Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 112: Movie release


The role-playing in the first part almost turned into a wild dance of demons. Under He Xinyue and Shi Kai’s complaints and guidance, the script was completely ignored. He refused to die, and even yelled shocking lines like "Gunara the God of Darkness", which deeply frightened (… ) other people.

In the last part of the scoring, everyone unanimously gave Yun Hao the highest score, after all, his hard work is obvious to all. As for the lowest score, because of Shu Zimu's superiority in appearance, he was finally awarded by another non-professional actor, Che Jingyuan.

The last one was going to be punished, Shu Zimu escaped, and Qi Yan's face improved a lot when he saw this. The program director in the backstage saw that Qi Yan was indifferent when the others laughed, but at this moment his expression eased, and it took a little brainstorming to figure out the reason, and he was a little speechless, thinking that Qi Yan was too defensive. However, I soon felt that this was a very good highlight, which can be emphasized in later editing.

After Che Jingyuan accepted the punishment of eating dark food, the show entered the second session. Compared with the previous relatively fixed mode, this link focuses on entertainment and has greater flexibility. The guests have to randomly select scenes, characters and events, and then perform these combinations. This is the evolution of the small game that everyone has played. In addition to putting together a few elements that may not be able to reach each other to create a joke, we must find a way to perform it to create a stronger comedy effect.

Some of these scenes and events are single-player, and some are multiplayer. Most of the settings are solicited from the audience, so there are many weird things. But after all, it is not just to read a sentence and laugh, but to leave some room for performance, so the program group has been screened. The difficulty of the final performance mainly depends on the luck of the draw. But relatively speaking, the more weird and funny the combination and performance, the more memorable it will be for the audience. But whether this memory point is good or bad, the effect still depends on the guests themselves. Some celebrities and idols have a lot of burdens, and they may not be able to let go when performing some weird settings; at the same time, many artists rely on the externally created character settings to attract fans, and their performance in variety shows cannot conflict with the character settings, so At this time, some trade-offs need to be made.

Everyone selected their own settings and started to perform one by one. During the performance, there were a lot of jokes, some deliberately spoofed, and some performed seriously. Unexpectedly, Shu Zimu, a layman in acting, performed quite brilliantly in this part. This was mainly because Shu Zimu's lottery was quite good. There were three rounds of performances in total, and the ones he got were: the domineering president who played games on the toilet, the killer who ate box lunch in the closet, and the scumbag who walked the dog in the aquarium. The background settings of the three are not too different, and Shu Zimu also used some tricks in his performance.

Needless to say, the domineering president directly used Qi Yan as a reference. Although Qi Yan loves work more, he also played games with him. Because of his personality, his performance was relatively flat, and he didn't yell like many people when he was excited to play. Therefore, it is no problem for Shu Zimu to perform.

He sat on a chair, opened a mobile game with his mobile phone, recalled Qi Yan's appearance, straightened his back, and calmed down, staring at the screen, showing a focused and calm state. After losing a game, there was no change on his face, he just silently exited the game after a pause, and turned to watch the financial news.

As soon as he lost, the other people's reactions became joyful. Afterwards, Shu Zimu deliberately froze for a moment with a blank expression. Although he did not perform hard, it was easy for people to feel the depression in his heart, and the others suddenly laughed even harder. up. This first performance was quite a success.

As for the second killer, Shu Zimu thought about it, and then pulled Qi Yan out as a reference. Although Qi Yan can't fight with the killer, he is very intimidating, and it can be regarded as murderous if rounded. Shu Zimu himself expanded the content. The reason why the killer eats lunch in the closet is to ambush the target. So Shu Zimu first pretended to be indifferent and quickly finished the meal, and then tried to imitate Qi Yan's appearance of not being angry and arrogant, trying to bring out a fierce look in his eyes, kicked open the wardrobe door, and gave a cold face One shot at the imaginary target.

Because he was thinking about how to show Qi Yan's momentum, 1 Shu Zimu didn't bother to laugh. Although there were many flaws in the final performance, at least it was easy for people to see what kind of scene it was, and the flaws were not concealed.

