Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 126: Prepare


When Xu Chi heard the voice on the phone change from standby to busy, he couldn't help wondering if he had interrupted Qi Yan's good deed. When he looked back at the two people in the room again, he felt that the top of his head was shining like a shining light bulb, and he couldn't help but miss Yun Hao more and more for a while.

It was Jian Hongshen and Jonathan in the room. Jonathan was lying on the bed with all his sufferings, enjoying the treatment of a patient, and being taken care of by Jian Hongshen. Although Jian Hongshen still looked a little awkward, he did not reject Jonathan, and his worry prevailed. The two reconciled smoothly.

Following Shu Zimu's suggestion, Jonathan stayed outside Xu Chi's house overnight. He hadn't rested for more than 20 hours, even though the floor felt cold and hard sitting against the wall, Jonathan still couldn't help dozing off. In order to make a good use of his tricks, he also took off his coat on purpose, so when he woke up in a daze, he soon felt that his nose was a little blocked. As for the drowsy brain, he has been suffering from lack of sleep, and he couldn't tell if it was because of a cold.

Only an hour had passed, and Jonathan felt that he was showing signs of illness, so he put on his coat, so as not to be discovered by Jian Hongshen that he was deliberately using bitter tricks. But a thin coat couldn't keep out the mid-spring night chill, and when the morning light dawned, his stuffy nose and dizziness inevitably became severe.

Jonathan originally wanted to wait for Chaoyang to fully appear, and then knock on the door with a sincere gesture to explain. However, there are always many accidents in life. When the sky just dawned, the cleaning staff in the corridor started to work hard. But when he saw Jonathan sitting awkwardly in front of Xu Chi's house, Uncle Cleaning immediately showed doubts.

Even though Jonathan was dressed expensively, he was still a blond foreigner, without the wretched temperament of a thief and hooligan, the cleaning uncle still asked him a few words very bluntly. After Jonathan defended himself, saying that he really knew the owner but didn't want to disturb anyone, so he had to wait a while before knocking on the door, the uncle didn't lower his doubts. Instead, he looked at him with unbelievable eyes, making Jonathan feel as if he was trapped Think of it as a neurosis.

Although the uncle felt that there might be something wrong with Jonathan, he still didn't drive him away directly. Instead, he suggested that he go to the infirmary or go to the security room downstairs. However, Jonathan wanted to use bitter tactics, so naturally he couldn't cut corners on this issue, so he naturally refused.

His refusal immediately made the uncle more suspicious, thinking that although Jonathan looks like a dog, maybe he has a special habit, likes to pick people's locks for nothing, otherwise why must he stay here, it is freezing Trembling and still not moving. He heard that some people are kleptomaniacs. Although they are not short of money, they just like to steal things. This man might be like that. Otherwise, if you really want to get to know the owner, just make a phone call and walk in. Even if you don’t want to disturb others, there’s no reason to just stand outside the door and wait. Find a convenience store or something nearby, where you can’t stay.

The uncle decided that there was something wrong with Jonathan, and on the surface agreed that he would continue to guard here, but actually turned around and called the security guard. Jonathan came in the middle of the night, and he was noticed by the security guard on duty, but he entered the building with the password Qi Yan told him, and he seemed to be a rich man, so the security guard didn't have much doubt. There is only one household on each floor here, and the monitoring area only covers the entrance of the floor. The security guards didn't expect Jonathan to stay outside the door all night, and they couldn't help becoming suspicious when they learned about the situation.

Although the security guard felt that Jonathan just staying outside the door for most of the night did not seem like something criminals would do, it was more like a brain problem, but out of professional ethics, he still strongly demanded that Jonathan leave immediately. It's not good to be scared either.

The previous steps were going well, but the critical moment was approaching, but the plan was suddenly disrupted. Jonathan felt very helpless. His cold brain prevented him from communicating clearly and orderly with the suspicious security guards. However, He insisted on not leaving at the request of the other party. Although he could have made a phone call to Jian Hongshen to dispel the security guard's suspicion, but Jonathan's increasingly unclear mind still had one most persistent thought—

In order to achieve the best results in this marriage proposal, which has lacked all kinds of elaborate arrangements and romantic designs, all behaviors that may affect this point must be resolutely avoided.

