful if someone repeatedly surrounds and insists on unspoken rules. However, Zheng Weihe also took advantage of this to successfully avoid a few troubles, and his acting skills of pretending to be stupid after quietly prescribing the drug were well practiced.

This time, Zheng Weihe used more medicine to prescribe Shu Zimu than before, mainly to prevent Shu Zimu from having the energy to run away or call for help. The first step of Zheng Weihe's plan was very successful, but that didn't mean everything would be fine. He estimated that Shu Zimu would fall into a deep sleep after drinking that glass of wine, so he hurriedly looked for an opportunity to lure him away. If Shu Zimu suddenly fell asleep and fainted under the eyes of everyone, then the arrangement in front of him would be useless.

As for how to lure Shu Zimu away, Zheng Weihe had already prepared a draft in his mind. After he got close to Shu Zimu and successfully administered the medicine, he began to show his superb acting skills that he couldn't show when he was filming. He looked at Shu Zimu with complicated eyes, hesitant to speak.

Shu Zimu felt a little familiar when he saw Zheng Weihe, but he didn't remember who it was for a while, and frowned slightly when he saw that he was hesitant to speak, but after thinking about it, he still didn't take the initiative to ask. Zheng Weihe didn't say a word when other people were around, but just gestured with his eyes, but when Shu Zimu dismissed the people around him and was about to go to Qiao Ye alone, Zheng Weihe immediately followed.

When Shu Zimu was stopped, he hesitated for a while and planned to see what Zheng Weihe wanted to do, but he saw that the other party showed a look of hesitation and embarrassment, but he still mustered up his courage and told him that he knew that someone was going to hurt him. And the person Zheng Weihe confessed to was Sheng Xiaowu.

In order to make Shu Zimu believe more, what Zheng Weihe said was half true and half false. The real part is that he voluntarily admitted the fact that he is currently being taken care of by Sheng Xiaowu, and also said some details about Sheng Xiaowu's smearing of Shu Zimu on the Internet. As for the fake part, it was fabricated to distract Shu Zimu.

It took Shu Zimu a while to remember who Zheng Weihe was, and he was naturally quite surprised when he heard that Sheng Xiaowu was going to hurt them again. Of course, Shu Zimu didn't directly believe the other party, but what Zheng Weihe said was indeed somewhat believable. Shu Zimu asked Zheng Weihe skeptically why he would take the initiative to tell him this. Zheng Weihe's answer was that Sheng Xiaowu wanted him to get in the way between Qi Yan and Shu Zimu, using some disgraceful means. He couldn't refuse Sheng Xiaowu, but he didn't dare to offend Qi Yan and Shu Zimu, so he was always anxious. Originally, he had no other choice but to follow Sheng Xiaowu's request, but this time he met Shu Zimu, so after deliberation, he took the initiative to confess.

Zheng Weihe's explanation did sound somewhat reasonable at first glance, especially with Sheng Xiaowu's character and mind, he really seemed like someone who would do such a thing. When Shu Zimu asked for more details, Zheng Weihe seemed quite uneasy again, hoping to find a more secluded place so as not to be heard. Because Zheng Weihe said that this time Sheng Xiaowu was not only going to make some small trips to Shu Zimu like before, but also targeted Qi Yan, so Shu Zimu agreed after hesitation. It's not that he didn't think about the possibility of this being a trap, it's just that he made a temporary decision this time, and the possibility of someone designing it in advance is very small.

The two quietly went out through the security door at the back of the banquet hall, and picked a fairly secluded place. Zheng Weihe made up half-truths to delay time, and threw the blame on Sheng Xiaowu without hesitation, without revealing any obvious flaws. When Shu Zimu felt something was wrong because of sleepiness, Zheng Weihe covered his mouth quickly, cutting off his chance of calling for help or running away. When Shu Zimu lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep, Zheng Weihe took him to the room that he had agreed with Sheng Xiaowu.