In the end it was the scumbag's turn. This time Shu Zimu was a little guilty, but he seemed to be used to using Qi Yan as an imitation object. After thinking about it, he still didn't let him go this time (...).

Compared with killer, Qi Yan and scumbag have almost nothing to do with each other, but Shu Zimu still found out a little bit in common very witty. He might not be able to play the role of a glib, pleasing cheating scumbag, so why not play as cold as Qi Yan. Of course, Qi Yan's indifference is towards those crazy bees and butterflies who have nothing to do with him, but since the requirement is to be a scumbag, then this indifference must be changed to having a real lover, but he doesn't care about his lover at all, and cares more about work and other things something of the sort.

Shu Zimu asked Yun Hao to act as his lover, and the two walked together, pretending to be visiting the aquarium. Shu Zimu's face was always cold, with a little impatience. He didn't communicate with his lover by words or eyes at all, but just looked at his phone from time to time. Yun Hao cooperated with him very much, took the initiative to pull his hand and talked to him, but Shu Zimu avoided him before the other party touched him, and even frowned, instead of answering the other party's words, he asked impatiently: " Can I go back? There is nothing to do in this place, if you want to walk your dog, just walk around the neighborhood."

Yun Hao is very dedicated, even though he is a competitor with Shu Zimu, he still puts his heart into acting. He smiled wryly, and said in a low voice: "We just came out, don't you even want to accompany me for this little time?"

Shu Zimu still frowned, and said impatiently: "It's not that I don't accompany you, I have to work and don't have so much time. I'm not looking for time to go out and fool around, I have business, and I'm already tired from working every day, you just Can't you be more sensible and understand me?"

The scumbag's role as Shu Zimu used a little inspiration from Qi Yan, but more of it was filled in with other personality settings. After all, Qi Yan must not be so low.

Although this performance is not funny, it is quite expressive. Shu Zimu's two lines made the image of this scumbag extremely annoying, and it can be said to be lifelike. Naturally, it received a burst of praise.

At the end of the second session, Shu Zimu scored quite high and was once again spared the unfortunate situation of being punished.

But this time Qi Yan's face was not very good-looking. First, Qi Yan always felt like he was hacked after watching Shu Zimu's domineering president; second, because Shu Zimu and Yun Hao acted as lovers. Hao didn't threaten, and Qi Yan couldn't be happy.

But what made his face even more ugly was behind. He Xinyue asked Shu Zimu how he came up with the idea of representing those characters in this way. Shu Zimu hesitated for a moment, and told the truth, saying that the three characters all used Qi Yan as a reference.

Qi Yan's face turned dark immediately, although he didn't mind that Shu Zimu used him as a reference, but he really minded that he was a reference to a scumbag!

Others were also very puzzled, and He Xinyue couldn't help asking: "Why does the character of the scumbag think of using Mr. Qi as a reference? Don't tell me that it is a lie to say that there will be a baby so sweet in the future."

Shu Zimu was a little guilty, glanced at the audience, just met Qi Yan's gaze, quickly retracted, and explained: "Of course it's not a lie, it's just that I didn't know how to present the image of a scumbag at the beginning, and then I thought about it. For those other suitors, maybe his reaction is pretty scumbag, and that's what leads to a clearer personality."

He Xinyue let out a "wow", "Is Mr. Qi's attitude towards other suitors like this?"

Shu Zimu hurriedly continued to explain: "It's just relatively cold, and I don't care about it. As for the lines, it's completely extra play by me."

He Xinyue still exclaimed in amazement: "I don't think Mr. Qi is indifferent to you at all. He recorded a show and accompanied him all the way. I didn't expect to avoid suspicion from other suitors so well. It seems that Mr. Qi really cares about you."

Shu Zimu's face turned red immediately, but he didn't have anything to refute. He Xinyue smiled again and said: "But if you look at it from another angle, Zimu, you can think of Mr. Qi three times, and you should care about Mr. Qi, right? The other party can’t hold anything else, can they?”

