Marrying the Big Shot

Chapter 130: Extra episode two


[Convinced, it's obviously old dog food, but I was caught off guard by the new feeding method and stuffed into my mouth]

[Too beautiful, tonight's Chen Duxiu award must be awarded to Mr. Qi]

[President Qi has changed, he doesn’t even blink his eyes when he says such nasty things now, he’s no longer the one who only dared to sneak around and throw thunder under Mu Muwen in a vest→_→]

[I have eaten this candy many times, although the refurbishment is delicious, but I still want the real new candy! The frequency of their love for each other has decreased a lot recently, I am worried if it is the seven-year itch QAQ]

[Mr. Qi wants to hit someone, such a sweet textbook-style provocative speech is not enough, the image of the business tycoon has been ruined, okay!]

[Mr. Qi: Do you think sugar is not fresh? No matter, I am so thick-skinned, you must eat! Eat hard for me!]

[2333333 Mr. Qi also wants to save face, okay? If you continue to be so promiscuous, I'm afraid it will make Mr. Qi really want to beat someone]

[Host, hold on! ! Ask a few more questions like this, since they are all light bulbs, let’s shine more light for us~~]

[This Buddhist CP fan has a hunch that there will definitely be a critical attack later, Mr. Qi will not let us down]

The barrage became boiling because of Qi Yan's words, and those audiences from other countries who had turned off the barrage were curious because of the gossip about sending their friends to the film and television company, and couldn't help but want to open the barrage to ask about the situation. It's a pity that the bullet screen is densely packed too fast, and most of them are incomprehensible square characters, which can't satisfy curiosity at all.

However, the host did not end the topic quickly as if he had heard the voice of the audience.

"Although I seem a bit redundant, I still want to ask Shu, Mr. Qi must have given you more than one gift, right? Is this your favorite?"

Shu Zimu shook his head, "No."

The host was a little surprised, "Isn't it such a thoughtful and rare gift? What is your favorite?"

"Of course I like this one the most." Shu Zimu smiled and raised his left hand in front of him, the ring on his ring finger was shining, and Mo Ming made his smiling face brighter.

"Ring... finger?" The host was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "The wedding ring is indeed the most meaningful, but I thought you would talk about something more special, the unique gift between you and Mr. Qi. "

"Then the additional gift of this ring may satisfy your idea. It is a garden built according to my imagination." Shu Zimu said. In fact, the ring alone is also very special. After all, the proposal ring given after two years of marriage probably has no semicolon.

"This is really... a gift that people like me who are short of money can't think of at all, but it may be difficult for people who are not short of money to have such an idea. It is indeed a special and romantic gift." The host sighed, and then asked: "Mr. Qi gave you such great gifts, so what have you ever given him?"

Shu Zimu smiled, "The things I gave were all ordinary things, and the only ones that were more special were the stories I wrote."

Host: "Oh? Are you talking about the story you wrote specially for Mr. Qi? Could it be about your love experience?"

Shu Zimu: "Not really, we are the protagonists, but the background and plot of other stories are all fictitious."

The host nodded when he heard the words, "It seems to be a gift exclusively for the writer, so will you make this story into a movie?"

"I have no plans for the time being. If we want to shoot, we should wait until we are old." Shu Zimu said and glanced at Qi Yan.

Host: "Do you think this movie will bring you to Sunil Town again if it is made, and maybe take home the Golden Boat Trophy?"

Shu Zimu said with a smile: "That story doesn't have much content. Even if it is made into a movie, it should be basically for our own entertainment. People other than the two of us probably won't appreciate it. If I want to win the Golden Boat Award, I still have to I hope this 'mirror mirror life' will be more realistic."

"Oh? So you are quite confident in the results of 'Mirror Mirror Life'?" The host raised an eyebrow, and then asked with great interest: "Then how many of the nominations for 'Mirror Mirror Life' do you think will win?"

Shu Zimu: "I don't dare to think of more, but I guess there will be at least one."

"Is that your nomination for Best Original Screenplay?"

Shu Zimu smiled, "It's not up to me, but if you want to ask if you want it, of course it is."

Shu Zimu's words sounded a little harsh, but Westerners are used to speaking in this way, so they don't think there is a problem. The host smiled and nodded, "Okay, then I wish you good luck."

The interview between the two was finally over, but the audience was still discussing unfinished.