Zheng Weihe called Sheng Xiaowu here in the name of surprise. During this period of time, Sheng Xiaowu was quite comfortable being praised by Zheng Weihe, and he didn't even pursue the matter of slandering Shu Zimu before, but of course a person as bossy and arrogant as he would not be bullied by the little lover who kept him, Zheng Weihe suddenly A phone call asked him to go to Hongxing Club, Sheng Xiaowu's reaction was not good. But Zheng Weihe has figured out his temper during this time, saying that he has a surprise for the other party. After throwing down a basketful of good words, Sheng Xiaowu agreed to his request.

Sheng Xiaowu usually comes to these high-end clubs and clubs a lot. He has a room booked all the year round in Hongxing, and Zheng Weihe gave him the right to enter according to Zheng Weihe's wishes, and then rushed over here by himself.

Because Qiao Ye was reminded by the discussion in the group, he suddenly thought of checking Shu Zimu's safety, so he found out that the wrong time was much earlier than Zheng Weihe estimated. But when they discovered the problem and informed Qi Yan, and Qi Yan communicated with the person in charge of Hongxing to accept the request to close the exit and search, Sheng Xiaowu had already arrived without any obstruction.

Sheng Xiaowu was naturally someone that Red Star Club could not afford to offend, and was graciously invited by the waiter to the room he had booked all year round. Zheng Weihe brought Shu Zimu to Sheng Xiaowu's room, of course it was impossible to completely avoid other people and monitoring, so he knew that it would be a matter of time before he was found out, and he was counting on this time difference. It's not that he is not afraid of being targeted by the Qi family for revenge, but just like Xu Lan before, he also feels that as long as the news of Shu Zimu's relationship with other people spreads and shames the Qi family, the Qi family will no longer be able to protect him.

Of course, for the sake of face, the Qi family will definitely punish the culprit, but Zheng Weihe dragged Sheng Xiaowu into the water, and the Sheng family is not afraid of the Qi family. In his opinion, the two parties negotiated and settled the matter privately in the end, and tried to suppress the matter as much as possible. Then, as a small shrimp, he may be pushed out to take the blame and end up disastrously, but he may also be unaffected and safe. If the latter is to be realized, it will naturally depend on whether he can persuade other people to excuse himself.

Zheng Weihe didn't say that he was fully sure of this, but since he was able to coax Sheng Xiaowu so that he was not only not bored, but also very obedient, he still had some confidence in his own ability. Now Zheng Weihe's plan has been half successful, as long as Sheng Xiaowu arrives earlier, and when the others arrive, they will already be caught in bed, and the completion rate of the plan will reach more than 70%.

Therefore, as soon as Sheng Xiaowu appeared, Zheng Weihe was half relieved. He threw away Shu Zimu's cell phone, welcomed Sheng Xiaowu in excitedly, took his arm and winked at him and said, "Young Master Sheng, come in quickly, the surprise is already on the bed, you are satisfied."

Sheng Xiaowu was still thinking about what surprise Zheng Weihe was talking about, seeing a figure on the bed, he thought it was the little star Zheng Weihe introduced and wanted him to climb up on him. But since the other party dared to say it was a surprise, maybe it was a big star? Sheng Xiaowu thought about it, but he was really looking forward to it. But when he saw the face of the person on the bed clearly, he was shocked.

"Isn't this the fucking boy from Qi Yan's family?" Sheng Xiaowu had no surprises, only frightened, turned around and asked Zheng Weihe, "You did it?"

Zheng Weihe was stunned by Sheng Xiaowu's reaction, but he quickly came to his senses and flattered him, saying, "That's right, Young Master Sheng has always wanted to teach him a lesson, and this time the opportunity has come. Besides, Young Master Sheng, doesn't he want to taste him? Last time I asked you how you think I compare to him, Young Master Sheng didn't seem very satisfied with me."