"..." When everyone heard the words, there was a burst of gossip and laughter. Shu Zimu became more and more embarrassed, and couldn't help but glance at Qi Yan again. The other party's face had melted from the ice and snow and returned to the earth. Shu Zimu coughed lightly, and stiffly brought the topic to other guests.

One episode of the show lasts just over an hour, because there are a lot of people from the crew, so there is not much time for each guest. After that, the host didn't tease Shu Zimu too much, but only occasionally mentioned it.

In the end, the recording of the program was quite successful. Two weeks later, this episode of "Role Play" was officially broadcast.

Shu Zimu and Qi Yan also watched the premiere together. The editing effect was good, the highlights were preserved, and the time and shots were relatively balanced. However, Qi Yan gave more shots than expected, almost because Shu Zimu had a close-up shot, so he would give Qi Yan a shot at the same time. Most of the time it is placed in a small frame on the side, and sometimes it is also a full-screen close-up. For example, when Shu Zimu said that he used Qi Yan as a reference to a scumbag, and when He Xinyue pointed out that the two cared about each other very much, they gave a close-up.

In short, after watching the first episode, the dog food of Shu Zimu and Qi Yan is definitely one of the biggest memories of the whole show. Shu Zimu looked at the comments on Weibo, and sure enough, the fans had exploded.

The ratings of this episode of "Role Playing" were good as expected by the program group, 0.5 percentage points higher than their basic ratings. The publicity effect of the movie was also good, and the cooperation between the two parties was very satisfactory.

Apart from this variety show, other promotions of "Super Energy Office" also swept in from all aspects, and the momentum was huge. The customer group who would go to the theater to watch movies basically received relevant information. Knowing that this movie has a big investment and a big director, The configuration is excellent and the production is excellent, and it will be officially released soon.

"Super Energy Office" itself is full of topics, the publicity is well done, and the distribution is not bad. Even in the Lunar New Year file where well-known directors and movie stars gather, it also got a very good initial film schedule.

"Super Energy Office" is scheduled to be held on the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month. Many people attended the premiere, and even Mr. Guo showed up with dignity to support Shu Zimu, a closed disciple.

This time the premiere of Xingyue was held in a grand manner, which shows how much attention is paid to it. Qi Yan not only attended the scene with Shu Zimu, but even gave a rare interview on stage.

The media's questions to Qi Yan are naturally about investment, and there are some gossip mixed with him and Shu Zimu's relationship life. Although Qi Yan once admitted on the live broadcast that the acquisition of Xingyue was for Shu Zimu, many people still don't believe this.

Although Xingyue was already dying, the acquisition was still a huge investment, and Qi Yan turned it into a profit in a short period of time after the acquisition. After the drastic reorganization, not only did he sign Yun Hao, who is worth a lot of money, but he also signed tens of millions of endorsements, and the investment in "Blood War Dawn" even raked in 2.5 billion at the box office. As an investor, Xingyue earned almost one billion in this transaction. No matter how rich a person is, it is a bit exaggerated to use a large company like Xingyue as a gift to show affection. Besides, Qi Yan's management results don't seem to be bought as a casual side job.

In general, many people are actually unwilling to believe that Qi Yan bought Xingyue for the sake of Shu Zimu. Although rich people like to contract fish ponds for their love, it is popular among the people to talk about it, but if it is true that Qi Yan spends a lot of money to make his lover happy, but ends up earning so much money casually, that is really too much. Exciting.

In addition, Qi Yan only answered "yes" in the live broadcast at that time, and it was not particularly clear that he was answering this question, so many people refused to believe it.

However, given the opportunity to interview Qi Yan, the reporters couldn't help asking this question again. Of course, they would not be as straightforward as the fans asked, but said: "What is your original intention for entering this industry?"

Qi Yan now has a lot of experience in the matter of showing affection. Hearing this, he replied calmly: "Because my wife has devoted himself to the screenwriting career, I hope I can give him some help."

