Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 124: Dream back


Xue Zimu's news is not difficult to find out. The Xue family belongs to the family who will die if they do many unrighteous deeds. Although Qi Yan has not targeted them in this world, they still suffer the consequences after lingering for so many years. Because of doing too many evil things, after the accidents that caused casualties due to poor product quality were exposed, other negative news also broke out, and soon completely collapsed and was unable to turn around. The angry public condemned him verbally and in writing. As the incidents of the Xue family cutting corners and the Xue family's corruption and bending the law were exposed one by one, the media became more active and continued to dig deep into the black spots of the Xue family. Xue Zimu is One of the biggest victims they dug up.

In order to highlight the odiousness of the Xue family, the media dug up and reported Xue Zimu's entire life experience, writing his life clearly. Of course, the focus of the report was on the entanglement between him and the Xue family. There were not many details, but you can find out by following the pictures. to the required information. Because the Xue family's affairs were quite troublesome, many people used it as a topic of conversation, and some people in the know didn't object when they were asked about these matters.

Although I don't know why Qi Yan suddenly asked for Xue Zimu's information, the person who received the task collected the information very completely, so as not to dissatisfy the boss because he didn't find the point that needs attention. Of course, time was running out, and they tried their best to find more detailed information about Xue Zimu's coming to Beijing, but they couldn't go to W City to research Xue Zimu's life in the first 18 years.

Qi Yan stood in front of the cold and dazzling tombstone until sunset before leaving the cemetery because of this information. When he got the documents and went home, he faced the worried gazes of Bai Xinlan and Qi Minghui.

Knowing that Qi Yan actually went to the cemetery for a day, Bai Xinlan had to wonder if her son had suddenly been bewitched. Qi Yan never needed her to worry about it, but now she was terrified by something abnormal once, and she called Qi Minghui over. Bai Xinlan didn't believe in fortune-telling at first, and after Qi Yan and Qu Fei divorced, she took it as nonsense. However, Qi Yan's behavior is really weird now, and Bai Xinlan couldn't help but become suspicious. Qi Yan suddenly cared about Xue Zimu so much, could it be that this person is really the right peach blossom he missed

In any case, seeing Qi Yan's sad appearance that she had never seen before, Bai Xinlan felt strongly dissatisfied with Xue Zimu. Even if it's Zhengtaohua, if she misses it, she can't torment her son like this.

Bai Xinlan was dissatisfied and anxious, but Qi Yan didn't have the energy to deal with it at this time. He nodded when he saw his parents, and immediately went back to his room to read the materials alone.

The information is organized very clearly, and the beginning is the summary. Qi Yan glanced over, and soon saw the words "confirmed death". He was in a trance for a while, and turned to the detailed description of this part with an indiscernible mood, and read it word by word, and finally couldn't continue to deceive himself.

He really has no chance to see each other again.

Qi Yan put down the materials and closed his eyes. The boundless sadness surrounded him like a sea, which almost made him feel suffocated. His heart and brain seemed to be on strike, and his physical and psychological functions were in chaos. Only one thought is very clear—

If only it were just a dream.

Qi Yan couldn't help hoping so much. It would be great if I could see Shu Zimu lying beside him when I opened my eyes.

However, Qi Yan dared not open his eyes. He can still convince himself when he closes his eyes, but once he faces the reality, he may have to admit that everything in his imagination is just a fantasy, and the beautiful scene in his memory is the real dream.

Qi Yan has always disapproved of people who escape from reality, but now he wants to escape from reality more strongly than anyone else.

Until Bai Xinlan and Qi Minghui came up to ask worriedly, Qi Yan had to open his eyes. Sure enough, nothing has changed, he has not returned to the ten years ago in his memory, and the handwriting of "confirmed death" on the investigation materials has not changed.

"Ayan, are you alright?" Bai Xinlan looked at her son who had suddenly withered a lot overnight, and said cautiously, "Don't worry about anything, you can talk to your parents."

Qi Yan was silent for a while, stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and said in a normal tone as much as possible: "Mom, I'm fine, just let me stay alone for a while."

Bai Xinlan was about to ask back, "Do you seem to be okay", but when she saw a trace of crystal water slipping down from Qi Yan's palm, she was shocked and forgot what she wanted to say.

Bai Xinlan didn't ask anything from Qi Yan in the end, just like what he said, he stayed alone for a while without being disturbed, and then he seemed to return to normal, as if everything that happened this day was just a small accident , don't care.

However, behind his seemingly normal background, he frantically collected information and materials about Xue Zimu, changed a better cemetery for the other party and left a place next to him, put various utensils at home as doubles, and shot to let the prison Among them, the Xue family's situation has worsened and other behaviors, which make people clearly realize that Qi Yan is not really all right. It's just that he has always been unwilling to talk about it, and it's the same with his closest family and friends. He maintains a seemingly normal life, but his heart has become a wilderness.