Sheng Xiaowu's breath was stagnant, and he glanced at Shu Zimu who was lying quietly on the bed without any sense of crisis. He had to say that he was a little moved, but he was still rational, knowing that Shu Zimu's identity was not something he could play with casually, even if he had Let go of the harsh words with Qi Yan, saying that he would find someone to "serve" Shu Zimu, but he didn't really plan to implement it considering Sheng Xiaowen's deterrence. Even if it is implemented, try to keep yourself clean, it is impossible for him to fight in person, otherwise it will be too easy to leave behind. Therefore, Sheng Xiaowu yelled at Zheng Weihe unceremoniously after being shaken for a short time: "What are you doing on your own? Did I let you do this? Shit surprise, do you fucking know that other people are from the Qi family? Is it different from the kind of whore who took the initiative to climb into my bed? Huh?!"

Zheng Weihe was stunned again, he didn't expect Sheng Xiaowu to be sober at this moment, and he didn't just rush forward in a lustful way. Just being scolded so mercilessly by the other party, Zheng Weihe not only did not give up his mind in panic, but became more determined.

Although what Sheng Xiaowu said is correct, Shu Zimu is a member of the Qi family recognized by the law, and Zheng Weihe himself is a small character who has no name and no distinction and takes the initiative to climb up to Sheng Xiaowu to ask for support, but so what? As long as today's matter is successful, Shu Zimu will no longer be under the protection of the Qi family. At that time, he should be the bitch who was despised and spurned, humiliating both the Qi family and the Sheng family, and will never have any foothold from now on.

Sheng Xiaowu's words made Zheng Weihe's hatred for Shu Zimu even deeper, but he didn't show it, he just pretended to be startled and pitiful, and said helplessly: "I... I just want to make Sheng Shao happy... I thought that Young Master Sheng seemed to be quite interested in him, which would make Qi Er Shao lose face, so I... "

Sheng Xiaowu snorted when he heard the words, and he also knew that if he really did something to Shu Zimu, Qi Yan would definitely be suffocated to death, but it was obviously a big mistake for him to rape the spouse of the Qi family. For a while, but if the Qi family pursues it later, there is no way to solve it as easily as before.

Sheng Xiaowu thought about it and was anxious to ask Zheng Weihe to send him back, but he heard the other party say again: "But as long as Qi Ershao doesn't know about this, it should be fine, right? I think Shu Zimu shouldn't dare to say anything, he I must be afraid that Er Shao Qi will divorce him after he finds out. In this case, this matter can still be used as a trick for him, and maybe he can instruct Shu Zimu to deal with the Qi family in the future."

Sheng Xiaowu's thoughts paused when he heard the words, and after thinking about it, he felt that what Zheng Weihe said was quite reasonable. As long as Qi Yan didn't find out, even if he did something to Shu Zimu, the other party should not dare to tell Qi Yan. After all, even if it was done by a powerless person, whether Shu Zimu dares to make it public, it is not certain how much the Qi family attaches importance to him.

The so-called granary knows etiquette from the facts, and it can be extended to say that the richer and more powerful the more rules, even though the current society is quite open and equal, but compared with ordinary people, these aristocratic families are more or less old-fashioned. The set of feudal dross. Other aspects are fine, but the demands on women and future generations are difficult to eradicate. For example, even though the technology of artificially conceiving fetuses is very mature now, some old people still only accept women to conceive naturally, and insist on this requirement for their offspring. As for the rape of relatives, even if it is not the victim's fault, others and even relatives will wear colored glasses, especially some old ones.

The law does not support divorce on such grounds, but it is very possible that the person involved in the accident will be left out by the partner. Under such circumstances, it is obviously a thankless task to take the initiative to inform yourself that you have been insulted without the other party knowing. In particular, Shu Zimu himself has no background, and for the Qi family, he can lose it whenever he wants, so this will reduce the impression point and it is even more necessary to hide it.

Of course, what you said is also good, that is, you can give the rapist the punishment he deserves without any scruples, which can make the victim feel more comfortable. But if it's Sheng Xiaowu's head, even if it's the Qi family, they can't just tear their faces apart, and they will be too harsh on him. After all, the other party is the Qi family, and he will definitely be punished in the end, but it won't be too miserable. It is estimated that the main thing is to give various compensations to eliminate disasters. In other words, even if Shu Zimu told Qi Yan, he could still get away with it.

