Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 119: Graduation early


In addition to the facial features, Qi Yan and Shu Zimu drew the clothes for the snowman. At a glance, you can immediately tell that the snowman's shape is exactly the same as them. Much better, before going to see the photos taken by Li Wensen, Shu Zimu couldn't help taking many photos and posting them on Weibo and Moments.

The circle of friends soon sounded the sound of likes, and the number of messages on Weibo also increased.

Shu Zimu posted a picture of a snowman around Valentine's Day. The two snowmen in the picture can be seen at a glance, but CP fans are very excited.

Chaomu v: I have worked hard with @琼燕 for three hours, and I suddenly feel that my hands-on ability is still very strong, and I am very artistic

In addition to skiing and watching the ice sculpture exhibition, Shu Zimu and the others experienced various activities such as skating, dog sledding, ice fishing and so on.

After Valentine's Day, the Super Energy Office ended successfully, but Shu Zimu soon started to get busy again. The results of the first film were good, and the second film was launched in full swing. Compared with the first film, there were many more people who wanted to participate in the investment. Shu Zimu also became very popular all of a sudden.

However, in order to ensure absolute control over the film, Qi Yan still rejected other people's investment requests, and only gave important members such as Che Jingyuan, Guo Tao, and Yunhao a small percentage of box office dividends, which was counted as technology investment. At the same time, Shu Zimu also rejected many olive branches with unknown intentions, and concentrated on grinding the script of the second part of "Super Power Office".

In addition, "Returning on a Snowy Night" has also reached the final stage. Shu Zimu was more careful when writing, and it took more time. The plot of "Returning on a Snowy Night" is much more complicated than that of "Super Power Office", with layers of clues, and the relationship between the characters is much more tangled, so the ending is much more difficult. In addition, Shu Zimu is now receiving special attention. If the ending of this book is not well written and the readers are disappointed, it is estimated that those who are not used to his movie making a lot of money will take advantage of it and say that he is exhausted and can only write silk. Xiaobaiwen, watch movies to make money, and start not to treat works with care.

More importantly, besides all kinds of reminders from friends and relatives around him, Mr. Guo is also chasing this book! And Mr. Guo didn't urge the update, he only asked Shu Zimu to write it well, and it's better to spend more time thinking about it. It’s okay to be slower, if you don’t write it well, you have to assign more tasks to Shu Zimu to strengthen training.

For this reason, Shu Zimu had to grit his teeth and try his best to write the ending well. Fortunately, he did not disappoint Mr. Guo or other readers in the end. In the ending, the protagonist's grievances and grievances are all released, he retires after completing his work, and leaves gracefully, walking the world. I even get together with my close friends and linger among the mountains and rivers, leaving only other people's guesses about the return to calm after the turmoil in the rivers and lakes.

Shu Zimu wrote the ending in a seemingly plain and melancholy way, with a clear and timeless taste, but in fact it pretends to be invisible. It looks a bit forced, but also has a refreshing feeling of legends where the protagonists are all in the world. In short, in the end, the protagonist's goal was achieved beautifully, and money, power, fame and wealth are all at his fingertips. Except for the tragic life experience at the beginning, it can be said that he is an absolute winner in life. However, readers still have a little dissatisfaction, that is, the protagonist, as a winner in life, is still single in the end!

However, there is only one point of dissatisfaction among ordinary readers. The CP fans of the protagonist Ye Xin and the supporting role Di Yanbei are different. At the end of "Returning on a Snowy Night", Ye Xin wandered all over the world, while Di Yanbei took over a very powerful organization and became a pivotal figure in the world. The two have a deep friendship, but most of the time they are separated from each other, and it is rare to meet once a year.

CP fans feel that the two of them in Shu Zimu's pen are completely in a two-way crush, just a layer of window paper, and they can't do without each other. And I am used to the state where the two are almost inseparable in the previous plots, so of course I will not be happy about the situation of true love CP living apart in different places. However, CP fans also have a sense of proportion. They know that "Returning on a Snowy Night" is set to have no CP, so they didn't expect the two of them to really pierce the window paper and directly change the attributes of the text. It's just that they all thought that in the end, Ye Xin and Di Yanbei would take over the organization and rebuild the order of the martial arts, but in the end, the two were separated, so they were naturally a little dissatisfied.