Suddenly ten years later, his lover is gone, but he still has family and friends, so he can't simply leave this world with him. So Qi Yan could only use more work to numb himself. When he was really uncomfortable, he would go to the cemetery for a few hours, or go to W City to see the schools Shu Zimu had attended and the places he had stayed.

He personally went to find someone who had known Xue Zimu, and restored and searched for the other person's life from childhood to adulthood; he found some relics of the other party, carefully sorted out the treasures, and put them by his side to accompany him to sleep; He bought the copyright of several works of the other party, invested in the production, and wanted others to remember the other party more and recognize his talent.

When he falls asleep every day, he hopes to wake up and return to ten years ago, or even if he just returns to Xue Zimu before he passed away, he will be satisfied, but such an idea is always just a wish.

Except for Shu Zimu's life trajectory, most of this world has not changed much from Qi Yan's initial memory. Yun Hao here did not meet and become friends with Xue Zimu, but he met Xu Chi by accident a few years later, and the two gradually grew up. affection. And another friend of his, Jian Hongshen, also achieved a positive result with Jonathan after years of entanglement.

All in all, only the script he got was an irreparable tragedy.

Qi Yan recalled over and over again the relationship between him and Shu Zimu in his memory, and took the trouble to sketch each other's appearance in his heart, so that after a long time, he still didn't forget anything, as if he could still imagine the appearance of the other party lying beside him when he closed his eyes .

He seems to be very good, working hard, making Qi's business more and more prosperous. Although he treats other people more and more honestly, he is the diamond king who many people covet. Only those close to him know that he is actually overdrawing his body.

Qi Yan didn't want to talk more about Xue Zimu, and he rejected the men and women who came together more and more. Until everyone around him had made a partner, he was still alone, and he seemed to have died of grief. Relatives and friends were worried about his state, but because of his attitude, they dared not say much. Instead, they could only acquiesce in Qi Yan's concern for Xue Zimu.

At first they hoped that Qi Yan could meet someone else they liked and get out of that desperate psychology, but then they only hoped that he could take care of his health and not give up on himself, and rushed to find Xue Zimu.

Qi Yan didn't deliberately destroy her body, but because she often suffered from insomnia, she simply let herself work without sleeping or eating. Not surprisingly, a few years later, at the meeting, he suddenly had a sweet throat, spit out a mouthful of scarlet blood, and was sent to the operating table.

The anesthetic made Qi Yan's thinking chaotic, and he didn't know how many times he had the idea of hoping to see Shu Zimu after waking up, until he completely lost consciousness.

Then he woke up to the loud ringing of his phone.

How could someone let their phone be so loud in his hospital room

Qi Yan frowned unconsciously, and then he heard a voice coming from his ear. It was just a soft hum, but it froze Qi Yan's body and mind like a bolt from the blue, but the deep-rooted strong desire made him open his eyes impatiently, for fear that what he heard just now was just his own hallucination.

His eyes blurred for a moment, and then he saw the top of a head poking with tufts of stupid hair. The dull master buried his face in the quilt and made a dissatisfied sound, as if he couldn't be bothered by the loud bell.

Qi Yan stared blankly at the top of that cute head, and forgot to breathe for a while.

After a while, after confirming that it was not his own hallucination, his limbs regained consciousness, his eyes widened, and he stretched out his hand cautiously to touch the other party.

And the person who was finally too noisy by the ringtone to continue to ignore him also lifted the quilt and poked his head out, reaching past Qi Yan to reach for the mobile phone on the bedside table.

Qi Yan saw the beautiful face that was always deeply engraved in his mind, and felt the other person's movement of approaching and clinging, his mind was rumbling, and he could hardly hear the noisy bell from the outside world.

He paused the hand that was stretched out cautiously, and then pressed the person into his arms forcefully.

Shu Zimu didn't notice Qi Yan's expression, he half stood up and leaned over to get the phone, but just as his hand was about to touch the screen, it was a little crooked because of Qi Yan's pressing, and it hit the hangup.

Seeing that the call was from Xu Chi, Shu Zimu probably wanted to talk about Jian Hongshen and Jonathan, so he said to Qi Yan: "Xu Chi called, you caused me to hang up accidentally, hurry up and give someone Call." Shu Zimu was about to break free from Qi Yan's shackles before going to get the phone, but found that the other party was still holding him tightly, and did not intend to let go. Even his struggle was exchanged for a stronger confinement.

"What's wrong?" Shu Zimu felt something was wrong.

Qi Yan didn't speak, but just let the two stick close together, breathing each other's breath, almost wanting to melt the person into his body, and confirm the existence of the other party in the simplest way.

The familiar warm touch in his arms made Qi Yan's eyes sore in an instant. Even if it was just a dream, he was reluctant to let go of his hands.