This is not an operation that makes people vent their anger at all, but it may even be more suffocating. Coupled with the risk of being rejected by Qi Yan and the Qi family, it seems to be a loss. When Sheng Xiaowu thought about it, he felt that Shu Zimu should not dare to speak out. In this case, he may not be able to take advantage of the opportunity this time.

Sheng Xiaowu's thoughts loosened, and Zheng Weihe hurriedly tried harder to persuade him. This time, he can not only enjoy such a beauty, but also give Qi Yan a cuckold and overwhelm her. More importantly, it can also be used as a handle to threaten Shu Zimu to work for Sheng Xiaowu, maybe he can find out some secrets of the Qi family, or let the other party disturb Qi Yan's affairs or something.

Zheng Weihe was very accurate about Sheng Xiaowu's virtue, and after talking about it, Sheng Xiaowu had changed his mind, and instead of scolding Zheng Weihe for making his own way, he praised him for being smart and sensible. It's also because Sheng Xiaowu has no brains and is lustful, especially because he feels that Shu Zimu has no weight in Qi Yan's heart, so he is really tempted when he is pushed by Zheng Weihe.

In Sheng Xiaowu's view, Shu Zimu has no background, but was picked by Qi Yan because of his outstanding looks. Although the two often show affection, Sheng Xiaowu doesn't think it's true love. He has had a lot of good-looking celebrity young models, and when he pets, he also looks like he can't wait to be nice to the other party, but when he gets tired of it, he will be the result of abandoning it like a trash. Of course, if Qi Yan really bought the film and television company specially for Shu Zimu as he said, then it would be enough for Sheng Xiaowu to understand the true love in terms of the amount. However, seeing that Bloody Dawn made so much money, and Xingyue's other investments were also doing well, Sheng Xiaowu naturally believed that Qi Yan had planned to enter the film and television industry a long time ago, and the so-called acquisition of Xingyue for the other party was probably to deceive Shu Zimu.

After the matter is done, as long as you threaten and lure Shu Zimu, the other party will take the initiative to hide the matter. As long as Qi Yan doesn't find out, then he is an empty-handed white wolf and has made a lot of money.

Sheng Xiaowu made up his mind, and when he looked at the sleepy Shu Zimu, his eyes became more lewd, Zheng Weihe said sensibly: "Sheng Shao, then I'll go out first, so I won't disturb you?"

Sheng Xiaowu waved his hands, and impatiently tugged at the buttons of his clothes. Seeing this, Zheng Weihe was overjoyed, turned around and was about to leave the room. However, Sheng Xiaowu suddenly stopped him and asked, "What did you use for him?"

Zheng Weihe replied, "It's sleeping pills."

Sheng Xiaowu frowned, "What's the point of falling asleep like this, isn't it like a rape corpse?"

"..." Zheng Weihe could only smile apologetically, "It's just a sleeping pill, and there is still a response. If there is more movement, you can wake up. Young Master Sheng doesn't have to worry about this."

Sheng Xiaowu paused when he heard this, and said, "Forget it, don't leave either."

Zheng Weihe was stunned for a moment, seeing the obscene smile on Sheng Xiaowu's face, understood what the other party meant, and immediately frowned without a trace, thinking something was wrong. He didn't plan to stay here and be caught and raped in bed, but he couldn't refuse Sheng Xiaowu's request directly, so he had to pretend to be obedient first, and then find a chance to escape.

Zheng Weihe spent a lot of time persuading Sheng Xiaowu, and now he felt a sense of urgency, but before he could figure out how to fool Sheng Xiaowu next, there was a "bang bang" knock on the door outside.

"Sheng... Young Master Sheng, the cleaning staff said that there seems to be something wrong with the bathtub in this room and needs to be checked. Please, please open the door..."

The voice of the caller was short of breath, obviously showing timidity, Sheng Xiaowu yelled out impatiently: "Check the fart, I'm busy, get out!"

Sheng Xiaowu thought that the other party would definitely not continue to touch his brow after he refused, but the next moment the door opened with a "click", and then he was pushed hard against the wall and hit it with a loud noise.