[Mr. Qi stared at Mumu the whole time, and basically ignored the host 23333]

[It's me, I also watch Mumu, whoever makes him look good╭(╯^╰)╮]

[I was still waiting for President Qi's second crit attack, but in the end I only said that sentence! ! Cry!]

[After all, God Chaomu was nominated by Noah, the host must have focused on him, Mr. Nili Qi just provoked him by the way]

[? ? ? Why is the one in front of you so weird, Weifan is here to make trouble?]

[Only one fan is ok, but Mu Mu and Mr. Qi are legal spouses, is there something wrong with mocking and cooking the other half?]

[Although Mr. Qi didn't speak, there are still new candies! Mu Mu wrote a story with the two of them as the main characters and gave it to Mr. Qi as a gift, how sweet it is]

[I, I, I... I'm a CP fan, QAQ, I really don't want to mock Mr. Qi, it's just a joke! I didn't expect the idioms to make people feel yin and yang, I'm really sorry QAAAAQ]

[Actually... don't you think... Mu Mu said that the story he wrote... is like...]

[That tone of voice looks really aggressive, but it’s fine if it’s not meant to be mocking]

[Ah, I also hope that Mumu can get the trophy this time, I missed 55555555 last year]

[The ellipsis in front, what do you think it looks like!]

[Looks like the same person of the two of them... I also feel like →_→]

[So to be honest, the characters are the two of them, and the fictional background and storyline... Isn't this a fanfic!]

[Word Mom, I suddenly feel that I am also honored to write a doujin. What happened 23333]

[emmmmm, I want to know, does the fan written by Mu Mu have meat?]

[I don't think there will be, after all, it's too shameful to write about your own flesh.]

[Whether there is or not, I really want to see it ah ah ah]

[Want to see+10086]

[You said... Is it possible that one of our colleagues is Mu Mu's vest?]

[You say it this way... I always thought Mrs. Liuying's style of writing was quite similar to Mu Mu...]

[I think twenty-one is more similar]

[Where is Mrs. Lucas? This unknown gender has always been particularly mysterious, is it possible?]

[I think that although the wives are also very powerful, their level is still not as good as Mu Mu's]

[Twenty-one is definitely not, she said she used this pseudonym because she is twenty-one years old]

[Even if there really is one, I won't be able to find it for a while now. It's the awards ceremony of the Noah Film Festival, don't be fooled anymore!]

[Yes, stop, the awards ceremony is more important]

While Shu Zimu and Qi Yan's CP fans are crooked, the red carpet session will soon come to an end. Not long after, the awards ceremony officially began, and all the people present sat down in their seats.

Shu Zimu's seat was naturally with the rest of the "Mirror Mirror Life" crew, while Qi Yan, Jonathan, Jian Hongshen, and Xu Chi, who also came to watch the ceremony, were in the seats provided by the sponsor.

The order in which the awards are presented in each Noah Film Festival is not fixed, but basically the same. The first is the relatively minor technical awards, interspersed with the Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress awards, and the Best Foreign Language Film is also in the previous part. Then there are awards for animation, discipline films, live-action short films and scripts, and finally the four heavyweight awards for best director, best actor, best actress and best film.

Most people are nervous about the last part, but the best foreign language film that the "Mirror Life" crew attaches great importance to is quite in the front part, so many people in the crew tensed up after the host finished the opening remarks, especially It's director Cha Kyung-won. He was quite unwilling to be nominated for the best director, so he was even more unwilling to miss the best foreign language film.

The first place where "Mirror Mirror Life" appeared was the Best Art Direction Award, and then it was not surprising that it did not win. Not long after that, Che Jingyuan felt as if only a few minutes later, the Best Foreign Language Film arrived.

There are five shortlisted films, among which "Mirror Mirror Life" is the only one that was shortlisted for the best film at the same time. It is no surprise that the quality is the highest, and the hope of winning is relatively the greatest. Even so, after the award presenter took the stage, Cha Jingyuan clenched his fists unconsciously. The others were also staring at the stage closely, and Shu Zimu, who was originally very calm, couldn't help straightening up at this moment.

"Best Foreign Language Film went to..."

The crew and the Huaguo audience who were watching the live broadcast couldn't help but hold their breath.

"From the country of China, mirror life!" The award presenter finally finished reading the content on the paper, and smiled at the place where the crew was, "Congratulations!"