Qi Yan said that he was tall and "dedicated to the screenwriting career", but in fact, he admitted that he wanted to open the back door for 1 Shu Zimu. After hearing this, everyone was surprised for a while, and soon someone asked again: "Does that mean that Xingyue's resources will be completely tilted towards Mr. Shu's works in the future?"

Qi Yan said without changing his face: "Almost."

The next question followed: "Isn't this unfair to other people?"

The meaning of these two questions is obviously not very friendly, but Qi Yan did not change his color, and said lightly: "Xingyue is basically wholly-owned by me, and the profit and loss only affect me. As long as I don't default on the wages of the employees, I will There is no question of unfairness." Qi Yan paused, and then added: "The inclination only refers to my personal extra investment, and does not mean that it will reduce the funds of other project teams."

Although what Qi Yan said was absolute, even if the funds of other project teams do not decrease, if there is a conflict with Shu Zimu's project, the manpower will probably have to be second best, which will have some impact. It's just that Qi Yan also said that he is wholly-owned. It's not up to others to say what he loves to do with his own money, anyway, he won't default on wages, and he can leave if he doesn't like it.

The reporters were blocked by Qi Yan, and turned to ask Shu Zimu again, wondering what his reaction and opinion was to being sent to a film and television company by Qi Yan, and whether he felt that he was the first screenwriter of "Super Power Office" Suspected of cheating by using relationships.

Shu Zimu looked at Qi Yan when he heard the words, and said with a slight smile: "Reaction? It was unexpected, and also very pleasantly surprised and touched. As for whether he cheated, maybe it doesn't matter. Although I think my ability is sufficient, but another investor, They probably wouldn’t accept an inexperienced rookie like me as the chief screenwriter of a big production. I’m definitely taking advantage of this.”

Everyone was startled when they heard that Shu Zimu admitted to cheating, and they didn't react until they heard the explanation later. Shu Zimu said that he took advantage of it, but he said that he would not let himself be the chief screenwriter. To some extent, it meant that other investors had no vision, and he was obviously confident in his ability. Seeing Shu Zimu's arrogance, the others didn't believe it, they just thought that he was praised so much by the people around him. Even though Shu Zimu is already a well-known best-selling author and was accepted as a disciple by Mr. Guo, in view of his young age and outstanding appearance, others are still used to seeing him as a vase. At this time, seeing that his words were a little arrogant, he couldn't help but continue to question him.

"Don't you think Mr. Qi's approach is too childish? Buying a film and television company casually, and letting a newcomer be the chief screenwriter of a big production." The reporter joked, "Will there be a kind of 'from now on the king won't go to court early? 'a feeling of?"

Regarding this question, Shu Zimu didn't say anything, Qi Yan frowned first and said: "I should only be responsible for my work, and I think the decisions I make are not child's play, and the feedback given to me by the group's revenue is all positive. And it’s a sign of incompetence to blame your lover.”

Shu Zimu touched Qi Yan, without further arguing, just smiled and said: "About this issue, you can watch the premiere before drawing conclusions."

After all, it was the premiere of the movie, and they didn't have too much time to overwhelm the guests, and the interview ended in less than ten minutes. However, after this interview, it was still heavily reported, and even in addition to the entertainment section, many financial publications also published it.

Fortunately, the quality of the "Super Power Office" movie itself is not bad, and the topic is also high, so it won't be overwhelmed by the guests.

"Super Energy Office" is a very standard commercial film. Compared with the previous "Dawn of Blood War", the commercial fast food element is more obvious, and the viewing experience also tends to emphasize special effects and picture effects.

The plot of Shu Zimu's original work is not complicated. It is a story of grass roots rising to save the world. In addition to character creation, the main advantage is a good sense of rhythm and a strong sense of substitution for readers. The sense of substitution is more difficult to achieve in movies. The rhythm is limited to only two hours of movie time, which is somewhat lacking compared to the original. But relatively, the film's visualization of the picture and special effects is considered a supplement.

Most of the film and television adaptations of novels or comics these days are unsatisfactory, but there are also works that are unknown to the public and only became popular after the film and television adaptation. Which one it is depends mainly on the attitude and intention of the producer. Although special effects technology and capital investment will have a great impact on the finished film, they are not the most important. After all, decades ago, when the conditions were difficult and the lack of resources was much more serious than now, there are still many very classic movies and TV shows. Adapted works.