Sheng Xiaowu became angry all of a sudden, "Aren't you fucking looking for death? You told me to get out, and I didn't listen to what I said. What do you want to do..."

Sheng Xiaowu's voice suddenly choked back into his throat, he already knew what the other party wanted to do, because he saw clearly who it was.

Qi Yan didn't care about the anxious-looking club manager behind him, and rushed into the room with strides, and saw Shu Zimu lying on the bed at a glance, and Sheng Xiaowu, who was a little disheveled beside the bed. Qi Yan's face was so cold that he could freeze to death, he lifted the dazed Sheng Xiaowu away, and looked down at Shu Zimu's condition.

Shu Zimu was obviously in a deep sleep or even a coma, even the loud sound of opening the door just now did not wake him up. However, he also did not sleep soundly, his brows were slightly frowned, as if he had some bad dream.

Qi Yan glanced at Shu Zimu's body, and saw that the clothes were a little wrinkled, but they were basically in good condition, and he didn't see any wounds, so he was a little relieved. But because he didn't know what the other party made Shu Zimu fall asleep, his face was still ugly.

Qi Yan stretched out his hand to test Shu Zimu's body temperature, heartbeat and breathing, and they were still normal and stable. Then he looked awe-inspiringly at Sheng Xiaowu and Zheng Weihe who were beginning to panic.

"What did you use?" Qi Yan asked coldly.

"..." Sheng Xiaowu was still dreaming of wearing a cuckold for Qi Yan just now. He didn't expect that Qi Yan would suddenly kick the door in for rounds. Before he could figure out what to do in this situation and what the consequences would be, he got out immediately. cold sweat. Sheng Xiaowu's mind was in a mess. Hearing Qi Yan's question, he didn't have time to think about it, so he sold Zheng Weihe first: "I... I don't know, you have to ask him."

"You don't know?" Qi Yan glanced at Zheng Weihe upon hearing this, Zheng Weihe couldn't help shivering, lowered his head guiltyly, and at the same time scolded Sheng Xiaowu from head to toe in his heart.

"It's just... just ordinary sleeping pills, which have no side effects except for a night's sleep." Zheng Weihe couldn't withstand Qi Yan's power, seeing that Sheng Xiaowu didn't dare to resist Qi Yan regardless of his posture, so he could only answer honestly. Of course, at the same time, try to excuse yourself a bit.

"What sleeping pill? How did you take it?" Qi Yan's tone remained cold.

Zheng Weihe had no choice but to explain his previous methods, but in order not to offend Sheng Xiaowu, he could only vaguely mention how he tricked Shu Zimu out.

Zheng Weihe was panicked and hated now, he didn't expect Qi Yan to come so fast, not only Shu Zimu had nothing to do, he also failed to leave the box first, and was just blocked by Qi Yan. In this way, it was impossible to get out of the whole body that he had hoped for before. He tried his best, but he failed to plot against Shu Zimu, and instead caused himself a whole lot of trouble!

And Sheng Xiaowu obviously wanted to push him out to be the main criminal, but he couldn't let Sheng Xiaowu take the blame. Unless he said that he was forced by Sheng Xiaowu like Shu Zimu, and that it had nothing to do with Shu Zimu being drugged, Qi Yan would definitely not let him go. However, this kind of sophistry is obviously untenable, at least Shu Zimu will be exposed after waking up, it will not have any substantial effect, and it will also anger Sheng Xiaowu.

Now that he has completely offended the Qi family, he must not continue to offend the Sheng family.

Zheng Weihe didn't know which link went wrong, although his plan was temporary and could not be said to be very strict, but logically speaking, it wouldn't fail so miserably. Even if Qi Yan came a little later, even if he failed to leave first, Shu Zimu's reputation would be ruined, and Qi's family would not be able to borrow the momentum. Moreover, Qi Yan happened to witness Sheng Xiaowu wearing a cuckold for himself, and his anger must have been directed at the other party more, and he would not stare at him for interrogation like he is now.