Therefore, Jonathan insisted on refusing to contact Jian Hongshen or Xu Chi, and did not leave at the request of the security guard, so the security guard had no choice but to do it. However, even though Jonathan was in a state of being tired, weak and dizzy with a cold, relying on the usual skills of his body memory, he still did not lose the wind when facing the security guard who seemed much thicker than him, and instead subdued him. The uncle cleaning at the side was startled, and immediately held up a mop to come up to help, but was stopped by the security guards and asked him to hurry up and call other people over. For a while, this scene felt a bit like a righteous team fighting against a villain.

Fortunately, the farce didn't last long. They knocked on the door a few times during the fight. Although the noise was not too loud, Jian Hongshen, who was insomnia, noticed it. Jian Hongshen and Xu Chi didn't fall asleep until after three o'clock in the morning. Xu Chi was really fast asleep, but Jian Hongshen only squinted for a while under the exhaustion of his body, and woke up not long after. Noticing some strange movement outside the door, Jian Hongshen hesitated for a moment, then got up and decided to take a look.

It has to be said that Jian Hongshen came in time. When he looked out the door through the cat's eyes, the security reinforcements had arrived and were about to use the electric shock baton on the stubbornly resisting Jonathan.

When Jian Hongshen saw Jonathan, he was surprised and surprised, a little pleasantly surprised, but also with some anxiety and worry, which can be described as mixed. In his first reaction, he grabbed the doorknob and wanted to open the door, but he hesitated the next moment.

However, when he saw the situation outside the door again, all his original complicated thoughts were immediately thrown behind him. He hurriedly opened the door, stretched out his hand to pull Jonathan, and at the same time shouted to the uniformed security guards: "Wait!"

Everyone's movements stopped. Jonathan's eyes lit up when he saw Jian Hongshen. He called out to the other party happily, and looked at him fixedly, with a strong nasal voice in his voice.

Jian Hongshen was very nervous about the current situation. He didn't pay attention to Jonathan for the time being. He just kept him behind and asked the security guards who were facing the enemy: "May I ask what happened?"

The security guards were stunned when they saw Jian Hongshen protecting Jonathan. After looking at each other, the security guard who came first said suspiciously: "This gentleman stayed at your door all night. We asked him to contact the head of the household, but he refused. Suggesting him to go to the security room to wait for him is not willing. This gentleman even made a move, so we regard him as a criminal."

Jian Hong was taken aback when he heard the words, "Stayed all night?"

"Yes, he came at one o'clock in the morning, and he has stayed on this floor until now. It was only discovered by the cleaning staff when cleaning. We asked him to knock on the door or go to other places first, but he was unwilling." The security guard said Thinking that this seemed to be a misunderstanding, in order to prevent their conscientiousness from turning into a bad thing, he thought for a while and added: "This gentleman seems to have caught a cold. We are also worried that something will happen to him. We suggest that he go to a warm place and wait." , but he insists on not leaving. If you do know this gentleman, then we can rest assured."

Jian Hong was even more surprised when he heard what the security guard said, and couldn't help but look at Jonathan. Sure enough, he looked haggard and his breathing was a little rough, and his mind was spinning for a while. But he still explained to the security first: "He is my... friend, not a bad guy, don't worry."

The security guards were dissatisfied in their hearts that Jonathan had caused such a trouble by messing around, but on the surface they had to apologize to him instead, lest the owner pursue them for possible personal injury to their friends. Fortunately, Jian Hongshen didn't make trouble for them. Instead, he apologized to them on behalf of Jonathan, and then helped him into the house.