Everyone's thinking paused for a moment when they heard the result, and then there was endless joy, and they couldn't help but raise undisguised smiles and even cheered in a low voice.

Che Jingyuan walked onto the stage amid applause. In fact, this is not the first time he has won an award at a well-known international film festival, and he even won a gold-worthy best director not long ago, but the status and significance of the Noah Film Festival are different after all. Huaguo movies are in a state where there will be no one in ten years. This time "Mirror Mirror Life" won the award, which can be said to be a milestone for Huaguo's film industry.

However, before the results came out, Che Jingyuan was in a nervous mood, but now that the dust has settled, he gradually calmed down. When he stood on the stage and began to say his thank you speech, he couldn't see the excitement before. Instead, he seemed to have a well-thought-out appearance and started to speak in an orderly manner.

"It's a great honor to be awarded the best foreign language film this time, and I would like to thank all the teachers on the jury for their affirmation..." Che Jingyuan held the golden ark trophy and said the words of thanks he had prepared long ago. The whole passage is very official, the only special thing is that Che Jingyuan speaks the language of Huaguo. But this alone has already made many Chinese audiences excited.

The barrage that was originally occupied by fans couldn't help cheering for it at this time. Until the small climax of the best foreign language film passed, it still lasted for a long time.

Then there were several technical awards that had nothing to do with "Mirror Mirror Life". It was not until halfway through the awards ceremony that Shu Zimu was nominated for the best original screenplay.

Perhaps it was the success of the best foreign language film that reassured everyone. Although the competition for the best original screenplay was relatively greater, everyone seemed more relaxed than before. Except Qi Yan who didn't sit with the crew.

Compared with the best foreign language film that everyone else pays more attention to, Qi Yan cares most about Shu Zimu's best original screenplay. Of course, the more awards for "Mirror Life", the better, but in comparison, as a behind-the-scenes person who pays less attention to the screenwriter, the promotion effect after winning the award is far less than that of the leading actor and director. Of course, if the best picture can be won, the screenwriter can also rise in one step, but the rest of the awards are not as useful as the best screenplay.

Moreover, Shu Zimu had already accompanied Shu Zimu to run away once last year. If it fails again this time, some sunspots born out of envy, jealousy and hatred will probably exaggerate and sing bad Shu Zimu. No matter how rich and powerful Qi Yan is, this kind of remarks cannot be completely eliminated, and as a fan who likes to read Shu Zimu's posts and comments on Weibo, Qi Yan will naturally see such remarks from time to time. But if Shu Zimu successfully wins the award and slaps his face with his strength, most of the sunspots will not be able to criticize him, and they can only be as quiet as a chicken. Even if there are tricky angles to continue to mock, fans can still show the mentality of watching a clown. In the final analysis, there is confidence in achievements.

Qi Yan is both a lover and a fan, so he feels more nervous than fans who watch the live broadcast, but after all, he is well-informed, and his face is still very calm, and he didn't show anything, but he was a little worried Shu Zimu was in a bad mood, his ears were listening to the voice on the stage, but his eyes were always on Shu Zimu.

In fact he worried a little too much. Not only was Shu Zimu not too nervous, but when he felt Qi Yan's gaze, he also looked at his position leisurely, and then when his eyes met, he showed a calm smile with a little comfort.

At this time, the award presenter had already stepped onto the stage, and the camera was filming several candidates, which happened to be included in the shot. Noticing that Shu Zimu wasn't looking at the podium, the camera immediately followed his gaze, and then captured Qi Yan's face with expressionless but soft eyes.

The quick CP fans recorded this passage and made it into a gif on the spot, but the faster one is of course the fresh release of the best original screenplay winner.

"The best original screenplay at this year's Noah Film Festival is—

Mirror life! "

The applause sounded in an instant.

The author has something to say: Duan Gengwen re-applied for the list after many years. The editor generously didn't let me have a bye, but it was just updating the poison list 23333, which only required 10,000 characters.

But as I said, no matter whether there is a list or not, the daily update will be completely completed, so this week's update must be more than 10,000 words of TVT

I feel like I have an inexplicable procrastination skill. Originally, I only intended to briefly explain the episode, but I couldn’t help filling in a lot of details. Now I don’t know if I can finish writing orz in a week.