Zheng Weihe was annoyed, bored, puzzled, hated, frightened, and worried, and his brain was almost chaotic, but he had to weigh it carefully and tell how he lied to others after drugging Shu Zimu, for fear of offending Qi Yan or Sheng Xiaowu. Point, let the other party fly into a rage.

Sheng Xiaowu was listening to Zheng Weihe's explanation, but it went in one ear and out the other, all he thought about was how to excuse himself, when Zheng Weihe finished speaking, Sheng Xiaowu hurriedly said: "You heard it all, this matter has nothing to do with me , I didn’t know before, I was called by him. I leave it to you, and you can teach me whatever you want, I’ll go first.”

Sheng Xiaowu wanted to leave as soon as he said that, and even forgot to tidy up his unsightly clothes. However, besides the club manager and several bodyguards who followed Qi Yan, they blocked Sheng Xiaowu's way without saying a word.

Sheng Xiaowu froze, and then said sternly, "What are you doing? You said it was none of my business, and I didn't do anything to that little boy. What else do you want? Qi Yan, you bring someone directly into my room, and I won't follow you." Don't worry about it, let me tell you, don't you want to take the opportunity to find fault?"

Qi Yan sneered when he heard the words, "I said it last time, if you dare to do something, you will have to suffer the consequences. To file a complaint is to admit cowardice. I will not file a complaint this time. I will let you tell your brother yourself what you did. What a good thing."

After Qi Yan finished speaking, he rolled up his sleeves and punched Sheng Xiaowu hard. There was a dull pain in his abdomen, and Sheng Xiaowu gasped and bent down.

This scene was really similar to the one at the previous banquet. Sheng Xiaowu thought that Qi Yan would hit him a few times to vent his anger like last time, and wanted to swear and refute what the other party said to let him explain to Sheng Xiaowen. Unexpectedly, Qi Yan Yan didn't give Sheng Xiaowu a chance to speak this time, one punch was followed by the next punch soon, and after a few punches, there was still no intention of stopping.

Sheng Xiaowu tried to resist by cursing twice at first, but then he could only cry out in pain. Later, even breathing will involve the wound, with less intake and more output. Sheng Xiaowu had also been beaten by Sheng Xiaowen many times before, but Qi Yan beat him much harder than Sheng Xiaowen this time. No bones or internal organs were injured, but he greeted all the painful places. Although it was basically just a skin trauma, he had to lie in the hospital for at least a week.

After beating Sheng Xiaowu severely, Qi Yan calmed down his breathing and rolling anger, and ordered several bodyguards: "Throw him to the hospital, contact the Sheng family, and say that I beat him, As for why, let them ask their precious grandson."

After Qi Yan finished speaking, he looked at Zheng Weihe who was at the side, and Zheng Weihe shivered obviously.

Qi Yan's beating just now really frightened Zheng Weihe a lot, he didn't expect Qi Yan to beat someone himself, he behaved so cruelly, and he didn't expect Qi Yan to be so merciless to Sheng Xiaowu. That's the most favored member of the Sheng family, and it's the case that Sheng Xiaowu didn't even touch a single hair of Shu Zimu.

It's the same for Sheng Xiaowu, but for him, a mastermind with no background...

Zheng Weihe became terrified like never before, and even began to regret, why did he insist on provoking Shu Zimu...

However, Qi Yan didn't beat Zheng Weihe like he did to Sheng Xiaowu, and ordered the bodyguards to take him away to watch under the trembling expression of the other party, then turned around and hugged Shu Zimu himself, and took him to his own hospital for examination.

The author has something to say: The IQ of the stupid author is very problematic. Although there is an outline, the details can't be straightened out, so this chapter was stuck for three days before it came out, desperate.jpg

The way the villain wrote in the end is also mentally handicapped, full of loopholes, but I can’t think of anything else, let’s just ignore the process and see the result [bye manual]

Because the previous chapters have already been published, this point is stuck and I can’t change the plot anymore, so I can only write awkwardly... despair.jpg x2

I've realized the fact that I'm not smart enough or experienced enough, so I'll try not to write about top villains in the future... Desperate.jpgx3

Finally... my debts... [current debt: 109k165k]

Extreme despair.jpg*n