Although Jian Hongshen couldn't let Jian Hongshen see him staying at the door lonely, but after seeing Jian Hongshen, Jonathan didn't bother to be upset, and only thought about how to explain to Jian Hongshen that there was a marriage proposal. To make the other party more satisfied. It's just that his increasingly drowsy mind has lost the ability to organize colorful language, and he has even forgotten the lines that he had thought about many times before, leaving only the most crucial and straightforward sentences, which he used Speak out in an excited and eager tone.

"I refused the marriage from the very beginning, and my father also accepted it, and didn't insist that I marry that Beryl. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you, but I just think it's a small matter that has been resolved , there is no need to say anything to make you unhappy." Jonathan held Jian Hongshen's hand tightly, unwilling to let go at all, and looked at him with piercing eyes, "I've been a little busy these days, so I didn't take care of you It's all my fault for feeling, but I really don't know that Beryl well, it's just a group of people having a meal together, I don't even remember what she looks like, and I will never marry her. Believe me, I will not marry anyone else casually, even if my father asks me not. In our family, what my mother says counts. My mother agrees that we are together, so don’t worry, there will be no one except you There are others. What Beryl said was all lies, I blamed me for not paying attention to her, and gave her a chance to lie to you. I made you angry, I'm sorry."

Jonathan's voice had a distinct nasal sound, and he was still a little weak. The symptoms of a cold were very obvious. Jian Hongshen felt that his hands were completely cold. Thinking that the other party just stayed outside the door for several hours, neither knocking nor knocking. Willing to go, the complex emotions that came from the moment I saw him before suddenly became more intense. But although these feelings are mixed with good and bad, so complicated that he can hardly tell them apart, the state of surprise still prevails in the end.

Having not received a call from Jonathan for a long time, Jian Hongshen became more and more disappointed and depressed. However, when he found him outside his door, his mood that had fallen to the bottom suddenly ushered in a huge rebound. Realizing that the other party didn't solve the problem by phone, but directly chased after him across a long distance, Jian Hongshen instantly felt the happiness of being valued. But there is no doubt that this rare sense of happiness is still there. As long as it is not explicitly denied, it cannot be destroyed.

Because of Jonathan's unexpected situation, Jian Hongshen didn't have time to think about how to settle his emotions. After solving the misunderstanding with the security guard, Jonathan's illness occupied his thoughts again. The other party has bloodshot eyes, obvious dark circles, some wrinkled clothes, and abnormal breathing and voice. While he can't help worrying, he is also surprised and looking forward to the guess that brings happiness. And a little more uncontrollably.

He expects this guess to be affirmed by the other party, but he is also afraid that the other party's answer is not what he wants.

However, Jonathan did not wait for him to hesitate to make an inquiry, and took the initiative to confirm his guess, and even gave an answer that was more pleasant than he had imagined. Even though the other party's words were a bit incoherent, even though he still couldn't help worrying whether it was just a sweet talk, but looking at Jonathan's appearance and thinking that the other party came across the ocean in a short period of time, Jian Hongshen felt that he His suspicion is likely to be desecrating the other party's mind.

Jonathan grasped his cold but sweaty hand, which truly confirmed the nervousness and eagerness of the other party. Jian Hongshen couldn't help but feel that even if there was such a slight possibility, these were just the other party's usual tricks to coax people. I don't have the heart to doubt it anymore.

He is willing to let go of his feelings once, to give himself and the other party a chance.

Jian Hong opened his mouth deeply, and was about to say "I believe in you", but he didn't want Jonathan's behavior to be more unexpected than him in the next moment.

"Actually, I originally planned to arrange for you to meet my mother recently, but I have been busy these days, so I didn't arrange it well. I have been hiding it from you before, which probably made you worry. In fact, I am preparing for a marriage proposal these days. .”

When Jian Hong heard the words, he was so shocked that his mind went blank for a moment, but he saw that Jonathan didn't give him any time to react, and then supported his weak body, and quickly knelt down on one knee. Such a sudden movement made him a little dizzy, but after he closed his eyes for a moment to relax, he immediately took out the ring he had prepared a long time ago, raised it up and asked eagerly and solemnly: "Hongshen, I want you Be my partner, okay?"