It's just that with the rapid development of the times, people have become impetuous. Not to mention that everyone is only interested in profit, but personal persistence is not as good as capital's pursuit of profit. When everyone else is driven by capital, a few people insist on not considering interests? On the contrary, they will be isolated and eliminated by others. Sometimes it's not that the production team doesn't want to make a good movie, but it's just that the voice is not strong enough. The investors want the script to be more bloody and eye-catching. Most filmmakers are unable to resist behaviors such as production budgets for Taoism and post-production special effects.

Fortunately, "Super Power Office" is not short of funds, and when the funds are sufficient, most people are willing to spend energy to make their works perfect, so the final film effect will naturally not be too bad. In addition, Shu Zimu, the original author, wrote the script and checked the whole process. Not to mention that the filming effect must be excellent, but at least it will not be too far removed from the original work, messy and unintelligible. Under such circumstances, coupled with exquisite pictures and dazzling special effects, "Super Power Office" is enough to score eight points as a popcorn movie.

Many people disapproved of Shu Zimu's words. Although they were generally optimistic about "Super Energy Agency" before, the main reason was not Shu Zimu. Even if he was, it was more because he was the original author than to recognize his screenwriting ability. However, until the end of the movie screening, everyone had to come to a conclusion that Shu Zimu was indeed competent. Although the plot of "Super Power Office" is not particularly amazing, but the rhythm of succession and transition is well handled, and the characters are also well-created. It is definitely a blockbuster commercial film. Don't say it's all due to Shu Zimu, but at least he didn't hold back.

After watching it, the media and film critics present basically felt that this film would definitely make money, it was just a matter of earning more and less. From this point of view, Shu Zimu was right when he said that he was competent, and Qi Yan's decision to cast a movie for him was also right. Even if it's hard to say how much Shu Zimu contributed to the film, at least they have no reason to say that Shu Zimu is a related household and Qi Yan's behavior is child's play. People want to make money, and they probably make a lot of money. If this is still called a decision-making game, how can they embarrass people who may not make so much money in their entire lives, it is simply a child's play all their lives!

As for the statement that Shu Zimu is just a name, and the actual scripts are all written by other people, there are indeed many people who doubt this, but if they dare to make such an argument, they will receive a lawyer's letter in minutes. Without evidence, they dare not touch Qi Yan's brow. There are many things in this circle that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, which makes people doubtful, but Qi Yan's true love for Shu Zimu, after more than a year of various incidents, basically no one doubts it anymore. If it wasn't true love, with Qi Yan's net worth, he took the initiative to show his affection all day long when he was full, and he also took the initiative to publicly admit that it was for Shu Zimu's acquisition of Xingyue, and he was not afraid of the stock prices of other Qi's companies falling.

In short, even if the situation may change in the future, at least now Qi Yan is absolutely sincere to Shu Zimu. Netizens across the screen may still have doubts, but those of them who have seen real people basically won't. I don't know why, when Qi Yan called Shu Zimu a "lover" in a serious manner, everyone present felt that they were forced to eat a mouthful of dog food.

Some of the fans who participated in the premiere were fans who had won tickets. There were not many places, only 20 in total. Among them were fans of actors, fans of the original work, and CP fans of Shu Zimu and Qi Yan. These fans are undoubtedly very excited to be able to attend the premiere. Although the feelings in the process are different, there is no doubt that they are all satisfied. The quality of the finished film is good, and the performance of the actors is naturally not bad. Fans of the actors and fans of the original work can be satisfied. As for the small number of CP fans, they were the most excited, and they posted on Weibo with difficulty concealing their excitement right after the interview.

This fan has followed a lot of CP fans, and when he saw this Weibo, he hurriedly asked:,,

Yet the vented fan was already engrossed in watching the film, not noticing the strong demand for fellow-feelings. Fortunately, after a while, some Internet media have posted Weibo efficiently.