Although this kind of dissatisfaction is full of sorrow when it is expressed, it is also accompanied by the maintenance of the book and the characters, and it still seems that love is deeper than pain.

After the end of "Returning on a Snowy Night", Shu Zimu didn't start another article immediately, because he was still very busy, busy writing scripts, and busy with class and homework.

The box office of "Super Energy Office" is very good. Shu Zimu's professional teachers may not have signed works with such a high box office. Therefore, although Shu Zimu is still a student, his state in school is actually a bit detached. The teachers do not regard him as a student, but as a colleague with excellent grades and a bright future. His classmates either looked up to or were jealous of him, and it became more and more difficult to get along with him normally. In addition, with a private teacher like Mr. Guo, there is actually no need for Shu Zimu to learn more about the school’s classroom knowledge, and the people in the school who want to curry favor with Shu Zimu one after another in order to obtain resources and contacts also let him It's too much trouble.

Under such circumstances, Shu Zimu decided to complete the credits this year and graduate early.

In fact, Shu Zimu can also drop out of school directly, which will basically have no impact on his future career development, but Mr. Guo does not agree with him dropping out of school, and believes that doing things must be done from the beginning to the end. Shu Zimu thought that he had no chance to go to college in his previous life, and this time he had such a change, it would be good to take a souvenir, so he chose to work hard for several months with a full schedule.

Fortunately, Shu Zimu can get some special treatment, and the teacher has relaxed his attendance standards, otherwise Shu Zimu really can't take more than 20 classes at the same time.

In class, I write scripts and analyze scripts, and I have to write scripts at other times. After all, the second part of "Super Energy Office" is still waiting for him, and thanks to Shu Zimu's perseverance, when I feel headaches and have no inspiration for writing, I will harass Qi Yan, or toss Xuexue, who was getting rounder and weaker in weight loss, was able to persevere in a decent state.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was the Ching Ming Festival holiday, and Qi Yan and Shu Zimu went to worship Shu Qing. When they returned to the Qi family's main house, they accidentally ran into Jian Hongshen in the courtyard who hadn't seen him for a long time.

This was the first time that Jian Hongshen came back after going to Country L. His relationship with his family was so-so, so he didn't even return to China during the Chinese New Year. Qi Yan and Shu Zimu haven't seen him face to face since their trip to country l last summer.

Jian Hongshen didn't know about Qi Yan's return this time, so he was a little surprised to see him, but since he hadn't seen him for a long time, he naturally wanted to find time to get together. Yun Hao joined the filming crew and was not in the capital, so Shu Zimu didn't participate in it either. He worked on the script at home, leaving room for Qi Yan, Xu Chi and Jian Hongshen.

However, the four of them still had a meal together that day. Shu Zimu found that Jian Hongshen seemed to be in a bad mood. Shen's expression obviously changed.

Now everyone can see that there may be a problem between Jian Hongshen and Jonathan, and Jian Hongshen is probably in a bad mood because of this.

Xu Chi realized that he might have said something wrong, so he quickly took the topic off the table and didn't talk about it again. The few of them worked hard to create a relaxed atmosphere to finish the meal.

However, Jian Hongshen did not intend to keep his affairs a secret from Qi Yan and Xu Chi, and he opened his mouth to explain the reason after Shu Zimu left.

Jonathan's father wanted him to marry his partner's daughter and had already decided on an engagement. As Jonathan's current boyfriend, Jian Hongshen didn't know about this until Jonathan's prospective fiancee rushed to him, threw the ambiguous photo of her and Jonathan on his face, and arrogantly humiliated him, saying that he You can continue to maintain a relationship with Jonathan, but remember that you are a guy who can't get on the stage, don't try to climb on top of her and grab her property.

Only then did Jian Hongshen learn that Jonathan was going to be engaged to someone, and he was scolded by the prospective fiancee, so he called Jonathan back and said he had something to talk to him about. In the end, Jonathan said that he couldn't leave because of something, so Jian Hongshen hung up the phone and directly booked a ticket to return home.