Jian Hongshen was really stunned this time. He never expected that the purpose of Jonathan's trip was not only to resolve the previous misunderstanding, but also to propose a marriage proposal. This was completely beyond his expectation. Not only the time and place of the proposal, but also the fact that Jonathan proposed to him made Jian Hong deeply unbelievable.

But the fact is right in front of his eyes, even if he didn't even expect such a scene before, he has to confirm that this thing really happened, Jonathan is proposing to him, asking him for a real reciprocal promise A lifetime commitment.

Jian Hong deeply felt that the sense of happiness that was valued was infinitely expanded in his heart because of this sudden accident, crowding out all the worries and doubts that had no place to stand, and this kind of emotion gave him more than all the previous ones. The vitality of his heart makes it beat fast and powerfully, spreading the sweet-smelling blood throughout his body.

Jian Hongshen felt a little dizzy all over himself. Although Jonathan is not glamorous at all now, and his handsome appearance is greatly compromised by the exhaustion and discomfort that cannot be concealed by his body, in Jian Hongshen's world, the other party is full of dust and dust. The appearance is extraordinarily shiny, and the voice that is hoarse due to the cold is also more beautiful than ever.

His heart was pounding, and the noisy but happy thoughts in his head seemed to soar into the sky, but his body couldn't react for a while, and he just stared at Jonathan blankly.

Although Jonathan spoke bluntly, there was still anxiety in his drowsy mind. He was not satisfied with such a simple and rough marriage proposal, he just acted according to the matter, and there was no other way to do it now. After blurting out the marriage proposal, his heart beat faster than Jian Hongshen's, and the rapid drum beat showed that he was as nervous as if he was on the battlefield. Seeing that Jian Hongshen didn't respond, Jonathan felt that life was like years.

Because of the emotional overwhelm, coupled with the posture of kneeling on one knee, his body was overwhelmed by the flu virus, and Jonathan felt a blur in front of his eyes.

The body was sounding the alarm, Jonathan felt this, he grasped Jian Hongshen's hand almost instinctively, and put the ring on his ring finger without waiting for the other party's reaction, then his eyes went dark, and he was satisfied fainted.

Jian Hongshen's emotions in this short period of time had several sudden changes, ups and downs, and with his character, he had to digest everything alone for a while, but Jonathan didn't give him such an opportunity, and the shocks came one after another. He couldn't stop and think at all.

Seeing that Jonathan had fainted, Jian Hongshen immediately didn't have the time to think about Jonathan's forced marriage proposal, so he hurriedly supported him to check his condition.

Jonathan didn't cut corners at all in his bitter plan. Not only did he catch a cold, but he also had a fever at this time. Jian Hongshen put him half-supported and half-embraced on the sofa, stretched out his hand to test his forehead, felt a burst of hot temperature, quickly used a wet towel to cool him down, then went to find a thermometer to measure his temperature, and then found a cooler to cool him down. Burn medicine and cold medicine.

Jonathan was familiar with Xu Chi's home, but Jian Hongshen didn't know where the little things in the cabinet were. He searched the cabinets in the living room and kitchen, but when he couldn't find them, he had to knock on the door to wake Xu Chi up. Chi.

Because he slept too late, Xu Chi slept very soundly this time, and the sound insulation of the house was good, so he was not woken up. Although he felt a little disturbed in a daze, he turned over and fell asleep immediately.

When he was completely awakened by the knock on the door, Xu Chi's head still hurt because he didn't get enough sleep. After he answered Jian Hongshen's question about where the medicine cabinet was in a daze, he saw Jonathan in the living room, and for some reason he felt a worse headache...

Xu Chi finally understood the situation from Jian Hongshen with a headache. Compared with Jian Hongshen who seemed very distressed, he was more keenly aware of the possibility that Jonathan was playing tricks. However, seeing the ring on Jian Hongshen's hand and his mental state, which was obviously much better than before, although he was still worried about Jonathan, Xu Chi still did not become a villain, and his dissatisfaction with Jonathan was also reduced.

Knowing that to propose marriage, it is not enough to treat Jian Hongshen as a lover who is just for fun.

Jonathan was in a coma for a moment, and woke up not long after. After waking up, his first reaction was to look for Jian Hongshen. After seeing the other party sitting beside him, his eyes immediately moved to the other party's left hand.

In his memory, he put the ring on the other party. I don't know if it was imagined by him, or maybe Jian Hongshen didn't want to accept it, and took it off after he put it on forcibly.

Jonathan looked over anxiously, and saw a shining ring without much effort, and was immediately pleasantly surprised.

Although Jian Hongshen didn't give him an answer, he put on the ring forcibly, but since the other party didn't take it off, he must have accepted his proposal, right

Jian Hongshen really meant that. Seeing Jonathan's obviously relieved and joyful look after seeing him, his heart that has melted a lot became more and more emotional.

After spending a lot of effort to settle Jonathan, Jian Hongshen finally had some space to think about what happened. In a short period of time, he thought a lot, thinking of the unexpected and absurd beginning between them, and then the sweetness like a mirage There are also huge differences in personality and identity. In the process of recalling these, he inevitably had the worries he had before, but when he saw the dazzling ring on his ring finger, all of them collapsed in an instant, leaving only a little dust. And when he saw Jonathan who was sick, he thought of what had happened in the past few minutes, and the remaining dust had been cleaned out, and everything looked brand new.

For the first time, he recognized Jonathan's intentions, and how could he refuse such a precious intention.

Jian Hongshen has a restrained personality and doesn't show his emotions very much. Now that he is touched by Jonathan, he is too embarrassed to take the initiative to get close to him. Although he was happy in his heart, on the surface he felt a little awkward towards Jonathan's eager gaze, and calmed down his tone, not mentioning the marriage proposal, but only talking about the other party's illness.

"Your fever is almost thirty-nine degrees. I don't know if your throat is inflamed. The fever is a bit serious. If you don't cool down after taking medicine for a few hours, you have to see a doctor..."

Jonathan was not distracted by him. Although his throat was obviously sore, he still looked at him firmly, and asked regardless of the pain, "You accepted my marriage proposal, didn't you?"

"... Well, yes, I agree." Jian Hongshen was a little embarrassed, but under Jonathan's eagerly looking eyes, he still gave him the answer he wanted to hear.

Jonathan's eyes burned instantly upon hearing this, almost melting Jian Hongshen. He seemed to be overly excited, and almost wanted to jump up and run a few laps, but Jian Hongshen pushed him back anyway, and said in a stern tone that the patient should take a good rest.

Jonathan now only feels relaxed all over, the dizziness from a cold and fever has been beautified by him into a blissful pleasure, and Jian Hongshen's words are even sweeter to his ears, every word is like heavenly music.

He obediently took medicine and drank water according to the request of the other party, but his eyes followed the other party excitedly. Jian Hongshen was inexplicably embarrassed by him, but he still resisted the urge to avoid him and took care of him wholeheartedly.

The two people who had misunderstood deeply an hour ago now seemed to have become a pair of dog food wholesalers.

It can be seen that Shu Zimu's idea to Jonathan has to be said to be very useful. Although there was a small accident during the implementation process, the result is still very good.

Xu Chi, who bears the brunt of the dog food, was a little bit stuck. He thought that Jonathan must have inquired about Jian Hongshen in advance when he knew that he came to his house to find Jian Hongshen, and the person who could give him information, except Qi Yan, would not think of him, so he called. After a phone call, I will report the progress after verifying. In the end, he didn't want to get through the phone, and it seemed that he was stuffed with dog food in disguise.

Xu Chi sighed melancholy, seeing that one of the two young girls got married early and the other was proposed, but he alone, considering Yun Hao's professional nature, didn't know how long he would have to maintain the underground relationship.

Xu Chi struggled for a moment, but soon regained his mood. The relationship between him and Yun Hao is very good, and the underground relationship is just a little bit harder, and it is nothing to make a little sacrifice for the other party's career.

A dream lasted almost a lifetime, and it took Shu Zimu and Qi Yan a long time to escape from it relying on each other's company. When Qi Yan called Xu Chi back, he immediately got complaints from the other party: "It's not good to hurt your body so early in the morning."

Qi Yan was silent for a while, ignored his teasing, and asked, "Where is Jonathan?"

"Yes, the level has been perfectly cleared." Xu Chi asked, "You sent Jonathan here?"

"He came to Beijing to find me first." Qi Yan briefly explained the situation to Xu Chi. After hearing this, Xu Chi couldn't help admiring, "Sister-in-law is very capable, I think the problems between the two of them are almost solved now."

"Well, what you said is correct." Qi Yan and You You replied proudly, and then said that they will pass in a while.

The two quickly went to Xu Chi's house to see the situation and visit the doctor. They intercepted the part where Shu Zimu suggested that Jonathan use bitter tricks, and told Jian Hongshen everything else.

Jian Hongshen is no longer as worried about his relationship with Jonathan as before. Now that he heard that Jonathan was worried and entangled before, and didn't know how to explain the proposal, he felt more at ease.

This time, Jonathan was blessed by misfortune. He successfully solved the problem and successfully proposed. He also got Jian Hongshen's careful care of him because of a minor illness.

Both Qi Yan and Xu Chi couldn't see him like that, especially Qi Yan, thinking that he had never made a successful marriage proposal, became more and more stimulated and had the idea of making up for Shu Zimu's marriage proposal.

But before that, Qi Yan still couldn't let go of what happened in the dream. First of all, he had to deal with the Xue family that made him most worried.

Qi Yan and Shu Zimu haven't paid attention to the Xue family for a long time. Since the Xue family declared bankruptcy, Xue Li was imprisoned, and Xue Lin and Xue Yu had accidents one after another, they haven't heard from them at all. Now Qi Yan had someone investigate the current situation of the Xue family again, and found that the situation of the Xue family had unexpectedly changed a little. Xue Li's mistress gave birth to a son, and then threw the son at the door of Yao Yue's house.

Xue Li was imprisoned, and Yao Yue took what little property he had left to take care of his son and daughter whose illnesses never got better. After Xue Yu was paralyzed, he couldn't take care of himself at all, and even tried to commit suicide. Although he was rescued, his health was even worse, almost lingering on his last breath. And Xue Lin was in a state of confusion, immersed in her own world every day, and hardly communicated with the outside world. Yao Yue was physically and mentally exhausted, and she aged more than ten years in a short period of time, and she no longer looked like the once proud and luxurious lady.

The fact that Xue Li had a mistress outside was exposed during the liquidation of the Xue family's bankruptcy property. All the properties Xue Li bought for his mistress were recovered. Although Yao Yue knew that Xue Li had a mistress, although he was angry, but because of the two children The situation is also powerless to care about. If it was changed to before, she would definitely have a big fight with Xue Li, and then give that shameless mistress a lesson, but now, she doesn't even bother to see that mistress, and just sarcastically indifferently when she visits Xue Li A few words.

Although she and Xue Li have been together and in love for nearly twenty years, as the so-called husband and wife are birds in the same forest, they fly separately when disaster strikes, or it should be said that poor and lowly couples mourn everything. The wealthy family became the poor people, and the relationship between the two naturally produced many cracks. Although Xue Li was cheated in bankruptcy and smuggling, it has something to do with him. Now that Xue Li is in prison, he is no longer the backbone of the Xue family. Xue Lin and Xue Yu have accidents one after another. I didn't have the strength to care about him any more, instead I complained more and more without knowing it.

Knowing that Xue Li raised a mistress outside and gave her a lot of things, Yao Yue no longer expected him.

It's just that she didn't expect that this mistress was pregnant, and even after giving birth to the child, she left him at the door of her house, saying that it was a child of the Xue family, and that it should be raised by the Xue family.

How could Yao Yue raise an illegitimate child for Xue Li. Her child can only live in the hospital with no future to speak of, but Xue Li has a new healthy son. Yao Yue felt dazzling when looking at the white and tender baby, and almost wanted to strangle this little thing to death. It's just that Yao Yue didn't dare to do it herself, especially for Xue Lin and Xue Yu. In addition to scientific treatment, she also tried everything that prayed to God and Buddha. Although it was only a psychological comfort, Yao Yue didn't dare to let herself be touched. The crime of murder. So she just threw the baby out again.

She didn't even want to send the child to an orphanage, but left him in the wilderness to see if he survived.

Afterwards, she specially told Xue Li about it. Xue Li was overjoyed when he learned that Xue Yu had another son after he was paralyzed, but then he heard Yao Yue say that the child was sent away by her. He kept yelling at Yao Yue for being vicious. After being satirized by Yao Yue tit for tat, Xue Li actually thought of Shu Zimu.

It was also at this time that Xue Licai finally regretted strongly. Shu Zimu was also his son, good-looking and capable, while Shu Qing had a gentle and virtuous personality, much better than Yao Yue. With Shu Qing's personality, even for his illegitimate child, she would show some compassion and tolerance. Maybe he shouldn't have left Shu Qing to go north, and he shouldn't have left without returning...

Qi Yan didn't know the estrangement and hatred accumulated between Yao Yue and Xue Li. He just found out the current situation of these people. Xue Li was in prison, and his sentence was ten years. Compared with the hardest bottom people, it is not too bad. Qi Yan thought of what happened to Xue Zimu in that time and space in the dream, and felt that this was a bit of a bargain for him, so he explained it in one sentence, making Xue Li's life in prison more "rich".

As for Xue Lin and Xue Yu, although they also did a lot of harm to Xue Zimu, the current situation is almost a tit for tat. Although this was actually done by themselves, Qi Yan didn't want to kill the two people who couldn't take care of themselves and were mentally abnormal, and didn't want to get their hands dirty. Anyway, in their current state, living is also a kind of torture, so there is no need for Qi Yan to do anything else.

And Yao Yue's current mental and physical condition is also very bad, and he feels that he will run out of fuel in a short time. He just thought that in his dream he found out that the other party had arranged for someone to force Xue Zimu to take the blame, and that Xue Zimu had injured his body and lost his life because of it. No matter how miserable Yao Yue was, Qi Yan couldn't let him let him go.

Qi Yan used his own way to treat his own body, which made Yao Yue feel the taste of being beaten and framed. Of course, the degree is much lighter than what Xue Zimu suffered at the beginning. At least Yao Yue has no fear of life at all, and is only slightly injured. But now for her, living is also a painful thing. Qi Yan will not do anything that violates his fundamental principles. Knowing that the other party will definitely have a bad life in the future, it is enough to vent his anger.

As for the little baby who was born not long ago, although Yao Yue threw him in a place with few pedestrians, he was lucky enough to survive and was picked up and sent to the orphanage. Healthy and young orphans are generally adopted. Although the technology to solve infertility is very advanced now, same-sex marriages can also have children of both blood, but this technology is still relatively expensive, so there are some Families adopt orphans. Of course, it is only limited to healthy children, and those born with handicap diseases are still easy to become the objects of abandonment.

The baby was adopted shortly after being sent to the orphanage. The conditions of the adopted family are average, and it is impossible to have the wealthy life of the Xue family's bankruptcy, but it is enough to raise him as an adult.

Qi Yan also did not intend to target an innocent baby, but only hoped that the other party would have a new life in the new family, and would not have anything to do with those in the Xue family in the future.

After thoroughly dealing with the Xue family, Qi Yan sorted out the information about the future that he got in the dream, arranged things that could be used and optimized in an orderly manner, and then prepared secretly.

This preparation has been in progress for several months. During this period, Shu Zimu graduated and finished the script of the second part of "Super Power Office"; Jonathan and Jian Hongshen met their parents and got engaged; Yun Hao finished filming a movie and won an award.

Until Qi Yan and Shu Zimu's second wedding anniversary, Qi Yan's long-planned marriage proposal finally started.